Difference: IVOARegWp02 (1 vs. 8)

Revision 82012-06-26 - root


Registry Work Package 02 (Rwp02): Requirements, Science Cases, Use Cases, Test Cases



This work package was initiated at the Registry Kickoff Meeting (Registry19032003) 19-20 March. Discussion on this work package being held on the mailing list at http://www.ivoa.net/forum/registry/ (registry@ivoa.net)


Members of this WP are MarkAllen, AlbertoMicol, AnitaRichards, KirkBorne, NicholasWalton, RayPlante, ElizabethAuden plus anyone else who would like to volunteer. (Tom Mc Glynn and David Schade mentioned at kickoff meeting)

Scope of Work Package

1. Identify Key Science Cases to be used as drivers for defining registry requirements. These should be illustrative of the range of requests that may be sent to a regsistry.

2. Describe a set of Use Cases, which are representative of envisaged registry usage, and include the use cases required to execute the Key Science Cases.

3. Define a set of actual queries against which registry implementations may be tested.

4. Requirements. Make a set of requirements which are necessary to be able to execute the Use Cases, and will be useful in actual development of registries.

Working Plan

- Define Scope       draft v0.1     11 April
- Key Science Cases  draft v0.1     11 April 
- Use Cases          draft v0.1     25 April
- Requirements       draft v0.1     09 May

(Cambridge Meeting                 May 12-16)

- Requirements       drafts v0.2    28 June
  Science Cases 
  Use Cases
  Test cases

Key Science Cases v0.1 April 11, 2003

Key Science Cases for Registries. 
v0.1 April 11, 2003.

A goal of RWP02 is to identify Key Science Cases to be used 
as drivers for defining registry requirements. These should be 
illustrative of the range of requests that may be sent to a 

Following a review of the current science cases across the 
various VO initiatives, a 1st draft set of science cases has been 

A call for further science cases, and discussion of
other aspects of science cases with respect to registries has
been issued to the Registry mailing list. 

Selected Science Cases:

AstroGrid: Brown Dwarf Selection
NVO: Select Dwarf Galaxies by Colour for Observational Follow-up
Chosen as representative of parameter constrained catalog search

AstroGrid: Deep Field Surveys

Chosen as representative of a data search scenario, with use of
coverage (spatial and temporal) constraints.

NVO: Gamma Ray Burst +
     Chosen because NVO is planning registry specific developments
     for this science case to turn their GRB demo into a more
     general "show me the sky" tool

NVO: Find Super Novae Pre-Burst Observation
     Chosen as representative of 'find all data at this point'
     type scenarios. (Perhaps this is the same as the GRB general tool)

AstroVirtel: Luminosity functions of Star Clusters in Nearby Galaxies 
             Chosen because of detailed requirements for registry

Use Cases

Test Cases


Draft Registries Requirement document for Cambridge meeting May 12-16, 2003.

* toward_reg_requirements.txt: Toward Registry Science Requirements

Suggestions for the science content of a Resource Metadata Schema and examples based on two of the Science cases BrownDwarfMetadataList in BrownDwarfRegistryRequirements and the metadata list in DeepFieldSurveysRegistryRequirements
Examples of ResourceMetadata for the 2MASS and MERLIN+VLA HDF(N) datasets. (amsr)


Draft NVO Registry Requirements: http://www.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/RegistryRequirements
Draft NVO Use Cases: http://www.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/RegistryUseCases
Draft NVO Registry Requirements: RegistryRequirements
Draft NVO Use Cases: RegistryUseCases
  NVO Registry Science Cases: http://archives.us-vo.org/metadata/0535.html
AstroGrid Science Cases: http://wiki.astrogrid.org/bin/view/Astrogrid/ScienceProblems
AstroGrid Science Case sequence diagrams: http://wiki.astrogrid.org/bin/view/Astrogrid/SequenceDiagrams

