Difference: InterOpApr2022CSP (1 vs. 14)

Revision 142022-04-27 - GiuliaIafrate

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpApr2022"

CSP Panel Session, IVOA Interoperability Virtual meeting, April 2022

Publishing your data in the VO

Tuesday April 26 - 15:00 UTC

Session minutes


Speaker Title Time Materials
Ada Nebot Summary of the Project Survey + Intro to the panel 12' pdf
Dongwei Fan LAMOST and the China Virtual Observatory 12' pdf
Tamara Civera Observatorio Astrofísico de Javalambre: VO Services 12' pdf
Alberto Micol European Southern Observatory 12' pdf
Yan Grange ASTRON - Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy 12' pdf
All Open discussion 30' Summary

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META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOA-CSP-Panel-2022A.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1650905636" name="IVOA-CSP-Panel-2022A.pdf" path="IVOA-CSP-Panel-2022A.pdf" size="982394" user="AdaNebot" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="LAMOST_and_the_Chinese_Virtual_Observatory-Dongwei_Fan.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1650879984" name="LAMOST_and_the_Chinese_Virtual_Observatory-Dongwei_Fan.pdf" path="LAMOST and the Chinese Virtual Observatory-Dongwei Fan.pdf" size="514811" user="AdaNebot" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="TamaraCivera_IVOAApril2022.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1650900604" name="TamaraCivera_IVOAApril2022.pdf" path="TamaraCivera_IVOAApril2022.pdf" size="3353658" user="AdaNebot" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ASTRON.pdf" attr="" comment="ASTRON presentation" date="1651003584" name="ASTRON.pdf" path="ASTRON.pdf" size="1008351" user="YanGrange" version="3"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ESO_experience_adopting_VO_CSP_IVO_April2022.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1650981692" name="ESO_experience_adopting_VO_CSP_IVO_April2022.pdf" path="ESO_experience_adopting_VO_CSP_IVO_April2022.pdf" size="2724577" user="AdaNebot" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ESO_experience_adopting_VO_CSP_IVOA_April2022.pdf" attr="" comment="live presentation from pg 8 to 22" date="1650982512" name="ESO_experience_adopting_VO_CSP_IVOA_April2022.pdf" path="ESO_experience_adopting_VO_CSP_IVOA_April2022.pdf" size="2721374" user="AlbertoMicol" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Summary-Discussion.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1650984475" name="Summary-Discussion.pdf" path="Summary-Discussion.pdf" size="103349" user="AdaNebot" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Panel-Notes.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1650992206" name="Panel-Notes.pdf" path="Panel-Notes.pdf" size="37468" user="AdaNebot" version="1"

Revision 132022-04-26 - YanGrange

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpApr2022"

CSP Panel Session, IVOA Interoperability Virtual meeting, April 2022

Publishing your data in the VO

Tuesday April 26 - 15:00 UTC

Session minutes


Speaker Title Time Materials
Ada Nebot Summary of the Project Survey + Intro to the panel 12' pdf
Dongwei Fan LAMOST and the China Virtual Observatory 12' pdf
Tamara Civera Observatorio Astrofísico de Javalambre: VO Services 12' pdf
Alberto Micol European Southern Observatory 12' pdf
Yan Grange ASTRON - Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy 12' pdf
All Open discussion 30' Summary

