Difference: GWSTelecon20210216 (1 vs. 3)

Revision 32022-02-18 - SaraBertocco

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaGridAndWebServices"

Minutes: GWS Telecon 2022-02-16


  • Giuliano Taffoni
  • Brian
  • Brian Major

Preliminary List of Items:

  • GMS status
  • SSO status and updates
  • execution planner
People: Brian, Pat, John Palmieri, Sara Bertocco
People: Brian Major, Pat Dowler, John Palmieri, Sara Bertocco


SSO Next generation: Descoping the security method and capability method that is part o f VO dataservice and VOSI
SSO Next generation: Descoping the security method and capability method that is part of VO dataservice and VOSI
  We are adding something that can be added to the standard.

What happens to the actual services running that have VOSI capability (SecurityMethod)? Only a few project are using

The Registry does not need to advertise services with SSO capabilities. Just the client server interactions may require to use SSO http header.

If Sara Bertocco can work as editor maybe Brian, Pat and Mark can make pull request for what they want to propose. And Sara can review the pull request and make sure the text is clear (work as editor role).

Pull requests will address one or more issues.

March is trying to involve ESA for GAIA
Mark is trying to involve ESA for GAIA
Activity on scoping the tocken, we need use cases for that, it is a bit ambiguos to work with tockens, limiting the scope of the tocken is something important but it is matter for Credential Delegation.
Activity on scoping the token, we need use cases for that, it is a bit ambiguos to work with tokens, limiting the scope of the token is something important but it is matter for Credential Delegation.
Default scope: proposal to limit the scope of a tocken into a domain.
Default scope: proposal to limit the scope of a token into a domain.
Expiration time and what happens after the exiration of the tocken (error message).
Expiration time and what happens after the exiration of the token (error message).
  Credential Delegation should be updated too
Action: a new WD of SSO in early march.
Action: a new WD of SSO in early march.
Execution planner: Brian read the Note, it is inetresting and he is willing to work on that. Unfortunately Dave is not present.
Execution planner: Brian read the Note, it is interesting and he is willing to work on that. Unfortunately Dave is not present.
  In ESCAPE project there is some work done in execution planner.

Revision 22022-02-16 - GiulianoTaffoni

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaGridAndWebServices"

Minutes: GWS Telecon 2022-02-16


  • Giuliano Taffoni
  • Brian

Preliminary List of Items:

  • GMS status
  • SSO status and updates
  • other
  • SSO status and updates
  • execution planner
People: Brian, Pat, John Palmieri, Sara Bertocco


SSO Next generation: Descoping the security method and capability method that is part o f VO dataservice and VOSI

We are adding something that can be added to the standard.

What happens to the actual services running that have VOSI capability (SecurityMethod)? Only a few project are using

The Registry does not need to advertise services with SSO capabilities. Just the client server interactions may require to use SSO http header.

If Sara Bertocco can work as editor maybe Brian, Pat and Mark can make pull request for what they want to propose. And Sara can review the pull request and make sure the text is clear (work as editor role).

Pull requests will address one or more issues.

March is trying to involve ESA for GAIA

Activity on scoping the tocken, we need use cases for that, it is a bit ambiguos to work with tockens, limiting the scope of the tocken is something important but it is matter for Credential Delegation.

Default scope: proposal to limit the scope of a tocken into a domain.

Expiration time and what happens after the exiration of the tocken (error message).

Credential Delegation should be updated too

Action: a new WD of SSO in early march.

Execution planner: Brian read the Note, it is inetresting and he is willing to work on that. Unfortunately Dave is not present.

In ESCAPE project there is some work done in execution planner.

Revision 12022-02-16 - GiulianoTaffoni

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaGridAndWebServices"

Minutes: GWS Telecon 2022-02-16


  • Giuliano Taffoni

Preliminary List of Items:

  • GMS status
  • SSO status and updates
  • other


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