name="CaomIntegration" |
CAOM Integration Meeting: Feb. 20, 2025
Attendees: Mark C-D, Pat D., Paul H.
- discussed muiplicity usage in COAM and how that relates to vo-dml and rules for auto-generating databases.
- review of CAOM overlap with the various standards.
Action Summary:
- No new actions this meeeting
- [PD?] add issue to vo-dml repository to add these types to the base model, complete with the use-case description for justification.
- [PD] will extract Shape/Interval model from CAOM, and import it [DONE]
- [PD] review all CAOM vocabulary candidates for CAOM progression. These will need to get seeded by Semantics group.
- [PH] open Issue for VO-DML to modify the semantic concept description/fixture on Attribute. Similar to the ivoa updates, this may be wanted for VO-DML v1.1 to support this project
- [MCD] review Shape/Interval thread in context of other usage (Region, FOV, MANGO)
Proposed Agenda
- Details of the overlapping areas and plans to accommodate them
- VO-DML multiplicity specification in practice
The notes are rather light this week, there was a good bit of discussion around the topics; here I'm providing just a snapshot.
Mapping Model to Databases
- MCD/PD: started off with a conversation about multiplicity and the Polarization node in CAOM
- PH: would be good to have a set of standard rules.. for generating DB tables from the UML
- Composed ObjectTypes with multiplicity 0..1 or 1..1 can be collapsed into a single table with many rows
- Composed ObjectTypes with multiplicity 0..* or 1..* can not.. they MUST be a separate table
- These rules could define the resulting database and schema associated with it within the toolkit
- From rules + model, one could generate the schema (tap schema).
- modulo some details ( primitives selected, etc ) that are DB brand specific
- [PH]: currently not a good way to map the complex DataType to a single column (the storage needs to be fixed)
Overlapping Models
- Proposal DM - CAOM proposal info is a very high level summary of proposal info - Dataset.Proposal.identifier ==> attribute with type = URI?
- Provenance DM - CAOM provenance is probably more like 1-step provenance (describes the previous step only)
- ObsCore
< < | * obvious
* Not sure if ‘view’ as a model concept is worth pursuing…? |
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- obvious
- Not sure if ‘view’ as a model concept is worth pursuing…?
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< < | * Don’t need both CAOM characterisation elements AND Characterisation.
* some discussion about whether or not it should be extracted from CAOM for reuse..
* once you import something, then changing is hard. If models share content, and one branches in a different direction, then that shared thing becomes very complicated.
* Characterization doesn’t have a well defined purpose outside of its use within ObsCore. Perhaps when the DataProduct usage becomes a topic, the extraction can be revisited. If the usage is different enough, the objects may just be similar, but different. |
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- Don’t need both CAOM characterisation elements AND Characterisation.
- some discussion about whether or not it should be extracted from CAOM for reuse..
- once you import something, then changing is hard. If models share content, and one branches in a different direction, then that shared thing becomes very complicated.
- Characterization doesn’t have a well defined purpose outside of its use within ObsCore. Perhaps when the DataProduct usage becomes a topic, the extraction can be revisited. If the usage is different enough, the objects may just be similar, but different.
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< < | * CAOM specifically tries not to state what the representation is for time, space, energy,..
* coordinate system metadata is outside.. would be good to allow different implementations to make different choices. (by domain)
* A 'profile' provides the constraints applied to the data so that this information is not necessary in the fields (shapes, etc)
* This is not available to the TAP schema, so intimate knowledge of the fixed values is required. |
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- CAOM specifically tries not to state what the representation is for time, space, energy,..
- coordinate system metadata is outside.. would be good to allow different implementations to make different choices. (by domain)
- A 'profile' provides the constraints applied to the data so that this information is not necessary in the fields (shapes, etc)
- This is not available to the TAP schema, so intimate knowledge of the fixed values is required.
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< < | * not much overlap there.. any ties to ObsCore via UTypes? |
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- not much overlap there.. any ties to ObsCore via UTypes?
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< < | * much of the metadata is considered: metadata extracted from a resource (like CAOM) describing the Observation details, and carried along with the DataProduct for reference and to aid the analysis threads
* can this simply carry an instance of CAOM?
* ACTION: MCD review details of ds:ObservationDataset content vs the caom content to see if that is an option. |
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- much of the metadata is considered: metadata extracted from a resource (like CAOM) describing the Observation details, and carried along with the DataProduct for reference and to aid the analysis threads
- can this simply carry an instance of CAOM?
- ACTION: MCD review details of ds:ObservationDataset content vs the caom content to see if that is an option.
Next Meeting:
- Next meeting in 2 weeks due to vacation schedule. (3/05).
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