VOTable session =============== 14:00 Description of some applications ========================================= Nilesh Urunkar About C++ Parser and CONVOT Mark Taylor About STIL/STILTS/TOPCAT 14:40 Improvement of the VOTable schema ========================================= Gerard Lemson About VOTable Schema 15:00 UCD1, UCD1+, utypes in VOTable ======================================= Sebastien Derriere Short Introduction and UCDs versus utypes Is it needed to keep both ? ==> Everybody convinced ==> next UCD session Friday ============================================ BREAK ============================================ 16:00 The COOSYS vs stc:AstroCooSystem Introduction 2min FO STC simple Arnold Rots 17:00 Open Questions: . other datatypes . Serializations . Appendices . Relations with other VO components . Future of the VOTable group