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Review of VO Science Cases wrt Registries" date="1050078546" name="KeySciCaseReview.txt" path="KeySciCaseReview.txt" size="8842" user="MarkAllen" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Astrovirtel Use Case Example" date="1052386590" name="astrovirtel_use_case.doc" path="astrovirtel_use_case.doc" size="67072" user="MarkAllen" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Astrovirtel Use Case Example (PDF)" date="1052386643" name="astrovirtel_use_case.pdf" path="astrovirtel_use_case.pdf" size="144358" user="MarkAllen" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Toward Registry Science Requirements " date="1052481943" name="toward_reg_requirements.txt" path="toward_reg_requirements.txt" size="12187" user="MarkAllen" version="1.1"

Revision 72003-05-09 - MarcoLeoni


Registry Work Package 02 (Rwp02): Requirements, Science Cases, Use Cases, Test Cases



This work package was initiated at the Registry Kickoff Meeting (Registry19032003) 19-20 March. Discussion on this work package being held on the mailing list at http://www.ivoa.net/forum/registry/ (registry@ivoa.net)


Members of this WP are MarkAllen, AlbertoMicol, AnitaRichards, KirkBorne, NicholasWalton, RayPlante, ElizabethAuden plus anyone else who would like to volunteer. (Tom Mc Glynn and David Schade mentioned at kickoff meeting)

Scope of Work Package

1. Identify Key Science Cases to be used as drivers for defining registry requirements. These should be illustrative of the range of requests that may be sent to a regsistry.

2. Describe a set of Use Cases, which are representative of envisaged registry usage, and include the use cases required to execute the Key Science Cases.

3. Define a set of actual queries against which registry implementations may be tested.

4. Requirements. Make a set of requirements which are necessary to be able to execute the Use Cases, and will be useful in actual development of registries.

Working Plan

- Define Scope       draft v0.1     11 April
- Key Science Cases  draft v0.1     11 April 
- Use Cases          draft v0.1     25 April
- Requirements       draft v0.1     09 May

(Cambridge Meeting                 May 12-16)

- Requirements       drafts v0.2    28 June
  Science Cases 
  Use Cases
  Test cases

Key Science Cases v0.1 April 11, 2003

Key Science Cases for Registries. 
v0.1 April 11, 2003.

A goal of RWP02 is to identify Key Science Cases to be used 
as drivers for defining registry requirements. These should be 
illustrative of the range of requests that may be sent to a 

Following a review of the current science cases across the 
various VO initiatives, a 1st draft set of science cases has been 

A call for further science cases, and discussion of
other aspects of science cases with respect to registries has
been issued to the Registry mailing list. 

Selected Science Cases:

AstroGrid: Brown Dwarf Selection
NVO: Select Dwarf Galaxies by Colour for Observational Follow-up
Chosen as representative of parameter constrained catalog search

AstroGrid: Deep Field Surveys

Chosen as representative of a data search scenario, with use of
coverage (spatial and temporal) constraints.

NVO: Gamma Ray Burst +
     Chosen because NVO is planning registry specific developments
     for this science case to turn their GRB demo into a more
     general "show me the sky" tool

NVO: Find Super Novae Pre-Burst Observation
     Chosen as representative of 'find all data at this point'
     type scenarios. (Perhaps this is the same as the GRB general tool)

AstroVirtel: Luminosity functions of Star Clusters in Nearby Galaxies 
             Chosen because of detailed requirements for registry

Use Cases

Test Cases


Draft Registries Requirement document for Cambridge meeting May 12-16, 2003.

* toward_reg_requirements.txt: Toward Registry Science Requirements

Suggestions for the science content of a Resource Metadata Schema and examples based on two of the Science cases BrownDwarfMetadataList in BrownDwarfRegistryRequirements and the metadata list in DeepFieldSurveysRegistryRequirements

Examples of ResourceMetadata for the 2MASS and MERLIN+VLA HDF(N) datasets.
Examples of ResourceMetadata for the 2MASS and MERLIN+VLA HDF(N) datasets.


