Difference: ApplicationsMessagingInitialQuestionsFive (1 vs. 2)

Revision 22007-02-08 - NoelWinstanley

META TOPICPARENT name="ApplicationsMessagingInitialQuestions"


Application discovery

How should applications discover each other? Dynamically at runtime? Statically through some registry mechanism? Can we start apps that aren't running or is this beyond the scope of the messaging group?
_Dynamic discovery is possible, and static discovery via description of application capabilites in the registry would be useful - although is this in the scope of a messaging spec?

Starting applications that aren't running at the moment is hard to do (for all platforms, for all kinds of application). It's unclear whether this needs to be integrated into the spec any more than defining something like a, eg, 'launchDefaultTableViewer' message (or maybe a more general launch message which was paramterized on some kind of capability, or type of message to consume) . Then if a 'launcher' application is available that can accept these messages, it'd be discovered dynamically. (often, it'd make sense to bundle the 'launcher' app with the hub itself)

However, just being able to query the registry to suggest applications to the user would be a start -- NoelWinstanley_


Revision 12007-02-08 - JohnTaylor

META TOPICPARENT name="ApplicationsMessagingInitialQuestions"


Application discovery

How should applications discover each other? Dynamically at runtime? Statically through some registry mechanism? Can we start apps that aren't running or is this beyond the scope of the messaging group?
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