Difference: DataModelChainedPassband (1 vs. 3)

Revision 32012-06-26 - root

META TOPICPARENT name="DataModelPassband"

Chained Passband

A way of combining passbands for modelling a set of cumulative passbands. For example, placing one filter in front of another would be modelled as a ChainedPassband containing two FilterPassbands .

Might be used to model the various passrate effects during transmission from source to measurement (such as atmosphere, filter, detector).


Implements Passband.

Might be implemented as a linked list of passbands, or just a pair of passbands, one of which could be another ChainedPassband.

-- MartinHill - 21 May 2004

Revision 22004-05-21 - MartinHill

META TOPICPARENT name="DataModelPassband"
Not Finished (work in progress)

Chained Passband

A way of combining passbands for modelling a set of cumulative passbands. For example, placing one filter in front of another would be modelled as a ChainedPassband containing two FilterPassbands .

Might be implemented as a linked list of passbands, or just a pair of passbands, one of which could be another ChainedPassband.
 Might be used to model the various passrate effects during transmission from source to measurement (such as atmosphere, filter, detector).


Implements Passband.

Might be implemented as a linked list of passbands, or just a pair of passbands, one of which could be another ChainedPassband.

-- MartinHill - 21 May 2004



Revision 12004-05-20 - MartinHill

META TOPICPARENT name="DataModelPassband"
Not Finished (work in progress)

Chained Passband

A way of combining passbands for modelling a set of cumulative passbands. For example, placing one filter in front of another would be modelled as a ChainedPassband containing two FilterPassbands .

Might be implemented as a linked list of passbands, or just a pair of passbands, one of which could be another ChainedPassband.

Might be used to model the various passrate effects during transmission from source to measurement (such as atmosphere, filter, detector).

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