## Example ProvDM for HiPS data collection generation - F. Bonnarel - 2019-02-21 ## Prefix voprov = "http://www.ivoa.net/documents/ProvenanceDM#" ## Description classes hipsgen1 :: ActivityDescription ActivityDescription.name = "Aladin/HipsGen v9.615" ActivityDescription.version = "1" ActivityDescription.description = "Genaration of HipS using CDS hipsgen version 9.615" ActivityDescription.doculink = "http://aladin.u-strasbg.fr/hips/#doc" ActivityDescription.type = "hipsgen" ActivityDescription.subtype = "hipsgen_mean" hipsdata :: DatasetDescription DatasetDescription.name = "Hierachical progressive Image Survey" DatasetDescription.description = "Hierachical progressive Image Survey" DatasetDescription.contentType = "application/hips" DatasetDescription.doculink = "http://aladin.u-strasbg.fr/doculink.html" DatasetDescription.type = "Data" DatasetDescription.subtype = "HipsDataSet" origimages :: DatasetDescription DatasetDescription.name = "Original Images " DatasetDescription.description = "Original Images " DatasetDescription.contentType = "image/fits" DatasetDescription.type = "Data" DatasetDescription.subtype = "ImageCollection" hipsgen0origimages :: UsageDescription UsageDescription.role = "HipSprogenitors" UsageDescription.description = "HipS progenitors" UsageDescription.type = "Main" UsageDescription.multiplicity = "*" UsageDescription.activityDescription_id = "hipsgen0" UsageDescription.entityDescription_id = "origimages" hipsdatahipsgen0 :: GenerationDescription GenerationDescription.role = "output" GenerationDescription.description = "output hiPSdata : can be read and dispklayed by hiPS consistent software" GenerationDescription.type = "Main" GenerationDescription.entityDescription_id = "hipsdata" GenerationDescription.activityDescription_id = "hipsgen0" hior :: ParameterDescription ParameterDescription.name = "hips_order" ParameterDescription.valueType = "xs:integer" ParameterDescription.unit = "none" ParameterDescription.ucd = "" ParameterDescription.description = "HiPS helpix tesselation order" ParameterDescription.min = "0" ParameterDescription.max = "36" ParameterDescription.default = "10" ParameterDescription.activityDescription_id = "hipsgen0" htiw :: ParameterDescription ParameterDescription.name = "hips_tile_width" ParameterDescription.valueType = "xs:integer" ParameterDescription.unit = "pix" ParameterDescription.ucd = "" ParameterDescription.description = "HiPS tile width: generally 512, not always" ParameterDescription.min = "64" ParameterDescription.max = "2048" ParameterDescription.default = "512" ParameterDescription.activityDescription_id = "hipsgen0" htif :: ParameterDescription ParameterDescription.name = "hips_tile_format" ParameterDescription.valueType = "xs:string" ParameterDescription.unit = "" ParameterDescription.ucd = "meta.format" ParameterDescription.description = "HiPS tile format: fits jpg or png" ParameterDescription.min = "" ParameterDescription.max = "" ParameterDescription.default = "fits" ParameterDescription.activityDescription_id = "hipsgen0" hf :: ParameterDescription ParameterDescription.name = "hips_frame" ParameterDescription.valueType = "xs:string" ParameterDescription.unit = "" ParameterDescription.ucd = "" ParameterDescription.description = "HiPS coordinates frame: equatorial, galactic" ParameterDescription.min = "" ParameterDescription.max = "" ParameterDescription.default = "equatorial" ParameterDescription.activityDescription_id = "hipsgen0" ## Execution act:CDS/P/DSS2/NIR :: Activity Activity.name = "Generation DSS2 NIR HiPS" Activity.startTime = "2018-09-18T14:16Z" Activity.endTime = " 2018-09-18T14:16Z" Activity.comment = " with HipsGen v9.615" Activity.activityDescription_id = "hipsgen0" act:CDS/P/DSS2/blue :: Activity Activity.name = "Generation DSS2 Blue HiPS " Activity.startTime = "2015-09-08T12:14Z" Activity.endTime = "2015-09-08T12:14Z" Activity.comment = " Generation of DSS2 Blue (XJ+S) HiPS with HipsGen v9.615" Activity.activityDescription_id = "hipsgen0" act:CDS/P/DSS2/red :: Activity Activity.name = "Generation DSS2 Red HiPS" Activity.startTime = "2010-05-01T19:05Z" Activity.endTime = "2010-05-01T19:05Z" Activity.comment = "Generation of DSS2 Red (F+R) HiPS with HipsGen v9.615" Activity.activityDescription_id = "hipsgen0" ## Configuration hips_order96 :: Parameter Parameter.value = "9" Parameter.parameterDescription_id = "hior" Parameter.activity = "act:CDS/P/DSS2/NIR" hips_tile_width96 :: Parameter Parameter.value = "512" Parameter.parameterDescription_id = "htiw" Parameter.activity = "act:CDS/P/DSS2/NIR" hips_tile_format96 :: Parameter Parameter.value = "jpeg fits" Parameter.parameterDescription_id = "htif" Parameter.activity = "act:CDS/P/DSS2/NIR" hips_frame96 :: Parameter Parameter.value = "equatorial" Parameter.parameterDescription_id = "hf" Parameter.activity = "act:CDS/P/DSS2/NIR" hips_order97 :: Parameter Parameter.value = "9" Parameter.parameterDescription_id = "hior" Parameter.activity = "act:CDS/P/DSS2/blue" hips_tile_width97 :: Parameter Parameter.value = "512" Parameter.parameterDescription_id = "htiw" Parameter.activity = "act:CDS/P/DSS2/blue" hips_tile_format97 :: Parameter Parameter.value = "jpeg fits" Parameter.parameterDescription_id = "htif" Parameter.activity = "act:CDS/P/DSS2/blue" hips_frame97 :: Parameter Parameter.value = "equatorial" Parameter.parameterDescription_id = "hf" Parameter.activity = "act:CDS/P/DSS2/blue" hips_order99 :: Parameter Parameter.value = "9" Parameter.parameterDescription_id = "hior" Parameter.activity = "act:CDS/P/DSS2/red" hips_tile_width99 :: Parameter Parameter.value = "512" Parameter.parameterDescription_id = "htiw" Parameter.activity = "act:CDS/P/DSS2/red" hips_tile_format99 :: Parameter Parameter.value = "jpeg fits" Parameter.parameterDescription_id = "htif" Parameter.activity = "act:CDS/P/DSS2/red" hips_frame99 :: Parameter Parameter.value = "equatorial" Parameter.parameterDescription_id = "hf" Parameter.activity = "act:CDS/P/DSS2/red" ## Input origimag96 :: DatasetEntity DatasetEntity.name = "DSS2 NIR original" DatasetEntity.comment = "DSS2 NIR (XI+IS) original data" DatasetEntity.location = "no access" DatasetEntity.rights = "public" DatasetEntity.entityDescription_id = "origimages" origimag97 :: DatasetEntity DatasetEntity.name = "DSS2 Blue original" DatasetEntity.comment = "DSS2 Blue (XJ +S) original data" DatasetEntity.location = " http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/DSS/DSS2-NIR/HpxFinder" DatasetEntity.rights = "public" DatasetEntity.entityDescription_id = "origimages" origimag99 :: DatasetEntity DatasetEntity.name = "DSS2 Red original" DatasetEntity.comment = "DSS2 Red (F+R) original data" DatasetEntity.location = "no access" DatasetEntity.rights = "public" DatasetEntity.entityDescription_id = "origimages" u1 :: Used Used.activity_id = "act:CDS/P/DSS2/NIR" Used.entity_id = "origima96" Used.UsageDescription_id = "hipsgen0origimages" u2 :: Used Used.activity_id = "act:CDS/P/DSS2/blue" Used.entity_id = "origima97" Used.UsageDescription_id = "hipsgen0origimages" u3 :: Used Used.activity_id = "act:CDS/P/DSS2/red" Used.entity_id = "origima99" Used.UsageDescription_id = "hipsgen0origimages" ## Results hips1 :: DatasetEntity DatasetEntity.ob_publisher_did = ivo://CDS/P/DSS2/NIR DatasetEntity.name = " DSS2 NIR (XI+IS) HiPS" DatasetEntity.comment = " The Catalogs and Surveys Group of the Space Telescope Science Institute has digitized the photographic Sky survey plates from the Palomar and UK Schmidt telescopes to produce the "Digitized Sky Survey"(DSS). Each plate covers 6.5 x 6.5 degrees of the sky and have been digitized using a modified PDS microdensitometer. The DSS NIT HiPS is a combination of DSS2-XI and DSS2-IS. DSS2-XI north is the digitalization of the POSS-II N (1987-2002 - filter: IV-N +RG9) from Caltech, DSS2-IS south is the digitalization of the SERC-IS (1990-2002 - filter: IV-N +RG175). The all-sky HEALPix resampling has been done by the CDS with the help of CADC." DatasetEntity.location = "http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/DSS/DSS2-NIR DatasetEntity.rights = "public" DatasetEntity.entityDescription_id = "hipsdata" hips2 :: DatasetEntity DatasetEntity.obs_publisher_did = ivo://CDS/P/DSS2/blue DatasetEntity.name = " DSS2 Blue S) HiPS" DatasetEntity.comment = " The Catalogs and Surveys Group of the Space Telescope Science Institute has digitized the photographic Sky survey plates from the Palomar and UK Schmidt telescopes to produce the "Digitized Sky Survey"(DSS). Each plate covers 6.5 x 6.5 degrees of the sky and have been digitized using a modified PDS microdensitometer. The DSS NIT HiPS is a combination of DSS2-XI and DSS2-IS. DSS2-XI north is the digitalization of the POSS-II N (1987-2002 - filter: IV-N +RG9) from Caltech, DSS2-IS south is the digitalization of the SERC-IS (1990-2002 - filter: IV-N +RG175). The all-sky HEALPix resampling has been done by the CDS with the help of CADC." DatasetEntity.location = "http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/DSS/DSS2-blue-XJ-S" DatasetEntity.rights = "public" DatasetEntity.entityDescription_id = "hipsdata" hips3 :: DatasetEntity DatasetEntity.obs_publisher_did = ivo://CDS/P/DSS2/red DatasetEntity.name = " DSS2 red +IS) HiPS" DatasetEntity.comment = " The Catalogs and Surveys Group of the Space Telescope Science Institute has digitized the photographic Sky survey plates from the Palomar and UK Schmidt telescopes to produce the "Digitized Sky Survey"(DSS). Each plate covers 6.5 x 6.5 degrees of the sky and have been digitized using a modified PDS microdensitometer. The DSS NIT HiPS is a combination of DSS2-XI and DSS2-IS. DSS2-XI north is the digitalization of the POSS-II N (1987-2002 - filter: IV-N +RG9) from Caltech, DSS2-IS south is the digitalization of the SERC-IS (1990-2002 - filter: IV-N +RG175). The all-sky HEALPix resampling has been done by the CDS with the help of CADC." DatasetEntity.location = "http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/DSS/DSS2Merged" DatasetEntity.rights = "public" DatasetEntity.entityDescription_id = "hipsdata" wgb1 :: WasGeneratedBy WasGeneratedBy.entity_id = "ivo://CDS/P/DSS2/NIR" WasGeneratedBy.activity_id = "act:CDS/P/DSS2/NIR" WasGeneratedBy.GenerationDescription_id = "hipsdatahipsgen0" wgb2 ::WasGeneratedBy WasGeneratedBy.entity_id = "ivo://CDS/P/DSS2/blue" WasGeneratedBy.activity_id = "act:CDS/P/DSS2/blue" WasGeneratedBy.GenerationDescription_id = "hipsdatahipsgen0" wgb3 :: WasGeneratedBy WasGeneratedBy.entity_id = "ivo://CDS/P/DSS2/red" WasGeneratedBy.activity_id = "act:CDS/P/DSS2/red" WasGeneratedBy.GenerationDescription_id = "hipsdatahipsgen0" ## Optional: Derivations (previews obtained from generated datasets) wdf1 :: WasDerivedFrom WasDerivedFrom.generatedEntity_id = "ivo://CDS/P/DSS2/NIR" WasDerivedFrom.usedEntity_id = "origimage96" WasDerivedFrom.type = "HiPS" wdf2 :: WasDerivedFrom WasDerivedFrom.generatedEntity_id = "ivo://CDS/P/DSS2/blue" WasDerivedFrom.usedEntity_id = "origimage97" WasDerivedFrom.type = "HiPS" wdf3 :: WasDerivedFrom WasDerivedFrom.generatedEntity_id = "ivo://CDS/P/DSS2/red" WasDerivedFrom.usedEntity_id = "origimage99" WasDerivedFrom.type = "HiPS" ## Agents agent_1_44 :: Agent Agent:name = "T. Boch" Agent.type = "individual" Agent:email = "thomas.boch@astro.unistra.fr" agent_1_97 :: Agent Agent.name = " CDS (P.Fernique)" Agent.type = "organisation" Agent.email = "aladin-dispatch@astro.unistra.fr" agent_1_99 :: Agent Agent.name = CDS (A.Oberto, P.Fernique)" Agent.type = "organisation" Agent.email = "aladin-dispatch@astro.unistra.fr" waw1 :: WasAssociatedWith WasAssociatedWith.activity_id = "act:CDS/P/DSS2/NIR", WasAssociatedWith.agent_id ="agent_1_44" WasAssociatedWith.role = "creator" waw2 :: WasAssociatedWith WasAssociatedWith.activity_id = "act:CDS/P/DSS2/blue", WasAssociatedWith.agent_id "agent_1_97" WasAssociatedWith.role = "creator" waw3 :: WasAssociatedWith WasAssociatedWith.activity_id = "act:CDS/P/DSS2/red", WasAssociatedWith.agent_id "agent_1_99" WasAssociatedWith.role = "creator" wat1 :: WasAttributedTo WasAttributeTo.entity_id = "hips1", WasAttributeTo.agent_1 "agent_1_44" WasAttributeTo.role = "creator" wat2 :: WasAttributeTo WasAttributeTo.entity_id = "hips2", WasAttributeTo.agent_id "agent_1_97" WasAttributeTo.role ="creator" wat3 :: WasAttributeTo WasAttributeTo.entity_id = "hips3", WasAttributeTo.agent_id = "agent_1_99" WasAttributeTo.role = "creator