Data Model Sessions at the October 2012 Interop Meeting

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DM Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Materials Time
Session 1 - Mon Oct 22 Utypes Tiger Team report   15:00-16:00
Omar Laurino Status + Use Cases pdf link 15:00-15:20
Matthew Graham Current Usages pdf 15:20-15:40
Markus Demleitner VO-URP pdf 15:40-16:00
Session 2 - Tue Oct 23 DM I: Utypes   14:00-16:00
All Discussion and next steps    
Session 3 - Wed Oct 24 DM II: General Models   16:30-18:00
Mark Cresitello-Dittmar Spectral 2.0 DM pdf 16:30-16:45
Bruce Gendre Requests from High Energy Astrophysics to Spectrum and SED Data Models pdf 16:45-16:55
Francois Bonnarel Characterization DM   16:55-17:10
Jesus Salgado Photometry DM   17:10-17:20
Doug Tody SED DM pdf 17:20-17:30
Doug Tody/Francois Bonnarel Image DM pdf 17:30-17:50

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf SaoPauloUType.pdf r1 manage 217.8 K 2012-10-22 - 17:51 MatthewGraham  
PDFpdf SpectralDM_status.pdf r1 manage 236.8 K 2012-10-25 - 13:08 MarkCresitelloDittmar Spectral DM 2.0 status
PDFpdf UTypesSaoPaulo.pdf r1 manage 397.5 K 2012-10-22 - 16:04 OmarLaurino  
PDFpdf VO-URP_and_UTYPE_Pres.pdf r1 manage 935.1 K 2012-10-23 - 19:16 MarkusDemleitner VO-URP slides
PDFpdf dt-imagedm.pdf r1 manage 367.4 K 2012-10-25 - 18:21 DougTody Image data model elements
PDFpdf dt-seddm.pdf r1 manage 462.1 K 2012-10-25 - 18:20 DougTody SED data model
PDFpdf sed_spectrum.pdf r1 manage 232.3 K 2012-10-25 - 13:14 MarkCresitelloDittmar HE requests for SED

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Topic revision: r12 - 2012-10-25 - DougTody
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