Difference: AbusiveUsersConsiderations (1 vs. 2)

Revision 22013-09-11 - MarkHolliman

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaApplications"

Application Considerations to prevent Abusive User Behaviour

This page is meant to be a sounding board and general discussion area for the issue of preventing users from knowingly or unknowingly abusing services through VO enabled applications. The topic is of interest both to application developers and data providers. The goal is to make VO enabled applications less likely to enable problematic behaviour by default and to develop possible solutions for data providers that can alleviate or prevent service disruptions.
This page is meant to be a sounding board and general discussion area for the issue of preventing users from knowingly or unknowingly abusing services through VO enabled applications. The topic is of interest both to application developers and data providers. The goal is to make VO enabled applications less likely to enable problematic behaviour by default and to develop possible solutions for data providers that can alleviate or prevent service disruptions.
  -- MarkHolliman - 2013-09-11

Revision 12013-09-11 - MarkHolliman

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaApplications"

Application Considerations to prevent Abusive User Behaviour

This page is meant to be a sounding board and general discussion area for the issue of preventing users from knowingly or unknowingly abusing services through VO enabled applications. The topic is of interest both to application developers and data providers. The goal is to make VO enabled applications less likely to enable problematic behaviour by default and to develop possible solutions for data providers that can alleviate or prevent service disruptions.

-- MarkHolliman - 2013-09-11

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