Difference: DataModelPhoton (1 vs. 3)

Revision 32012-06-26 - root

META TOPICPARENT name="DataModelPassband"


An extension (subclass) to Wave adding an energy property.

I don't really want to start modelling components of the universe, so perhaps this could be given a different name. Rather like Wave I just want a 'placeholder' that people can use as they see fit (ie, wavelength, frequency or energy). A different name (Jon's DataModelFravergy ?) might be more appropriate. - MCH


  • Wave properties
  • Energy : in eV ?


A trivial extra method getEnergy() that does the appropriate multiplication from the wavelength/frequency of the Wave superclass.

-- MartinHill - 21 May 2004

Revision 22004-05-25 - MartinHill

META TOPICPARENT name="DataModelPassband"


An extension (subclass) to Wave adding an energy property.

I don't really want to start modelling components of the universe, so perhaps this could be given a different name. Rather like Wave I just want a 'placeholder' that people can use as they see fit (ie, wavelength, frequency or energy). A different name might be more appropriate. - MCH
I don't really want to start modelling components of the universe, so perhaps this could be given a different name. Rather like Wave I just want a 'placeholder' that people can use as they see fit (ie, wavelength, frequency or energy). A different name (Jon's DataModelFravergy ?) might be more appropriate. - MCH


  • Wave properties
  • Energy : in eV ?


A trivial extra method getEnergy() that does the appropriate multiplication from the wavelength/frequency of the Wave superclass.

-- MartinHill - 21 May 2004


Revision 12004-05-21 - MartinHill

META TOPICPARENT name="DataModelPassband"


An extension (subclass) to Wave adding an energy property.

I don't really want to start modelling components of the universe, so perhaps this could be given a different name. Rather like Wave I just want a 'placeholder' that people can use as they see fit (ie, wavelength, frequency or energy). A different name might be more appropriate. - MCH


  • Wave properties
  • Energy : in eV ?


A trivial extra method getEnergy() that does the appropriate multiplication from the wavelength/frequency of the Wave superclass.

-- MartinHill - 21 May 2004

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