Difference: GgfIvoaMay06WorkShop (1 vs. 14)

Revision 142012-06-26 - root


IVOA - GGF Astro-RG Work Shop

Workshop Title

Building a Global Virtual Observatory for Astronomy - Grid Standards and their Relevance in Use

@ GGF17 10 May 2006, Tokyo, Japan

Materials for GGF17 at http://www.ggf.org/gf/event_schedule/materials.php?event_id=4

Agenda and Talks

Date/Time What Who Talk
Session 1
Requirements for a Virtual Observatory: the Domain Perspective
11.00 Welcome and Workshop Goals Masatoshi Ohishi [.ppt]
11.10 Science drivers for a Virtual Observatory Nic Walton [.pdf]
11.30 Capturing user needs - a middleware perspective Steve Newhouse [.ppt]
Virtual Observatory Case Studies
11.50 Building IVOA Services: A requirements analysis Reagan Moore [.ppt]
12.10 The Japanese Virtual Observatory (JVO) Yuji Shirasaki [.ppt]
12.25 Discussion    
12.30-13.45 LUNCH
Session 2
13.45 Lessons from Enterprise Grids Craig Lee [.ppt]
Security, authorisation and authentication (I)
14.00 IVOA/ AstroGrid Single Sign-on Keith Noddle [.pdf]
Data Management
14.15 DAIS-WG Norman Paton [.ppt]
14.30 Preservation from the GGF-PE-RG Reagan Moore [.ppt]
14.50 Integrating data mining and data access in China-VO Chao Liu [.pdf]
15.05 Discussion    
15.15-15.45 COFFEE
Session 3
Security, authorisation and authentication (II)
15.45 IVOA - Grid Connection via std IAA systems Bill Baker [.ppt]
16.00 OGSA security David Chadwick [.ppt]
16.15 Interoperability between Grids and the VO Guiiano Taffoni [.pdf]
Astronomical Workflows
16.25 Workflows in the VO Phil Nicholson [.pdf]
16.40 Astronomical workflows in Grid environments Valeria Manna [.ppt]
16.55 GGF Job Description Steve McGough [.ppt]
17.10 Discussion    
17.15-17.45 COFFEE
Session 4
Application Environments
17.45 Astro Client Runtime as an Application interface Noel Winstanley [.pdf]
18.05 The Simple API for Grid Applications (SAGA) Thilo Kielman [.pdf]
Production Systems
18.20 Grid Infrastructure - NGS Neil Geddes [.ppt]
18.40 INAF experience with EGEE Claudio Vuerli [.ppt]
18.50 Measuring Performance David Wallom [.ppt]
19.05 Workshop Summary Nic Walton [.pdf]

Workshop organizer names and affiliations

  • Nicholas A Walton, IoA, Univ of Cambridge, UK (Co-Chair Astro-RG)
  • Chenzhou Cui, National Astronomical Observatory, China
  • Neil Geddes, NGS, RAL, UK
  • Thilo Kielmann, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, NL (Co-Chair APPS-RG)
  • Reagan Moore, SDSC, San Diego, USA (Co-Chair PE-RG)
  • Steven Newhouse, OMII, Southampton, UK (Co-Chair GESA-WG)
  • Mastoshi Ohishi, NAOJ, Tokyo, Japan (Chair IVOA)
  • Fabio Pasian, INAF-SI, Trieste, Italy (EGEE/NA4)
  • Guy Rixon, IoA, Univ of Cambridge, UK (Chair IVOA Grid-Web Services WG)
  • David Wallom, Center for E-Research Bristol, UK (Co-Chair PGS-RG)
  • Roy Williams, CACR, Caltech, USA (Chair IVOA Techinical Coordination Group)

Sponsoring Groups:

  • Astronomy Applications Astro-RG conf
  • Database Access and Integration Services WG DAIS-WG pend
  • Simple API for Grid Applications SAGA-RG pend
  • Preservation Environments PE-RG conf
  • Workflow Management Research Group WFM-RG pend
  • Production Grid Services Research Group PGS-RG pend

Scope and Content

This workshop, jointly sponsored by the GGF and the International Virtual Observatory Alliance (IVOA - see http://www.ivoa.net). The meeting is timely in that the global Virtual Observatory (VO) projects are now deploying systems worldwide for operational and scientific use, where use of emerging GGF standards in or instance data management and security may have a vital role to play. Interoperability with existing grid infrastructures (e.g. TeraGrid, EGEE) is also a key topic, since VO centers or users must be allowed to take advantage of the power offered by computational grids. This meeting preceeds the next major IVOA interoperability workshop to be held in Victoria, Canada (15-19 May 2006).

The programme would address issues of common interest to the GGF and the IVOA focusing on how a Global Virtual Observatory is being constructed using domain developed high level interoperability standards, but utilising lower level grid and grid service standards and concepts where relevant.

The workshop will provide an opportunity for those involved in creating the interoperabilty standards required by the global Vrtual Observatory community to interact with those creating generic grid standards. The feedback from the exemplar science domain will highlight the opportunities and difficulties presented by take up of GGF standard compliant implementations.

Programme Coverage

The programme will address in 8 sessions, the following areas:

  • 1) Requirements for a Virtual Observatory: the Domain Perspective
    • Science drivers for a Virtual Observatory (Walton)
    • Capturing user needs from a middleware perspective (Newhouse)
  • 2) VO Case Studies
    • Example VO implementations, UK, USA, Japan, etc
    • Experience with existing grid infrastructures
  • 3) Registries and Resource Discovery
  • 4) Data Management
    • including preservation of data and knowledge
  • 5) Application Environments
  • 6) Astronomical Workflows
  • 7) Security
    • authroisation and authentication
  • 8) The Production Virtual Observatory
    • logging and debugging
    • training and support
    • account management
    • software licensing

Each session includes a period for open discussion

Duration of workshop

One full day - to be held in Tokyo at GGF17 (May 2006). The venue will at the GGF meeting location - see http://www.ggf.org/GGF17/ggf_events_ggf17.htm

Publication Plans

The meeting would be published as a GGF informational document.

-- NicholasWalton - 23 Apr 2006

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1147630822" name="baker-ggf17.ppt" path="baker-ggf17.ppt" size="2086400" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1147630844" name="chadwick-ggf17.ppt" path="chadwick-ggf17.ppt" size="75264" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1147630959" name="geddes-ggf17.ppt" path="geddes-ggf17.ppt" size="5726720" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1147631061" name="kielman-ggf17.pdf" path="kielman-ggf17.pdf" size="354357" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1147631076" name="lee-ggf17.ppt" path="lee-ggf17.ppt" size="79872" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1147631095" name="liu-ggf17.pdf" path="liu-ggf17.pdf" size="282814" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1147631127" name="manna-ggf17.ppt" path="manna-ggf17.ppt" size="1073664" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1147631166" name="mcgough-ggf17.ppt" path="mcgough-ggf17.ppt" size="1190912" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1147631206" name="moore-perg-ggf17.ppt" path="moore-perg-ggf17.ppt" size="729600" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1147631231" name="moore-services-ggf17.ppt" path="moore-services-ggf17.ppt" size="382976" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1147631249" name="newhouse-ggf17.ppt" path="newhouse-ggf17.ppt" size="206336" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1147631270" name="nicholson-ggf17.pdf" path="nicholson-ggf17.pdf" size="469076" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1147631289" name="noddle-ggf17.pdf" path="noddle-ggf17.pdf" size="245524" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1147631335" name="ohishi-ggf17.ppt" path="ohishi-ggf17.ppt" size="1746432" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1147631356" name="paton-ggf17.ppt" path="paton-ggf17.ppt" size="119808" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1147631373" name="shirasaki-ggf17.ppt" path="shirasaki-ggf17.ppt" size="89600" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1147631471" name="taffoni-ggf17.pdf" path="taffoni-ggf17.pdf" size="4884419" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1147631496" name="vuerli-ggf17.ppt" path="vuerli-ggf17.ppt" size="526848" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1147631531" name="wallom-ggf17.ppt" path="wallom-ggf17.ppt" size="808960" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1147631642" name="walton-close-ggf17.pdf" path="walton-close-ggf17.pdf" size="3251260" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1147631679" name="winstanley-ggf17.pdf" path="winstanley-ggf17.pdf" size="644298" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1147631828" name="walton-ggf17.pdf" path="walton-ggf17.pdf" size="6400554" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"

Revision 132006-05-17 - NicholasWalton


IVOA - GGF Astro-RG Work Shop

Workshop Title

Building a Global Virtual Observatory for Astronomy - Grid Standards and their Relevance in Use

@ GGF17 10 May 2006, Tokyo, Japan

Materials for GGF17 at http://www.ggf.org/gf/event_schedule/materials.php?event_id=4

Agenda and Talks

Date/Time What Who Talk
Session 1
Requirements for a Virtual Observatory: the Domain Perspective
11.00 Welcome and Workshop Goals Masatoshi Ohishi [.ppt]
11.10 Science drivers for a Virtual Observatory Nic Walton [.pdf]
11.30 Capturing user needs - a middleware perspective Steve Newhouse [.ppt]
Virtual Observatory Case Studies
11.50 Building IVOA Services: A requirements analysis Reagan Moore [.ppt]
11.50 Building IVOA Services: A requirements analysis Reagan Moore [.ppt]
12.10 The Japanese Virtual Observatory (JVO) Yuji Shirasaki [.ppt]
12.25 Discussion    
12.30-13.45 LUNCH
Session 2
13.45 Lessons from Enterprise Grids Craig Lee [.ppt]
Security, authorisation and authentication (I)
14.00 IVOA/ AstroGrid Single Sign-on Keith Noddle [.pdf]
Data Management
14.15 DAIS-WG Norman Paton [.ppt]
14.30 Preservation from the GGF-PE-RG Reagan Moore [.ppt]
14.50 Integrating data mining and data access in China-VO Chao Liu [.pdf]
15.05 Discussion    
15.15-15.45 COFFEE
Session 3
Security, authorisation and authentication (II)
15.45 IVOA - Grid Connection via std IAA systems Bill Baker [.ppt]
16.00 OGSA security David Chadwick [.ppt]
16.15 Interoperability between Grids and the VO Guiiano Taffoni [.pdf]
Astronomical Workflows
16.25 Workflows in the VO Phil Nicholson [.pdf]
16.40 Astronomical workflows in Grid environments Valeria Manna [.ppt]
16.55 GGF Job Description Steve McGough [.ppt]
17.10 Discussion    
17.15-17.45 COFFEE
Session 4
Application Environments
17.45 Astro Client Runtime as an Application interface Noel Winstanley [.pdf]
18.05 The Simple API for Grid Applications (SAGA) Thilo Kielman [.pdf]
Production Systems
18.20 Grid Infrastructure - NGS Neil Geddes [.ppt]
18.40 INAF experience with EGEE Claudio Vuerli [.ppt]
18.50 Measuring Performance David Wallom [.ppt]
19.05 Workshop Summary Nic Walton [.pdf]