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META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOA-CSP-Panel-2022A.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1650905636" name="IVOA-CSP-Panel-2022A.pdf" path="IVOA-CSP-Panel-2022A.pdf" size="982394" user="AdaNebot" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="LAMOST_and_the_Chinese_Virtual_Observatory-Dongwei_Fan.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1650879984" name="LAMOST_and_the_Chinese_Virtual_Observatory-Dongwei_Fan.pdf" path="LAMOST and the Chinese Virtual Observatory-Dongwei Fan.pdf" size="514811" user="AdaNebot" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="TamaraCivera_IVOAApril2022.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1650900604" name="TamaraCivera_IVOAApril2022.pdf" path="TamaraCivera_IVOAApril2022.pdf" size="3353658" user="AdaNebot" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ASTRON.pdf" attr="" comment="ASTRON presentation" date="1650960129" name="ASTRON.pdf" path="ASTRON.pdf" size="1009181" user="YanGrange" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ASTRON.pdf" attr="" comment="ASTRON presentation" date="1651003584" name="ASTRON.pdf" path="ASTRON.pdf" size="1008351" user="YanGrange" version="3"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ESO_experience_adopting_VO_CSP_IVO_April2022.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1650981692" name="ESO_experience_adopting_VO_CSP_IVO_April2022.pdf" path="ESO_experience_adopting_VO_CSP_IVO_April2022.pdf" size="2724577" user="AdaNebot" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ESO_experience_adopting_VO_CSP_IVOA_April2022.pdf" attr="" comment="live presentation from pg 8 to 22" date="1650982512" name="ESO_experience_adopting_VO_CSP_IVOA_April2022.pdf" path="ESO_experience_adopting_VO_CSP_IVOA_April2022.pdf" size="2721374" user="AlbertoMicol" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Summary-Discussion.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1650984475" name="Summary-Discussion.pdf" path="Summary-Discussion.pdf" size="103349" user="AdaNebot" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Panel-Notes.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1650992206" name="Panel-Notes.pdf" path="Panel-Notes.pdf" size="37468" user="AdaNebot" version="1"

Revision 122022-04-26 - AdaNebot

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpApr2022"

CSP Panel Session, IVOA Interoperability Virtual meeting, April 2022

Publishing your data in the VO

Tuesday April 26 - 15:00 UTC

Session minutes

Speaker Title Time Materials
Ada Nebot Summary of the Project Survey + Intro to the panel 12' pdf
Dongwei Fan LAMOST and the China Virtual Observatory 12' pdf
Tamara Civera Observatorio Astrofísico de Javalambre: VO Services 12' pdf
Alberto Micol European Southern Observatory 12' pdf
Yan Grange ASTRON - Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy 12' pdf
All Open discussion 30' pdf
All Open discussion 30' Summary
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META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOA-CSP-Panel-2022A.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1650905636" name="IVOA-CSP-Panel-2022A.pdf" path="IVOA-CSP-Panel-2022A.pdf" size="982394" user="AdaNebot" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="LAMOST_and_the_Chinese_Virtual_Observatory-Dongwei_Fan.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1650879984" name="LAMOST_and_the_Chinese_Virtual_Observatory-Dongwei_Fan.pdf" path="LAMOST and the Chinese Virtual Observatory-Dongwei Fan.pdf" size="514811" user="AdaNebot" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="TamaraCivera_IVOAApril2022.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1650900604" name="TamaraCivera_IVOAApril2022.pdf" path="TamaraCivera_IVOAApril2022.pdf" size="3353658" user="AdaNebot" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ASTRON.pdf" attr="" comment="ASTRON presentation" date="1650960129" name="ASTRON.pdf" path="ASTRON.pdf" size="1009181" user="YanGrange" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ESO_experience_adopting_VO_CSP_IVO_April2022.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1650981692" name="ESO_experience_adopting_VO_CSP_IVO_April2022.pdf" path="ESO_experience_adopting_VO_CSP_IVO_April2022.pdf" size="2724577" user="AdaNebot" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ESO_experience_adopting_VO_CSP_IVOA_April2022.pdf" attr="" comment="live presentation from pg 8 to 22" date="1650982512" name="ESO_experience_adopting_VO_CSP_IVOA_April2022.pdf" path="ESO_experience_adopting_VO_CSP_IVOA_April2022.pdf" size="2721374" user="AlbertoMicol" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Summary-Discussion.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1650984475" name="Summary-Discussion.pdf" path="Summary-Discussion.pdf" size="103349" user="AdaNebot" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Panel-Notes.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1650992206" name="Panel-Notes.pdf" path="Panel-Notes.pdf" size="37468" user="AdaNebot" version="1"

Revision 112022-04-26 - AdaNebot

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpApr2022"

