% Mireille Louys - 2017 % description of fields parameters for VOTable serialisation % utypes proposed here are still to be discussed Name DMlabel Datatype UCD Utype Description --------------- Entity class | --------------- Ent_id prov:id char meta.id prv:Entity.id a unique id for this entity (unique in its realm) Ent_label prov:label char meta.title prv:Entity.label a label (to be displayed by clients) Ent_type prov:type char meta.code.class prv:Entity.type a provenance type, i.e. one of: prov:collection, prov:bundle, prov:plan, not needed for a simple entity Ent_annotation prov:description char meta.description prv:Entity.annotation text describing the entity in more detail Ent_rights char meta.code.class prv:Entity.rights "access rights for the data, values: public, restricted or internal; can" be linked to Curation.Rights from ObsCore/DatasetDM -------------------------- Entity class Description | -------------------------- EnD_id prov:id(qualified) char meta.id prv:EntityDesc.id a unique identifier for this description EnD_label prov:label char meta.title prv:EntityDesc.label a name or label for the entity EnD_annotation prov:description char meta.description prv:EntityDesc.annotation a description for this kind of entity EnD_doculink url meta.ref.url prv:EntityDesc.doculink link to more documentation EnD_dataproduct_type meta.code.class obs:Obsdataset.dataproductType "char from ObsCore data model (Louys and Bonnarel et al., 2011), if applicable;" describes, what kind of product it is (e.g. image, table) EnD_dataproduct_subtype char meta.code.class obs:Obsdataset.dataproductsubType from ObsCore data model, more specific subtype EnD_level enum integer meta.code obs:Obsdataset.calibLevel "the level of processing for the dataproduct; for ObsCore’s calib_level it is an" integer between 0 and 3 ---------------- Activity class | ---------------- Act_id prov:id (qualified) char meta.id prv:Activity.id a unique id for this activity (unique in its realm) Act_label prov:label char meta.title prv:Activity.label a label (to be displayed by clients) Act_startTime prov:startTime datetime time.start prv:Activity.statTime start of an activity Act_endTime prov:endTime datetime time.end prv:Activity.endTime end of an activity Act_annotation prov:description char meta.description prv:Activity.annotation additional explanations for the specific activity instance -------------------------- Actity class Description | -------------------------- AcD_id prov:id (qualified) char meta.id prv:ActivityDesc.id a unique id for this activity description(unique in its realm) AcD_label prov:label char meta.title prv:ActivityDesc.label a label(to be displayed by clients) AcD_type char meta.code.class prv:ActivityDesc.type type of the activity, from a vocabulary or list, e.g. data acquisition (observation or simulation), reduction, calibration, publication AcD_subtype char meta.code.class prv:ActivityDesc.subtype more specific subtype of the activity AcD_annotation prov:description char meta.description prv:ActivityDesc.annotation additional free text description for the activity AcD_doculink url meta.ref.url prv:ActivityDesc.doculink link to further documentation on this process, e.g. a paper, the source code in a version control system etc. ----------------- Parameter class | ----------------- Par_id prov:id (qualified) char meta.id prv:Parameter.id parameter unique identifier Par_description_ref char meta.ref.url prv:Parameter.url foreign key/url link to ParameterDescription Par_label prov:label char meta.title prv:Parameter.name parameter name, if no link to ParameterDescription is given Par_value type(val) ucd(val) prv:Parameter.value the value of the parameter ---------------------------- Parameter class Description | ----------------------------- PaD_id prov:id char meta.id prv:ParameterDesc.id parameter unique identifier PaD_label prov:label char meta.name prv:ParameterDesc.name parameter name PaD_annotation prov:description char meta.title prv:ParameterDesc.annotation additional free text description for the parameter PaD_datatype prov:type char meta.code.class prv:ParameterDesc.type datatype of the parameter PaD_unit prov:unit char meta.unit prv:ParameterDesc.unit physical unit of the parameter PaD_ucd char meta.ucd prv:ParameterDesc.ucd Unified Content Descriptor for the parameter, supplying a standardized classification of the physical quantity PaD_utype char meta.code.class prv:ParameterDesc.utype UType of the parameter, meant to express the role of the parameter in the context of an external data model ------------- Agent class | ------------- Agt_id prov:id (qualified) char meta.id prv:Agent.id unique identifier for an agent Agt_label prov:name char meta.name prv:Agent.name "a common name for this agent; e.g. first name and last name;project name, ..." Agt_type prov:type char meta.code.class prv:Agent.type type of the agent: either Individual (Person) or Organization Agt_adress prov:label char meta.note ds:Party.address The postal address of the Agent ( same for Person or Party ) as defined in the Dataset DM Agt_email prov:contact char meta.email ds:Party.email The email address of the Agent ( same for Person or Party ) as defined in the Dataset DM Agt_phone prov:contact char meta.email ds:Party.phone The phone number of the Agent ( same for Person or Party ) as defined in the Dataset DM