Workshop organizer names and affiliations

  • Nicholas A Walton, IoA, Univ of Cambridge, UK (Co-Chair Astro-RG)
  • Chenzhou Cui, National Astronomical Observatory, China
  • Neil Geddes, NGS, RAL, UK
  • Thilo Kielmann, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, NL (Co-Chair APPS-RG)
  • Reagan Moore, SDSC, San Diego, USA (Co-Chair PE-RG)
  • Steven Newhouse, OMII, Southampton, UK (Co-Chair GESA-WG)
  • Mastoshi Ohishi, NAOJ, Tokyo, Japan (Chair IVOA)
  • Fabio Pasian, INAF-SI, Trieste, Italy (EGEE/NA4)
  • Guy Rixon, IoA, Univ of Cambridge, UK (Chair IVOA Grid-Web Services WG)
  • David Wallom, Center for E-Research Bristol, UK (Co-Chair PGS-RG)
  • Roy Williams, CACR, Caltech, USA (Chair IVOA Techinical Coordination Group)

Sponsoring Groups:

  • Astronomy Applications Astro-RG conf
  • Database Access and Integration Services WG DAIS-WG pend
  • Simple API for Grid Applications SAGA-RG pend
  • Preservation Environments PE-RG conf
  • Workflow Management Research Group WFM-RG pend
  • Production Grid Services Research Group PGS-RG pend

Scope and Content

This workshop, jointly sponsored by the GGF and the International Virtual Observatory Alliance (IVOA - see http://www.ivoa.net). The meeting is timely in that the global Virtual Observatory (VO) projects are now deploying systems worldwide for operational and scientific use, where use of emerging GGF standards in or instance data management and security may have a vital role to play. Interoperability with existing grid infrastructures (e.g. TeraGrid, EGEE) is also a key topic, since VO centers or users must be allowed to take advantage of the power offered by computational grids. This meeting preceeds the next major IVOA interoperability workshop to be held in Victoria, Canada (15-19 May 2006).

The programme would address issues of common interest to the GGF and the IVOA focusing on how a Global Virtual Observatory is being constructed using domain developed high level interoperability standards, but utilising lower level grid and grid service standards and concepts where relevant.

The workshop will provide an opportunity for those involved in creating the interoperabilty standards required by the global Vrtual Observatory community to interact with those creating generic grid standards. The feedback from the exemplar science domain will highlight the opportunities and difficulties presented by take up of GGF standard compliant implementations.

Programme Coverage

The programme will address in 8 sessions, the following areas:

  • 1) Requirements for a Virtual Observatory: the Domain Perspective
    • Science drivers for a Virtual Observatory (Walton)
    • Capturing user needs from a middleware perspective (Newhouse)
  • 2) VO Case Studies
    • Example VO implementations, UK, USA, Japan, etc
    • Experience with existing grid infrastructures
  • 3) Registries and Resource Discovery
  • 4) Data Management
    • including preservation of data and knowledge
  • 5) Application Environments
  • 6) Astronomical Workflows
  • 7) Security
    • authroisation and authentication
  • 8) The Production Virtual Observatory
    • logging and debugging
    • training and support
    • account management
    • software licensing

Each session includes a period for open discussion

Duration of workshop

One full day - to be held in Tokyo at GGF17 (May 2006). The venue will at the GGF meeting location - see http://www.ggf.org/GGF17/ggf_events_ggf17.htm

Publication Plans

The meeting would be published as a GGF informational document.

-- NicholasWalton - 23 Apr 2006


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1147630822" name="baker-ggf17.ppt" path="baker-ggf17.ppt" size="2086400" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1147630844" name="chadwick-ggf17.ppt" path="chadwick-ggf17.ppt" size="75264" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1147630959" name="geddes-ggf17.ppt" path="geddes-ggf17.ppt" size="5726720" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1147631061" name="kielman-ggf17.pdf" path="kielman-ggf17.pdf" size="354357" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1147631076" name="lee-ggf17.ppt" path="lee-ggf17.ppt" size="79872" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1147631095" name="liu-ggf17.pdf" path="liu-ggf17.pdf" size="282814" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1147631127" name="manna-ggf17.ppt" path="manna-ggf17.ppt" size="1073664" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1147631166" name="mcgough-ggf17.ppt" path="mcgough-ggf17.ppt" size="1190912" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1147631206" name="moore-perg-ggf17.ppt" path="moore-perg-ggf17.ppt" size="729600" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1147631231" name="moore-services-ggf17.ppt" path="moore-services-ggf17.ppt" size="382976" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1147631249" name="newhouse-ggf17.ppt" path="newhouse-ggf17.ppt" size="206336" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1147631270" name="nicholson-ggf17.pdf" path="nicholson-ggf17.pdf" size="469076" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1147631289" name="noddle-ggf17.pdf" path="noddle-ggf17.pdf" size="245524" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1147631335" name="ohishi-ggf17.ppt" path="ohishi-ggf17.ppt" size="1746432" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1147631356" name="paton-ggf17.ppt" path="paton-ggf17.ppt" size="119808" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1147631373" name="shirasaki-ggf17.ppt" path="shirasaki-ggf17.ppt" size="89600" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1147631471" name="taffoni-ggf17.pdf" path="taffoni-ggf17.pdf" size="4884419" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1147631496" name="vuerli-ggf17.ppt" path="vuerli-ggf17.ppt" size="526848" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1147631531" name="wallom-ggf17.ppt" path="wallom-ggf17.ppt" size="808960" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1147631642" name="walton-close-ggf17.pdf" path="walton-close-ggf17.pdf" size="3251260" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1147631679" name="winstanley-ggf17.pdf" path="winstanley-ggf17.pdf" size="644298" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1147631828" name="walton-ggf17.pdf" path="walton-ggf17.pdf" size="6400554" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"

Revision 122006-05-14 - NicholasWalton


IVOA - GGF Astro-RG Work Shop

Workshop Title

Building a Global Virtual Observatory for Astronomy - Grid Standards and their Relevance in Use

@ GGF17 10 May 2006, Tokyo, Japan

Materials for GGF17 at http://www.ggf.org/gf/event_schedule/materials.php?event_id=4

Agenda and Talks

Date/Time What Who Talk
Session 1
Requirements for a Virtual Observatory: the Domain Perspective
11.00 Welcome and Workshop Goals Masatoshi Ohishi  
11.10 Science drivers for a Virtual Observatory Nic Walton  
11.30 Capturing user needs - a middleware perspective Steve Newhouse  
11.00 Welcome and Workshop Goals Masatoshi Ohishi [.ppt]
11.10 Science drivers for a Virtual Observatory Nic Walton [.pdf]
11.30 Capturing user needs - a middleware perspective Steve Newhouse [.ppt]
Virtual Observatory Case Studies
11.50 Building IVOA Services: A requirements analysis Reagan Moore  
12.10 The Japanese Virtual Observatory (JVO) Yuji Shirasaki  
11.50 Building IVOA Services: A requirements analysis Reagan Moore [.ppt]
12.10 The Japanese Virtual Observatory (JVO) Yuji Shirasaki [.ppt]
12.25 Discussion    
12.30-13.45 LUNCH
Session 2
13.45 Lessons from Enterprise Grids Craig Lee  
13.45 Lessons from Enterprise Grids Craig Lee [.ppt]
Security, authorisation and authentication (I)
14.00 IVOA/ AstroGrid Single Sign-on Keith Noddle  
14.00 IVOA/ AstroGrid Single Sign-on Keith Noddle [.pdf]
Data Management
14.15 DAIS-WG Norman Paton  
14.30 Preservation from the GGF-PE-RG Reagan Moore  
14.50 Integrating data mining and data access in China-VO Chao Liu  
14.15 DAIS-WG Norman Paton [.ppt]
14.30 Preservation from the GGF-PE-RG Reagan Moore [.ppt]
14.50 Integrating data mining and data access in China-VO Chao Liu [.pdf]
15.05 Discussion    
15.15-15.45 COFFEE
Session 3
Security, authorisation and authentication (II)
15.45 IVOA - Grid Connection via std IAA systems Bill Baker  
16.00 OGSA security David Chadwick  
16.15 Interoperability between Grids and the VO Guiiano Taffoni  
15.45 IVOA - Grid Connection via std IAA systems Bill Baker [.ppt]
16.00 OGSA security David Chadwick [.ppt]
16.15 Interoperability between Grids and the VO Guiiano Taffoni [.pdf]
Astronomical Workflows
16.25 Workflows in the VO Phil Nicholson  
16.40 Astronomical workflows in Grid environments Valeria Manna  
16.55 GGF Job Description Steve McGough  
16.25 Workflows in the VO Phil Nicholson [.pdf]
16.40 Astronomical workflows in Grid environments Valeria Manna [.ppt]
16.55 GGF Job Description Steve McGough [.ppt]
17.10 Discussion    
17.15-17.45 COFFEE
Session 4
Application Environments
17.45 Astro Client Runtime as an Application interface Noel Winstanley  
18.05 The Simple API for Grid Applications (SAGA) Thilo Kielman  
17.45 Astro Client Runtime as an Application interface Noel Winstanley [.pdf]
18.05 The Simple API for Grid Applications (SAGA) Thilo Kielman [.pdf]
Production Systems
18.20 Grid Infrastructure - NGS Neil Geddes  
18.40 INAF experience with EGEE Claudio Vuerli  
18.50 Measuring Performance David Wallom  
19.05 Workshop Summary Nic Walton  
18.20 Grid Infrastructure - NGS Neil Geddes [.ppt]
18.40 INAF experience with EGEE Claudio Vuerli [.ppt]
18.50 Measuring Performance David Wallom [.ppt]
19.05 Workshop Summary Nic Walton [.pdf]

Workshop organizer names and affiliations

  • Nicholas A Walton, IoA, Univ of Cambridge, UK (Co-Chair Astro-RG)
  • Chenzhou Cui, National Astronomical Observatory, China
  • Neil Geddes, NGS, RAL, UK
  • Thilo Kielmann, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, NL (Co-Chair APPS-RG)
  • Reagan Moore, SDSC, San Diego, USA (Co-Chair PE-RG)
  • Steven Newhouse, OMII, Southampton, UK (Co-Chair GESA-WG)
  • Mastoshi Ohishi, NAOJ, Tokyo, Japan (Chair IVOA)
  • Fabio Pasian, INAF-SI, Trieste, Italy (EGEE/NA4)
  • Guy Rixon, IoA, Univ of Cambridge, UK (Chair IVOA Grid-Web Services WG)
  • David Wallom, Center for E-Research Bristol, UK (Co-Chair PGS-RG)
  • Roy Williams, CACR, Caltech, USA (Chair IVOA Techinical Coordination Group)

Sponsoring Groups:

  • Astronomy Applications Astro-RG conf
  • Database Access and Integration Services WG DAIS-WG pend
  • Simple API for Grid Applications SAGA-RG pend
  • Preservation Environments PE-RG conf
  • Workflow Management Research Group WFM-RG pend
  • Production Grid Services Research Group PGS-RG pend

Scope and Content

This workshop, jointly sponsored by the GGF and the International Virtual Observatory Alliance (IVOA - see http://www.ivoa.net). The meeting is timely in that the global Virtual Observatory (VO) projects are now deploying systems worldwide for operational and scientific use, where use of emerging GGF standards in or instance data management and security may have a vital role to play. Interoperability with existing grid infrastructures (e.g. TeraGrid, EGEE) is also a key topic, since VO centers or users must be allowed to take advantage of the power offered by computational grids. This meeting preceeds the next major IVOA interoperability workshop to be held in Victoria, Canada (15-19 May 2006).

