Difference: IVOATheorySimDB_Check (4 vs. 5)

Revision 52009-05-02 - GerardLemson

Tables contain points that have been discussed during the SimDB project (including preceding SNAP part).
The tables on this page summarise decisions taken during first the SNAP, then the SimDB projects. These issues were discussed mainly in a small core group of developers (GL, Laurent Bourges, Rick Wagner, Claudio Gheller, Franck LePetit, Herve Wozniak with input from Patrizia Manzato, Mireille Louys, Igor Chillingarian, Norman Gray and participants of a small workshop, Apruil 2007 in Garching).
Approach to SimDB
For the further development of SimDB (and possibly SimDAP) it may be useful to list these and possibly reevaluate them. The issues are subdivied in a few subjects:
  • definition of SimDB as a DAL service
  • data modelling methodology
  • data model contents
  • SimDB as a TAP service
  • SimDB and Registry

Approach to SimDB (starting with SNAP)

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SNAP is a DAL protocol for simulations     initiated in theory workshop in Cambridge 2006
SNAP follows SSA:data model + protocol     (Victoria interop, 2006)
SimDB requires registry-like approach Discussed in April 2007 SNAP meeting of core participants (up till then), Garching
SNAP data model complex, queryData requires registry-like approach Discussed in April 2007 SNAP meeting of core participants (up till then), Garching
SNAP separated into SimDB and SimDAP     formally announced in 2008 Trieste interop, agreed by "tiger team" before
SimDB is a protocol for finding interesting simulation and postprocessing experiments and their results      
SimDB is a protocol for finding interesting simulations and postprocessing experiments and their results      
SimDB implements "queryData" part of "simple" DAL protocols      
"getData" part is implemented by SimDAP or custom services      
SimDB data modelling methodology

SimDB data modelling methodology

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SimDB/DM represented in UML class diagram     UML aspect follows decision in Cambridge interop 2003. Class diagram seems obvious (?)
SimDB/UML is self documenting     All entities and classes must be properly documented. SimDB/Note gives background and context, UML model is in principle sufficient. This was decision of core designers (GL, RW, LB), presented in 2008 Trieste Interop
SimDB/DM's UML stored as XMI document (ASCII)     XMI is standard XML format for representing UML documents.
SimDB uses MagicDraw Community Edition 12.1 for the XMI     Freely available tool, ESO has commercial version. Should not be necessary to specify a tool, as XMI should deal with that, but in practice useful to "insist" on one
SimDB/DM uses a predefined UML profile     Aimed to simplify models and promote interoperability by presenting uniform DM langugage fo the IVOA. Restriction + extension of UML, currently informal (Appendix in Note) + formal (a UML2 profile generated by ESO, updated in course of design).
Propose an intermediate XML format for representing DMs following profile.     In practice very useful. Very much more readable than XMI. in principle hand-editable. Core of VO-URP TAP/XSD/HTML/UTYPE/Java/DDL/... generation.
SimDB/DM contents

SimDB/DM contents

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SimDB aims at describing "large/3+1D simulations"     In principle only Snapshot iso more generic Result class is explicitly 3+1D
"getData" services can be foud in SimDB      


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SimDB is a TAP service     first discussed April 2007 Garching
SimDB's TAP_SCHEMA predefined     Allows for integration: same ADQL can be sent to all SimDB services.
SimDB's TAP_SCHEMA predefined     Allows for integration: same ADQL can be sent to all SimDB services.
SimDB/TAP_SCHEMA derived from SimDB/DM using predefined OR-mapping rules      
SimDB/TAP's OR mapping rules uses      

SimDB and Registry


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