Draft NVO Registry Requirements: http://www.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/RegistryRequirements
Draft NVO Use Cases: http://www.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/RegistryUseCases
NVO Registry Science Cases: http://archives.us-vo.org/metadata/0535.html
AstroGrid Science Cases: http://wiki.astrogrid.org/bin/view/Astrogrid/ScienceProblems
AstroGrid Science Case sequence diagrams: http://wiki.astrogrid.org/bin/view/Astrogrid/SequenceDiagrams

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Review of VO Science Cases wrt Registries" date="1050078546" name="KeySciCaseReview.txt" path="KeySciCaseReview.txt" size="8842" user="MarkAllen" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Astrovirtel Use Case Example" date="1052386590" name="astrovirtel_use_case.doc" path="astrovirtel_use_case.doc" size="67072" user="MarkAllen" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Astrovirtel Use Case Example (PDF)" date="1052386643" name="astrovirtel_use_case.pdf" path="astrovirtel_use_case.pdf" size="144358" user="MarkAllen" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Toward Registry Science Requirements " date="1052481943" name="toward_reg_requirements.txt" path="toward_reg_requirements.txt" size="12187" user="MarkAllen" version="1.1"

Revision 62003-05-09 - AnitaRichards


Registry Work Package 02 (Rwp02): Requirements, Science Cases, Use Cases, Test Cases



This work package was initiated at the Registry Kickoff Meeting (Registry19032003) 19-20 March. Discussion on this work package being held on the mailing list at http://www.ivoa.net/forum/registry/ (registry@ivoa.net)


Members of this WP are MarkAllen, AlbertoMicol, AnitaRichards, KirkBorne, NicholasWalton, RayPlante, ElizabethAuden plus anyone else who would like to volunteer. (Tom Mc Glynn and David Schade mentioned at kickoff meeting)

Scope of Work Package

1. Identify Key Science Cases to be used as drivers for defining registry requirements. These should be illustrative of the range of requests that may be sent to a regsistry.

2. Describe a set of Use Cases, which are representative of envisaged registry usage, and include the use cases required to execute the Key Science Cases.

3. Define a set of actual queries against which registry implementations may be tested.

4. Requirements. Make a set of requirements which are necessary to be able to execute the Use Cases, and will be useful in actual development of registries.

Working Plan

- Define Scope       draft v0.1     11 April
- Key Science Cases  draft v0.1     11 April 
- Use Cases          draft v0.1     25 April
- Requirements       draft v0.1     09 May

(Cambridge Meeting                 May 12-16)

- Requirements       drafts v0.2    28 June
  Science Cases 
  Use Cases
  Test cases

Key Science Cases v0.1 April 11, 2003

Key Science Cases for Registries. 
v0.1 April 11, 2003.

A goal of RWP02 is to identify Key Science Cases to be used 
as drivers for defining registry requirements. These should be 
illustrative of the range of requests that may be sent to a 

Following a review of the current science cases across the 
various VO initiatives, a 1st draft set of science cases has been 

A call for further science cases, and discussion of
other aspects of science cases with respect to registries has
been issued to the Registry mailing list. 

Selected Science Cases:

AstroGrid: Brown Dwarf Selection
NVO: Select Dwarf Galaxies by Colour for Observational Follow-up
Chosen as representative of parameter constrained catalog search

AstroGrid: Deep Field Surveys

Chosen as representative of a data search scenario, with use of
coverage (spatial and temporal) constraints.

NVO: Gamma Ray Burst +
     Chosen because NVO is planning registry specific developments
     for this science case to turn their GRB demo into a more
     general "show me the sky" tool

NVO: Find Super Novae Pre-Burst Observation
     Chosen as representative of 'find all data at this point'
     type scenarios. (Perhaps this is the same as the GRB general tool)

AstroVirtel: Luminosity functions of Star Clusters in Nearby Galaxies 
             Chosen because of detailed requirements for registry

Use Cases

Test Cases


Draft Registries Requirement document for Cambridge meeting May 12-16, 2003.

