Registry Anomalies Report

Anomalies discovered in the IVOA registry ecosystem.

Report run time: 2016-04-28T10-46-17.

anomaly anomaly kind counts
common managed authority prefix ROR 1
a registry doesn't contain a 'shortName' field ROR 7
XSD-invalid RoR registry resource ROR 2
identifier in OAI-PMH namespace ROR 2
title in OAI-PMH namespace ROR 2
short name in OAI-PMH namespace ROR 1
common managed authority prefix HRV 1
a registry doesn't contain a 'shortName' field HRV 7
registry in DB but not in RoR ROR-HRV 1
OAI-PMH / RoR registry info discrepancy ROR-HRV 4
OAIPMH protocol failure SUI 4
OAIPMH no ivo_managed set SUI 1
OAIPMH no data in ivo_managed / ivo_vor combo SUI 2

Detailed information for all anomalies below.

RoR registry resource anomalies

Anomalies discovered when examining solely the representation of registry resource records as made available by the RoR

ROR-01 :: Common managed authority

Two different registry records as retrieved from the RoR contain a common managed authority

Anomaly count: 0

ROR-02 :: Common managed authority prefix

Two different registry records as retrieved from the RoR share a common managed authority prefix

Anomaly count: 1

# Description
1 Registries 'ivo://' and 'ivo://esavo/registry' 1 common managed authority prefix in 1 family: svo~svo.ifca

ROR-03 :: Identical critical registry info

The RoR contains two registries which have the same critical information (identifier, title, shortName, managedAuthorities, harvestingURL)

Anomaly count: 0

ROR-04 :: Same (case-insensitive) registry IVOA identifier

The RoR contains two registries which have the same IVOA identifier (case insensitive)

Anomaly count: 0

ROR-05 :: Same (case-insensitive) registry title

The RoR contains two registries which have the same title (case insensitive)

Anomaly count: 0

ROR-06 :: Same (case-insensitive) registry short name

The RoR contains two registries which have the same short name (case insensitive)

Anomaly count: 0

ROR-07 :: Malformed OAI-PMH access URL

The RoR contains a registry record with a malformed OAI-PMH access point URL

Anomaly count: 0

ROR-08 :: Same (case-insensitive) registry access URL

The RoR contains two registries which have the same OAI-PMH harvesting access URL (case insensitive)

Anomaly count: 0

ROR-09 :: Same (URI-based check) registry access URL

The RoR contains two registries which have the same OAI-PMH harvesting access URL (checked using URI-based equivalence)

Anomaly count: 0

ROR-10 :: A registry doesn't contain a 'shortName' field

The RoR contains a registry record whose 'shortName' field (xpath: /shortName) is empty

Anomaly count: 7

# Description
1 ivo://
2 ivo://
3 ivo://au.csiro/org.astrogrid.registry.RegistryService
4 ivo://
5 ivo://
6 ivo://
7 ivo://

ROR-11 :: A registry is not declared as a harvestable registry

The RoR contains a registry record that doesn't define an HTTP-based OAI-PMH interface for harvesting

Anomaly count: 0

ROR-12 :: XSD-invalid RoR registry resource

A registry resource record as made available by the RoR is XSD-invalid

Anomaly count: 2

# Description
1 ivo:// | cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Invalid content was found starting with element 'title'. One of '{validationLevel, title}' is expected.
2 ivo://chivo-lirae/__system__/services/registry | cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Invalid content was found starting with element 'title'. One of '{validationLevel, title}' is expected.

