IVOA Roadmap for 2021AThis outlines the roadmap for development activities by the various IVOA working and interest groups in 2020/2021 between the Nov and May Interops. | ||||||||
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Applications WGData Access Layer WGstandards on the recommendation path
Data Model WGGrid and Web Services WGRegistry WGSemantics WGThe Semantics WG hopes to get the UCD list 1.4 approved by the TCG early in the semester; it has been ready content-wise for quite a while. We will then start work on the UCD list 1.5, for which some statistical terms are already in the pipeline. For SimpleDALRegExt 1.3, we will try to get the http://www.ivoa.net/rdf/refframe and http://www.ivoa.net/rdf/product-type vocabularies into shape. The first is also necessary for Coords in DM, for the second we will take care it will remain topical and useful for its original source in Obscore. For VODataService 1.2, we will accompany the acceptance process for the http://www.ivoa.net/rdf/messenger vocabulary, working with the SSIG to see if additional messengers from the are already required. With Vocabulares 2.0 now passed, we will work with Registry to get the note on adopting the UAT as an IVOA vocabulary endorsed and then produce an Erratum to VOResource 1.1, explaining how to actually apply it in VO resource records. We hope to publish a first draft of a vocabulary of object types in June. This will reflect the current state of SIMBAD's work on updating their object classes. Somewhat more remote is a vocabulary of instruments and facilities (where it is not unlikely that we will find that this goes beyond what vocabularies should reasonably do). If it is feasible, it would provide interoperable identifiers for such entities (e.g., for the VOResource elements and the respective fields in SSAP, SIAP, or Obscore), as well as pointers to names and identifiers them in legacy lists.Data Curation Preservation IGEducation IGKnowledge Discovery IGOperations IG | ||||||||
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Radio IGSolar System IGTheory IGTime Domain IGOn coverages
Standard and ProcessesScience Priorities<--