Difference: CSPMultiD (1 vs. 7)

Revision 72013-05-09 - MarkAllen

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaSciencePriorities"


Use Cases for Multi-dimensional Data

Radio Astronomy Use Cases

A set of use cases for finding data based on the spatial, spectral, polarization and temporal axes. RadioAstronomyCases.rtf

Integral Field Spectroscopy Use Cases

Find IFS data sets Search for IFS data sets on individual astronomical objects, or lists of objects with the following constraints

  • spatial coverage centered on object position
  • wavelength coverage e.g. 5000-7000 Angstrom
  • spectral resolving power e.g. > 3000
with the ability to:
  • visualize the footprint of the IFU
  • extract regions of interest along spatial and spectral axes
Combine and compare IFS data sets with other image, spectral and cube data

Simulation Data Use Cases


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="RadioAstronomyCases.rtf" attr="" comment="" date="1360681982" name="RadioAstronomyCases.rtf" path="RadioAstronomyCases.rtf" size="4746" user="MarkAllen" version="1"

Revision 62013-04-04 - MarkAllen

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaSciencePriorities"


Use Cases for Multi-dimensional Data

Radio Astronomy Use Cases

A set of use cases for finding data based on the spatial, spectral, polarization and temporal axes. RadioAstronomyCases.rtf

Integral Field Spectroscopy Use Cases

Find IFS data sets Search for IFS data sets on individual astronomical objects, or lists of objects with the following constraints

  • spatial coverage centered on object position
  • wavelength coverage e.g. 5000-7000 Angstrom
  • spectral resolving power e.g. > 3000
with the ability to:
  • visualize the footprint of the IFU
  • extract regions of interest along spatial and spectral axes
 Combine and compare IFS data sets with other image, spectral and cube data

Simulation Data Use Cases



META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="RadioAstronomyCases.rtf" attr="" comment="" date="1360681982" name="RadioAstronomyCases.rtf" path="RadioAstronomyCases.rtf" size="4746" user="MarkAllen" version="1"

Revision 52013-02-26 - MarkAllen

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaSciencePriorities"


Use Cases for Multi-dimensional Data

Radio Astronomy Use Cases

A set of use cases for finding data based on the spatial, spectral, polarization and temporal axes. RadioAstronomyCases.rtf

Integral Field Spectroscopy Use Cases

Find IFS data sets Search for IFS data sets on individual astronomical objects, or lists of objects with the following constraints
  • spatial coverage centered on object position
  • wavelength coverage e.g. 5000-7000 Angstrom
  • spectral resolving power e.g. > 3000
with the ability to:
  • visualize the footprint of the IFU
  • extract regions of interest along spatial and spectral axes

Combine and compare IFS data sets with other image, spectral and cube data


Simulation Data Use Cases


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="RadioAstronomyCases.rtf" attr="" comment="" date="1360681982" name="RadioAstronomyCases.rtf" path="RadioAstronomyCases.rtf" size="4746" user="MarkAllen" version="1"

Revision 42013-02-25 - MarkAllen

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaSciencePriorities"


Use Cases for Multi-dimensional Data

Radio Astronomy Use Cases

A set of use cases for finding data based on the spatial, spectral, polarization and temporal axes. RadioAstronomyCases.rtf

Integral Field Spectroscopy Use Cases

Simulation Data Use Cases



META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="RadioAstronomyCases.rtf" attr="" comment="" date="1360681982" name="RadioAstronomyCases.rtf" path="RadioAstronomyCases.rtf" size="4746" user="MarkAllen" version="1"

Revision 32013-02-18 - MarkAllen

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaSciencePriorities"


Use Cases for Multi-dimensional Data

Radio Astronomy Use Cases

A set of use cases for finding data based on the spatial, spectral, polarization and temporal axes. RadioAstronomyCases.rtf

Integral Field Spectroscopy Use Cases

Simulation Data Use Cases


n-cubes in the VO from DAL mailing list 18 Jan 2013 (link to mailing list)
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="RadioAstronomyCases.rtf" attr="" comment="" date="1360681982" name="RadioAstronomyCases.rtf" path="RadioAstronomyCases.rtf" size="4746" user="MarkAllen" version="1"

Revision 22013-02-12 - MarkAllen

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaSciencePriorities"


Use Cases for Multi-dimensional Data

Radio Astronomy Use Cases

A set of use cases for finding data based on the spatial, spectral, polarization and temporal axes. RadioAstronomyCases.rtf

Integral Field Spectroscopy Use Cases

Simulation Data Use Cases


n-cubes in VO (http://www.ivoa.net/pipermail/dal/attachments/20130118/cb5e97c5/attachment-0001.obj) [DAL mailing list 18 Jan 2013 http://www.ivoa.net/pipermail/dal/2013-January/006411.html]
n-cubes in the VO from DAL mailing list 18 Jan 2013 (link to mailing list)
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="RadioAstronomyCases.rtf" attr="" comment="" date="1360681982" name="RadioAstronomyCases.rtf" path="RadioAstronomyCases.rtf" size="4746" user="MarkAllen" version="1"

Revision 12013-02-11 - MarkAllen

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaSciencePriorities"


Use Cases for Multi-dimensional Data

Radio Astronomy Use Cases

Integral Field Spectroscopy Use Cases

Simulation Data Use Cases


n-cubes in VO (http://www.ivoa.net/pipermail/dal/attachments/20130118/cb5e97c5/attachment-0001.obj) [DAL mailing list 18 Jan 2013 http://www.ivoa.net/pipermail/dal/2013-January/006411.html]

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