Difference: GalacticStellarContentSimulator (1 vs. 4)

Revision 42012-06-26 - root

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaTheoryUseCases"

Use case: Galactic Star Content Simulator


offer a service which supplies a realistic distribution of the Galactic stellar content in a given sky field.

Could be used in Virtual Telescopes; could be combined with other simulators (e.g. galaxy cluster simulators, Kuiper belt simulators, etc.)

Once the service is located in a registry, and the description fits the user requirements, the user must be able to supply input parameters (limiting magnitudes, field positions, ...) and then get back observational parameters of a Galactic stellar distribution which can be combined with the output of other simulator(s) and input in e.g. an instrument simulator.

Principal actor

  • Astronomer

  • Instrument developer

End Result

catalogue of Galactic simulated stars with observational parameters and with all necessary informational metadata

Other actors

  • galaxy cluster simulators

  • instrument simulator / image generator

  • Registry


  • detailed description of the Galactic star simulator in a Registry

  • definition of a protocol to access simulated data

  • availability of other astrophysical simulators and of instrument simulator

Flow of events

  1. definition of observation parameters (photometric bands, ...)
  2. search Galactic star simulator in a Registry
  3. check the availability of chosen observational parameters
  4. if yes query the Galactic star simulator for given field(s)
  5. possibly get simulation from fore-/background simulator(s)
  6. combine the simulations and input the result in an instrument simulator or image generator


catalogues of simulated Galactic stars supplied in a standard format (VOTable) with all necessary metadata informations.

Basic assumptions

existence of simulations of Galactic stars on all the sky stored in a data base

Key references

Requirements on IVOA working groups

  • DM/Theory IG : Simulation Data Model

  • DAL : Access protocol for simulated data

  • Possibility of fine parameter query description in the Registry

Revision 32006-01-26 - BernardDebray

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaTheoryUseCases"

Use case: Galactic Star Content Simulator


offer a service which supplies a realistic distribution of the Galactic stellar content in a given sky field.

Could be used in Virtual Telescopes; could be combined with other simulators (e.g. galaxy cluster simulators, Kuiper belt simulators, etc.)

Once the service is located in a registry, and the description fits the user requirements, the user must be able to supply input parameters (limiting magnitudes, field positions, ...) and then get back observational parameters of a Galactic stellar distribution which can be combined with the output of other simulator(s) and input in e.g. an instrument simulator.

Principal actor

  • Astronomer

  • Instrument developer

End Result

catalogue of Galactic simulated stars with observational parameters and with all necessary informational metadata

Other actors

  • galaxy cluster simulators

  • instrument simulator / image generator

  • Registry


  • detailed description of the Galactic star simulator in a Registry

  • definition of a protocol to access simulated data

  • availability of other astrophysical simulators and of instrument simulator

Flow of events

  1. definition of observation parameters (photometric bands, ...)
  2. search Galactic star simulator in a Registry
  3. check the availability of chosen observational parameters
  4. if yes query the Galactic star simulator for given field(s)
  5. possibly get simulation from fore-/background simulator(s)
  6. combine the simulations and input the result in an instrument simulator or image generator


catalogues of simulated Galactic stars supplied in a standard format (VOTable) with all necessary metadata informations.

Basic assumptions

existence of simulations of Galactic stars on all the sky stored in a data base

Key references


Requirements on IVOA working groups

  • DM/Theory IG : Simulation Data Model

  • DAL : Access protocol for simulated data

  • Possibility of fine parameter query description in the Registry



Revision 22006-01-23 - BrunoRino

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaTheoryUseCases"

Use case: Galactic Star Content Simulator


offer a service which supplies a realistic distribution of the Galactic stellar content in a given sky field.

Could be used in Virtual Telescopes; could be combined with other simulators (e.g. galaxy cluster simulators, Kuiper belt simulators, etc.)

Once the service is located in a registry, and the description fits the user requirements, the user must be able to supply input parameters (limiting magnitudes, field positions, ...) and then get back observational parameters of a Galactic stellar distribution which can be combined with the output of other simulator(s) and input in e.g. an instrument simulator.

Principal actor

  • Astronomer

  • Instrument developer

End Result

catalogue of Galactic simulated stars with observational parameters and with all necessary informational metadata

Other actors

  • galaxy cluster simulators

  • instrument simulator / image generator

  • Registry


  • detailed description of the Galactic star simulator in a Registry

  • definition of a protocol to access simulated data

  • availability of other astrophysical simulators and of instrument simulator

Flow of events

  1. definition of observation parameters (photometric bands, ...)
  2. search Galactic star simulator in a Registry
  3. check the availability of chosen observational parameters
  4. if yes query the Galactic star simulator for given field(s)
  5. possibly get simulation from fore-/background simulator(s)
  6. combine the simulations and input the result in an instrument simulator or image generator


catalogues of simulated Galactic stars supplied in a standard format (VOTable) with all necessary metadata informations.

Basic assumptions

existence of simulations of Galactic stars on all the sky stored in a data base

Requirements on IVOA working groups

  • DM/Theory IG : Simulation Data Model

  • DAL : Access protocol for simulated data

  • Possibility of fine parameter query description in the Registry

Revision 12006-01-20 - BernardDebray

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaTheoryUseCases"

Use case: Galactic Star Content Simulator


offer a service which supplies a realistic distribution of the Galactic stellar content in a given sky field.

Could be used in Virtual Telescopes; could be combined with other simulators (e.g. galaxy cluster simulators, Kuiper belt simulators, etc.)

Once the service is located in a registry, and the description fits the user requirements, the user must be able to supply input parameters (limiting magnitudes, field positions, ...) and then get back observational parameters of a Galactic stellar distribution which can be combined with the output of other simulator(s) and input in e.g. an instrument simulator.

Principal actor

  • Astronomer

  • Instrument developer

End Result

catalogue of Galactic simulated stars with observational parameters and with all necessary informational metadata

Other actors

  • galaxy cluster simulators

  • instrument simulator / image generator

  • Registry


  • detailed description of the Galactic star simulator in a Registry

  • definition of a protocol to access simulated data

  • availability of other astrophysical simulators and of instrument simulator

Flow of events

  1. definition of observation parameters (photometric bands, ...)
  2. search Galactic star simulator in a Registry
  3. check the availability of chosen observational parameters
  4. if yes query the Galactic star simulator for given field(s)
  5. possibly get simulation from fore-/background simulator(s)
  6. combine the simulations and input the result in an instrument simulator or image generator


catalogues of simulated Galactic stars supplied in a standard format (VOTable) with all necessary metadata informations.

Basic assumptions

existence of simulations of Galactic stars on all the sky stored in a data base

Requirements on IVOA working groups

  • DM/Theory IG : Simulation Data Model

  • DAL : Access protocol for simulated data

  • Possibility of fine parameter query description in the Registry

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