The programme would address issues of common interest to the GGF and the IVOA focusing on how a Global Virtual Observatory is being constructed using domain developed high level interoperability standards, but utilising lower level grid and grid service standards and concepts where relevant.

The workshop will provide an opportunity for those involved in creating the interoperabilty standards required by the global Vrtual Observatory community to interact with those creating generic grid standards. The feedback from the exemplar science domain will highlight the opportunities and difficulties presented by take up of GGF standard compliant implementations.

Programme Coverage

The programme will address in 8 sessions, the following areas:

  • 1) Requirements for a Virtual Observatory: the Domain Perspective
    • Science drivers for a Virtual Observatory (Walton)
    • Capturing user needs from a middleware perspective (Newhouse)
  • 2) VO Case Studies
    • Example VO implementations, UK, USA, Japan, etc
    • Experience with existing grid infrastructures
  • 3) Registries and Resource Discovery
  • 4) Data Management
    • including preservation of data and knowledge
  • 5) Application Environments
  • 6) Astronomical Workflows
  • 7) Security
    • authroisation and authentication
  • 8) The Production Virtual Observatory
    • logging and debugging
    • training and support
    • account management
    • software licensing

Each session includes a period for open discussion

Duration of workshop

One full day - to be held in Tokyo at GGF17 (May 2006). The venue will at the GGF meeting location - see http://www.ggf.org/GGF17/ggf_events_ggf17.htm

Publication Plans

The meeting would be published as a GGF informational document.

-- NicholasWalton - 23 Apr 2006

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1147630822" name="baker-ggf17.ppt" path="baker-ggf17.ppt" size="2086400" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
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META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1147631249" name="newhouse-ggf17.ppt" path="newhouse-ggf17.ppt" size="206336" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1147631270" name="nicholson-ggf17.pdf" path="nicholson-ggf17.pdf" size="469076" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1147631289" name="noddle-ggf17.pdf" path="noddle-ggf17.pdf" size="245524" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1147631335" name="ohishi-ggf17.ppt" path="ohishi-ggf17.ppt" size="1746432" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1147631356" name="paton-ggf17.ppt" path="paton-ggf17.ppt" size="119808" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1147631373" name="shirasaki-ggf17.ppt" path="shirasaki-ggf17.ppt" size="89600" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1147631471" name="taffoni-ggf17.pdf" path="taffoni-ggf17.pdf" size="4884419" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1147631496" name="vuerli-ggf17.ppt" path="vuerli-ggf17.ppt" size="526848" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1147631531" name="wallom-ggf17.ppt" path="wallom-ggf17.ppt" size="808960" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1147631642" name="walton-close-ggf17.pdf" path="walton-close-ggf17.pdf" size="3251260" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1147631679" name="winstanley-ggf17.pdf" path="winstanley-ggf17.pdf" size="644298" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1147631828" name="walton-ggf17.pdf" path="walton-ggf17.pdf" size="6400554" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"

Revision 112006-05-10 - NicholasWalton


IVOA - GGF Astro-RG Work Shop

Workshop Title

Building a Global Virtual Observatory for Astronomy - Grid Standards and their Relevance in Use

@ GGF17 10 May 2006, Tokyo, Japan

Agenda and Talks

Date/Time What Who Talk
Session 1
Requirements for a Virtual Observatory: the Domain Perspective
11.00 Welcome and Workshop Goals Masatoshi Ohishi  
11.10 Science drivers for a Virtual Observatory Nic Walton  
11.30 Capturing user needs - a middleware perspective Steve Newhouse  
Virtual Observatory Case Studies
11.50 Building IVOA Services: A requirements analysis Reagan Moore  
12.10 The Japanese Virtual Observatory (JVO) Yuji Shirasaki  
12.25 Discussion    
12.30-13.45 LUNCH
Session 2
13.45 Lessons from Enterprise Grids Craig Lee  
Security, authorisation and authentication (I)
14.00 IVOA/ AstroGrid Single Sign-on Keith Noddle  
Data Management
14.15 DAIS-WG Norman Paton  
14.30 Preservation from the GGF-PE-RG Reagan Moore  
14.50 Integrating data mining and data access in China-VO Chao Liu  
15.05 Discussion    
15.15-15.45 COFFEE
Session 3
Security, authorisation and authentication (II)
15.45 IVOA - Grid Connection via std IAA systems Bill Baker  
16.00 OGSA security David Chadwick  
16.15 Interoperability between Grids and the VO Guiiano Taffoni  
Astronomical Workflows
16.25 Workflows in the VO Phil Nicholson  
16.40 Astronomical workflows in Grid environments Valeria Manna  
16.55 GGF Job Description Steve McGough (TBC)  
16.55 GGF Job Description Steve McGough  
17.10 Discussion    
17.15-17.45 COFFEE
Session 4
Application Environments
17.45 Astro Client Runtime as an Application interface Noel Winstanley  
18.05 The Simple API for Grid Applications (SAGA) Thilo Kielman  
Production Systems
18.20 Grid Infrastructure - NGS Neil Geddes  
18.40 INAF experience with EGEE Claudio Vuerli  
18.50 Measuring Performance David Wallom  
19.05 Workshop Summary Nic Walton  

Workshop organizer names and affiliations

  • Nicholas A Walton, IoA, Univ of Cambridge, UK (Co-Chair Astro-RG)
  • Chenzhou Cui, National Astronomical Observatory, China
  • Neil Geddes, NGS, RAL, UK
  • Thilo Kielmann, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, NL (Co-Chair APPS-RG)
  • Reagan Moore, SDSC, San Diego, USA (Co-Chair PE-RG)
  • Steven Newhouse, OMII, Southampton, UK (Co-Chair GESA-WG)
  • Mastoshi Ohishi, NAOJ, Tokyo, Japan (Chair IVOA)
  • Fabio Pasian, INAF-SI, Trieste, Italy (EGEE/NA4)
  • Guy Rixon, IoA, Univ of Cambridge, UK (Chair IVOA Grid-Web Services WG)
  • David Wallom, Center for E-Research Bristol, UK (Co-Chair PGS-RG)
  • Roy Williams, CACR, Caltech, USA (Chair IVOA Techinical Coordination Group)

Sponsoring Groups:

  • Astronomy Applications Astro-RG conf
  • Database Access and Integration Services WG DAIS-WG pend
  • Simple API for Grid Applications SAGA-RG pend
  • Preservation Environments PE-RG conf
  • Workflow Management Research Group WFM-RG pend
  • Production Grid Services Research Group PGS-RG pend

Scope and Content

This workshop, jointly sponsored by the GGF and the International Virtual Observatory Alliance (IVOA - see http://www.ivoa.net). The meeting is timely in that the global Virtual Observatory (VO) projects are now deploying systems worldwide for operational and scientific use, where use of emerging GGF standards in or instance data management and security may have a vital role to play. Interoperability with existing grid infrastructures (e.g. TeraGrid, EGEE) is also a key topic, since VO centers or users must be allowed to take advantage of the power offered by computational grids. This meeting preceeds the next major IVOA interoperability workshop to be held in Victoria, Canada (15-19 May 2006).

The programme would address issues of common interest to the GGF and the IVOA focusing on how a Global Virtual Observatory is being constructed using domain developed high level interoperability standards, but utilising lower level grid and grid service standards and concepts where relevant.

The workshop will provide an opportunity for those involved in creating the interoperabilty standards required by the global Vrtual Observatory community to interact with those creating generic grid standards. The feedback from the exemplar science domain will highlight the opportunities and difficulties presented by take up of GGF standard compliant implementations.

Programme Coverage

The programme will address in 8 sessions, the following areas:

  • 1) Requirements for a Virtual Observatory: the Domain Perspective
    • Science drivers for a Virtual Observatory (Walton)
    • Capturing user needs from a middleware perspective (Newhouse)
  • 2) VO Case Studies
    • Example VO implementations, UK, USA, Japan, etc
    • Experience with existing grid infrastructures
  • 3) Registries and Resource Discovery
  • 4) Data Management
    • including preservation of data and knowledge
  • 5) Application Environments
  • 6) Astronomical Workflows
  • 7) Security
    • authroisation and authentication
  • 8) The Production Virtual Observatory
    • logging and debugging
    • training and support
    • account management
    • software licensing

Each session includes a period for open discussion

Duration of workshop

One full day - to be held in Tokyo at GGF17 (May 2006). The venue will at the GGF meeting location - see http://www.ggf.org/GGF17/ggf_events_ggf17.htm

Publication Plans

The meeting would be published as a GGF informational document.

