Difference: ApplicationsMessagingInitialQuestionsEleven (1 vs. 2)

Revision 22012-06-26 - root

META TOPICPARENT name="ApplicationsMessagingInitialQuestions"

Do we need to be concerned with obsolescence of messages?

At some point in the future someone might invent a better, more flexible message describing (say) how to load a VOTable. How do we make the most of this new message, while still maintaining compatibility with applications using the old message? Is this even an issue?

Revision 12007-02-08 - JohnTaylor

META TOPICPARENT name="ApplicationsMessagingInitialQuestions"


Do we need to be concerned with obsolescence of messages?

At some point in the future someone might invent a better, more flexible message describing (say) how to load a VOTable. How do we make the most of this new message, while still maintaining compatibility with applications using the old message? Is this even an issue?
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