* toward_reg_requirements.txt: Toward Registry Science Requirements

Suggestions for the science content of a Resource Metadata Schema and examples based on two of the Science cases BrownDwarfMetadataList in

BrownDwarfRegistryRequirements and the metadata list in DeepFieldSurveysRegistryRequirements
BrownDwarfRegistryRequirements and the metadata list in DeepFieldSurveysRegistryRequirements
Examples of ResourceMetadata for the 2MASS and MERLIN+VLA HDF(N) datasets.


Draft NVO Registry Requirements: http://www.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/RegistryRequirements
Draft NVO Use Cases: http://www.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/RegistryUseCases
NVO Registry Science Cases: http://archives.us-vo.org/metadata/0535.html
AstroGrid Science Cases: http://wiki.astrogrid.org/bin/view/Astrogrid/ScienceProblems
AstroGrid Science Case sequence diagrams: http://wiki.astrogrid.org/bin/view/Astrogrid/SequenceDiagrams

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Review of VO Science Cases wrt Registries" date="1050078546" name="KeySciCaseReview.txt" path="KeySciCaseReview.txt" size="8842" user="MarkAllen" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Astrovirtel Use Case Example" date="1052386590" name="astrovirtel_use_case.doc" path="astrovirtel_use_case.doc" size="67072" user="MarkAllen" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Astrovirtel Use Case Example (PDF)" date="1052386643" name="astrovirtel_use_case.pdf" path="astrovirtel_use_case.pdf" size="144358" user="MarkAllen" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Toward Registry Science Requirements " date="1052481943" name="toward_reg_requirements.txt" path="toward_reg_requirements.txt" size="12187" user="MarkAllen" version="1.1"

Revision 52003-05-09 - AnitaRichards


Registry Work Package 02 (Rwp02): Requirements, Science Cases, Use Cases, Test Cases



This work package was initiated at the Registry Kickoff Meeting (Registry19032003) 19-20 March. Discussion on this work package being held on the mailing list at http://www.ivoa.net/forum/registry/ (registry@ivoa.net)


Members of this WP are MarkAllen, AlbertoMicol, AnitaRichards, KirkBorne, NicholasWalton, RayPlante, ElizabethAuden plus anyone else who would like to volunteer. (Tom Mc Glynn and David Schade mentioned at kickoff meeting)

Scope of Work Package

1. Identify Key Science Cases to be used as drivers for defining registry requirements. These should be illustrative of the range of requests that may be sent to a regsistry.

2. Describe a set of Use Cases, which are representative of envisaged registry usage, and include the use cases required to execute the Key Science Cases.

3. Define a set of actual queries against which registry implementations may be tested.

4. Requirements. Make a set of requirements which are necessary to be able to execute the Use Cases, and will be useful in actual development of registries.

Working Plan

- Define Scope       draft v0.1     11 April
- Key Science Cases  draft v0.1     11 April 
- Use Cases          draft v0.1     25 April
- Requirements       draft v0.1     09 May

(Cambridge Meeting                 May 12-16)

- Requirements       drafts v0.2    28 June
  Science Cases 
  Use Cases
  Test cases

Key Science Cases v0.1 April 11, 2003

Key Science Cases for Registries. 
v0.1 April 11, 2003.

A goal of RWP02 is to identify Key Science Cases to be used 
as drivers for defining registry requirements. These should be 
illustrative of the range of requests that may be sent to a 

Following a review of the current science cases across the 
various VO initiatives, a 1st draft set of science cases has been 

A call for further science cases, and discussion of
other aspects of science cases with respect to registries has
been issued to the Registry mailing list. 