-- NicholasWalton - 23 Apr 2006


Revision 102006-05-05 - NicholasWalton


IVOA - GGF Astro-RG Work Shop

Workshop Title

Building a Global Virtual Observatory for Astronomy - Grid Standards and their Relevance in Use

@ GGF17 10 May 2006, Tokyo, Japan

Agenda and Talks

Date/Time What Who Talk
Session 1
Requirements for a Virtual Observatory: the Domain Perspective
11.00 Welcome and Workshop Goals Masatoshi Ohishi  
11.10 Science drivers for a Virtual Observatory Nic Walton  
11.30 Capturing user needs - a middleware perspective Steve Newhouse  
Virtual Observatory Case Studies
11.50 Building IVOA Services: A requirements analysis Reagan Moore  
12.10 The Japanese Virtual Observatory (JVO) Yuji Shirasaki  
12.25 Discussion    
12.30-13.45 LUNCH
Session 2
13.45 Lessons from Enterprise Grids Craig Lee  
Security, authorisation and authentication (I)
14.00 IVOA/ AstroGrid Single Sign-on Keith Noddle  
Data Management
14.15 DAIS-WG Norman Paton  
14.30 Preservation from the GGF-PE-RG Reagan Moore  
14.50 Integrating data mining and data access in China-VO Chao Liu  
15.05 Discussion    
15.15-15.45 COFFEE
Session 3
Security, authorisation and authentication (II)
15.45 IVOA - Grid Connection via std IAA systems Bill Baker  
16.00 OGSA security David Chadwick (TBC)  
16.00 OGSA security David Chadwick  
16.15 Interoperability between Grids and the VO Guiiano Taffoni  
Astronomical Workflows
16.25 Workflows in the VO Phil Nicholson  
16.40 Astronomical workflows in Grid environments Valeria Manna  
16.55 GGF Job Description Steve McGough (TBC)  
17.10 Discussion    
17.15-17.45 COFFEE
Session 4
Application Environments
17.45 Astro Client Runtime as an Application interface Noel Winstanley  
18.05 The Simple API for Grid Applications (SAGA) Thilo Kielman  
Production Systems
18.20 Grid Infrastructure - NGS Neil Geddes  
18.40 INAF experience with EGEE Claudio Vuerli  
18.50 Measuring Performance David Wallom  
19.05 Workshop Summary Nic Walton  

Workshop organizer names and affiliations

  • Nicholas A Walton, IoA, Univ of Cambridge, UK (Co-Chair Astro-RG)
  • Chenzhou Cui, National Astronomical Observatory, China
  • Neil Geddes, NGS, RAL, UK
  • Thilo Kielmann, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, NL (Co-Chair APPS-RG)
  • Reagan Moore, SDSC, San Diego, USA (Co-Chair PE-RG)
  • Steven Newhouse, OMII, Southampton, UK (Co-Chair GESA-WG)
  • Mastoshi Ohishi, NAOJ, Tokyo, Japan (Chair IVOA)
  • Fabio Pasian, INAF-SI, Trieste, Italy (EGEE/NA4)
  • Guy Rixon, IoA, Univ of Cambridge, UK (Chair IVOA Grid-Web Services WG)
  • David Wallom, Center for E-Research Bristol, UK (Co-Chair PGS-RG)
  • Roy Williams, CACR, Caltech, USA (Chair IVOA Techinical Coordination Group)

Sponsoring Groups:

  • Astronomy Applications Astro-RG conf
  • Database Access and Integration Services WG DAIS-WG pend
  • Simple API for Grid Applications SAGA-RG pend
  • Preservation Environments PE-RG conf
  • Workflow Management Research Group WFM-RG pend
  • Production Grid Services Research Group PGS-RG pend

Scope and Content

This workshop, jointly sponsored by the GGF and the International Virtual Observatory Alliance (IVOA - see http://www.ivoa.net). The meeting is timely in that the global Virtual Observatory (VO) projects are now deploying systems worldwide for operational and scientific use, where use of emerging GGF standards in or instance data management and security may have a vital role to play. Interoperability with existing grid infrastructures (e.g. TeraGrid, EGEE) is also a key topic, since VO centers or users must be allowed to take advantage of the power offered by computational grids. This meeting preceeds the next major IVOA interoperability workshop to be held in Victoria, Canada (15-19 May 2006).

The programme would address issues of common interest to the GGF and the IVOA focusing on how a Global Virtual Observatory is being constructed using domain developed high level interoperability standards, but utilising lower level grid and grid service standards and concepts where relevant.

The workshop will provide an opportunity for those involved in creating the interoperabilty standards required by the global Vrtual Observatory community to interact with those creating generic grid standards. The feedback from the exemplar science domain will highlight the opportunities and difficulties presented by take up of GGF standard compliant implementations.

Programme Coverage

The programme will address in 8 sessions, the following areas:

  • 1) Requirements for a Virtual Observatory: the Domain Perspective
    • Science drivers for a Virtual Observatory (Walton)
    • Capturing user needs from a middleware perspective (Newhouse)
  • 2) VO Case Studies
    • Example VO implementations, UK, USA, Japan, etc
    • Experience with existing grid infrastructures
  • 3) Registries and Resource Discovery
  • 4) Data Management
    • including preservation of data and knowledge
  • 5) Application Environments
  • 6) Astronomical Workflows
  • 7) Security
    • authroisation and authentication
  • 8) The Production Virtual Observatory
    • logging and debugging
    • training and support
    • account management
    • software licensing

Each session includes a period for open discussion

Duration of workshop

One full day - to be held in Tokyo at GGF17 (May 2006). The venue will at the GGF meeting location - see http://www.ggf.org/GGF17/ggf_events_ggf17.htm

Publication Plans

The meeting would be published as a GGF informational document.

-- NicholasWalton - 23 Apr 2006


Revision 92006-05-02 - NicholasWalton


IVOA - GGF Astro-RG Work Shop

Workshop Title

Building a Global Virtual Observatory for Astronomy - Grid Standards and their Relevance in Use

@ GGF17 10 May 2006, Tokyo, Japan

Agenda and Talks

Date/Time What Who Talk
Session 1
Requirements for a Virtual Observatory: the Domain Perspective
11.00 Welcome and Workshop Goals Masatoshi Ohishi  
11.10 Science drivers for a Virtual Observatory Nic Walton  
11.30 Capturing user needs - a middleware perspective Steve Newhouse  
Virtual Observatory Case Studies
11.50 Building IVOA Services: A requirements analysis Reagan Moore  
12.10 The Japanese Virtual Observatory (JVO) Yuji Shirasaki  
12.25 Discussion    
12.30-13.45 LUNCH
Session 2
13.45 Lessons from Enterprise Grids Craig Lee  
Registries and Resource Discovery
14.00 IVOA (inc AG/NVO) Registry Experience Keith Noddle  
Security, authorisation and authentication (I)
14.00 IVOA/ AstroGrid Single Sign-on Keith Noddle  
Data Management
14.15 DAIS-WG Norman Paton  
14.30 Preservation from the GGF-PE-RG Reagan Moore  
14.50 Integrating data mining and data access in China-VO Chao Liu  
15.05 Discussion    
15.15-15.45 COFFEE
Session 3
Security, authorisation and authentication
Security, authorisation and authentication (II)
15.45 IVOA - Grid Connection via std IAA systems Bill Baker  
16.00 OGSA security David Chadwick (TBC)  
16.15 Interoperability between Grids and the VO Guiiano Taffoni  
Astronomical Workflows
16.25 Workflows in the VO Phil Nicholson  
16.40 Astronomical workflows in Grid environments Valeria Manna  
16.55 GGF Job Description Steve McGough (TBC)  
17.10 Discussion    
17.15-17.45 COFFEE
Session 4
Application Environments
17.45 Astro Client Runtime as an Application interface Noel Winstanley  
18.05 The Simple API for Grid Applications (SAGA) Thilo Kielman  
Production Systems
18.20 Grid Infrastructure - NGS Neil Geddes  
18.40 INAF experience with EGEE Claudio Vuerli  
18.50 Measuring Performance David Wallom  
19.05 Workshop Summary Nic Walton  

Workshop organizer names and affiliations

  • Nicholas A Walton, IoA, Univ of Cambridge, UK (Co-Chair Astro-RG)
  • Chenzhou Cui, National Astronomical Observatory, China
  • Neil Geddes, NGS, RAL, UK
  • Thilo Kielmann, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, NL (Co-Chair APPS-RG)
  • Reagan Moore, SDSC, San Diego, USA (Co-Chair PE-RG)
  • Steven Newhouse, OMII, Southampton, UK (Co-Chair GESA-WG)
  • Mastoshi Ohishi, NAOJ, Tokyo, Japan (Chair IVOA)
  • Fabio Pasian, INAF-SI, Trieste, Italy (EGEE/NA4)
  • Guy Rixon, IoA, Univ of Cambridge, UK (Chair IVOA Grid-Web Services WG)
  • David Wallom, Center for E-Research Bristol, UK (Co-Chair PGS-RG)
  • Roy Williams, CACR, Caltech, USA (Chair IVOA Techinical Coordination Group)

Sponsoring Groups:

  • Astronomy Applications Astro-RG conf
  • Database Access and Integration Services WG DAIS-WG pend
  • Simple API for Grid Applications SAGA-RG pend
  • Preservation Environments PE-RG conf
  • Workflow Management Research Group WFM-RG pend
  • Production Grid Services Research Group PGS-RG pend

Scope and Content

This workshop, jointly sponsored by the GGF and the International Virtual Observatory Alliance (IVOA - see http://www.ivoa.net). The meeting is timely in that the global Virtual Observatory (VO) projects are now deploying systems worldwide for operational and scientific use, where use of emerging GGF standards in or instance data management and security may have a vital role to play. Interoperability with existing grid infrastructures (e.g. TeraGrid, EGEE) is also a key topic, since VO centers or users must be allowed to take advantage of the power offered by computational grids. This meeting preceeds the next major IVOA interoperability workshop to be held in Victoria, Canada (15-19 May 2006).

The programme would address issues of common interest to the GGF and the IVOA focusing on how a Global Virtual Observatory is being constructed using domain developed high level interoperability standards, but utilising lower level grid and grid service standards and concepts where relevant.

The workshop will provide an opportunity for those involved in creating the interoperabilty standards required by the global Vrtual Observatory community to interact with those creating generic grid standards. The feedback from the exemplar science domain will highlight the opportunities and difficulties presented by take up of GGF standard compliant implementations.

Programme Coverage

The programme will address in 8 sessions, the following areas:

  • 1) Requirements for a Virtual Observatory: the Domain Perspective
    • Science drivers for a Virtual Observatory (Walton)
    • Capturing user needs from a middleware perspective (Newhouse)
  • 2) VO Case Studies
    • Example VO implementations, UK, USA, Japan, etc
    • Experience with existing grid infrastructures
  • 3) Registries and Resource Discovery
  • 4) Data Management
    • including preservation of data and knowledge
  • 5) Application Environments
  • 6) Astronomical Workflows
  • 7) Security
    • authroisation and authentication
  • 8) The Production Virtual Observatory
    • logging and debugging
    • training and support
    • account management
    • software licensing

Each session includes a period for open discussion

Duration of workshop

One full day - to be held in Tokyo at GGF17 (May 2006). The venue will at the GGF meeting location - see http://www.ggf.org/GGF17/ggf_events_ggf17.htm

Publication Plans

The meeting would be published as a GGF informational document.

