attend: MG (Matthew Graham), PD (Patrick Dowler), MM (Marco Molinaro), (MT) Mark Taylor, ML (Mirielle Louys), BM (Brian Major), TMcG (Tom McGlynn), MD (Markus Demleitner), JS (John Swinbank), KP (Kai Polsterer), MA (Mark Allen), MCD (Mark Cressitelo-Ditmar), FB (Francois Bonnarel), TD (Tom Donaldson), ThD (Theresa Dower), CR (Carlos Rodrigo), FG (Francoise Genova) Welcome Kai! 1. action items FB to send info to TMcG re SIAv2 validator [done] FB to work with PL on SIAv2 validator [done] ACTION: TMcG make validators easy to find by external users [new] PL ( now MD) to report on non-responsive services [closed] MM to do something with registration/profile page [ip] MM to automate doc page on submission [ip] MM to document the mailing list management features [ip] BM to engage with Paul re schema evolution note [done] ALL to update 2015B RoadMap (Sydney->Capetown) [ip] ACTION: MG/PD to hassle chairs about Roadmap ALL to review "how to publish" page [ongoing] MCD to initiate Spectral-2.0 RFC and use it to assess interest (in addition to acceptability) [done] ACTION: FG to update for new S&P [new] 2. WG Reports * apps HIPS - working toward WD but currently sorting out use of IVOIDs and registry; for Vizier there will be a proposal to RegWG on how they envision doing this at the table level VODML serialisation waiting on DM work new releases of MOC libraries; adopted by Kepler and ??? LM, ML, and Daniel Durand released examples site * DAL SIAv2 REC at end of 2015 WD-SODA-1.0 with mailing list discussions WD-DALI-1.1 posted SimDAL VOEvent Transport Protocol WD since June 2015 with no issues WD-TAP-1.1 PD to produce WD WD-ADQL-2.1 Dave Morris to produce WD around end of Feb, work on BNF grammar * DM Spectral-2.0 has been dropped due to lack of interest ACTION: MCD to update doc to reflect current state VO-DML tools and compliance work STC-2.0 draft iterating with vodml, some issues; future uncertain ACTION: MG, PD, and MCD to discuss STC2 review WD-ObsCore-1.1 recently updated and posted; can go forward Dataset & ND-cube work ongoing * GWS PR-UWS-1.1 was waiting for implementations; some feedback to result on doc change; waiting for TCG review WD-VOSI-1.1 tables changes wD-VOSpace-2.1 work resuming PR-SSO-2.0 end of RFC; comments to be addressed XML schema versioning node to be endorsed by TCG * registry PR-Identifiers-2.0 status?? ACTION: MG and PD to check status DOI work by MD work on interfaces doc and RofR Q. SimDAL reproduces much of the registry * semantics UCD list updated for planetary data need to update DataLink vocabulary * DCP * EduIG interest in 1 session in capetown (!apps, !reg) * KDD IG ...could not hear report here... * Ops IG nomenclature for service validators working on SIAv2 validators agreement on process to deal with non-operational services... now need to work on doing it * TheoryIG meeting w.r.t SimDAL vs Registry * Time Domain IG VTP ready for RFC; will proceed in March 3. Capetown Interop Planning 22 sessions + focus/splinter ACTION: PD will request WG input for sessions in late Feb