Difference: IVOADMInterferometryWP (4 vs. 5)

Revision 52005-05-17 - MarcoLeoni

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaDataModel"

Interferometry Data Model Work Package

Particularly, radio issues
Particularly, radio issues

 Report from RadioDataProvidersQuestionnaire

Also see ObservationDataModelRevision Suggestions for modifying the Observation model to ensure the necessary details can be included from radio data models such as the one below.

These are both preliminary discussion documents, please add comments/corrections.

European radio astronomy collaboration is promoted by RadioNet

-- AnitaRichards - 11 May 2004

Information about ALMA data model: talk by Francois Viallefond; most complete and most recent ALMA models.



META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Preliminary data model for raw radio data" date="1066294849" name="NOTE-RDM-2003-10-16.pdf" path="D:\Data\prl\Projects\Grid\VO\DM\NOTE-RDM-2003-10-16.pdf" size="666274" user="PeterLamb" version="1.1"
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