Selected Science Cases:

AstroGrid: Brown Dwarf Selection
NVO: Select Dwarf Galaxies by Colour for Observational Follow-up
Chosen as representative of parameter constrained catalog search

AstroGrid: Deep Field Surveys

Chosen as representative of a data search scenario, with use of
coverage (spatial and temporal) constraints.

NVO: Gamma Ray Burst +
     Chosen because NVO is planning registry specific developments
     for this science case to turn their GRB demo into a more
     general "show me the sky" tool

NVO: Find Super Novae Pre-Burst Observation
     Chosen as representative of 'find all data at this point'
     type scenarios. (Perhaps this is the same as the GRB general tool)

AstroVirtel: Luminosity functions of Star Clusters in Nearby Galaxies 
             Chosen because of detailed requirements for registry

Use Cases

Test Cases


Draft Registries Requirement document for Cambridge meeting May 12-16, 2003.

* toward_reg_requirements.txt: Toward Registry Science Requirements


Suggestions for the science content of a Resource Metadata Schema and examples based on two of the Science cases BrownDwarfMetadataList in BrownDwarfRegistryRequirements and the metadata list in DeepFieldSurveysRegistryRequirements (amsr)


Draft NVO Registry Requirements: http://www.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/RegistryRequirements
Draft NVO Use Cases: http://www.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/RegistryUseCases
NVO Registry Science Cases: http://archives.us-vo.org/metadata/0535.html
AstroGrid Science Cases: http://wiki.astrogrid.org/bin/view/Astrogrid/ScienceProblems
AstroGrid Science Case sequence diagrams: http://wiki.astrogrid.org/bin/view/Astrogrid/SequenceDiagrams

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Review of VO Science Cases wrt Registries" date="1050078546" name="KeySciCaseReview.txt" path="KeySciCaseReview.txt" size="8842" user="MarkAllen" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Astrovirtel Use Case Example" date="1052386590" name="astrovirtel_use_case.doc" path="astrovirtel_use_case.doc" size="67072" user="MarkAllen" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Astrovirtel Use Case Example (PDF)" date="1052386643" name="astrovirtel_use_case.pdf" path="astrovirtel_use_case.pdf" size="144358" user="MarkAllen" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Toward Registry Science Requirements " date="1052481943" name="toward_reg_requirements.txt" path="toward_reg_requirements.txt" size="12187" user="MarkAllen" version="1.1"

Revision 42003-05-09 - MarkAllen


Registry Work Package 02 (Rwp02): Requirements, Science Cases, Use Cases, Test Cases



This work package was initiated at the Registry Kickoff Meeting (Registry19032003) 19-20 March. Discussion on this work package being held on the mailing list at http://www.ivoa.net/forum/registry/ (registry@ivoa.net)


Members of this WP are MarkAllen, AlbertoMicol, AnitaRichards, KirkBorne, NicholasWalton, RayPlante, ElizabethAuden plus anyone else who would like to volunteer. (Tom Mc Glynn and David Schade mentioned at kickoff meeting)

Scope of Work Package

1. Identify Key Science Cases to be used as drivers for defining registry requirements. These should be illustrative of the range of requests that may be sent to a regsistry.

2. Describe a set of Use Cases, which are representative of envisaged registry usage, and include the use cases required to execute the Key Science Cases.

3. Define a set of actual queries against which registry implementations may be tested.

4. Requirements. Make a set of requirements which are necessary to be able to execute the Use Cases, and will be useful in actual development of registries.

Working Plan

- Define Scope       draft v0.1     11 April
- Key Science Cases  draft v0.1     11 April 
- Use Cases          draft v0.1     25 April
- Requirements       draft v0.1     09 May

(Cambridge Meeting                 May 12-16)

- Requirements       drafts v0.2    28 June
  Science Cases 
  Use Cases
  Test cases

Key Science Cases v0.1 April 11, 2003

Key Science Cases for Registries. 
v0.1 April 11, 2003.

A goal of RWP02 is to identify Key Science Cases to be used 
as drivers for defining registry requirements. These should be 
illustrative of the range of requests that may be sent to a 

Following a review of the current science cases across the 
various VO initiatives, a 1st draft set of science cases has been 

A call for further science cases, and discussion of
other aspects of science cases with respect to registries has
been issued to the Registry mailing list. 

Selected Science Cases:

AstroGrid: Brown Dwarf Selection
NVO: Select Dwarf Galaxies by Colour for Observational Follow-up
Chosen as representative of parameter constrained catalog search

AstroGrid: Deep Field Surveys

Chosen as representative of a data search scenario, with use of
coverage (spatial and temporal) constraints.

NVO: Gamma Ray Burst +
     Chosen because NVO is planning registry specific developments
     for this science case to turn their GRB demo into a more
     general "show me the sky" tool

NVO: Find Super Novae Pre-Burst Observation
     Chosen as representative of 'find all data at this point'
     type scenarios. (Perhaps this is the same as the GRB general tool)

AstroVirtel: Luminosity functions of Star Clusters in Nearby Galaxies 
             Chosen because of detailed requirements for registry

Use Cases

Test Cases


Draft Registries Requirement document for Cambridge meeting May 12-16, 2003.

* toward_reg_requirements.txt: Toward Registry Science Requirements



Draft NVO Registry Requirements: http://www.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/RegistryRequirements
Draft NVO Use Cases: http://www.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/RegistryUseCases
NVO Registry Science Cases: http://archives.us-vo.org/metadata/0535.html
AstroGrid Science Cases: http://wiki.astrogrid.org/bin/view/Astrogrid/ScienceProblems
AstroGrid Science Case sequence diagrams: http://wiki.astrogrid.org/bin/view/Astrogrid/SequenceDiagrams



META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Review of VO Science Cases wrt Registries" date="1050078546" name="KeySciCaseReview.txt" path="KeySciCaseReview.txt" size="8842" user="MarkAllen" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Astrovirtel Use Case Example" date="1052386590" name="astrovirtel_use_case.doc" path="astrovirtel_use_case.doc" size="67072" user="MarkAllen" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Astrovirtel Use Case Example (PDF)" date="1052386643" name="astrovirtel_use_case.pdf" path="astrovirtel_use_case.pdf" size="144358" user="MarkAllen" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Toward Registry Science Requirements " date="1052481943" name="toward_reg_requirements.txt" path="toward_reg_requirements.txt" size="12187" user="MarkAllen" version="1.1"

Revision 32003-05-08 - MarkAllen



Registry Work Package 02 (Rwp02): Requirements, Science Cases, Use Cases, Test Cases



This work package was initiated at the Registry Kickoff Meeting (Registry19032003) 19-20 March. Discussion on this work package being held on the mailing list at http://www.ivoa.net/forum/registry/ (registry@ivoa.net)


Members of this WP are MarkAllen, AlbertoMicol, AnitaRichards, KirkBorne, NicholasWalton, RayPlante, ElizabethAuden plus anyone else who would like to volunteer. (Tom Mc Glynn and David Schade mentioned at kickoff meeting)

Scope of Work Package

1. Identify Key Science Cases to be used as drivers for defining registry requirements. These should be illustrative of the range of requests that may be sent to a regsistry.

2. Describe a set of Use Cases, which are representative of envisaged registry usage, and include the use cases required to execute the Key Science Cases.

3. Define a set of actual queries against which registry implementations may be tested.

4. Requirements. Make a set of requirements which are necessary to be able to execute the Use Cases, and will be useful in actual development of registries.

Working Plan

- Define Scope       draft v0.1     11 April
- Key Science Cases  draft v0.1     11 April 
- Use Cases          draft v0.1     25 April
- Requirements       draft v0.1     09 May

(Cambridge Meeting                 May 12-16)

- Requirements       drafts v0.2    28 June
  Science Cases 
  Use Cases
  Test cases

Key Science Cases v0.1 April 11, 2003

Key Science Cases for Registries. 
v0.1 April 11, 2003.

