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Revision 52007-05-07 - RobSeaman


Hot-wiring the Transient Universe: a Joint VOEvent & HTN Workshop

June 4 - 7, 2007, Tucson, Arizona

Tycho's Stella Nova


Sunday, June 3

7:00 pm - No host reception

Monday, June 4

  • AM CHAIR: Roy Williams
  • PM CHAIR: George Djorgovski

8:30 am - Welcome

9:00 - Session 1 - The science from rapid response

  • Energy input and response from prompt and early optical afterglow emission in GRBs - Tom Vestrand (LANL) (KEYNOTE)
  • Real time optical transients from thinking telescopes - Przemek Wozniak (LANL)
  • Science requiring follow-up of large surveys - Kem Cook (PROJECT)

9:50 - COFFEE

10:20 - Session 2 - Quickstart Guide for Autonomous Astronomy

  • RTML + VOEvent < HTN: a system that is more than the sum of its parts - Robert White (LANL)
  • How to build and how to read a VOEvent packet - Roy Williams (Caltech)
  • How to build and how to read a VOEvent packet - Roy Williams (Caltech) (TUTORIAL)
  • Remote Telescope Markup Language - Rick Hessman (PROJECT)
  • Transport for the HTN and VOEvent Networks - Alasdair Allan (eSTAR)

11:50 - LUNCH

1:20 pm - Session 3 - Long Range Vision for Transient Astronomy

  • Integrating VOEvent into the OIR System, an NOAO operations case study - Chris Smith (PROJECT)
  • Science Cases, and the telescope network architecture needed to carry them out - Tim Naylor (PROJECT)
  • Science requiring follow-up of large surveys - Kem Cook (PROJECT)
  • Real time optical transients from thinking telescopes - Przemek Wozniak (LANL)

2:20 - BREAK

2:40 - Session 4 - Solar system objects

  • Pan-STARRS and the Moving Object Processing System - Larry Denneau (PROJECT)
  • The Moving Object Processing System and LSST - Francesco Pierfederici (PROJECT)
  • The LSST transient database for community science and E/PO - Kirk Borne (PROJECT)

3:40 - OPEN for discussions, demos, etc.

Arguments, agreements, advice, answers
Articulate announcements

4:00 - TOUR leaves for PAIRITEL and MMT

  • limited to 20 attendees, box dinner provided

5:30 - ADJOURN

Tuesday, June 5

  • AM CHAIR: Chris Smith
  • PM CHAIR: Tom Vestrand

8:30 am - Session 5 - Surveys & Event Publishing

  • A Tale of Three Surveys - Steve Howell (PROJECT)
  • A systematic search for supernovae in low redshift galaxy clusters - David Sand (PROJECT)
  • Some experiences from the Palomar-Quest survey - George Djorgovski (Caltech)

9:40 - COFFEE

10:10 - Session 6 - Observatory Operations

  • The Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope Network - Marton Hidas (PROJECT)
  • Lessons learned from RoboScope: a long-term automated monitoring program - Kent Honeycutt (PROJECT)
  • RTS2 - Lessons learned from a widely distributed telescope network - Petr Kubanek (PROJECT)
  • TAROT: A robotic observatory for gamma-ray bursts and other sources - Michel Boer (PROJECT)
  • Autonomous software, myth or magic? - Alasdair Allan (PROJECT)

11:50 - LUNCH


1:20 - Session 7 - Event Classification


1:20 pm - Session 7 - Event Classification

  • Transient object detection and classification - Andy Becker (PROJECT)
  • Building a classification engine for the Palomar Transients Finder - Josh Bloom (PROJECT)
  • On probabilistic determination of type of an object based on previously known variable objects - Ashish Mahabal (PROJECT)
  • Event classification in the Nearby Supernova Factory Search - Stephen Bailey (PROJECT)


2:50 - BREAK

3:10 - Session 8 - Web Services for Real Time Data Reduction and Analysis

  • Data reduction services for heterogenous telescopes - Iain Steele (PROJECT)
  • ORAC-DR data reduction pipeline - Brad Cavanagh (PROJECT)
  • Your PLASTIC pal, helping you pull VOEvent onto the desktop - Alasdair Allan (PROJECT) (TUTORIAL)
  • Group DISCUSSION facilitated by Mike Fitzpatrick

4:50 - OPEN for discussions, demos, etc.

Babble, burble, banter, bicker bicker bicker
Brouhaha, boulderdash, ballyhoo


5:30 - ADJOURN


Wednesday, June 6

  • AM CHAIR: Rob Seaman
  • PM CHAIR: Robert White

8:30 am - Session 9 - VOEvent Unbound

  • XML packet authentication - Steve Allen (PROJECT) (KEYNOTE)
  • TITLE - Rick Hessman (PROJECT)
  • Integrating and deploying a VOEvent service at your institution - Phillip Warner (PROJECT) (TUTORIAL)

9:50 - COFFEE

10:10 - Session 10 - Registries and Databases: Federation for Dummies

  • Resource discovery with the VO Registry - Matthew Graham (PROJECT)
  • Querying VOEvents Through Astrogrid - Elizabeth Auden (PROJECT)
  • Group DISCUSSION facilitated by Matthew Graham

11:20 - LUNCH


11:20 - TOURS of Steward Observatory Mirror Lab

  • Group A: 11:30 SOML - 12:15 LUNCH
  • Group b: 11:30 LUNCH - 12:15 SOML

1:00 pm - Session 11 - HTN Infrastructure

  • RTML - The State of the Union, revised RTML 3.2 schema for brain-dead software IDEs - Georg Tuparev (PROJECT)
  • Eudoxos and HTN infrastructure - Nikolaos Solomos (PROJECT)
  • RTML SOAP endpoint implementation on the Liverpool Telescope - Neil Clay (PROJECT)
  • Robonet-1.0 - Chris Mottram (PROJECT)

2:20 - BREAK

2:40 - Session 12 - Distributed Scheduling

  • Adaptive distributed scheduling, putting the 'work' into network - Eric Saunders (PROJECT)
  • Thread safe astronomy: the VOEvent lifecycle - Rob Seaman (PROJECT)
  • Group DISCUSSION facilitated by Alasdair Allan

3:50 - OPEN for discussions, demos, etc.

Comments, cliches, commentary, controversy Chatter, chit-chat, chit-chat, chit-chat Conversation, contradiction, criticism


5:30 - ADJOURN

Thursday, June 7

  • CHAIR: Josh Bloom

8:30 - Session 13 - Outer Limits: Space-based, Radio and non-EM Transients

  • The future of the Gamma-ray bursts Coordinates Network: VOEvent and customer requirements - Scott Barthelmy (PROJECT) (,b>KEYNOTE)
  • Radio transients at long wavelengths and emerging instrumentation - Joseph Lazio (PROJECT)
  • GRB satellite triggers for neutrino telescopes - Mieke Bouwhuis (PROJECT)
  • The Supernova Early Warning System - Kate Scholberg (PROJECT)
  • Autonomous Antarctic Astronomy - Nick Tothill (PROJECT)

10:10 - COFFEE

10:40 - Session 14 - Grid Markets

  • JMU Grid market prototype - Iain Steele (PROJECT)
  • Grid-integration of robotic telescopes - Frank Breitling (PROJECT)
  • Group DISCUSSION facilitated by Iain Steele


Debates, discussions Dialogue, dualogue, diatribe Dissention, declamation Double talk, double talk


12:30 pm - ADJOURN



The registration deadline is May 4, 2007.


NOAO       eSTAR       LANL       LSST       NVO


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