Difference: 26_Aug_Mtg_Notes (1 vs. 7)

Revision 72024-09-03 - JanetEvans


P3T Meeting (online) - Mon Aug 26, 2024 @ 20:00 UTC


  • Attendees:
    • Janet, Pat, Brian, Jesus, Russ, Dave, Joshua, Marco, Gregory, Tom
    • Janet, Pat, Brian, Jesus, Russ, Dave, Joshua, Marco, Gregory, Tom, Jose
  • Regrets : Sara



  • Prototypes in work, no major showstoppers
  • IVOA Note framework put together and discussed - settling on 4 docs
  • Session & Engaging clients - more next meeting
  • Next mtg: Sept 23rd @20:00 UTC

Meeting Agenda/Notes

  • Status Updates - Prototypes - aiming for mid Sep
    • Josh (UWS, TAP 1.1)
      • UWS prototype nearly complete - published on ST Github
      • No integration with a MAST service yet
      • Suggests an example document set with a specific implementation
      • Wanted to connect to TAP but hit Integ issues - will pursue in print scheduled for next 2 weeks
      • Questions
        • Janet: Will you be moving the prototype to the IVOA github repo?
          • Answer: will be pushing to pypi, maybe IVOA later
        • Pat: Am I referencing the right FastAPI UWS repo?
          • Answer: yes
        • Gregory: Does the pypi UWS library have backwards compatibility/legacy support?
          • Answer: no
        • Russ: A legacy UWS pypi exists already and can perhaps be merged with the new one…
    • Russ ( SODA, UWS)
      • Have been working on getting the legacy UWS packaged up. Will start with the OpenAPI additions next.
      • Created 3 documents that are layered. Sent to the mailing list.
        • Next step: will be adding UWS
        • Need to improve the data types so that they reference VOSI, etc
      • Will be implementing the serialization layer next
      • Questions
    • Pat (TAP 1.2, UWS, VOSI)
      • Working on OpenAPI on TAP 1.2
      • Started VOSI /tables OpenAPI description
      • Hope to pull in the UWS spec and re-use it, and assemble the whole service API together - PAH - this is much less DRY than desireable (at least I could not find a satisfying solution) - e.g. see https://stackoverflow.com/a/75795907/10862023
      • Needs to figure out how to import the YAML file
      • WIll be working on this over next 2 weeks
    • Dave (Execution Broker)
      • API has been simplified, but data model has become more complex
      • On track to publish the OpenAPI doc and updated specification sometime in October
      • Found something interesting about error messages and handling:
  • IVOA Document
    • Russ on the layer document exercise (in the p3t mailing list)
      • Point was to provide and example on an encoding format, Next step is UWS part
      • Questions:
        • Brian: What is the vision for the future of types?
          • Russ: OpenAPI and JSON not specific/detailed enough for our use
            • Need to figure out types - are data model and network encoding types shared?
          • Dave: OpenAPI types have been working for me (so far) and are extensible.
          • Gregory: IVOA is missing an unsigned 64 bit integer type, which is being used more and more frequently. This is just a heads up for those looking at type standardization.
          • Russ: Not sure if OpenAPI can handle 64-bit int because (for example) JSON doesn't support that. Probably needs an extension.
        • Jesus: Need to flag issues (such as the 64-bit type problem) somewhere.
        • Jesus: How is OpenAPI referenced/linked from UWS implementation?
        • Josh: Can be more clear. Was a result of the auto-generation.
  • Looking ahead to the Nov Interop
    • Janet: When should we be engaging clients ahead of the Nov interop?
      • Jesus: Perhaps a validator is the best we can do in this time frame
      • Brian: Agree, and can be used as a neutral test
      • Dave: Should be reaching out and asking what specific concerns they have?
      • Gregory: Think that some communication with client implementers is needed
      • Josh: Perhaps present it as a "what do you need' question
      • Janet: Have clients engaged in plan
      • Russ: In post May Interop emails most concerns were about interoperability. We haven't figured out the particular situations yet.
      • Marco: Details are important but not as important as the engagement
      • Pat: The plan of interoperability needs to be more than "you must deal with this new version". Question of what's the best way to deal with that must be raised.
      • Gregory: How can clients deal with this new (unscoped) work?
      • Brian: wrap up this thread:
        • We must involve clients with our plans
        • But we can probably only expect to get so far ahead of the interop
        • Engaging with the clients will be a topic at the next mtg once we're a little further along
    • Dave: Lessons learned from auto-generation
      • The more complicated the model, the less well the auto-generators work
        • Java working well
        • Python not so well
      • But still thinks OpenAPI is promising, as it's a machine readable spec.
      • Plan on presenting this in the GWS session
  • Next meeting:
    • Sept 23rd @20:00 UTC - will discuss how to engage clients