-- NicholasWalton - 23 Apr 2006


Revision 82006-04-24 - NicholasWalton


IVOA - GGF Astro-RG Work Shop

Workshop Title

Building a Global Virtual Observatory for Astronomy - Grid Standards and their Relevance in Use

@ GGF17 10 May 2006, Tokyo, Japan

Agenda and Talks

Date/Time What Who Talk
Session 1
Requirements for a Virtual Observatory: the Domain Perspective
11.00 Welcome and Workshop Goals Masatoshi Ohishi  
11.10 Science drivers for a Virtual Observatory Nic Walton  
11.30 Capturing user needs - a middleware perspective Steve Newhouse  
Virtual Observatory Case Studies
11.50 Building IVOA Services: A requirements analysis Reagan Moore  
12.10 The Japanese Virtual Observatory (JVO) Yuji Shirasaki  
12.25 Discussion    
12.30-13.45 LUNCH
Session 2
13.45 Lessons from Enterprise Grids Craig Lee  
Registries and Resource Discovery
14.00 IVOA (inc AG/NVO) Registry Experience Keith Noddle  
Data Management
14.15 DAIS-WG Norman Paton  
14.30 Preservation from the GGF-PE-RG Reagan Moore  
14.50 Integrating data mining and data access in China-VO Chao Liu  
15.05 Discussion    
15.15-15.45 COFFEE
Session 3
Security, authorisation and authentication
15.45 IVOA - Grid Connection via std IAA systems Bill Baker  
16.00 OGSA security David Chadwick (TBC)  
16.15 Interoperability between Grids and the VO Guiiano Taffoni  
Astronomical Workflows
16.25 Workflows in the VO Phil Nicholson  
16.40 Astronomical workflows in Grid environments Valeria Manna  
16.55 GGF Job Description Steve McGough (TBC)  
17.10 Discussion    
17.15-17.45 COFFEE
Session 4
Application Environments
17.45 Uniform Worker Service for Applications in the VO Noel Winstanley  
17.45 Astro Client Runtime as an Application interface Noel Winstanley  
18.05 The Simple API for Grid Applications (SAGA) Thilo Kielman  
Production Systems
18.20 Grid Infrastructure - NGS Neil Geddes  
18.40 INAF experience with EGEE Claudio Vuerli  
18.50 Measuring Performance David Wallom  
19.05 Workshop Summary Nic Walton  

Workshop organizer names and affiliations

  • Nicholas A Walton, IoA, Univ of Cambridge, UK (Co-Chair Astro-RG)
  • Chenzhou Cui, National Astronomical Observatory, China
  • Neil Geddes, NGS, RAL, UK
  • Thilo Kielmann, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, NL (Co-Chair APPS-RG)
  • Reagan Moore, SDSC, San Diego, USA (Co-Chair PE-RG)
  • Steven Newhouse, OMII, Southampton, UK (Co-Chair GESA-WG)
  • Mastoshi Ohishi, NAOJ, Tokyo, Japan (Chair IVOA)
  • Fabio Pasian, INAF-SI, Trieste, Italy (EGEE/NA4)
  • Guy Rixon, IoA, Univ of Cambridge, UK (Chair IVOA Grid-Web Services WG)
  • David Wallom, Center for E-Research Bristol, UK (Co-Chair PGS-RG)
  • Roy Williams, CACR, Caltech, USA (Chair IVOA Techinical Coordination Group)

Sponsoring Groups:

  • Astronomy Applications Astro-RG conf
  • Database Access and Integration Services WG DAIS-WG pend
  • Simple API for Grid Applications SAGA-RG pend
  • Preservation Environments PE-RG conf
  • Workflow Management Research Group WFM-RG pend
  • Production Grid Services Research Group PGS-RG pend

Scope and Content

This workshop, jointly sponsored by the GGF and the International Virtual Observatory Alliance (IVOA - see http://www.ivoa.net). The meeting is timely in that the global Virtual Observatory (VO) projects are now deploying systems worldwide for operational and scientific use, where use of emerging GGF standards in or instance data management and security may have a vital role to play. Interoperability with existing grid infrastructures (e.g. TeraGrid, EGEE) is also a key topic, since VO centers or users must be allowed to take advantage of the power offered by computational grids. This meeting preceeds the next major IVOA interoperability workshop to be held in Victoria, Canada (15-19 May 2006).

The programme would address issues of common interest to the GGF and the IVOA focusing on how a Global Virtual Observatory is being constructed using domain developed high level interoperability standards, but utilising lower level grid and grid service standards and concepts where relevant.

The workshop will provide an opportunity for those involved in creating the interoperabilty standards required by the global Vrtual Observatory community to interact with those creating generic grid standards. The feedback from the exemplar science domain will highlight the opportunities and difficulties presented by take up of GGF standard compliant implementations.

Programme Coverage

The programme will address in 8 sessions, the following areas:

  • 1) Requirements for a Virtual Observatory: the Domain Perspective
    • Science drivers for a Virtual Observatory (Walton)
    • Capturing user needs from a middleware perspective (Newhouse)
  • 2) VO Case Studies
    • Example VO implementations, UK, USA, Japan, etc
    • Experience with existing grid infrastructures
  • 3) Registries and Resource Discovery
  • 4) Data Management
    • including preservation of data and knowledge
  • 5) Application Environments
  • 6) Astronomical Workflows
  • 7) Security
    • authroisation and authentication
  • 8) The Production Virtual Observatory
    • logging and debugging
    • training and support
    • account management
    • software licensing

Each session includes a period for open discussion

Duration of workshop

One full day - to be held in Tokyo at GGF17 (May 2006). The venue will at the GGF meeting location - see http://www.ggf.org/GGF17/ggf_events_ggf17.htm

Publication Plans

The meeting would be published as a GGF informational document.

-- NicholasWalton - 23 Apr 2006


Revision 72006-04-23 - NicholasWalton


IVOA - GGF Astro-RG Work Shop

Workshop Title

Building a Global Virtual Observatory for Astronomy - Grid Standards and their Relevance in Use

@ GGF17 10 May 2006, Tokyo, Japan

Agenda and Talks

Date/Time What Who Talk
Session 1
Requirements for a Virtual Observatory: the Domain Perspective
11.00 Welcome and Workshop Goals Masatoshi Ohishi  
11.10 Science drivers for a Virtual Observatory Nic Walton  
11.30 Capturing user needs - a middleware perspective Steve Newhouse  
Virtual Observatory Case Studies
11.50 Building IVOA Services: A requirements analysis Reagan Moore  
12.10 The Japanese Virtual Observatory (JVO) Yuji Shirasaki  
12.25 Discussion    
12.30-13.45 LUNCH
Session 2
13.45 Lessons from Enterprise Grids Craig Lee (TBC)  
13.45 Lessons from Enterprise Grids Craig Lee  
Registries and Resource Discovery
14.00 IVOA (inc AG/NVO) Registry Experience Keith Noddle  
Data Management
14.15 DAIS-WG Norman Paton  
14.30 Preservation from the GGF-PE-RG Reagan Moore  
14.50 Integrating data mining and data access in China-VO Chao Liu  
15.05 Discussion    
15.15-15.45 COFFEE
Session 3
Security, authorisation and authentication
15.45 IVOA - Grid Connection via std IAA systems Bill Baker  
16.00 OGSA security David Chadwick (TBC)  
16.15 Interoperability between Grids and the VO Guiiano Taffoni  
Astronomical Workflows
16.25 Workflows in the VO Phil Nicholson  
16.40 Astronomical workflows in Grid environments Valeria Manna  
16.55 GGF Job Description Steve McGough (TBC)  
17.10 Discussion    
17.15-17.45 COFFEE
Session 4
Application Environments
17.45 Uniform Worker Service for Applications in the VO Noel Winstanley  
18.05 The Simple API for Grid Applications (SAGA) Thilo Kielman  
Production Systems
18.20 Grid Infrastructure - NGS Neil Geddes  
18.40 INAF experience with EGEE Claudio Vuerli  
18.50 Measuring Performance David Wallom  
19.05 Workshop Summary Nic Walton  

Workshop organizer names and affiliations

  • Nicholas A Walton, IoA, Univ of Cambridge, UK (Co-Chair Astro-RG)
  • Chenzhou Cui, National Astronomical Observatory, China
  • Neil Geddes, NGS, RAL, UK
  • Thilo Kielmann, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, NL (Co-Chair APPS-RG)
  • Reagan Moore, SDSC, San Diego, USA (Co-Chair PE-RG)
  • Steven Newhouse, OMII, Southampton, UK (Co-Chair GESA-WG)
  • Mastoshi Ohishi, NAOJ, Tokyo, Japan (Chair IVOA)
  • Fabio Pasian, INAF-SI, Trieste, Italy (EGEE/NA4)
  • Guy Rixon, IoA, Univ of Cambridge, UK (Chair IVOA Grid-Web Services WG)
  • David Wallom, Center for E-Research Bristol, UK (Co-Chair PGS-RG)
  • Roy Williams, CACR, Caltech, USA (Chair IVOA Techinical Coordination Group)

Sponsoring Groups:

  • Astronomy Applications Astro-RG conf
  • Database Access and Integration Services WG DAIS-WG pend
  • Simple API for Grid Applications SAGA-RG pend
  • Preservation Environments PE-RG conf
  • Workflow Management Research Group WFM-RG pend
  • Production Grid Services Research Group PGS-RG pend

Scope and Content

This workshop, jointly sponsored by the GGF and the International Virtual Observatory Alliance (IVOA - see http://www.ivoa.net). The meeting is timely in that the global Virtual Observatory (VO) projects are now deploying systems worldwide for operational and scientific use, where use of emerging GGF standards in or instance data management and security may have a vital role to play. Interoperability with existing grid infrastructures (e.g. TeraGrid, EGEE) is also a key topic, since VO centers or users must be allowed to take advantage of the power offered by computational grids. This meeting preceeds the next major IVOA interoperability workshop to be held in Victoria, Canada (15-19 May 2006).

The programme would address issues of common interest to the GGF and the IVOA focusing on how a Global Virtual Observatory is being constructed using domain developed high level interoperability standards, but utilising lower level grid and grid service standards and concepts where relevant.

