name="IvoaTCG" |
IVOA Roadmap for 2020B
This outlines the roadmap for development activities by the various IVOA working and interest groups in 2020/2021 between the Nov and May Interops.
Applications WG
Data Access Layer WG
standards on the recommendation path
- DataLink-1.1
- WD progressing, new WD release (Q1-2021) after closing a few Pull Requests
- this might set the line for v.1.1
- further issues/features identified already for subsequent revision
- ADQL-2.1
- UDF Catalogue EN pending
- issues progressing, a few to close before next Proposed REC (Q1 2021)
- REC by/at Spring Interop
- DALI-1.2
- multipolygon still pending
- otherwise ready for PRec+RFC (Q1-2021)
- ConeSearch-1.1 [in connection with TD IG]
- work will progress to close issues
- a new WD before Spring 2021 Interop
- ObjVisSAP
- PR-1.0 nearly there (Q1-2021 at max)
- implementations ready, RFC & REC should be possible by/at Spring Interop
- ProvTAP
- continues work towards mature WD status (by Spring Interop)
- TAPRegExt [in connection with Registry WD]
- started move to GitHub repo
- WD release in Q1/Q2-2021
- SIAP-2.0 / SODA-1.0
- moving to GitHub repo (partly already there, including issues)
- work on new WDs based on existing feedback (WDs by 2021 Spring Interop)
- EPN-TAP [DM WG connection]
- WD-2.0 ready for the community
- progress depending on feedback
- ObsLocTAP [managed by DM WG]
- RFC for PR-1.0 should finish by end 2020, REC by XMas?
other standards & activities
- SLAP-2.0 -> LineTAP solution
- preliminary internal (to authors) WD
- progress expected to be reported at Spring 2021 Interop
- ProvSAP (idle)
- Following Radio IG, TD IG activities for requirements
- refer to the roadmaps of these IGs for details
- Spectroscopy data access could potentially lead new revisions
- file-oriented catalog data access: start of discussion
Data Model WG
Grid and Web Services WG
Registry WG
Semantics WG |
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We will move Vocabularies in the VO 2 to PR in early January, followed
by RFC. Probably in parallel, we will hold an RFC for the related PEN
on the adoption of the UAT.
Together with Registry, we will then try to work out what needs to be
done in terms of updates to VOResource 1.1 in order to clarify the use
of the UAT in the Registry; at this point, we believe a largely
explanatory erratum should do.
We will continue to maintain the vocabulary repository with possible
RFCs; in particular, we expect the vocabularies on messengers and on
data product types to move ahead with the definining standards
(VODataService 1.2 and SimpleDALRegExt, respectively).
We would still like to move ahead with a vocabulary of object types,
although no concrete plans exist at this point. |
| Data Curation Preservation IG
Education IG
- Initiation of the partnership between the IVOA and IAU OAD
- Co-organization of the IAUS367, “Education and Heritage in the Era of Big Data in Astronomy”
Knowledge Discovery IG
Operations IG
Radio IG
Solar System IG
Theory IG
Time Domain IG
- ConeSearch-1.1 [in connection with DAL WG]
- Work will progress to close issues
- A new WD before Spring 2021 Interop
- MOC-2.0 [in connection with Apps WG]
- Need to adapt the 2 implementations to recent modifications
- In WD, aimed for a RFC before Spring 2021 Interop
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- ObsCore extension for timeseries [in connection with DM WG]
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- ObsCore extension for timeseries [in connection with DM WG]
- Have a running meeting on this topic.
- Draft a note to expose the elements before Spring 2021 Interop
Standard and Processes
Science Priorities
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