Dictionary for VOResource

Implementation of an XML Schema describing a resource to be used in the Virtual Observatory Project. Based on "Resource and Service Metadata for the Virtual Observatory", Version 6, February 2002 by Bob Hanisch et al.
Bandpass Type: nameList
Specific Bandpass Coverage Specification

<item> Type: string required, repeatable

BaseURL Type: anyURI
The base portion of a URL used to invoke a service with the expectation that an additional string must be appended for the service to execute properly. The syntax of the appended string is defined by the specific service.

Capability Type: genericCapability
a specific description of the context and capabilities of a service.

By itself, this element can only point to an external document. Custom content can be provided by first creating a new type that extends genericCapability. Next, use the Capability element and specify the new type via the xsi:type attribute.

<StandardURL> optional, max: 1
A URL that points to a human-readable document that describes the standard upon which a resource is based.
defaultTo optional
If provided, then any data not provided by the content of this element should default to the corresponding data found in the resource description pointed to by the given URI.

Block describing contact persons responsible for the resource

<Name> optional, max: 1
Name of contact persons responsible for the resource
<Email> optional, max: 1
E-mail address for contacting the persons responsible for the resource

Information regarding the general content within or managed by the resource

<Date> optional, max: 1
Date associated with an event in the life cycle of the resource (YYYY-MM-DD)
<Version> optional, max: 1
Label associated with creation or availablilty
<Description> optional, max: 1
An account of the content of the resource
<Subject> optional, max: 1
List of topics, object types, or other descriptive keywords about the resource
<ContentLevel> optional, max: 1
Description of the content level, or intended audience
<Facility> optional, max: 1
Observatory or facility where the data was obtained
<Instrument> optional, max: 1
Instrument used to collect the data
<Format> optional, max: 1
Encoding format of data provided by the resource
<Rights> optional, max: 1
Information about rights held in and over the resource
defaultTo optional
This will often be set to the URI given in the Resource's "managedBy" attribute.

ContentLevel Type: nameList
Description of the content level, or intended audience

<item> Type: string required, repeatable

Contributor Type: string
Entity responsible for contributions to the content of the resource

Extent of the scope of the content of the resource

<Spatial> optional, max: 1
Sky coverage of the resource
<Spectral> optional, max: 1
Spectral coverage of the resource
<Temporal> optional, max: 1
Temporal coverage of the resource.
defaultTo optional
If provided, then any data not provided by the content of this element should default to the corresponding data found in the resource description pointed to by the given URI.

Block describing the entity primarily responsible for making the content of the resource

<CreatorName> optional, max: 1
Name of Entity primarily responsible for making the content of the resource
<Logo> optional, max: 1
URL pointing to a graphical logo, which may be used to help identify the information source

CreatorName Type: string
Name of Entity primarily responsible for making the content of the resource

Information regarding the general curation of the resource

<Publisher> optional, max: 1
Entity responsible for making the resource available
<Creator> optional, max: 1
Block describing the entity primarily responsible for making the content of the resource
<Contributor> optional, max: 1
Entity responsible for contributions to the content of the resource
<ReferenceURL> optional, max: 1
URL pointing to further information about the resource.
<Contact> optional, max: 1
Block describing contact persons responsible for the resource
defaultTo optional
This will often be set to the URI given in the Resource's "managedBy" attribute.

DataCollection Type: genericResource
A logical grouping of data which, in general, is composed of one or more accessible datasets.

(A dataset is a collection of digitally-encoded data with a that is normally accessible as a single unit, e.g. a file.)

<Title> required, max: 1
Name Given to the Resource
<Identifier> required, max: 1
Unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context
<Curation> required, max: 1
Information regarding the general curation of the resource
<Content> optional, max: 1
Information regarding the general content within or managed by the resource
<Coverage> optional, max: 1
Extent of the scope of the content of the resource
ref Type: anyURI optional
The resource indicated by this element is the one referred to by the given URI. This attribute should be ignored unless the element's content is empty.
managedBy Type: anyURI optional
The URI for another resource that is responsible for maintaining this resource.

