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Revision 32017-03-01 - MarkusDemleitner

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DAL Future - discussion page

This page is meant to gather opinions, feedback and proposals for DAL future (see Trieste 2016 Fall Interop presentation).

The underlying question is what will be the main evolution of the DAL protocols in a near future (SIA, SODA, TAP, ADQL, DataLink, etc.).

The main drivers are:

  1. CSP priorities : what is achieved and what is not achieved.
  2. Feedback from implementation of recently recommended protocols (SIA, DataLink, SODA, TAP new version)
  3. Multidimensional data access roadmap as established in october 2013 in Hawaï (Fall Interop + ADASS).
  1. CSP priorities : what is achieved and what is not achieved.
  2. Feedback from implementation of recently recommended protocols (SIA, DataLink, SODA, TAP new version)
  3. Multidimensional data access roadmap as established in october 2013 in Hawaï (Fall Interop + ADASS).
Properties to consider:
Properties to consider:
  • Data Type
  • Functionalities
  • Software Design
  • Position in IVOA landscape
(see ADASS XXVI DAL poster for reference)

Contribution can take the usual forms: linked pages to topics listed below (or added ones), mailing list follow up from the topics.

(please, when creating a page to link from a topic here, use a DALFutureTopic TWiki name for the new page)
(please, when creating a page to link from a topic here, use a DALFutureTopic TWiki name for the new page)

Data Type

Add Time Domain (HIGHEST Scientific priority: see CSP Time Series use cases)
Add Time Domain ( HIGHEST Scientific priority: see CSP Time Series use cases)
  • use cases
  • ideas for solutions
  • attempts and prototypes reports


  • Feedback : what is missing/inadequate in current protocols
  • Extended metadata (for Cubes and Time Domain)
  • Extended server side data services (regridding, deconvolution, etc.)

Software Design

Interface design
  • Feedback on current interfaces
  • Feedback on current interfaces
  • Driving extended functionalities
  • Standard definition of custom services

Pushing code to the data
  • Science cases
  • Attempts and prototypes

Formats and Languages

  • Json, PQL, PDL, etc.
  • What to use next ?
  • What to use next ?

TAP evolution

  • From relational databases to...
  • Relaxing ADQL ?

Position in IVOA landscape

Merging DAL protocols, HiPS and MOC
Merging DAL protocols, HiPS and MOC
  • HiPS is also a discovery and access mode: How to marry service approach and HiPS Approach in both ways ?
  • HiPS is also a discovery and access mode: How to marry service approach and HiPS Approach in both ways ?
  • Querying services by MOC : is that necessary ?

Data Models

  • ObsCore
  • DataSet Metadata
  • ND-Cube
  • SparseCube
  • STC
  • other...
Updating SCS

SCS still requires VOTable 1.1 and has some other quirks that makes it needlessly incompatible with the rest of the DAL landscape (in particular, it's totally DALI-incompatible). We should figure out how we can evolve it to be less odd with minimal disruption to existing services and clients (e.g., relaxing VOTable requirements, support for DALI MAXREC, RESPONSEFORMAT, metadata discovery). -- MarkusDemleitner - 2017-03-01

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