IVOA Interoperability meeting

14-18 May, 2007: Beijing, China

Meeting Web Site

Detailed information is available at the meeting webpage.

Important Dates

  • 2007-4-15 Deadline for early hotel book
  • 2007-4-20 Deadline for full refund of hotel cancellation
  • 2007-4-28 Deadline for on-line registration


Program as of 30 April 2007 (XLS) (PDF) Comments should be sent to BobHanisch.

Schedule (version 30 April 2007)
  Session Plenary Room Room 1 Room 2 Room 5 Room 4 - Splinter Discussions
Sunday Exec 17:30-20:00       IVOA Executive  
Monday 1.1 08:30-10:00 Plenary 1
(Group photo during cafe break)
1.2 10:30-12:00
1.3 14:00-15:30 Reg1: Upgrade Progress & Issues     DM1: Characterization  
1.4 16:00-17:30 DAL1: SSAP & getCapablities     GWS1: VOSpace 1.x  
Tuesday 2.1 08:30-10:00 Apps1: New & Updated   VOTable Theory1: Simulation Data Model  
2.2 10:30-12:00 DM2 + DAL2: Spectrum Data Model     Reg2: Advanced Discovery:Inventories Footprints & Ontologies  
2.3 14:00-15:30 Apps2: New & Updated   Theory2: SNAP GWS2: REST & UWS, VOSpace 2.x  
2.4 16:00-17:30 Apps3: New & Updated     VOQL1: ADQL  
  18:00-21:00 Banquet (Shuttle bus take off at 5:40 from the hotel)
Wednesday 3.1 08:30-10:00 Apps4: Apps Messaging     VOQL2: ADQL  
3.2 10:30-12:00 DAL3 + VOQL3: TAP     Semantics1: UCDs  
    Free Time
Thursday 4.1 08:30-10:00 Theory3: New and other     VOEvent: Update  
4.2 10:30-12:00 DAL4 + VOQL4: TAP     Semantics2: Ontologies  
4.3 14:00-15:30 Reg3: Extension Schemas (VOEvent, VOApps, VOStd)     Astro-RG  
4.4 16:00-17:30 Apps5: Apps Messaging     DAL5: SIAP V2  
Friday 5.1 08:30-10:00 DM3: STC et al.     GWS3:VO Services I/F, Single Sign-On  
5.2 10:30-12:00 IVOA Assessment     contingency  
5.3 14:00-15:30 Plenary 2        
5.4 16:00-17:30

Meeting Locations

All meetings will be held at Beijing Oriental Culture Hotel. Accommodation is available at both Beijing Oriental Culture Hotel and Botai Hotel.


Participants and Reservation Status

The list of registered participants can be found here.

Invitation and Visa

Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs provides information on entering China and Visa requirements. If a letter of invitation is required for your visa application, please send an email to Chenzhou CUI (ccz@bao.ac.cn) with the following information:

  • Full Name on Your Passport
  • Passport Number
  • Nationality
  • Institute Name
  • Office Post Address



Network is available at both meeting rooms and hotel rooms. At the meeting rooms, it is wireless network. In the hotel rooms, DHCP LAN network will be available.


Electricity is 220 volts/50 Hz. At the meeting rooms, there will be many universal outlets that can handle a wide variety of plug shapes.

Group Photo

  • The full resolution group photo is available here (4MB) .


Topic attachments
I Attachment History ActionSorted descending Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf BeijingScheduleR3.pdf r1 manage 49.2 K 2007-04-30 - 19:19 MarkAllen  
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheetxls BeijingScheduleR3.xls r1 manage 40.0 K 2007-04-30 - 19:12 MarkAllen Schedule (XLS)
Unknown file formatext InterOpMay2007VOTable r1 manage 0.6 K 2007-05-12 - 12:31 FrancoisOchsenbein  
PDFpdf execfm23_assessment_2ndsession.pdf r1 manage 49.5 K 2007-05-30 - 11:51 FrancoiseGenova IVOA Assessment prelim. conclusions, 18 May 2007

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Topic revision: r22 - 2012-06-26 - root
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