ROR-13 :: Identifier in OAI-PMH namespace

Identifier of RoR resource was found in the OAI-PMH namespace instead of being non-namespaced (i.e. /ri:Resource/oaipmh:identifier instead of /ri:Resource/identifier); NB: subset of ROR-2

Anomaly count: 2

# Description
1 ivo://
2 ivo://chivo-lirae/__system__/services/registry

ROR-14 :: Title in OAI-PMH namespace

Title of RoR resource was found in the OAI-PMH namespace instead of being non-namespaced (i.e. /ri:Resource/oaipmh:title instead of /ri:Resource/title); NB: subset of ROR-2

Anomaly count: 2

# Description
1 ivo://|Special Astrophysical Observatory of RAS (SAO RAS) Publishing Registry
2 ivo://chivo-lirae/__system__/services/registry|ALMA ChiVO DaCHS Registry

ROR-15 :: Short name in OAI-PMH namespace

Short name of RoR resource was found in the OAI-PMH namespace instead of being non-namespaced (i.e. /ri:Resource/oaipmh:shortName instead of /ri:Resource/shortName), NB: subset of ROR-12

Anomaly count: 1

# Description
1 ivo://chivo-lirae/__system__/services/registry|LIRAE Reg

ROR-16 :: Duplicate managed authority in RoR

Duplicate managed authority in a single registry resource found in RoR

Anomaly count: 0

Harvested registry resource anomalies

Anomalies discovered when examining the registry resource records as harvested from their respective publishing registries (and not as made available by the RoR)

HRV-01 :: Common managed authority

Two different registry records (as harvested) contain a common managed authority

Anomaly count: 0

HRV-02 :: Common managed authority prefix

Two different registry records (as harvested) share a common managed authority prefix

Anomaly count: 1

# Description
1 Registries 'ivo://esavo/registry' and 'ivo://' 3 common managed authority prefixes in 2 families:, | svo.ifca~svo

HRV-03 :: Identical critical registry info

Two registry records (as harvested) have the same critical information (identifier, title, shortName, managedAuthorities, harvestingURL)

Anomaly count: 0

HRV-04 :: Same (case-insensitive) registry IVOA identifier

Two registry records (as harvested) have the same IVOA identifier (case insensitive)

Anomaly count: 0

HRV-05 :: Same (case-insensitive) registry title

Two registry records (as harvested) have the same title (case insensitive)

Anomaly count: 0

HRV-06 :: Same (case-insensitive) registry short name

Two registry records (as harvested) have the same short name (case insensitive)

Anomaly count: 0

HRV-07 :: Malformed OAI-PMH access URL

A registry record was harvested that contains a malformed OAI-PMH access point URL

Anomaly count: 0

HRV-08 :: Same (case-insensitive) registry access URL

Two registry records (as harvested) have the same OAI-PMH harvesting access URL (case insensitive)

Anomaly count: 0

HRV-09 :: Same (URI-based check) registry access URL

Two registry records (as harvested) have the same OAI-PMH harvesting access URL (checked using URI-based equivalence)

Anomaly count: 0

HRV-10 :: A registry doesn't contain a 'shortName' field

A registry record was harvested whose 'shortName' field (xpath: /shortName) is empty

Anomaly count: 7

# Description
1 ivo://au.csiro/org.astrogrid.registry.RegistryService
2 ivo://
3 ivo://
4 ivo://
5 ivo://
6 ivo://
7 ivo://

HRV-11 :: A registry is not declared as a harvestable registry

A registry record was harvested that doesn't define an HTTP-based OAI-PMH interface for harvesting

Anomaly count: 0

RoR - harvested registry records discrepencies

Discrepancies between the registry resource records as made availalbe by the RoR and as harvested by their respective registries

ROR-HRV-1 :: Registry in DB but not in RoR

A given registry IVOID is found in the local system database but not in the Registry of Registries

Anomaly count: 1

# Description
1 ivo://org.gavo.dc/__system__/services/registry

ROR-HRV-2 :: OAI-PMH / RoR registry info discrepancy

Discrepancy between the registry information reported for a particular registry resource by the Registry of Registries and the information obtained via the OAI-PMH protocol