Date Type: date
Date associated with an event in the life cycle of the resource (YYYY-MM-DD)

Description Type: string
An account of the content of the resource

Email Type: string
E-mail address for contacting the persons responsible for the resource

Facility Type: string
Observatory or facility where the data was obtained

Format Type: nameList
Encoding format of data provided by the resource

<item> Type: string required, repeatable

A service describable by a GLU Record

<InterfaceURL> required, max: 1
A URL that points to a document that presents or describes a service interface.
defaultTo optional
If provided, then any data not provided by the content of this element should default to the corresponding data found in the resource description pointed to by the given URI.

HTTPResults Type: string
The MIME type of a document returned by an HTTP Get.

Identifier Type: anyURI
Unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context

Instrument Type: string
Instrument used to collect the data

Interface Type: genericInterface
A description (or pointer) to a service interface.

Normally, a member of the Interface substitutionGroup is used to provide this information. Interface, by itself, allows no content, and thus can only be used to refer to another description via the defaultsTo attribute.

Custom content can be provided by first creating a new type that extends genericInterface. Next, use the Interface element and specify the new type via the xsi:type attribute.

defaultTo optional
If provided, then any data not provided by the content of this element should default to the corresponding data found in the resource description pointed to by the given URI.

InterfaceURL Type: anyURI
A URL that points to a document that presents or describes a service interface.

For an Web browser-based service, this might be the URL for the form; for a Web Service, this might be the URL to the WSDL description. It is not the base URL for the service itself (see BaseURL), nor it is a SOAP port URL.

Logo Type: anyURI
URL pointing to a graphical logo, which may be used to help identify the information source

Name Type: string
Name of contact persons responsible for the resource

Organization Type: genericResource
A group or person that manages data or services for VO applications

<Title> required, max: 1
Name Given to the Resource
<Identifier> required, max: 1
Unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context
<Curation> required, max: 1
Information regarding the general curation of the resource
<Content> optional, max: 1
Information regarding the general content within or managed by the resource
<Coverage> optional, max: 1
Extent of the scope of the content of the resource
ref Type: anyURI optional
The resource indicated by this element is the one referred to by the given URI. This attribute should be ignored unless the element's content is empty.
managedBy Type: anyURI optional
The URI for another resource that is responsible for maintaining this resource.

Project Type: genericResource
An organization with a focused set of data and services that it maintains.

<Title> required, max: 1
Name Given to the Resource
<Identifier> required, max: 1
Unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context
<Curation> required, max: 1
Information regarding the general curation of the resource
<Content> optional, max: 1
Information regarding the general content within or managed by the resource
<Coverage> optional, max: 1
Extent of the scope of the content of the resource
ref Type: anyURI optional
The resource indicated by this element is the one referred to by the given URI. This attribute should be ignored unless the element's content is empty.
managedBy Type: anyURI optional
The URI for another resource that is responsible for maintaining this resource.

Publisher Type: string
Entity responsible for making the resource available

ReferenceURL Type: anyURI
URL pointing to further information about the resource. In general, this should be a human-readable document.

Resource Type: genericResource
Any entity that is curated by an organization and is identifiable by a URI

<Title> required, max: 1
Name Given to the Resource
<Identifier> required, max: 1
Unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context
<Curation> required, max: 1
Information regarding the general curation of the resource
<Content> optional, max: 1
Information regarding the general content within or managed by the resource
<Coverage> optional, max: 1
Extent of the scope of the content of the resource
ref Type: anyURI optional
The resource indicated by this element is the one referred to by the given URI. This attribute should be ignored unless the element's content is empty.
managedBy Type: anyURI optional
The URI for another resource that is responsible for maintaining this resource.

Rights Type: string
Information about rights held in and over the resource

A resource that provides an interface for executing some operation or retrieving data.

