Difference: IdAmend (1 vs. 2)

Revision 22012-06-26 - root

Links: IvoaResReg :: registry mail archive :: IVOARegWp03 :: InterOpMay2003ResReg :: ResourceMetadata

Some Strawman Amendments to the Identifier WD

Follow the links for full details.


Part A. Establishing AuthorityID Ownership and Resolving ResourceIDs

A clarification of what's currently in the Identifier (Working Draft), the main differences being:

  • A request for an AuthorityID is handled through a publishing registry to global registry. The request is accompanied by the identifier of the publishing registry to be saved in the global registry as the "registry of origin" for that authority ID.

  • Registries are registered as first-class resources. Their descriptions should include the AuthorityIDs that they have resources for.

Part B: Unregistered Resource IDs

This amendment allows one to associated identifiers with resources that are not strictly registered.

Part C: Support for Persistance and Location-independence: Persistant Logical Identifiers (PLI).

This proposal for handling location-independent identifiers is much the same as the strawman I presented to this list earlier (http://www.ivoa.net/forum/registry/0454.htm). It involves use of metadata to describe mirroring relationships, as well as proposing the use of Persistant Logical Identifiers for refering to resources in a location-independent way.

Part D: Persistant Dataset Identifiers (PDI) and ADEC Compatibility.

This proposes dataset identifiers based on the PLIs discussed in Part C; these can be used as ADEC identifiers for publishing in the journals. From a PDI, one can use VO registries to discover data resolvers that resolve it into one or more locations to retrieve it from.

-- RayPlante - 15 Sep 2003

Revision 12003-09-15 - RayPlante

Links: IvoaResReg :: registry mail archive :: IVOARegWp03 :: InterOpMay2003ResReg :: ResourceMetadata

Some Strawman Amendments to the Identifier WD

Follow the links for full details.


Part A. Establishing AuthorityID Ownership and Resolving ResourceIDs

A clarification of what's currently in the Identifier (Working Draft), the main differences being:

  • A request for an AuthorityID is handled through a publishing registry to global registry. The request is accompanied by the identifier of the publishing registry to be saved in the global registry as the "registry of origin" for that authority ID.

  • Registries are registered as first-class resources. Their descriptions should include the AuthorityIDs that they have resources for.

Part B: Unregistered Resource IDs

This amendment allows one to associated identifiers with resources that are not strictly registered.

Part C: Support for Persistance and Location-independence: Persistant Logical Identifiers (PLI).

This proposal for handling location-independent identifiers is much the same as the strawman I presented to this list earlier (http://www.ivoa.net/forum/registry/0454.htm). It involves use of metadata to describe mirroring relationships, as well as proposing the use of Persistant Logical Identifiers for refering to resources in a location-independent way.

Part D: Persistant Dataset Identifiers (PDI) and ADEC Compatibility.

This proposes dataset identifiers based on the PLIs discussed in Part C; these can be used as ADEC identifiers for publishing in the journals. From a PDI, one can use VO registries to discover data resolvers that resolve it into one or more locations to retrieve it from.

-- RayPlante - 15 Sep 2003

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