The workshop will provide an opportunity for those involved in creating the interoperabilty standards required by the global Vrtual Observatory community to interact with those creating generic grid standards. The feedback from the exemplar science domain will highlight the opportunities and difficulties presented by take up of GGF standard compliant implementations.

Programme Coverage

The programme will address in 8 sessions, the following areas:

  • 1) Requirements for a Virtual Observatory: the Domain Perspective
    • Science drivers for a Virtual Observatory (Walton)
    • Capturing user needs from a middleware perspective (Newhouse)
  • 2) VO Case Studies
    • Example VO implementations, UK, USA, Japan, etc
    • Experience with existing grid infrastructures
  • 3) Registries and Resource Discovery
  • 4) Data Management
    • including preservation of data and knowledge
  • 5) Application Environments
  • 6) Astronomical Workflows
  • 7) Security
    • authroisation and authentication
  • 8) The Production Virtual Observatory
    • logging and debugging
    • training and support
    • account management
    • software licensing

Each session includes a period for open discussion

Duration of workshop

One full day - to be held in Tokyo at GGF17 (May 2006). The venue will at the GGF meeting location - see http://www.ggf.org/GGF17/ggf_events_ggf17.htm

Publication Plans

The meeting would be published as a GGF informational document.

-- NicholasWalton - 23 Apr 2006


Revision 62006-04-23 - NicholasWalton


IVOA - GGF Astro-RG Work Shop

Workshop Title

Building a Global Virtual Observatory for Astronomy - Grid Standards and their Relevance in Use

@ GGF17 10 May 2006, Tokyo, Japan

Agenda and Talks

Date/Time What Who Talk
Session 1: Requirements for a Virtual Observatory: the Domain Perspective
Session 1
Requirements for a Virtual Observatory: the Domain Perspective
11.00 Welcome and Workshop Goals Masatoshi Ohishi  
11.10 Science drivers for a Virtual Observatory Nic Walton  
11.30 Capturing user needs - a middleware perspective Steve Newhouse  
Session 2: Virtual Observatory Case Studies
Virtual Observatory Case Studies
11.50 Building IVOA Services: A requirements analysis Reagan Moore  
12.10 The Japanese Virtual Observatory (JVO) Yuji Shirasaki  
12.25 Discussion    
12.30-13.45 LUNCH
Session 2
13.45 Lessons from Enterprise Grids Craig Lee (TBC)  
  Session 3: Registries and Resource Discovery
Registries and Resource Discovery
14.00 IVOA (inc AG/NVO) Registry Experience Keith Noddle  
Session 4: Data Management
Data Management
14.15 DAIS-WG Norman Paton  
14.30 Preservation from the GGF-PE-RG Reagan Moore  
14.50 Integrating data mining and data access in China-VO Chao Liu  
15.05 Discussion    
15.15-15.45 COFFEE
Session 5: Application Environments
15.45 Uniform Worker Service for Applications in the VO Noel Winstanley  
16.00 Standard Application interfaces Thilo Kielman (TBC)  
Session 3
Security, authorisation and authentication
15.45 IVOA - Grid Connection via std IAA systems Bill Baker  
16.00 OGSA security David Chadwick (TBC)  
16.15 Interoperability between Grids and the VO Guiiano Taffoni  
Session 6: Astronomical Workflows
Astronomical Workflows
16.25 Workflows in the VO Phil Nicholson  
16.40 Astronomical workflows in Grid environments Valeria Manna  
16.55 GGF Job Description Steve McGough (TBC)  
17.10 Discussion    
17.15-17.45 COFFEE
Session 7: Security, authorisation and authentication
17.45 IVOA - Grid Connection via std IAA systems Bill Baker  
18.05 OGSA security David Chadwick (TBC)  
Session 8: Production Systems
Session 4
Application Environments
17.45 Uniform Worker Service for Applications in the VO Noel Winstanley  
18.05 The Simple API for Grid Applications (SAGA) Thilo Kielman  
Production Systems
18.20 Grid Infrastructure - NGS Neil Geddes  
18.40 INAF experience with EGEE Claudio Vuerli  
18.50 Measuring Performance David Wallom  
19.05 Workshop Summary Nic Walton  

Workshop organizer names and affiliations

  • Nicholas A Walton, IoA, Univ of Cambridge, UK (Co-Chair Astro-RG)
  • Chenzhou Cui, National Astronomical Observatory, China
  • Neil Geddes, NGS, RAL, UK
  • Thilo Kielmann, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, NL (Co-Chair APPS-RG)
  • Reagan Moore, SDSC, San Diego, USA (Co-Chair PE-RG)
  • Steven Newhouse, OMII, Southampton, UK (Co-Chair GESA-WG)
  • Mastoshi Ohishi, NAOJ, Tokyo, Japan (Chair IVOA)
  • Fabio Pasian, INAF-SI, Trieste, Italy (EGEE/NA4)
  • Guy Rixon, IoA, Univ of Cambridge, UK (Chair IVOA Grid-Web Services WG)
  • David Wallom, Center for E-Research Bristol, UK (Co-Chair PGS-RG)
  • Roy Williams, CACR, Caltech, USA (Chair IVOA Techinical Coordination Group)

Sponsoring Groups:

  • Astronomy Applications Astro-RG conf
  • Database Access and Integration Services WG DAIS-WG pend
  • Simple API for Grid Applications SAGA-RG pend
  • Preservation Environments PE-RG conf
  • Workflow Management Research Group WFM-RG pend
  • Production Grid Services Research Group PGS-RG pend

Scope and Content

This workshop, jointly sponsored by the GGF and the International Virtual Observatory Alliance (IVOA - see http://www.ivoa.net). The meeting is timely in that the global Virtual Observatory (VO) projects are now deploying systems worldwide for operational and scientific use, where use of emerging GGF standards in or instance data management and security may have a vital role to play. Interoperability with existing grid infrastructures (e.g. TeraGrid, EGEE) is also a key topic, since VO centers or users must be allowed to take advantage of the power offered by computational grids. This meeting preceeds the next major IVOA interoperability workshop to be held in Victoria, Canada (15-19 May 2006).

The programme would address issues of common interest to the GGF and the IVOA focusing on how a Global Virtual Observatory is being constructed using domain developed high level interoperability standards, but utilising lower level grid and grid service standards and concepts where relevant.

The workshop will provide an opportunity for those involved in creating the interoperabilty standards required by the global Vrtual Observatory community to interact with those creating generic grid standards. The feedback from the exemplar science domain will highlight the opportunities and difficulties presented by take up of GGF standard compliant implementations.

Programme Coverage

The programme will address in 8 sessions, the following areas:

  • 1) Requirements for a Virtual Observatory: the Domain Perspective
    • Science drivers for a Virtual Observatory (Walton)
    • Capturing user needs from a middleware perspective (Newhouse)
  • 2) VO Case Studies
    • Example VO implementations, UK, USA, Japan, etc
    • Experience with existing grid infrastructures
  • 3) Registries and Resource Discovery
  • 4) Data Management
    • including preservation of data and knowledge
  • 5) Application Environments
  • 6) Astronomical Workflows
  • 7) Security
    • authroisation and authentication
  • 8) The Production Virtual Observatory
    • logging and debugging
    • training and support
    • account management
    • software licensing

Each session includes a period for open discussion

Duration of workshop

One full day - to be held in Tokyo at GGF17 (May 2006). The venue will at the GGF meeting location - see http://www.ggf.org/GGF17/ggf_events_ggf17.htm

Publication Plans

The meeting would be published as a GGF informational document.

-- NicholasWalton - 23 Apr 2006


Revision 52006-04-23 - NicholasWalton


IVOA - GGF Astro-RG Work Shop

Workshop Title

Building a Global Virtual Observatory for Astronomy - Grid Standards and their Relevance in Use

@ GGF17 10 May 2006, Tokyo, Japan

Agenda and Talks

Date/Time What Who Talk
Session 1: Requirements for a Virtual Observatory: the Domain Perspective
11.00 Welcome and Workshop Goals Masatoshi Ohishi  
11.10 Science drivers for a Virtual Observatory Nic Walton  
11.30 Capturing user needs - a middleware perspective Steve Newhouse  
Session 2: Virtual Observatory Case Studies
11.50 Building IVOA Services: A requirements analysis Reagan Moore  
12.10 The Japenese Virtual Observatory (JVO) Yuji Shirasaki  
12.10 The Japanese Virtual Observatory (JVO) Yuji Shirasaki  
12.25 Discussion    
12.30-13.45 LUNCH
13.45 Lessons from Enterprise Grids Craig Lee (TBC)  
  Session 3: Registries and Resource Discovery
13.45 IVOA (inc AG/NVO) Registry Experience Keith Noddle  
14.00 IVOA (inc AG/NVO) Registry Experience Keith Noddle  
14.05 GGF-UDDI talk TBC  
Session 4: Data Management
14.15 DAIS-WG Norman Paton  
14.30 Preservation from the GGF-PE-RG Reagan Moore  
14.50 Integrating data mining and data access in China-VO Chao Liu  
15.05 Discussion    
15.15-15.45 COFFEE
Session 5: Application Environments
15.45 Uniform Worker Service for Applications in the VO Noel Winstanley  
16.00 Standard Application interfaces Thilo Kielman (TBC)  
16.15 Interoperability between Grids and the VO Guiiano Taffoni  
Session 6: Astronomical Workflows
16.25 Workflows in the VO Phil Nicholson  
16.40 Astronomical workflows in Grid environments Valeria Manna  
16.55 Workflow Management on the Grid WFM-RG (TBC)  
16.55 GGF Job Description Steve McGough (TBC)  
17.10 Discussion    
17.15-17.45 COFFEE
Session 7: Security, authorisation and authentication
17.45 IVOA - Grid Connection via std IAA systems Bill Baker  
18.05 OGSA security David Chadwick (TBC)  
Session 8: Production Systems
18.20 Grid Infrastructure - NGS Neil Geddes  
18.40 INAF experience with EGEE Claudio Vuerli  
18.50 Measuring Performance David Wallom  
19.05 Workshop Summary Nic Walton  

