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HEIG Thematic Meeting on Obscore (online) - Tuesday Feb 11, 2025 @ 14:00 UTC


  • Attendees : Bruno, Antara, Mark CD, Francesca, Francois, Ian, Jutta, Mark Kettenis, Mathieu, Mireille, Raffaele, Janet
  • Regrets :




  • HEIG: Initiate an Endorsed Note on Obscore with suggested keywords unique to HE, common and suggested for the core Obscore model, or in common with Radio from their document.
  • HEIG: Stay focused on HE and work to encompass by defining the extension & core components for all of the data products that we want to be discoverable through the registry.

Meeting Agenda

  • Meeting notes in BOLD - currently just partially filled in (2/11)
  • Obscore Reference docs
    1. Obscore v1.1 Standard (2017): https://www.ivoa.net/documents/ObsCore/
    2. Radio extension proposal (Nov24): https://github.com/ivoa-std/ObsCoreExtensionForRadioData
    3. Time extension proposal (Jul24): https://github.com/ivoa-std/ObscoreTimeExtension
    4. Common Archive Observation Model (CAOM) Sep24 draft: https://www.ivoa.net/documents/CAOM/index.html
    5. X-ray Obscore working extension table (Jan25) - HEIG_obscore_summary.pdf
    6. Analysis of Obscore for the VHE (May24) - IVOA Sydney, M. Servillat (slides 16-17)
  • Discuss current state of Obscore work and priority for HEIG, here's a shot at it ...
    • Registry and where it belongs in the scheme of things wrt Obscore
      • We discussed that core keywords to Obscore would go in the Obscore standard and managed by DM; that information on the TAP service and how the registry is accessed will be directed to DAL; and that extensions unique to a waveband would be managed by the IGs in an Endorsed Note. Also note that along with Radio & HE, there is work ongoing for a Time extension.
      • Open questions for DAL: using extensions in parallel to the core ObsCore or incorporation of new keywords into ObsCore?
    • Review HE drafty Obscore table
      • Ian stepped through the table he organized; he emphasized that queries made by scientists needed to be straight forward for them to use the VO and benefit from this work; Vocabulary and UCD need to be also updated with the HE needs
    • Review of Radio extension and overlap with keywords of interest to HE
      • Bruno stepped through the Radio Draft document (#2 above) and highlighted the many overlaps with keywords of interest to TeV and HE data; he raised the question whether the keyword in the extension should not go into the core, generalising the definitions/descriptions; he noted that the "HE ObsCore extension" might be larger than the "radio ObsCore extension".
      • Mark K reminded us that there are several ObsCore inputs for one data product (PS from Bruno: which might be the case also for some TeV data providers)
      • We discussed about "GTI" (also known as Stable Time Intervals (STI)), for which the use cases differ depending on the data level. To be discussed in detail in a following meeting.
  • Next steps:
    • Compare the Radio extension(#2 above) to the HE working doc (#5 above). Does it add to the doc we have so far?
    • Write up the HE working table (#5 above) to be more definitive so folks can review and comment. Write it up in the form of a Note. Identify Core Obscore keywords and HE extension keywords. Have this doc ready for the Baltimore Interop.
    • Prepare with DM/DAL and plan a way forward at the next Interop. Is it a session, plenary, or pre-Interop meeting day on this topic??
  • AOB
  • Next Mtg:

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