Difference: Authorization (1 vs. 3)

Revision 32021-08-25 - GiulianoTaffoni

META TOPICPARENT name="SecurityHome"

Authorization and Access control

The ability to control who has access to resources and what operations are permitted is a common task across the IVOA.

Access Control Specification

Group Membership

The Group Membership Service (GMS) specification describes a service interface for determining whether a user is a member of a group. Membership information can be used to protect access to proprietary resources. When an authorization decision is needed (whether to grant or deny access to a proprietary resource), a call to GMS can be made to see if the requesting user is a member of the group assigned to protect the resource in question. Examples of proprietary resources are wide ranging but include: observation data and metadata and scarce or limited services and infrastructure. Because this specification details how a single group can protect multiple, potentially distributed, resources, it allows for the representation of teams with common authorization rights. The members of such teams can span multiple organizations but can be managed within a single service. In this way, GMS offers an interoperable, flexible, and scalable mechanism for sharing proprietary assets with a potentially dynamic set of team members.


WD Discussion


RFC Discussion



Revision 22021-08-23 - GiulianoTaffoni

META TOPICPARENT name="SecurityHome"

Authorization and Access control

The ability to control who has access to resources and what operations are permitted is a common task across the IVOA.

Access Control Specification


Group Membership

The Group Membership Service (GMS) specification describes a service interface for determining whether a user is a member of a group. Membership information can be used to protect access to proprietary resources. When an authorization decision is needed (whether to grant or deny access to a proprietary resource), a call to GMS can be made to see if the requesting user is a member of the group assigned to protect the resource in question. Examples of proprietary resources are wide ranging but include: observation data and metadata and scarce or limited services and infrastructure. Because this specification details how a single group can protect multiple, potentially distributed, resources, it allows for the representation of teams with common authorization rights. The members of such teams can span multiple organizations but can be managed within a single service. In this way, GMS offers an interoperable, flexible, and scalable mechanism for sharing proprietary assets with a potentially dynamic set of team members.

RFC Discussion


Revision 12020-06-02 - GiulianoTaffoni

META TOPICPARENT name="SecurityHome"

Authorization and Access control

The ability to control who has access to resources and what operations are permitted is a common task across the IVOA.

Access Control Specification

Group Membership


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