Difference: IVOATheorySNAP (1 vs. 2)

Revision 22006-09-15 - GerardLemson

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaTheory"




  • Claudio Gheller (chair)
  • Herve Wozniak
  • Laurie Shaw
  • others ...
  • Gerard Lemson

Issues and decisions, FAQ

Below follows a list of issues that have come up during the work on this projecr, the decisions that were taken to resolve them and the reasons why. This list will serve as a history of the development of the specification for those interetsed parties who were not closely involved in the process.

Which type of simulation is covered ?

Issue We have had many discussions about what type of simulations are meant to be published under the SNAP protocol. The original idea was that they should include simulations of "objects evolving in 3D space". This will allow a concept of spatial subset to be predefined, including various geometries (SPHERE, BOX).
Discussion Various parties argued that any simulation that can be expressed as a N-dimensional box could/should be included.
Resolution As of 2006-09-15 no resolution yet.
Action items are:
to find several realistic use cases of the more generic configuration space where a subset protocol would be useful (Herve).
Develop the data model and see whether there is place for more complex use cases (Gerard)

On which other prorotocol will we model SNAP

Original SNAP spec was heavily based on the old SIAP protocol. Is this correct ? Should we use a newer protocol ?
Resolution May 2006, Interop Victoria
In Victoria we decided to model ourselves on SSAP like protocols. This includes having a data model for structuring the metadata describing simulations for registration and discovery.

other ...


Revision 12006-06-07 - GerardLemson

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaTheory"



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