A goal of RWP02 is to identify Key Science Cases to be used 
as drivers for defining registry requirements. These should be 
illustrative of the range of requests that may be sent to a 

Following a review of the current science cases across the 
various VO initiatives, a 1st draft set of science cases has been 

A call for further science cases, and discussion of
other aspects of science cases with respect to registries has
been issued to the Registry mailing list. 

Selected Science Cases:

AstroGrid: Brown Dwarf Selection
NVO: Select Dwarf Galaxies by Colour for Observational Follow-up
Chosen as representative of parameter constrained catalog search

AstroGrid: Deep Field Surveys

Chosen as representative of a data search scenario, with use of
coverage (spatial and temporal) constraints.

NVO: Gamma Ray Burst +
     Chosen because NVO is planning registry specific developments
     for this science case to turn their GRB demo into a more
     general "show me the sky" tool

NVO: Find Super Novae Pre-Burst Observation
     Chosen as representative of 'find all data at this point'
     type scenarios. (Perhaps this is the same as the GRB general tool)

AstroVirtel: Luminosity functions of Star Clusters in Nearby Galaxies 
             Chosen because of detailed requirements for registry

Use Cases

Test Cases



Draft NVO Registry Requirements: http://www.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/RegistryRequirements
Draft NVO Use Cases: http://www.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/RegistryUseCases
NVO Registry Science Cases: http://archives.us-vo.org/metadata/0535.html
AstroGrid Science Cases: http://wiki.astrogrid.org/bin/view/Astrogrid/ScienceProblems
AstroGrid Science Case sequence diagrams: http://wiki.astrogrid.org/bin/view/Astrogrid/SequenceDiagrams


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Review of VO Science Cases wrt Registries" date="1050078546" name="KeySciCaseReview.txt" path="KeySciCaseReview.txt" size="8842" user="MarkAllen" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Astrovirtel Use Case Example" date="1052386590" name="astrovirtel_use_case.doc" path="astrovirtel_use_case.doc" size="67072" user="MarkAllen" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Astrovirtel Use Case Example (PDF)" date="1052386643" name="astrovirtel_use_case.pdf" path="astrovirtel_use_case.pdf" size="144358" user="MarkAllen" version="1.1"

Revision 22003-04-11 - MarkAllen


Registry Work Package 02 (Rwp02): Requirements, Science Cases, Use Cases, Test Cases



This work package was initiated at the Registry Kickoff Meeting (Registry19032003) 19-20 March. Discussion on this work package being held on the mailing list at http://www.ivoa.net/forum/registry/ (registry@ivoa.net)


Members of this WP are MarkAllen, AlbertoMicol, AnitaRichards, KirkBorne, NicholasWalton, RayPlante, ElizabethAuden plus anyone else who would like to volunteer. (Tom Mc Glynn and David Schade mentioned at kickoff meeting)

Scope of Work Package

1. Identify Key Science Cases to be used as drivers for defining registry requirements. These should be illustrative of the range of requests that may be sent to a regsistry.

2. Describe a set of Use Cases, which are representative of envisaged registry usage, and include the use cases required to execute the Key Science Cases.

3. Define a set of actual queries against which registry implementations may be tested.

4. Requirements. Make a set of requirements which are necessary to be able to execute the Use Cases, and will be useful in actual development of registries.

Working Plan

- Define Scope       draft v0.1     11 April
- Key Science Cases draft v0.1 11 April
- Key Science Cases draft v0.1 11 April
 - Use Cases draft v0.1 25 April - Requirements draft v0.1 09 May

(Cambridge Meeting May 12-16)

- Requirements drafts v0.2 28 June Science Cases Use Cases Test cases


Key Science Cases v0.1 April 11, 2003

Key Science Cases for Registries. 
v0.1 April 11, 2003.