Workshop organizer names and affiliations

  • Nicholas A Walton, IoA, Univ of Cambridge, UK (Co-Chair Astro-RG)
  • Chenzhou Cui, National Astronomical Observatory, China
  • Neil Geddes, NGS, RAL, UK
  • Thilo Kielmann, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, NL (Co-Chair APPS-RG)
  • Reagan Moore, SDSC, San Diego, USA (Co-Chair PE-RG)
  • Steven Newhouse, OMII, Southampton, UK (Co-Chair GESA-WG)
  • Mastoshi Ohishi, NAOJ, Tokyo, Japan (Chair IVOA)
  • Fabio Pasian, INAF-SI, Trieste, Italy (EGEE/NA4)
  • Guy Rixon, IoA, Univ of Cambridge, UK (Chair IVOA Grid-Web Services WG)
  • David Wallom, Center for E-Research Bristol, UK (Co-Chair PGS-RG)
  • Roy Williams, CACR, Caltech, USA (Chair IVOA Techinical Coordination Group)

Sponsoring Groups:

  • Astronomy Applications Astro-RG conf
  • Database Access and Integration Services WG DAIS-WG pend
  • Simple API for Grid Applications SAGA-RG pend
  • Preservation Environments PE-RG conf
  • Workflow Management Research Group WFM-RG pend
  • Production Grid Services Research Group PGS-RG pend

Scope and Content

This workshop, jointly sponsored by the GGF and the International Virtual Observatory Alliance (IVOA - see http://www.ivoa.net). The meeting is timely in that the global Virtual Observatory (VO) projects are now deploying systems worldwide for operational and scientific use, where use of emerging GGF standards in or instance data management and security may have a vital role to

play. Interoperability with existing grid infrastructures (e.g. TeraGrid, EGEE) is also a key topic, since VO centers or users must be allowed to take advantage of the power offered by computational grids. This meeting preceeds the next major IVOA interoperability workshop to be held in Victoria, Canada (15-19 May 2006).
play. Interoperability with existing grid infrastructures (e.g. TeraGrid, EGEE) is also a key topic, since VO centers or users must be allowed to take advantage of the power offered by computational grids. This meeting preceeds the next major IVOA interoperability workshop to be held in Victoria, Canada (15-19 May 2006).
  The programme would address issues of common interest to the GGF and the IVOA focusing on how a Global Virtual Observatory is being constructed using domain developed high level interoperability standards, but utilising lower level grid and grid service standards and concepts where relevant.

The workshop will provide an opportunity for those involved in creating the interoperabilty standards required by the global Vrtual Observatory community to interact with those creating generic grid standards. The feedback from the exemplar science domain will highlight the opportunities and difficulties presented by take up of GGF standard compliant implementations.

Programme Coverage

The programme will address in 8 sessions, the following areas:

  • 1) Requirements for a Virtual Observatory: the Domain Perspective
    • Science drivers for a Virtual Observatory (Walton)
    • Capturing user needs from a middleware perspective (Newhouse)
  • 2) VO Case Studies
    • Example VO implementations, UK, USA, Japan, etc
    • Experience with existing grid infrastructures
  • 3) Registries and Resource Discovery
  • 4) Data Management
    • including preservation of data and knowledge
  • 5) Application Environments
  • 6) Astronomical Workflows
  • 7) Security
    • authroisation and authentication
  • 8) The Production Virtual Observatory
    • logging and debugging
    • training and support
    • account management
    • software licensing

Each session includes a period for open discussion

Duration of workshop

One full day - to be held in Tokyo at GGF17 (May 2006). The venue will at the GGF meeting location - see http://www.ggf.org/GGF17/ggf_events_ggf17.htm

Publication Plans

The meeting would be published as a GGF informational document.

-- NicholasWalton - 23 Apr 2006


Revision 42006-04-23 - NicholasWalton


IVOA - GGF Astro-RG Work Shop

@ GGF17 May 2006, Tokyo, Japan

Workshop Title


UPDATE 31 Mar 2006

Building a Global Virtual Observatory for Astronomy - Grid Standards and their Relevance in Use
Workshop approved: Date: Weds 10 May 2006 from 11am - duration 4x90min slots - venue GGF@Tokyo - see http://www.ggf.org/GGF17/ggf_events_ggf17.htm
@ GGF17 10 May 2006, Tokyo, Japan

Workshop Title


Agenda and Talks

Building a Global Virtual Observatory for Astronomy - Grid Standards and their Relevance in Use
Date/Time What Who Talk
Session 1: Requirements for a Virtual Observatory: the Domain Perspective
11.00 Welcome and Workshop Goals Masatoshi Ohishi  
11.10 Science drivers for a Virtual Observatory Nic Walton  
11.30 Capturing user needs - a middleware perspective Steve Newhouse  
Session 2: Virtual Observatory Case Studies
11.50 Building IVOA Services: A requirements analysis Reagan Moore  
12.10 The Japenese Virtual Observatory (JVO) Yuji Shirasaki  
12.25 Discussion    
12.30-13.45 LUNCH
  Session 3: Registries and Resource Discovery
13.45 IVOA (inc AG/NVO) Registry Experience Keith Noddle  
14.05 GGF-UDDI talk TBC  
Session 4: Data Management
14.15 DAIS-WG Norman Paton  
14.30 Preservation from the GGF-PE-RG Reagan Moore  
14.50 Integrating data mining and data access in China-VO Chao Liu  
15.05 Discussion    
15.15-15.45 COFFEE
Session 5: Application Environments
15.45 Uniform Worker Service for Applications in the VO Noel Winstanley  
16.00 Standard Application interfaces Thilo Kielman (TBC)  
16.15 Interoperability between Grids and the VO Guiiano Taffoni  
Session 6: Astronomical Workflows
16.25 Workflows in the VO Phil Nicholson  
16.40 Astronomical workflows in Grid environments Valeria Manna  
16.55 Workflow Management on the Grid WFM-RG (TBC)  
17.10 Discussion    
17.15-17.45 COFFEE
Session 7: Security, authorisation and authentication
17.45 IVOA - Grid Connection via std IAA systems Bill Baker  
18.05 OGSA security David Chadwick (TBC)  
Session 8: Production Systems
18.20 Grid Infrastructure - NGS Neil Geddes  
18.40 INAF experience with EGEE Claudio Vuerli  
18.50 Measuring Performance David Wallom  
19.05 Workshop Summary Nic Walton  

Proposed workshop organizer names and affiliations


Workshop organizer names and affiliations

  • Nicholas A Walton, IoA, Univ of Cambridge, UK (Co-Chair Astro-RG)
  • Chenzhou Cui, National Astronomical Observatory, China
  • Neil Geddes, NGS, RAL, UK
  • Thilo Kielmann, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, NL (Co-Chair APPS-RG)
  • Reagan Moore, SDSC, San Diego, USA (Co-Chair PE-RG)
  • Steven Newhouse, OMII, Southampton, UK (Co-Chair GESA-WG)
  • Mastoshi Ohishi, NAOJ, Tokyo, Japan (Chair IVOA)
  • Fabio Pasian, INAF-SI, Trieste, Italy (EGEE/NA4)
  • Guy Rixon, IoA, Univ of Cambridge, UK (Chair IVOA Grid-Web Services WG)
  • David Wallom, Center for E-Research Bristol, UK (Co-Chair PGS-RG)
  • Roy Williams, CACR, Caltech, USA (Chair IVOA Techinical Coordination Group)

Sponsoring Groups:

  • Astronomy Applications Astro-RG conf
  • Database Access and Integration Services WG DAIS-WG pend
  • Simple API for Grid Applications SAGA-RG pend
  • Preservation Environments PE-RG conf
  • Workflow Management Research Group WFM-RG pend
  • Production Grid Services Research Group PGS-RG pend

Scope and Content

This workshop, jointly sponsored by the GGF and the International Virtual Observatory Alliance (IVOA - see http://www.ivoa.net). The meeting is timely in that the global Virtual Observatory (VO) projects are now deploying systems worldwide for operational and scientific use, where use of emerging GGF standards in or instance data management and security may have a vital role to play. Interoperability with existing grid infrastructures (e.g. TeraGrid, EGEE) is also a key topic, since VO centers or users must be allowed to take advantage of the power offered by computational grids. This meeting preceeds the next major IVOA interoperability workshop to be held in Victoria, Canada (15-19 May 2006).

The programme would address issues of common interest to the GGF and the IVOA focusing on how a Global Virtual Observatory is being constructed using domain developed high level interoperability standards, but utilising lower level grid and grid service standards and concepts where relevant.

The workshop will provide an opportunity for those involved in creating the interoperabilty standards required by the global Vrtual Observatory community to interact with those creating generic grid standards. The feedback from the exemplar science domain will highlight the opportunities and difficulties presented by take up of GGF standard compliant implementations.




Programme Coverage

We envisage that the meeting would be a 'Type two (refereed workshop)' - with a call for papers.
The programme will address in 8 sessions, the following areas:
The programme would address in 8 ~one hour sessions, the following areas:
  • 1) Requirements for a Virtual Observatory: the Domain Perspective
    • Science drivers for a Virtual Observatory (Walton)
    • Capturing user needs from a middleware perspective (Newhouse)
  • 2) VO Case Studies
    • Example VO implementations, UK, USA, Japan, etc
    • Experience with existing grid infrastructures
  • 3) Registries and Resource Discovery
  • 4) Data Management
    • including preservation of data and knowledge
  • 5) Application Environments
  • 6) Astronomical Workflows
  • 7) Security
    • authroisation and authentication
  • 8) The Production Virtual Observatory
    • logging and debugging
    • training and support
    • account management
    • software licensing
Each session would include a period for open discussion
Each session includes a period for open discussion

Duration of workshop

One full day - to be held in Tokyo at GGF17 (May 2006). The venue will at the GGF meeting location - see http://www.ggf.org/GGF17/ggf_events_ggf17.htm

Publication Plans

The meeting would be published as a GGF informational document.


