Difference: DiVergence (2 vs. 3)

Revision 32008-05-15 - PaulHarrison


How to stop divergence of Parameter-TAP and ADQL-TAP?

There are two versions of TAP under development, one based on parameters, one based on the ADQL language, and the danger is for these to diverge into two overlapping, but incompatible, mechanisms. The diagram on the DAL blog shows an eventual convergence, but I would like to know how it will work.

I would state this more strongly: neither the Param or QL documents are so far along that they cannot be joined now. The Param document actually includes the ADQL queries. There are minor differences in the interface specifications, but these could be resolved now quite easily, I would think. If we wait until later, when groups have done implementations, there will be a lot of resistance to making changes. (Bob)

cosponsor BobHanisch

I thought that it had been decided a year ago at Beijing to focus on the QL version of TAP - see page 5 of the Plenary summary http://www.ivoa.net/internal/IVOA/InterOpMay2007Plenary/dal-plenary2.pdf for documentary proof - Quoting
"Remove explicit data model support (POS, SIZE, etc.)•Will use ADQL plus UTYPE plus REGION instead (etc.) "

So I third this motion... PaulHarrison


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