A goal of RWP02 is to identify Key Science Cases to be used 
as drivers for defining registry requirements. These should be 
illustrative of the range of requests that may be sent to a 

Following a review of the current science cases across the 
various VO initiatives, a 1st draft set of science cases has been 

A call for further science cases, and discussion of
other aspects of science cases with respect to registries has
been issued to the Registry mailing list. 

Selected Science Cases:

AstroGrid: Brown Dwarf Selection
NVO: Select Dwarf Galaxies by Colour for Observational Follow-up
Chosen as representative of parameter constrained catalog search scenarios.

Key Science Cases

AstroGrid: Deep Field Surveys

Chosen as representative of a data search scenario, with use of coverage (spatial and temporal) constraints.

3. NVO: Gamma Ray Burst + Chosen because NVO is planning registry specific developments for this science case to turn their GRB demo into a more general "show me the sky" tool

4. NVO: Find Super Novae Pre-Burst Observation Chosen as representative of 'find all data at this point' type scenarios. (Perhaps this is the same as the GRB general tool)

5. AstroVirtel: Luminosity functions of Star Clusters in Nearby Galaxies Chosen because of detailed requirements for registry functions.


Use Cases

Test Cases



Draft NVO Registry Requirements: http://www.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/RegistryRequirements
Draft NVO Use Cases: http://www.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/RegistryUseCases
NVO Registry Science Cases: http://archives.us-vo.org/metadata/0535.html
AstroGrid Science Cases: http://wiki.astrogrid.org/bin/view/Astrogrid/ScienceProblems
AstroGrid Science Case sequence diagrams: http://wiki.astrogrid.org/bin/view/Astrogrid/SequenceDiagrams

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Review of VO Science Cases wrt Registries" date="1050078546" name="KeySciCaseReview.txt" path="KeySciCaseReview.txt" size="8842" user="MarkAllen" version="1.1"

Revision 12003-04-02 - MarkAllen



Registry Work Package 02 (Rwp02): Requirements, Science Cases, Use Cases, Test Cases



This work package was initiated at the Registry Kickoff Meeting (Registry19032003) 19-20 March. Discussion on this work package being held on the mailing list at http://www.ivoa.net/forum/registry/ (registry@ivoa.net)


Members of this WP are MarkAllen, AlbertoMicol, AnitaRichards, KirkBorne, NicholasWalton, RayPlante, ElizabethAuden plus anyone else who would like to volunteer. (Tom Mc Glynn and David Schade mentioned at kickoff meeting)

Scope of Work Package

1. Identify Key Science Cases to be used as drivers for defining registry requirements. These should be illustrative of the range of requests that may be sent to a regsistry.

2. Describe a set of Use Cases, which are representative of envisaged registry usage, and include the use cases required to execute the Key Science Cases.

3. Define a set of actual queries against which registry implementations may be tested.

4. Requirements. Make a set of requirements which are necessary to be able to execute the Use Cases, and will be useful in actual development of registries.

Working Plan

- Define Scope       draft v0.1     11 April
- Key Science Cases  draft v0.1     11 April
- Use Cases          draft v0.1     25 April
- Requirements       draft v0.1     09 May

(Cambridge Meeting                 May 12-16)

- Requirements       drafts v0.2    28 June
  Science Cases 
  Use Cases
  Test cases

Key Science Cases

Use Cases

Test Cases



Draft NVO Registry Requirements: http://www.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/RegistryRequirements
Draft NVO Use Cases: http://www.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/RegistryUseCases
NVO Registry Science Cases: http://archives.us-vo.org/metadata/0535.html
AstroGrid Science Cases: http://wiki.astrogrid.org/bin/view/Astrogrid/ScienceProblems
AstroGrid Science Case sequence diagrams: http://wiki.astrogrid.org/bin/view/Astrogrid/SequenceDiagrams

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