CSP Panel Session, IVOA Interoperability Virtual meeting, April 2022

Publishing your data in the VO

Tuesday April 26 - 15:00 UTC

Session minutes

Speaker Title Time Materials
Ada Nebot Summary of the Project Survey + Intro to the panel 12' pdf
Dongwei Fan LAMOST and the China Virtual Observatory 12' pdf
Tamara Civera Observatorio Astrofísico de Javalambre: VO Services 12' pdf
Alberto Micol European Southern Observatory 12' pdf
Yan Grange ASTRON - Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy 12' pdf
All Open discussion 30'
Speaker Title Time Materials
Ada Nebot Summary of the Project Survey + Intro to the panel 12' pdf
Dongwei Fan LAMOST and the China Virtual Observatory 12' pdf
Tamara Civera Observatorio Astrofísico de Javalambre: VO Services 12' pdf
Alberto Micol European Southern Observatory 12' pdf
Yan Grange ASTRON - Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy 12' pdf
All Open discussion 30' pdf
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META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOA-CSP-Panel-2022A.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1650905636" name="IVOA-CSP-Panel-2022A.pdf" path="IVOA-CSP-Panel-2022A.pdf" size="982394" user="AdaNebot" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="LAMOST_and_the_Chinese_Virtual_Observatory-Dongwei_Fan.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1650879984" name="LAMOST_and_the_Chinese_Virtual_Observatory-Dongwei_Fan.pdf" path="LAMOST and the Chinese Virtual Observatory-Dongwei Fan.pdf" size="514811" user="AdaNebot" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="TamaraCivera_IVOAApril2022.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1650900604" name="TamaraCivera_IVOAApril2022.pdf" path="TamaraCivera_IVOAApril2022.pdf" size="3353658" user="AdaNebot" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ASTRON.pdf" attr="" comment="ASTRON presentation" date="1650960129" name="ASTRON.pdf" path="ASTRON.pdf" size="1009181" user="YanGrange" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ESO_experience_adopting_VO_CSP_IVO_April2022.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1650981692" name="ESO_experience_adopting_VO_CSP_IVO_April2022.pdf" path="ESO_experience_adopting_VO_CSP_IVO_April2022.pdf" size="2724577" user="AdaNebot" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ESO_experience_adopting_VO_CSP_IVOA_April2022.pdf" attr="" comment="live presentation from pg 8 to 22" date="1650982512" name="ESO_experience_adopting_VO_CSP_IVOA_April2022.pdf" path="ESO_experience_adopting_VO_CSP_IVOA_April2022.pdf" size="2721374" user="AlbertoMicol" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Summary-Discussion.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1650984475" name="Summary-Discussion.pdf" path="Summary-Discussion.pdf" size="103349" user="AdaNebot" version="2"

Revision 102022-04-26 - AlbertoMicol

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpApr2022"

CSP Panel Session, IVOA Interoperability Virtual meeting, April 2022

Publishing your data in the VO

Tuesday April 26 - 15:00 UTC

Session minutes

Speaker Title Time Materials
Ada Nebot Summary of the Project Survey + Intro to the panel 12' pdf
Dongwei Fan LAMOST and the China Virtual Observatory 12' pdf
Tamara Civera Observatorio Astrofísico de Javalambre: VO Services 12' pdf
Alberto Micol European Southern Observatory 12' pdf
Alberto Micol European Southern Observatory 12' pdf
Yan Grange ASTRON - Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy 12' pdf
All Open discussion 30'

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META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOA-CSP-Panel-2022A.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1650905636" name="IVOA-CSP-Panel-2022A.pdf" path="IVOA-CSP-Panel-2022A.pdf" size="982394" user="AdaNebot" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="LAMOST_and_the_Chinese_Virtual_Observatory-Dongwei_Fan.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1650879984" name="LAMOST_and_the_Chinese_Virtual_Observatory-Dongwei_Fan.pdf" path="LAMOST and the Chinese Virtual Observatory-Dongwei Fan.pdf" size="514811" user="AdaNebot" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="TamaraCivera_IVOAApril2022.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1650900604" name="TamaraCivera_IVOAApril2022.pdf" path="TamaraCivera_IVOAApril2022.pdf" size="3353658" user="AdaNebot" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ASTRON.pdf" attr="" comment="ASTRON presentation" date="1650960129" name="ASTRON.pdf" path="ASTRON.pdf" size="1009181" user="YanGrange" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ESO_experience_adopting_VO_CSP_IVO_April2022.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1650981692" name="ESO_experience_adopting_VO_CSP_IVO_April2022.pdf" path="ESO_experience_adopting_VO_CSP_IVO_April2022.pdf" size="2724577" user="AdaNebot" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ESO_experience_adopting_VO_CSP_IVOA_April2022.pdf" attr="" comment="live presentation from pg 8 to 22" date="1650982512" name="ESO_experience_adopting_VO_CSP_IVOA_April2022.pdf" path="ESO_experience_adopting_VO_CSP_IVOA_April2022.pdf" size="2721374" user="AlbertoMicol" version="1"