Revision 62024-08-29 - PaulHarrison


P3T Meeting (online) - Mon Aug 26, 2024 @ 20:00 UTC


  • Attendees:
    • Janet, Pat, Brian, Jesus, Russ, Dave, Joshua, Marco, Gregory, Tom
  • Regrets : Sara



  • Prototypes in work, no major showstoppers
  • IVOA Note framework put together and discussed - settling on 4 docs
  • Session & Engaging clients - more next meeting
  • Next mtg: Sept 23rd @20:00 UTC

Meeting Agenda/Notes

  • Status Updates - Prototypes - aiming for mid Sep
    • Josh (UWS, TAP 1.1)
      • UWS prototype nearly complete - published on ST Github
      • No integration with a MAST service yet
      • Suggests an example document set with a specific implementation
      • Wanted to connect to TAP but hit Integ issues - will pursue in print scheduled for next 2 weeks
      • Questions
        • Janet: Will you be moving the prototype to the IVOA github repo?
          • Answer: will be pushing to pypi, maybe IVOA later
        • Pat: Am I referencing the right FastAPI UWS repo?
          • Answer: yes
        • Gregory: Does the pypi UWS library have backwards compatibility/legacy support?
          • Answer: no
        • Russ: A legacy UWS pypi exists already and can perhaps be merged with the new one…
    • Russ ( SODA, UWS)
      • Have been working on getting the legacy UWS packaged up. Will start with the OpenAPI additions next.
      • Created 3 documents that are layered. Sent to the mailing list.
        • Next step: will be adding UWS
        • Need to improve the data types so that they reference VOSI, etc
      • Will be implementing the serialization layer next
      • Questions
    • Pat (TAP 1.2, UWS, VOSI)
      • Working on OpenAPI on TAP 1.2
      • Started VOSI /tables OpenAPI description
      • Hope to pull in the UWS spec and re-use it, and assemble the whole service API together
      • Hope to pull in the UWS spec and re-use it, and assemble the whole service API together - PAH - this is much less DRY than desireable (at least I could not find a satisfying solution) - e.g. see https://stackoverflow.com/a/75795907/10862023
      • Needs to figure out how to import the YAML file
      • WIll be working on this over next 2 weeks
    • Dave (Execution Broker)
      • API has been simplified, but data model has become more complex
      • On track to publish the OpenAPI doc and updated specification sometime in October
      • Found something interesting about error messages and handling:
  • IVOA Document
    • Russ on the layer document exercise (in the p3t mailing list)
    • Russ on the layer document exercise (in the p3t mailing list)
      • Point was to provide and example on an encoding format, Next step is UWS part
      • Questions:
        • Brian: What is the vision for the future of types?
          • Russ: OpenAPI and JSON not specific/detailed enough for our use
            • Need to figure out types - are data model and network encoding types shared?
          • Dave: OpenAPI types have been working for me (so far) and are extensible.
          • Gregory: IVOA is missing an unsigned 64 bit integer type, which is being used more and more frequently. This is just a heads up for those looking at type standardization.
          • Russ: Not sure if OpenAPI can handle 64-bit int because (for example) JSON doesn't support that. Probably needs an extension.
        • Jesus: Need to flag issues (such as the 64-bit type problem) somewhere.
        • Jesus: How is OpenAPI referenced/linked from UWS implementation?
        • Josh: Can be more clear. Was a result of the auto-generation.
  • Looking ahead to the Nov Interop
    • Janet: When should we be engaging clients ahead of the Nov interop?
      • Jesus: Perhaps a validator is the best we can do in this time frame
      • Brian: Agree, and can be used as a neutral test
      • Dave: Should be reaching out and asking what specific concerns they have?
      • Gregory: Think that some communication with client implementers is needed
      • Josh: Perhaps present it as a "what do you need' question
      • Janet: Have clients engaged in plan
      • Russ: In post May Interop emails most concerns were about interoperability. We haven't figured out the particular situations yet.
      • Marco: Details are important but not as important as the engagement
      • Pat: The plan of interoperability needs to be more than "you must deal with this new version". Question of what's the best way to deal with that must be raised.
      • Gregory: How can clients deal with this new (unscoped) work?
      • Brian: wrap up this thread:
        • We must involve clients with our plans
        • But we can probably only expect to get so far ahead of the interop
        • Engaging with the clients will be a topic at the next mtg once we're a little further along
    • Dave: Lessons learned from auto-generation
      • The more complicated the model, the less well the auto-generators work
        • Java working well
        • Python not so well
      • But still thinks OpenAPI is promising, as it's a machine readable spec.
      • Plan on presenting this in the GWS session
  • Next meeting:
    • Sept 23rd @20:00 UTC - will discuss how to engage clients


