Resource _ active 1999-01-01T00:00:00 T00:00:00 T00:00:00 WARNING: No @updated found in input; using T00:00:00 T00:00:00 1999-01-01T00:00:00 WARNING: No @created found in input; using VOResource-v1.0.xsd VORegistry-v1.0.xsd VODataService-v1.0.xsd ConeSearch-v1.0.xsd SIA-v1.0.xsd SkyNode-v0.2.xsd WARNING: adding required but empty <subject>; please update! WARNING: unrecognized @xsi:type: WARNING: Registry record will require updating ========================= ATTENTION ======================== - new v1.0 interface: please update accessURL to new endpoint. - ============================================================ 0 ============================ ATTENTION ======================== - search capability: remove this block if searching is not supported. - =============================================================== ========================= ATTENTION ======================== - new v1.0 interface: please update accessURL to new endpoint. - ============================================================ ========================= ATTENTION ======================== - old interface: please update accessURL to old search endpoint. - ============================================================ 0 partial true Warning: multiple coordinate frames provided; some regions may be lost. ICRS UTC-ICRS-TOPO pos_unit deg unit Coverage.RegionOfRegard ICRS T00:00:00.0Z T00:00:00.0Z sin( ) cos( ) 0 sin( ) cos( ) 0 0 0 1 sin( ) 0 0 1 sin( ) A range in RA and Dec: RA = [ , ], Dec = [ , ] - WARNING: creating non-compliant STC regions; - sin(...) and cos(...) must be evaluated to real numbers - WARNING: creating non-compliant STC regions; - sin(...) and cos(...) must be evaluated to real numbers - WARNING: creating non-compliant STC regions; - sin(...) and cos(...) must be evaluated to real numbers real integer string boolean complex std 120 20 1 1 std 120 20 0.5