Revision 92022-04-26 - AdaNebot

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpApr2022"

CSP Panel Session, IVOA Interoperability Virtual meeting, April 2022

Publishing your data in the VO

Tuesday April 26 - 15:00 UTC

Session minutes

Speaker Title Time Materials
Ada Nebot Summary of the Project Survey + Intro to the panel 12' pdf
Dongwei Fan LAMOST and the China Virtual Observatory 12' pdf
Tamara Civera Observatorio Astrofísico de Javalambre: VO Services 12' pdf
Alberto Micol European Southern Observatory 12'  
Alberto Micol European Southern Observatory 12' pdf
Yan Grange ASTRON - Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy 12' pdf
All Open discussion 30'

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META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOA-CSP-Panel-2022A.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1650905636" name="IVOA-CSP-Panel-2022A.pdf" path="IVOA-CSP-Panel-2022A.pdf" size="982394" user="AdaNebot" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="LAMOST_and_the_Chinese_Virtual_Observatory-Dongwei_Fan.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1650879984" name="LAMOST_and_the_Chinese_Virtual_Observatory-Dongwei_Fan.pdf" path="LAMOST and the Chinese Virtual Observatory-Dongwei Fan.pdf" size="514811" user="AdaNebot" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="TamaraCivera_IVOAApril2022.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1650900604" name="TamaraCivera_IVOAApril2022.pdf" path="TamaraCivera_IVOAApril2022.pdf" size="3353658" user="AdaNebot" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ASTRON.pdf" attr="" comment="ASTRON presentation" date="1650960129" name="ASTRON.pdf" path="ASTRON.pdf" size="1009181" user="YanGrange" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ESO_experience_adopting_VO_CSP_IVO_April2022.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1650981692" name="ESO_experience_adopting_VO_CSP_IVO_April2022.pdf" path="ESO_experience_adopting_VO_CSP_IVO_April2022.pdf" size="2724577" user="AdaNebot" version="1"

Revision 82022-04-26 - YanGrange

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpApr2022"

CSP Panel Session, IVOA Interoperability Virtual meeting, April 2022

Publishing your data in the VO

Tuesday April 26 - 15:00 UTC

Session minutes

Speaker Title Time Materials
Ada Nebot Summary of the Project Survey + Intro to the panel 12' pdf
Dongwei Fan LAMOST and the China Virtual Observatory 12' pdf
Tamara Civera Observatorio Astrofísico de Javalambre: VO Services 12' pdf
Alberto Micol European Southern Observatory 12'  
Yan Grange ASTRON - Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy 12' pdf
All Open discussion 30'

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META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOA-CSP-Panel-2022A.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1650905636" name="IVOA-CSP-Panel-2022A.pdf" path="IVOA-CSP-Panel-2022A.pdf" size="982394" user="AdaNebot" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="LAMOST_and_the_Chinese_Virtual_Observatory-Dongwei_Fan.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1650879984" name="LAMOST_and_the_Chinese_Virtual_Observatory-Dongwei_Fan.pdf" path="LAMOST and the Chinese Virtual Observatory-Dongwei Fan.pdf" size="514811" user="AdaNebot" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="TamaraCivera_IVOAApril2022.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1650900604" name="TamaraCivera_IVOAApril2022.pdf" path="TamaraCivera_IVOAApril2022.pdf" size="3353658" user="AdaNebot" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ASTRON.pdf" attr="" comment="ASTRON presentation" date="1650919658" name="ASTRON.pdf" path="ASTRON.pdf" size="943708" user="YanGrange" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ASTRON.pdf" attr="" comment="ASTRON presentation" date="1650960129" name="ASTRON.pdf" path="ASTRON.pdf" size="1009181" user="YanGrange" version="2"