<Title> required, max: 1
Name Given to the Resource
<Identifier> required, max: 1
Unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context
<Curation> required, max: 1
Information regarding the general curation of the resource
<Content> optional, max: 1
Information regarding the general content within or managed by the resource
<Coverage> optional, max: 1
Extent of the scope of the content of the resource
<Capability> optional, max: 1
a specific description of the context and capabilities of a service.
<Interface> optional, max: 1
A description (or pointer) to a service interface.
ref Type: anyURI optional
The resource indicated by this element is the one referred to by the given URI. This attribute should be ignored unless the element's content is empty.
managedBy Type: anyURI optional
The URI for another resource that is responsible for maintaining this resource.

ServiceURL Type: anyURI
URL pointing to further information about the service

Spatial Type: string
Sky coverage of the resource

SpecDesc Type: nameList
Specific Spectral Coverage Description

<item> Type: string required, repeatable

Spectral coverage of the resource

<SpecDesc> optional, max: 1
Specific Spectral Coverage Description
<Bandpass> optional, max: 1
Specific Bandpass Coverage Specification

StandardID Type: anyURI
An identifier for a registered standard. The form of this identifier is expected to conform to the VO standard guidelines.

StandardURL Type: anyURI
A URL that points to a human-readable document that describes the standard upon which a resource is based.

StdCapability Type: standardCapability
a specific description of the context and capabilities of a standard (registered) service.

By itself, this element can only point to an external document. Custom content can be provided by first creating a new type that extends genericCapability. Next, use the Capability element and specify the new type via the xsi:type attribute.

<StandardURL> optional, max: 1
A URL that points to a human-readable document that describes the standard upon which a resource is based.
<StandardID> optional, max: 1
An identifier for a registered standard.
defaultTo optional
If provided, then any data not provided by the content of this element should default to the corresponding data found in the resource description pointed to by the given URI.

Subject Type: nameList
List of topics, object types, or other descriptive keywords about the resource

<item> Type: string required, repeatable

Temporal Type: dateType
Temporal coverage of the resource. Separate begin and end dates in decimal years (YYYY.DD)

<Begin> Type: decimal required, repeatable
<End> Type: decimal optional, repeatable

Name Given to the Resource


Type Type: nameList
Nature or genre of the content of the resource

<item> Type: string required, repeatable

Version Type: string
Label associated with creation or availablilty

A description of one or more VO Resources

This element is used as a general container for multiple resource descriptions and is intended to be used as a root element.

<Resource> required, repeatable
Any entity that is curated by an organization and is identifiable by a URI

A Service that is accessible via a Web browser (e.g. as an HTML Form or embedded applet).

Note that the URL for help with this form can be put into the Service/ReferenceURL.

<InterfaceURL> required, max: 1
A URL that points to a document that presents or describes a service interface.
defaultTo optional
If provided, then any data not provided by the content of this element should default to the corresponding data found in the resource description pointed to by the given URI.

A service describable by a WSDL document.

Note that the URL for help with this service can be put into the Service/ReferenceURL element.

<InterfaceURL> required, max: 1
A URL that points to a document that presents or describes a service interface.
defaultTo optional
If provided, then any data not provided by the content of this element should default to the corresponding data found in the resource description pointed to by the given URI.

Reusable Types

This is a base type for defining specific kinds of resources (e.g. service, data collection, etc.). See Resource for a generic definition of a resource.
ref (type: anyURI): The resource indicated by this element is the one referred to by the given URI. This attribute should be ignored unless the element's content is empty.
managedBy (type: anyURI): The URI for another resource that is responsible for maintaining this resource.

item (type: string): Member of an itemized list

Begin (type: decimal): Begin date in decimal years
End (type: decimal): End date in decimal years (optional)

This is a base type for defining specific kinds of service descriptions.
vor:defaultTo (type: defaultTo)

This is a base type for defining specific kinds of service capability descriptions, each with its own special mark-up schema.
vor:defaultTo (type: defaultTo)

This is a base type for defining standard interface capabilities. A standard interface (from the perspective of this schema) is one that has been registeredk, and therefore has a Standard ID.