Radio interest group session at the May 2023 Interop Speakers: Pety Schussler Cecconi Bonnarel J. Pety: The IRAM information flow 40TB/yr NOEMA, 28TB/yr Pico CDS advising on the VO port (thorugh ESCAPE) Working on importing user data products, workflow defined. PI can link publication DOIs Interactive visualization with YAFITS FB: do you have plans for a VO service? JP plan to have a TAP service F. Schussler: Astro-COLBRI multi-messenger Events -> Brokers -> Follow-up observing Large variety of brokers, not all use VOEvent Many telescopes have automated follow-up Radio events still usually distributed by astronomer's telegram. Maybe read them automatically? UTMOST was sending VOEvents (but shutting down) CHIME is sending VOEvents (but not public). Most radio observatories are a patchwork of other methods. Default platform is now GCN, originally GRBs but now expanding more, include VOEvent distributions now but plan to move away to their own format (Kafka) Seems to be a fracturing of alert formats and transport protocols. Qs (nearly inaudible) about format vs content of the alerts and how different formats can be accommodated Large observatories can probably adapt to changes in format, smaller organizations will have a harder time to adapt B. Cecconi: MASER service (low frequency radio toolbox) a lot of dynamic spectra (including polarization), waveform data, event data and catalogs (not images) TF-cat - geometry with coordinates in time and frequency (or other variables) as points or polygons B Cecconi: data sharing prototype for pulsar data folded light curves, a lot of metadata Most exchange of pulsar data is done wirh PSRCHIVE format, not PSRFITS Multibeam data: one row per beam suggest defining a new dataproduct-type "hyper-dynamic-spectrum" instrument_name -> backend name pol_states need to include more allowed values e.g. ReXY, ImXY Need a pulsar name resolution service FB - pol states in ObsCore were coming from the FITS convention. Baptiste will check FB - will organize a running meeting in the coming months for further discussions Francois: ObsCore extension FB will send the document coordinator at the end of the week to move the IVOA radio extension doc to a working draft (discussions can continue). Hot topics: scan modes for single dish more breakdown of instruments (backend, correlator etc) tracking mode data product types MOC needs expansion into frequency (and time) f_min/f_max Add columns versus functions? Functions could work for obsTAP, but not for other protocols s_fov - min/max or mid-value? Similarly for s_resolution. Depends on the data provider. o_ucd - raw ADU, voltages etc not represented. How to delare extension in registry? MODEL element in the capability, table utype, how to deal with any inconsistencies between extension and main ObsCore table. Q. obsecore extension, would it be another table? Yes, would probably be another table, or extension that could include more columns in the Obscore table. May have a discussion on Friday.