Revision 52024-08-28 - JanetEvans


P3T Meeting (online) - Mon Aug 26, 2024 @ 20:00 UTC


  • Attendees:
    • Janet, Pat, Brian, Jesus, Russ, Dave, Joshua, Marco, Gregory, Tom
  • Regrets : Sara



  • Prototypes in work, no major showstoppers
  • IVOA Note framework put together and discussed - settling on 4 docs
  • Session & Engaging clients - more next meeting
  • Next mtg: Sept 23rd @20:00 UTC
  • Next mtg: Sept 23rd @20:00 UTC

Meeting Agenda/Notes

  • Status Updates - Prototypes - aiming for mid Sep
    • Josh (UWS, TAP 1.1)
      • UWS prototype nearly complete
      • UWS prototype nearly complete - published on ST Github
      • No integration with a MAST service yet
      • Suggests an example document set with a specific implementation
      • Wanted to connect to TAP but hit Integ issues - will pursue in print scheduled for next 2 weeks
      • Questions
        • Janet: Will you be moving the prototype to the IVOA github repo?
          • Answer: will be pushing to pypi, maybe IVOA later
        • Pat: Am I referencing the right FastAPI UWS repo?
          • Answer: yes
        • Gregory: Does the pypi UWS library have backwards compatibility/legacy support?
          • Answer: no
        • Russ: A legacy UWS pypi exists already and can perhaps be merged with the new one…
    • Russ ( SODA, UWS)
      • Have been working on getting the legacy UWS packaged up. Will start with the OpenAPI additions next.
      • Created 3 documents that are layered. Send to the mailing list.
        • Next step: will be adding uws
      • Created 3 documents that are layered. Sent to the mailing list.
        • Next step: will be adding UWS
        • Need to improve the data types so that they reference VOSI, etc
      • Will be implementing the serialization layer next
      • Questions
        • Russ: How do Josh and I reconcile our work?
          • Answer, Josh:
          • Answer, Josh: Need external validator
    • Pat (TAP 1.2, UWS, VOSI)
      • Working on OpenAPI on TAP 1.2
      • Started VOSI /tables OpenAPI description
      • Hope to pull in the UWS spec and re-use it, and assemble the whole service API together
      • Needs to figure out how to import the YAML file
      • WIll be working on this over next 2 weeks
    • Dave (Execution Broker)
      • API has been simplified, but data model has become more complex
      • On track to publish the OpenAPI doc and updated specification sometime in October
      • Found something interesting about error messages and handling:
  • IVOA Document
    • Russ on the layer document exercise (in the mailing list)
    • Russ on the layer document exercise (in the p3t mailing list)
      • Point was to provide and example on an encoding format, Next step is UWS part
        • Point was to provide and example on an encoding format, Next step is UWS part
      • Questions:
        • Brian: What is the vision for the future of types?
          • Russ: OpenAPI and JSON not specific/detailed enough for our use
            • Need to figure out types - are data model and network encoding types shared?
          • Dave: OpenAPI types have been working for me (so far) and are extensible.
          • Gregory: IVOA is missing an unsigned 64 bit integer type, which is being used more and more frequently. This is just a heads up for those looking at type standardization.
          • Russ: Not sure if OpenAPI can handle 64-bit int because (for example) JSON doesn't support that. Probably needs an extension.
    • Jesus: Need to flag issues (such as the 64-bit type problem) somewhere.
    • Jesus: How is OpenAPI referenced/linked from UWS implementation?
    • Josh: Can be more clear. Was a result of the auto-generation.
        • Jesus: Need to flag issues (such as the 64-bit type problem) somewhere.
        • Jesus: How is OpenAPI referenced/linked from UWS implementation?
        • Josh: Can be more clear. Was a result of the auto-generation.
  • Looking ahead to the Nov Interop
    • Janet: When should we be engaging clients ahead of the Nov interop?
      • Jesus: Perhaps a validator is the best we can do in this time frame
      • Brian: Agree, and can be used as a neutral test
      • Dave: Should be reaching out and asking what specific concerns they have?
      • Gregory: Think that some communication with client implementers is needed
      • Josh: Perhaps present it as a "what do you need' question
      • Janet: Have clients engaged in plan
      • Russ: Most concerns were about interoperability. We haven't figured out the particular situations yet.
      • Russ: In post May Interop emails most concerns were about interoperability. We haven't figured out the particular situations yet.
      • Marco: Details are important but not as important as the engagement
      • Pat: The plan of interoperability needs to be more than "you must deal with this new version". Question of what's the best way to deal with that must be raised.
      • Gregory: How can clients deal with this new (unscoped) work?
      • Brian: wrap up this thread:
        • We must involve clients with our plans
        • But we can probably only expect to get as far as
        • ahead of the interop
        • But we can probably only expect to get so far ahead of the interop
        • Engaging with the clients will be a topic at the next mtg once we're a little further along
    • Dave: Lessons learned from auto-generation
      • The more complicated the model, the less well the auto-generators work
        • Java working well
        • Python not so well
      • But still thinks OpenAPI is promising, as it's a machine readable spec.
      • Plan on presenting this in the GWS session
  • Next meeting:
    • Sept 23rd @20:00 UTC - will discuss how to engage clients


Revision 42024-08-27 - JanetEvans


P3T Meeting (online) - Mon Aug 26, 2024 @ 20:00 UTC


  • Attendees:
    • Janet
    • Janet, Pat, Brian, Jesus, Russ, Dave, Joshua, Marco, Gregory, Tom
    • Pat
    • Brian
    • Jesus
    • Russ
    • Dave
    • Joshua
    • Marco
    • Gregory
    • Tom
  • Regrets : Sara




  • Prototypes
  • IVOA Note
  • Session
  • Prototypes in work, no major showstoppers
  • IVOA Note framework put together and discussed - settling on 4 docs
  • Session & Engaging clients - more next meeting
  • Next mtg: Sept 23rd @20:00 UTC

Meeting Agenda/Notes

  • Status Updates - Prototypes - aiming for mid Sep
    • Josh (UWS, TAP 1.1)
      • UWS prototype nearly complete
      • No integration with a MAST service yet
      • Suggests an example document set with a specific implementation
      • Questions
        • Janet: Will you be moving the prototype to the IVOA github repo?
          • Answer: will be pushing to pypi, maybe IVOA later
        • Pat: Am I referencing the right FastAPI UWS repo?
          • Answer: yes
        • Gregory: Does the pypi uws library have backwards compatibility/legacy support?
        • Gregory: Does the pypi UWS library have backwards compatibility/legacy support?
          • Answer: no
        • Russ: A legacy uws pypi exists already and can perhaps be merged with the new one…
        • Russ: A legacy UWS pypi exists already and can perhaps be merged with the new one…
    • Russ ( SODA, UWS)
      • Have been working on getting the legacy UWS packaged up. Will start with the OpenAPI additions next.
      • Created 3 documents that are layered. Send to the mailing list.
        • Next step: will be adding uws
        • Need to improve the data types so that they reference VOSI, etc
      • Will be implementing the serialization layer next
      • Questions
    • Pat (TAP 1.2, UWS, VOSI)
      • Working on OpenAPI on TAP 1.2
      • Started VOSI /tables OpenAPI description
      • Hope to pull in the UWS spec and re-use it, and assemble the whole service API together
      • Needs to figure out how to import the YAML file
    • Dave (Execution Broker)
      • API has been simplified, but data model has become more complex
      • On track to publish the OpenAPI doc and updated specification sometime in October
      • Found something interesting about error messages and handling:
  • Russ on the layer document exercise (in the mailing list)
    • Point was to provide and example on an encoding format
    • Next step is UWS part
    • Questions
      • Brian: What is the vision for the future of types?
        • Russ: OpenAPI and JSON not specific/detailed enough for our use
          • Need to figure out types - are data model and network encoding types shared?
        • Dave: OpenAPI types have been working for me (so far) and are extensible.
        • Gregory: IVOA is missing an unsigned 64 bit integer type, which is being used more and more frequently. This is just a heads up for those looking at type standardization.
        • Russ: Not sure if OpenAPI can handle 64-bit int because (for example) JSON doesn't support that. Probably needs an extension.
