RadioIG session NL = Nuria Lorente BC = Baptiste Cecconi JC = James Collinson FB = François Bonnarel JS = Jesus Salgado MD = Markus Demleitner JJK = JJ Kavelaars GS = Greg Sleap MK = Mark Kettenis ML = Mark Lacy MWA Archive & VO Overview - Greg Sleap NL: Q: Data staging always an achiles heel? Thoughts about a different way? A: There is a cache, but still not directly accessable. Metrics out of the system such that you get an idea how long staging takes; typically 15 minutes. BC: Q: Distance to sun, moon, jupiter? How to find observations close to these sources (instead of avoid them). A: Look for small number of degrees in the relevant columns. Visualization for data cubes using SODA, as a preparation for the SKA archive - Ixaka Labadie , J.Garrido JC: Q Evaluation of visualization tools; talked to teams? A: Not really; did investgate the tools themselves. FB: Q: When you query the services go from DataLink to SODA and then to your service or differently ? A: Need to further discuss. JS: Q: Separate service for cut-out operations or integrated in SODA? A: SODA service implements all the operations. 4D (spatial-temporal-spectral) radio data in the VO - B Cecconi et al MD: Q: Can the zooing and panning be done with SODA? A: Autoplot requires a time axis, so if SODA can provide cutouts with a time access then, in principle, yes? Accessing data from the VLA Sky Survey via the VO - Mark Lacy JJK: Q: SODA, are you thinking about binning or striding in addition to stacking? A: Not in the SODA but some science application that does this on the SODA results. FB: Q: Will you produce and .expose moment maps ? A: No real line emission in the cubes; contiinuum data at the moment. Could be done in the future Access from visualisation tools to SKA science images and cubes stored in a rucio DataLake through IVOA discovery and access services - F.Bonnarel GS: Q: Test data from LOFAR, ASKAP, MeerKAT, etc. Any data from SKA-Low size? A: Below, but this will come in the future. Used simulated data from data challenges. Discussion Q: Instrument-specific parameters? ML: UV characterization is probably preferred? GS: Working antennas? Or antennas scheduled in the observations? Probably not so useful? MD: Appeal: Don't think about what your particular instrument can do. Think about cross-instrument parameters. VXG UV characterization user stories. FB: MK already made the comment about the user sceario behind. ML: Multifrequency synthesis.