Anomaly count: 4

# Description
1 RoR: ivo://|Chandra X-ray Center Publishing Registry|CXC-Reg|, --- Harvested: ivo://|Chandra X-ray Center Publishing Registry|CXC-Reg|
2 RoR: ivo://esavo/registry|ESAVO Registry Resource|ESAVO Registry|Leden, esavo, svo.ifca, vo.sim, xcatdb --- Harvested: ivo://esavo/registry|EURO-VO Full Harvestable Registry|EURO-VO Registry|3CRSnapshots, Swinburne, arches, arvo, asdc,, cdpp,,, fondue, fr.obsbesancon, graal,, idoc.ginco, idoc, ison.clt, ison, jao.alma, lam.cesam, magic,,, ov-gso, stardb, stecf,, Leden, esavo, svo.ifca, vo.sim, xcatdb
3 RoR: ivo://chivo-lirae/__system__/services/registry|ALMA ChiVO DaCHS Registry|LIRAE Reg| --- Harvested: ivo://chivo-lirae/__system__/services/registry|ALMA ChiVO DaCHS Registry|LIRAE Reg|chivo-lirae
4 RoR: ivo://|STScI Searchable Registry|STScIReg|, KeckObs, adil.ncsa,, aps.umn, archive.aavso, archive.astro.umd,,,, arecibo.cornell, astro-wise,,, ausvo,,,, castor, cvo.naoc,, des, fr.oamp.lam, fs.usno, gcp, giraffe, gov.nasa.gsfc.nssdc, ia2.inaf, iacvo, imo, lca, mast.stsci,, msc.koa,, nasa.gsfc.nssdc, nasa.gsfc.tan, ned.ipac, nexsci.ipac, nrao, nrao.archive, nvo.jhu, nvo.ncsa,,,,, omegacen, opo.stsci, rai.ncsa, sdss.fnal, sdss.jhu,, starlight.ufsc, svo,, svo.iaa, svo.laeff, tmap.iaat, vatican, --- Harvested: ivo://|STScI Searchable Registry|STScIReg|KeckObs, adil.ncsa,, aps.umn, archive.aavso, archive.astro.umd,,,, arecibo.cornell, astro-wise,,, ausvo,,,, castor, cvo.naoc,, des, fr.oamp.lam, fs.usno, gcp, giraffe, gov.nasa.gsfc.nssdc, ia2.inaf, iacvo, imo, lca, mast.stsci,, msc.koa,, nasa.gsfc.nssdc, nasa.gsfc.tan, ned.ipac, nexsci.ipac, nrao, nrao.archive, nvo.jhu, nvo.ncsa,,,,, omegacen, opo.stsci, rai.ncsa, sdss.fnal, sdss.jhu,, starlight.ufsc, svo,, svo.iaa, svo.laeff, tmap.iaat, vatican,

Sui generis anomalies

Anomalies not falling into one of the other categories

SG-1 :: OAIPMH protocol failure

Network failure in the OAI-PMH protocol or failure to parse response according to expected OAI-PMH type when trying to access a particular registry during the production of this report

Anomaly count: 4

# Description
1 ivo://irsa.ipac/registry | | _int.esa.esavo.common.PersistentHTTPConnectivityException
2 ivo:// | | _int.esa.esavo.common.PersistentHTTPConnectivityException
3 ivo:// | | org.xml.sax.SAXParseException
4 ivo://nasa.heasarc/registry | | _int.esa.esavo.common.PersistentHTTPConnectivityException

SG-2 :: OAIPMH duplicate set

The 'ListSets' verb of the OAI-PMH protocol responded with a duplicate set spec

Anomaly count: 0

SG-3 :: OAIPMH no ivo_managed set

The 'ListSets' verb of the OAI-PMH protocol responded with a list that did not include the mandatory 'ivo_managed' set

Anomaly count: 1

# Description
1 ivo:// | : ivo_managed set not found in the list of declared sets:

SG-4 :: OAIPMH no data in ivo_managed / ivo_vor combo

The registry did not yield any data for a full harvest on the 'ivo_managed' set, for the 'ivo_vor' metadata format

Anomaly count: 2

# Description
1 ivo:// | : not data yielded for (probing) full harvest
2 ivo:// | : not data yielded for (probing) full harvest