  • Jesus: need to flag issues (such as the 64-bit type problem) somewhere.
  • Jesus: How is OpenAPI referenced/linked from UWS implementation?
  • IVOA Document
    • Russ on the layer document exercise (in the mailing list)
        • Point was to provide and example on an encoding format, Next step is UWS part
      • Questions:
        • Brian: What is the vision for the future of types?
          • Russ: OpenAPI and JSON not specific/detailed enough for our use
            • Need to figure out types - are data model and network encoding types shared?
          • Dave: OpenAPI types have been working for me (so far) and are extensible.
          • Gregory: IVOA is missing an unsigned 64 bit integer type, which is being used more and more frequently. This is just a heads up for those looking at type standardization.
          • Russ: Not sure if OpenAPI can handle 64-bit int because (for example) JSON doesn't support that. Probably needs an extension.
    • Jesus: Need to flag issues (such as the 64-bit type problem) somewhere.
    • Jesus: How is OpenAPI referenced/linked from UWS implementation?
    • Josh: Can be more clear. Was a result of the auto-generation.
  • Looking ahead to the Nov Interop
    • Janet: should we be engaging clients ahead of the Nov interop?
      • Jesus: Perhaps a validator is the best we can do in this time frame.
    • Janet: When should we be engaging clients ahead of the Nov interop?
      • Jesus: Perhaps a validator is the best we can do in this time frame
      • Brian: Agree, and can be used as a neutral test
      • Dave: Should be reaching out and asking what specific concerns they have?
      • Gregory: Think that some communication with client implementers is needed
      • Josh: Perhaps present it as a "what do you need' question
      • Janet: Have clients engaged in plan
      • Russ: Most concerns were about interoperability. We haven't figured out the particular situations yet.
      • Marco: Details are important but not as important as the engagement
      • Pat: The plan of interoperability needs to be more than "you must deal with this new version". Question of what's the best way to deal with that must be raised.
      • Gregory: How can clients deal with this new (unscoped) work?
      • Brian: wrap up this thread:
        • We must involve clients with our plans
        • But we can probably only expect to get as far as
        • ahead of the interop
    • Dave: Lessons learned from auto-generation
      • The more complicated the model, the less well the auto-generators work
        • Java working well
        • Python not so well
      • But still thinks OpenAPI is promising, as it's a machine readable spec.
      • Plan on presenting this in the GWS session
  • Next meeting:
    • Sept 23rd @20:00 UTC - will discuss how to engage clients


Revision 32024-08-26 - BrianMajor


P3T Meeting (online) - Mon Aug 26, 2024 @ 20:00 UTC


  • Attendees:
    • Janet
    • Pat
    • Brian
    • Jesus
    • Russ
    • Dave
    • Joshua
    • Marco
    • Gregory
    • Tom
  • Regrets : Sara