-- NicholasWalton - 23 Apr 2006


Revision 32006-04-10 - NicholasWalton


IVOA - GGF Astro-RG Work Shop

@ GGF17 May 2006, Tokyo, Japan

UPDATE 31 Mar 2006

Workshop approved: Date: Weds 10 May 2006 from 11am - duration 4x90min slots - venue GGF@Tokyo - see http://www.ggf.org/GGF17/ggf_events_ggf17.htm

Workshop Title

Building a Global Virtual Observatory for Astronomy - Grid Standards and their Relevance in Use

Proposed workshop organizer names and affiliations

  • Nicholas A Walton, IoA, Univ of Cambridge, UK (Co-Chair Astro-RG)
  • Chenzhou Cui, National Astronomical Observatory, China
  • Neil Geddes, NGS, RAL, UK
  • Thilo Kielmann, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, NL (Co-Chair APPS-RG)
  • Reagan Moore, SDSC, San Diego, USA (Co-Chair PE-RG)
  • Steven Newhouse, OMII, Southampton, UK (Co-Chair GESA-WG)
  • Mastoshi Ohishi, NAOJ, Tokyo, Japan (Chair IVOA)
  • Fabio Pasian, INAF-SI, Trieste, Italy (EGEE/NA4)
  • Guy Rixon, IoA, Univ of Cambridge, UK (Chair IVOA Grid-Web Services WG)
  • David Wallom, Center for E-Research Bristol, UK (Co-Chair PGS-RG)
  • Roy Williams, CACR, Caltech, USA (Chair IVOA Techinical Coordination Group)

Sponsoring Groups:

  • Astronomy Applications Astro-RG conf
  • Database Access and Integration Services WG DAIS-WG pend
  • Simple API for Grid Applications SAGA-RG pend
  • Preservation Environments PE-RG conf
  • Workflow Management Research Group WFM-RG pend
  • Production Grid Services Research Group PGS-RG pend

Scope and Content

This workshop, jointly sponsored by the GGF and the International Virtual Observatory Alliance (IVOA - see http://www.ivoa.net). The meeting is timely in that the global Virtual Observatory (VO) projects are now deploying systems worldwide for operational and scientific use, where use of emerging GGF standards in or instance data management and security may have a vital role to play. Interoperability with existing grid infrastructures (e.g. TeraGrid, EGEE) is also a key topic, since VO centers or users must be allowed to take advantage of the power offered by computational grids. This meeting preceeds the next major IVOA interoperability workshop to be held in Victoria, Canada (15-19 May 2006).

The programme would address issues of common interest to the GGF and the IVOA focusing on how a Global Virtual Observatory is being constructed using domain developed high level interoperability standards, but utilising lower level grid and grid service standards and concepts where relevant.

The workshop will provide an opportunity for those involved in creating the interoperabilty standards required by the global Vrtual Observatory community to interact with those creating generic grid standards. The feedback from the exemplar science domain will highlight the opportunities and difficulties presented by take up of GGF standard compliant implementations.


We envisage that the meeting would be a 'Type two (refereed workshop)' - with a call for papers.

The programme would address in 8 ~one hour sessions, the following areas:

  • 1) Requirements for a Virtual Observatory: the Domain Perspective
    • Science drivers for a Virtual Observatory (Walton)
    • Capturing user needs from a middleware perspective (Newhouse)
  • 2) VO Case Studies
    • Example VO implementations, UK, USA, Japan, etc
    • Experience with existing grid infrastructures
  • 3) Registries and Resource Discovery
  • 4) Data Management
    • including preservation of data and knowledge
  • 5) Application Environments
  • 6) Astronomical Workflows
  • 7) Security
    • authroisation and authentication
  • 8) The Production Virtual Observatory
    • logging and debugging
    • training and support
    • account management
    • software licensing

Each session would include a period for open discussion

Duration of workshop

One full day - to be held in Tokyo at GGF17 (May 2006). The venue could be either the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, or at the GGF.
One full day - to be held in Tokyo at GGF17 (May 2006). The venue will at the GGF meeting location - see http://www.ggf.org/GGF17/ggf_events_ggf17.htm

Publication Plans

The meeting would be published as a GGF informational document.


Revision 22006-03-31 - NicholasWalton


IVOA - GGF Astro-RG Work Shop

@ GGF17 May 2006, Tokyo, Japan


UPDATE 31 Mar 2006

Workshop approved: Date: Weds 10 May 2006 from 11am - duration 4x90min slots - venue GGF@Tokyo - see http://www.ggf.org/GGF17/ggf_events_ggf17.htm


Workshop Title

Building a Global Virtual Observatory for Astronomy - Grid Standards and their Relevance in Use

Proposed workshop organizer names and affiliations

  • Nicholas A Walton, IoA, Univ of Cambridge, UK (Co-Chair Astro-RG)
  • Chenzhou Cui, National Astronomical Observatory, China
  • Neil Geddes, NGS, RAL, UK
  • Thilo Kielmann, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, NL (Co-Chair APPS-RG)
  • Reagan Moore, SDSC, San Diego, USA (Co-Chair PE-RG)
  • Steven Newhouse, OMII, Southampton, UK (Co-Chair GESA-WG)
  • Mastoshi Ohishi, NAOJ, Tokyo, Japan (Chair IVOA)
  • Fabio Pasian, INAF-SI, Trieste, Italy (EGEE/NA4)
  • Guy Rixon, IoA, Univ of Cambridge, UK (Chair IVOA Grid-Web Services WG)
  • David Wallom, Center for E-Research Bristol, UK (Co-Chair PGS-RG)
  • Roy Williams, CACR, Caltech, USA (Chair IVOA Techinical Coordination Group)

Sponsoring Groups:

  • Astronomy Applications Astro-RG conf
  • Database Access and Integration Services WG DAIS-WG pend
  • Simple API for Grid Applications SAGA-RG pend
  • Preservation Environments PE-RG conf
  • Workflow Management Research Group WFM-RG pend
  • Production Grid Services Research Group PGS-RG pend

Scope and Content

This workshop, jointly sponsored by the GGF and the International Virtual Observatory Alliance (IVOA - see http://www.ivoa.net). The meeting is timely in that the global Virtual Observatory (VO) projects are now deploying systems worldwide for operational and scientific use, where use of emerging GGF standards in or instance data management and security may have a vital role to play. Interoperability with existing grid infrastructures (e.g. TeraGrid, EGEE) is also a key topic, since VO centers or users must be allowed to take advantage of the power offered by computational grids. This meeting preceeds the next major IVOA interoperability workshop to be held in Victoria, Canada (15-19 May 2006).

The programme would address issues of common interest to the GGF and the IVOA focusing on how a Global Virtual Observatory is being constructed using domain developed high level interoperability standards, but utilising lower level grid and grid service standards and concepts where relevant.

The workshop will provide an opportunity for those involved in creating the interoperabilty standards required by the global Vrtual Observatory community to interact with those creating generic grid standards. The feedback from the exemplar science domain will highlight the opportunities and difficulties presented by take up of GGF standard compliant implementations.


We envisage that the meeting would be a 'Type two (refereed workshop)' - with a call for papers.

The programme would address in 8 ~one hour sessions, the following areas:

  • 1) Requirements for a Virtual Observatory: the Domain Perspective
    • Science drivers for a Virtual Observatory (Walton)
    • Capturing user needs from a middleware perspective (Newhouse)
  • 2) VO Case Studies
    • Example VO implementations, UK, USA, Japan, etc
    • Experience with existing grid infrastructures
  • 3) Registries and Resource Discovery
  • 4) Data Management
    • including preservation of data and knowledge
  • 5) Application Environments
  • 6) Astronomical Workflows
  • 7) Security
    • authroisation and authentication
  • 8) The Production Virtual Observatory
    • logging and debugging
    • training and support
    • account management
    • software licensing

Each session would include a period for open discussion

Duration of workshop

One full day - to be held in Tokyo at GGF17 (May 2006). The venue could be either the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, or at the GGF.

Publication Plans

The meeting would be published as a GGF informational document.


Revision 12006-03-16 - NicholasWalton


IVOA - GGF Astro-RG Work Shop

@ GGF17 May 2006, Tokyo, Japan

Workshop Title

Building a Global Virtual Observatory for Astronomy - Grid Standards and their Relevance in Use

Proposed workshop organizer names and affiliations

  • Nicholas A Walton, IoA, Univ of Cambridge, UK (Co-Chair Astro-RG)
  • Chenzhou Cui, National Astronomical Observatory, China
  • Neil Geddes, NGS, RAL, UK
  • Thilo Kielmann, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, NL (Co-Chair APPS-RG)
  • Reagan Moore, SDSC, San Diego, USA (Co-Chair PE-RG)
  • Steven Newhouse, OMII, Southampton, UK (Co-Chair GESA-WG)
  • Mastoshi Ohishi, NAOJ, Tokyo, Japan (Chair IVOA)
  • Fabio Pasian, INAF-SI, Trieste, Italy (EGEE/NA4)
  • Guy Rixon, IoA, Univ of Cambridge, UK (Chair IVOA Grid-Web Services WG)
  • David Wallom, Center for E-Research Bristol, UK (Co-Chair PGS-RG)
  • Roy Williams, CACR, Caltech, USA (Chair IVOA Techinical Coordination Group)

Sponsoring Groups:

  • Astronomy Applications Astro-RG conf
  • Database Access and Integration Services WG DAIS-WG pend
  • Simple API for Grid Applications SAGA-RG pend
  • Preservation Environments PE-RG conf
  • Workflow Management Research Group WFM-RG pend
  • Production Grid Services Research Group PGS-RG pend

Scope and Content

This workshop, jointly sponsored by the GGF and the International Virtual Observatory Alliance (IVOA - see http://www.ivoa.net). The meeting is timely in that the global Virtual Observatory (VO) projects are now deploying systems worldwide for operational and scientific use, where use of emerging GGF standards in or instance data management and security may have a vital role to play. Interoperability with existing grid infrastructures (e.g. TeraGrid, EGEE) is also a key topic, since VO centers or users must be allowed to take advantage of the power offered by computational grids. This meeting preceeds the next major IVOA interoperability workshop to be held in Victoria, Canada (15-19 May 2006).

The programme would address issues of common interest to the GGF and the IVOA focusing on how a Global Virtual Observatory is being constructed using domain developed high level interoperability standards, but utilising lower level grid and grid service standards and concepts where relevant.

The workshop will provide an opportunity for those involved in creating the interoperabilty standards required by the global Vrtual Observatory community to interact with those creating generic grid standards. The feedback from the exemplar science domain will highlight the opportunities and difficulties presented by take up of GGF standard compliant implementations.


We envisage that the meeting would be a 'Type two (refereed workshop)' - with a call for papers.

The programme would address in 8 ~one hour sessions, the following areas:

  • 1) Requirements for a Virtual Observatory: the Domain Perspective
    • Science drivers for a Virtual Observatory (Walton)
    • Capturing user needs from a middleware perspective (Newhouse)
  • 2) VO Case Studies
    • Example VO implementations, UK, USA, Japan, etc
    • Experience with existing grid infrastructures
  • 3) Registries and Resource Discovery
  • 4) Data Management
    • including preservation of data and knowledge
  • 5) Application Environments
  • 6) Astronomical Workflows
  • 7) Security
    • authroisation and authentication
  • 8) The Production Virtual Observatory
    • logging and debugging
    • training and support
    • account management
    • software licensing

Each session would include a period for open discussion

Duration of workshop

One full day - to be held in Tokyo at GGF17 (May 2006). The venue could be either the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, or at the GGF.

Publication Plans

The meeting would be published as a GGF informational document.

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