IVOA November 2024 Interop Operations 

Session 11/17/2024

Euro-VO Registry - Henrik Norman

Validator is polling services for metadata, working to feed that back to the registry entries.
Compliance over time


Sia2 – irsa is 85% of the errors

SSA – non-compliant mostly due to down services, might clean up

TAP – very diverse errors, encourage providers  to use taplint or registry validator



Survey of TAP Error Messages -  Markus Demleitner

“Writing good error messages is great art”

Formal survey of TAP responses for various error conditions:

Tested wide variety of implementations

Classified responses (good, ok, meh, no useful error, unrelated error, no error, IRSA – None as job.phase, bug in async implementation)

(See notebook attached to presentation for results)

Notes – this was as much a test of: async mode + pyVO TAP API

Open discussion - All

Tom Donaldson (MAST) – Proposed topic: sometimes validators see “errors” due to firewall/security settings

Cloud and authentication:

User agents: