Difference: IdAmendPtD (1 vs. 4)

Revision 42012-06-26 - root

Links: IvoaResReg :: registry mail archive :: IVOARegWp03 :: IdAmend :: ResourceMetadata

Some Strawman Amendments to the Identifier WD

Part D. Persistant Dataset Identifiers (PDI) and ADEC Compatibility.

This proposal is intended to provide compatibility between the ADEC Dataset Verification and Resolution Services (DVRS) (http://ads.harvard.edu/www/dv/) and VO Registries. It recommends a choice for ADEC dataset identifiers that will allow a VO registry to locate the services for accessing that dataset. It makes use of LogicalIdentifiers proposed in Part B. and assumes that a dataset may or may not be explicitly registered.

  • If the dataset is explicitly registered, then the URN form of the VO LogicalIdentifier should be given as the ADEC identifier.

  • If the dataset is not registered, then the data collection should be registered. It is recommended that the provider implement a data resolver service as defined in the ADEC DVRS framework and include a reference to the service in the data collection's metadata.

If the data collection is not registered, then a service that serves that dataset (e.g. a data resolver service) should be registered.

The recommended ADEC identifier in this case should be LogicalIdentifier of the data collection or service, followed by a pound sign (#) and a unique dataset name.

  • Given a VO-compliant ADEC identifier, one can resolve the identifier with the following recipe:
    1. The portion of the identifier prior to the # can be given to a searchable registry in by-LogicalIdentifier look-up query which would return one or more resources that can provide access to the dataset.
    2. If a matched resource is a DataCollection, its metadata is examined for a data resolver service.
    3. If a matched resource is a data resolver service or one was located from a matched DataCollection, the data resolver service can be called to get access to the dataset.
    4. If a data resolver service is not available, any of the matched DataCollections or Services can be returned to the user; however, further automated resolution may not be possible.

To make this proposal work, we recommend to ADEC the following:

  • that VO Persistant Dataset Identifiers be accepted as ADEC identifiers.

Note that the current suggested, two-component form of ADEC identifiers may be used as an IVOA resource identifier, and thus, a PDI.

  • that the DataResolver service be defined as a standard VO service.

  • that the ADS use the standard DataResolver service to query data centers.

Revision 32003-09-15 - TWikiGuest

Links: IvoaResReg :: registry mail archive :: IVOARegWp03 :: IdAmend :: ResourceMetadata

Some Strawman Amendments to the Identifier WD

Part D. Persistant Dataset Identifiers (PDI) and ADEC Compatibility.

This proposal is intended to provide compatibility between the ADEC Dataset Verification and Resolution Services (DVRS) (http://ads.harvard.edu/www/dv/) and VO Registries. It recommends a choice for ADEC dataset identifiers that will allow a VO registry to locate the services for accessing that dataset. It makes use of LogicalIdentifiers proposed in Part B. and assumes that a dataset may or may not be explicitly registered.

  • If the dataset is explicitly registered, then the URN form of the VO LogicalIdentifier should be given as the ADEC identifier.

  • If the dataset is not registered, then the data collection should be registered. It is recommended that the provider implement a data resolver service as defined in the ADEC DVRS framework and include a reference to the service in the data collection's metadata.

If the data collection is not registered, then a service that serves that dataset (e.g. a data resolver service) should be registered.

The recommended ADEC identifier in this case should be LogicalIdentifier of the data collection or service, followed by a pound sign (#) and a unique dataset name.

  • Given a VO-compliant ADEC identifier, one can resolve the identifier with the following recipe:
    1. The portion of the identifier prior to the # can be given to a searchable registry in by-LogicalIdentifier look-up query which would return one or more resources that can provide access to the dataset.
    2. If a matched resource is a DataCollection, its metadata is examined for a data resolver service.
    3. If a matched resource is a data resolver service or one was located from a matched DataCollection, the data resolver service can be called to get access to the dataset.
    4. If a data resolver service is not available, any of the matched DataCollections or Services can be returned to the user; however, further automated resolution may not be possible.

To make this proposal work, we recommend to ADEC the following:

* that VO Persistant Dataset Identifiers be accepted as ADEC identifiers.
  • that VO Persistant Dataset Identifiers be accepted as ADEC identifiers.
Note that the current suggested, two-component form of ADEC identifiers may be used as an IVOA resource identifier, and thus, a PDI.
Note that the current suggested, two-component form of ADEC identifiers may be used as an IVOA resource identifier, and thus, a PDI.
* that the DataResolver service be defined as a standard VO service.
  • that the DataResolver service be defined as a standard VO service.
* that the ADS use the standard DataResolver service to query data centers.
  • that the ADS use the standard DataResolver service to query data centers.


Revision 22003-09-15 - TWikiGuest

Links: IvoaResReg :: registry mail archive :: IVOARegWp03 :: IdAmend :: ResourceMetadata

Some Strawman Amendments to the Identifier WD


Part D. Persistant Dataset Identifiers (PDI)


Part D. Persistant Dataset Identifiers (PDI) and ADEC Compatibility.

This proposal is intended to provide compatibility between the ADEC Dataset Verification and Resolution Services (DVRS) (http://ads.harvard.edu/www/dv/) and VO Registries. It recommends a choice for ADEC dataset identifiers that will allow a VO registry to locate the services for accessing that dataset. It assumes that a dataset may or may not be explicitly registered.
This proposal is intended to provide compatibility between the ADEC Dataset Verification and Resolution Services (DVRS) (http://ads.harvard.edu/www/dv/) and VO Registries. It recommends a choice for ADEC dataset identifiers that will allow a VO registry to locate the services for accessing that dataset. It makes use of LogicalIdentifiers proposed in Part B. and assumes that a dataset may or may not be explicitly registered.
  • If the dataset is explicitly registered, then the URN form of the VO LogicalIdentifier should be given as the ADEC identifier.

  • If the dataset is not registered, then the data collection should be registered. It is recommended that the provider implement a data resolver service as defined in the ADEC DVRS framework and include a reference to the service in the data collection's metadata.

If the data collection is not registered, then a service that serves that dataset (e.g. a data resolver service) should be registered.

The recommended ADEC identifier in this case should be LogicalIdentifier of the data collection or service, followed by a pound sign (#) and a unique dataset name.

  • Given a VO-compliant ADEC identifier, one can resolve the identifier with the following recipe:
    1. The portion of the identifier prior to the # can be given to a searchable registry in by-LogicalIdentifier look-up query which would return one or more resources that can provide access to the dataset.
    2. If a matched resource is a DataCollection, its metadata is examined for a data resolver service.
    3. If a matched resource is a data resolver service or one was located from a matched DataCollection, the data resolver service can be called to get access to the dataset.
    4. If a data resolver service is not available, any of the matched DataCollections or Services can be returned to the user; however, further automated resolution may not be possible.

To make this proposal work, we recommend to ADEC the following: * that VO Persistant Dataset Identifiers be accepted as ADEC identifiers.

Note that the current suggested, two-component form of ADEC identifiers may be used as an IVOA resource identifier, and thus, a PDI.

* that the DataResolver service be defined as a standard VO service.

* that the ADS use the standard DataResolver service to query data centers.


Revision 12003-09-15 - RayPlante

Links: IvoaResReg :: registry mail archive :: IVOARegWp03 :: IdAmend :: ResourceMetadata

Some Strawman Amendments to the Identifier WD

Part D. Persistant Dataset Identifiers (PDI)

This proposal is intended to provide compatibility between the ADEC Dataset Verification and Resolution Services (DVRS) (http://ads.harvard.edu/www/dv/) and VO Registries. It recommends a choice for ADEC dataset identifiers that will allow a VO registry to locate the services for accessing that dataset. It assumes that a dataset may or may not be explicitly registered.

  • If the dataset is explicitly registered, then the URN form of the VO LogicalIdentifier should be given as the ADEC identifier.

  • If the dataset is not registered, then the data collection should be registered. It is recommended that the provider implement a data resolver service as defined in the ADEC DVRS framework and include a reference to the service in the data collection's metadata.

If the data collection is not registered, then a service that serves that dataset (e.g. a data resolver service) should be registered.

The recommended ADEC identifier in this case should be LogicalIdentifier of the data collection or service, followed by a pound sign (#) and a unique dataset name.

  • Given a VO-compliant ADEC identifier, one can resolve the identifier with the following recipe:
    1. The portion of the identifier prior to the # can be given to a searchable registry in by-LogicalIdentifier look-up query which would return one or more resources that can provide access to the dataset.
    2. If a matched resource is a DataCollection, its metadata is examined for a data resolver service.
    3. If a matched resource is a data resolver service or one was located from a matched DataCollection, the data resolver service can be called to get access to the dataset.
    4. If a data resolver service is not available, any of the matched DataCollections or Services can be returned to the user; however, further automated resolution may not be possible.

To make this proposal work, we recommend to ADEC the following: * that VO Persistant Dataset Identifiers be accepted as ADEC identifiers.

Note that the current suggested, two-component form of ADEC identifiers may be used as an IVOA resource identifier, and thus, a PDI.

* that the DataResolver service be defined as a standard VO service.

* that the ADS use the standard DataResolver service to query data centers.

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