Difference: DataOriginVO (1 vs. 2)

Revision 22022-08-17 - GillesLandais



Note: this is a work-document -


Data origin is required for end users to understand data, for citation and for reusability.
Data origin is required for end users to understand data, for citation and for reusability.
  We propose to list meta-data required to provide sufficient traceability to end-users in order to improve the understanding of the resultsets and enabling its reuse and its.

Use cases

see : https://github.com/gilleslandais/ivoa-dcp-data-origin
  • To get provenance information easier (for instance: author, publication dates, provider, ...) example: Query the Gaia catalogue using VO services (for instance with topcat or any other VO-software). The registry lists Data Center (eg: Gavo, VizieR, ESA) which provides Gaia tables using TAP. The results returns VOTable having information in the header. However, the information depends of the implementation.
  • Relevant meta-data for final users to cite resources.
  • Fill the AAS citation template (G.Muench) Example : "we searched optical astrometric data of these sources from the Gaia (Gaia Collaboration et al. 2016) Early Data Release 3 (Gaia Collaboration et al. 2021) via the Gaia archive (Gaia Collaboration 2020)."
  • Relevant meta-data for final users to understand Data Origin.
    Table provided by a Data Center can be a copy of an existing resource. For instance, a table published in a journal or by a Space Agency is also hosted in a Data Center like CDS, GAVO, etc. The data curation depends of the Data Center which can add associated data, enrich meta-data (eg: add filter for magnitude) or make a sub-selection of Columns.
  • Give me a bibliography of everything I’ve used in the workflow (M.Demleitner)

Expected Medata

Metadata that can enrich a VOTable output:

  • Author(s) / Space agency
  • Editor(s), Journal
  • Article ref.
  • Institute
  • Provider, Datacenter, Creator
  • Date(s)
  • DOI, bibcode...
  • Access protocol
  • Licences
  • Curation level
  • Any additional information in text plain that complete the result

Revision 12022-08-17 - GillesLandais



Note: this is a work-document -


Data origin is required for end users to understand data, for citation and for reusability.

We propose to list meta-data required to provide sufficient traceability to end-users in order to improve the understanding of the resultsets and enabling its reuse and its.

Use cases

  • To get provenance information easier (for instance: author, publication dates, provider, ...) example: Query the Gaia catalogue using VO services (for instance with topcat or any other VO-software). The registry lists Data Center (eg: Gavo, VizieR, ESA) which provides Gaia tables using TAP. The results returns VOTable having information in the header. However, the information depends of the implementation.
  • Relevant meta-data for final users to cite resources.
  • Fill the AAS citation template (G.Muench) Example : "we searched optical astrometric data of these sources from the Gaia (Gaia Collaboration et al. 2016) Early Data Release 3 (Gaia Collaboration et al. 2021) via the Gaia archive (Gaia Collaboration 2020)."
  • Relevant meta-data for final users to understand Data Origin.
    Table provided by a Data Center can be a copy of an existing resource. For instance, a table published in a journal or by a Space Agency is also hosted in a Data Center like CDS, GAVO, etc. The data curation depends of the Data Center which can add associated data, enrich meta-data (eg: add filter for magnitude) or make a sub-selection of Columns.
  • Give me a bibliography of everything I’ve used in the workflow (M.Demleitner)

Expected Medata

Metadata that can enrich a VOTable output:

  • Author(s) / Space agency
  • Editor(s), Journal
  • Article ref.
  • Institute
  • Provider, Datacenter, Creator
  • Date(s)
  • DOI, bibcode...
  • Access protocol
  • Licences
  • Curation level
  • Any additional information in text plain that complete the result
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