  • Prototypes
  • IVOA Note
  • Session

Meeting Agenda/Notes

  • Status Updates - Prototypes - aiming for mid Sep
    • Josh (UWS, TAP 1.1)
      • UWS prototype nearly complete
      • No integration with a MAST service yet
      • Suggests an example document set with a specific implementation
      • Questions
        • Janet: Will you be moving the prototype to the IVOA github repo?
          • Answer: will be pushing to pypi, maybe IVOA later
        • Pat: Am I referencing the right FastAPI UWS repo?
          • Answer: yes
        • Gregory: Does the pypi uws library have backwards compatibility/legacy support?
          • Answer: no
        • Russ: A legacy uws pypi exists already and can perhaps be merged with the new one…
      • Have been working on getting the legacy UWS packaged up. Will start with the OpenAPI additions next.
      • Created 3 documents that are layered. Send to the mailing list.
        • Next step: will be adding uws
        • Need to improve the data types so that they reference VOSI, etc
      • Will be implementing the serialization layer next
      • Questions
    • Pat (TAP 1.2, UWS, VOSI)
      • Working on OpenAPI on TAP 1.2
      • Started VOSI /tables OpenAPI description
      • Hope to pull in the UWS spec and re-use it, and assemble the whole service API together
      • Needs to figure out how to import the YAML file
    • Dave (Execution Broker)
    • others??
  • IVOA Note
    • Few emails today - Russ/Dave
  • Review and priority of goals for November interop
    • Engaging services/clients before interop??
    • Session for P3T on preliminary agenda
  • AOB
  • Next Mtg: Monday, Aug 26 @20:00 UTC
      • API has been simplified, but data model has become more complex
      • On track to publish the OpenAPI doc and updated specification sometime in October
      • Found something interesting about error messages and handling:
  • Russ on the layer document exercise (in the mailing list)
    • Point was to provide and example on an encoding format
    • Next step is UWS part
    • Questions
      • Brian: What is the vision for the future of types?
        • Russ: OpenAPI and JSON not specific/detailed enough for our use
          • Need to figure out types - are data model and network encoding types shared?
        • Dave: OpenAPI types have been working for me (so far) and are extensible.
        • Gregory: IVOA is missing an unsigned 64 bit integer type, which is being used more and more frequently. This is just a heads up for those looking at type standardization.
        • Russ: Not sure if OpenAPI can handle 64-bit int because (for example) JSON doesn't support that. Probably needs an extension.
  • Jesus: need to flag issues (such as the 64-bit type problem) somewhere.
  • Jesus: How is OpenAPI referenced/linked from UWS implementation?
    • Josh: Can be more clear. Was a result of the auto-generation.
  • Looking ahead to the Nov Interop
    • Janet: should we be engaging clients ahead of the Nov interop?
      • Jesus: Perhaps a validator is the best we can do in this time frame.
      • Brian: Agree, and can be used as a neutral test
      • Dave: Should be reaching out and asking what specific concerns they have?
      • Gregory: Think that some communication with client implementers is needed
      • Josh: Perhaps present it as a "what do you need' question
      • Janet: Have clients engaged in plan
      • Russ: Most concerns were about interoperability. We haven't figured out the particular situations yet.
      • Marco: Details are important but not as important as the engagement
      • Pat: The plan of interoperability needs to be more than "you must deal with this new version". Question of what's the best way to deal with that must be raised.
      • Gregory: How can clients deal with this new (unscoped) work?
      • Brian: wrap up this thread:
        • We must involve clients with our plans
        • But we can probably only expect to get as far as
        • ahead of the interop
    • Dave: Lessons learned from auto-generation
      • The more complicated the model, the less well the auto-generators work
        • Java working well
        • Python not so well
      • But still thinks OpenAPI is promising, as it's a machine readable spec.
      • Plan on presenting this in the GWS session
  • Next meeting:
    • Sept 23rd @20:00 UTC - will discuss how to engage clients


Revision 22024-08-26 - BrianMajor


P3T Meeting (online) - Mon Aug 26, 2024 @ 20:00 UTC


  • Attendees:
    • Janet
    • Pat
    • Brian
    • Jesus
    • Russ
    • Dave
    • Joshua
    • Marco
    • Gregory
    • Tom
  • Regrets : Sara




  • Prototypes
  • IVOA Note
  • Session

Meeting Agenda/Notes

  • Status Updates - Prototypes - aiming for mid Sep
    • Josh (UWS, TAP 1.1)
    • Russ ( SODA, UWS)
    • Pat (TAP 1.2, UWS, VOSI)
    • Dave (Execution Broker)
    • others??
  • IVOA Note
    • Few emails today - Russ/Dave
  • Review and priority of goals for November interop
    • Engaging services/clients before interop??
    • Session for P3T on preliminary agenda
  • AOB
  • Next Mtg: Monday, Aug 26 @20:00 UTC


Revision 12024-08-26 - JanetEvans


P3T Meeting (online) - Mon Aug 26, 2024 @ 20:00 UTC


  • Attendees:
  • Regrets : Sara




  • Prototypes
  • IVOA Note
  • Session

Meeting Agenda/Notes

  • Status Updates - Prototypes - aiming for mid Sep
    • Josh (UWS, TAP 1.1)
    • Russ ( SODA, UWS)
    • Pat (TAP 1.2, UWS, VOSI)
    • Dave (Execution Broker)
    • others??
  • IVOA Note
    • Few emails today - Russ/Dave
  • Review and priority of goals for November interop
    • Engaging services/clients before interop??
    • Session for P3T on preliminary agenda
  • AOB
  • Next Mtg: Monday, Aug 26 @20:00 UTC

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