Revision 72022-04-26 - FrancescaCivano

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpApr2022"

CSP Panel Session, IVOA Interoperability Virtual meeting, April 2022

Publishing your data in the VO

Tuesday April 26 - 15:00 UTC

Session minutes

Speaker Title Time Materials
Ada Nebot Summary of the Project Survey + Intro to the panel 12' pdf
Dongwei Fan LAMOST and the China Virtual Observatory 12' pdf
Tamara Civera Observatorio Astrofísico de Javalambre: VO Services 12' pdf
Alberto Micol European Southern Observatory 12'  
Yan Grange ASTRON - Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy 12'  
Yan Grange ASTRON - Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy 12' pdf
All Open discussion 30'

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META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOA-CSP-Panel-2022A.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1650905636" name="IVOA-CSP-Panel-2022A.pdf" path="IVOA-CSP-Panel-2022A.pdf" size="982394" user="AdaNebot" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="LAMOST_and_the_Chinese_Virtual_Observatory-Dongwei_Fan.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1650879984" name="LAMOST_and_the_Chinese_Virtual_Observatory-Dongwei_Fan.pdf" path="LAMOST and the Chinese Virtual Observatory-Dongwei Fan.pdf" size="514811" user="AdaNebot" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="TamaraCivera_IVOAApril2022.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1650900604" name="TamaraCivera_IVOAApril2022.pdf" path="TamaraCivera_IVOAApril2022.pdf" size="3353658" user="AdaNebot" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ASTRON.pdf" attr="" comment="ASTRON presentation" date="1650919658" name="ASTRON.pdf" path="ASTRON.pdf" size="943708" user="YanGrange" version="1"

Revision 62022-04-25 - YanGrange

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpApr2022"

CSP Panel Session, IVOA Interoperability Virtual meeting, April 2022

Publishing your data in the VO

Tuesday April 26 - 15:00 UTC

Session minutes

Speaker Title Time Materials
Ada Nebot Summary of the Project Survey + Intro to the panel 12' pdf
Dongwei Fan LAMOST and the China Virtual Observatory 12' pdf
Tamara Civera Observatorio Astrofísico de Javalambre: VO Services 12' pdf
Alberto Micol European Southern Observatory 12'  
Yan Grange ASTRON - Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy 12'  
All Open discussion 30'

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META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOA-CSP-Panel-2022A.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1650905636" name="IVOA-CSP-Panel-2022A.pdf" path="IVOA-CSP-Panel-2022A.pdf" size="982394" user="AdaNebot" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="LAMOST_and_the_Chinese_Virtual_Observatory-Dongwei_Fan.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1650879984" name="LAMOST_and_the_Chinese_Virtual_Observatory-Dongwei_Fan.pdf" path="LAMOST and the Chinese Virtual Observatory-Dongwei Fan.pdf" size="514811" user="AdaNebot" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="TamaraCivera_IVOAApril2022.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1650900604" name="TamaraCivera_IVOAApril2022.pdf" path="TamaraCivera_IVOAApril2022.pdf" size="3353658" user="AdaNebot" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ASTRON.pdf" attr="" comment="ASTRON presentation" date="1650919658" name="ASTRON.pdf" path="ASTRON.pdf" size="943708" user="YanGrange" version="1"

Revision 52022-04-25 - AdaNebot

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpApr2022"

CSP Panel Session, IVOA Interoperability Virtual meeting, April 2022

Publishing your data in the VO

Tuesday April 26 - 15:00 UTC

Session minutes

Speaker Title Time Materials
Ada Nebot Summary of the Project Survey + Intro to the panel 12' pdf
Dongwei Fan LAMOST and the China Virtual Observatory 12' pdf
Tamara Civera Observatorio Astrofísico de Javalambre: VO Services 12' pdf
Alberto Micol European Southern Observatory 12'  
Yan Grange ASTRON - Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy 12'  
All Open discussion 30'

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META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOA-CSP-Panel-2022A.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1650879930" name="IVOA-CSP-Panel-2022A.pdf" path="IVOA-CSP-Panel-2022A.pdf" size="976612" user="AdaNebot" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOA-CSP-Panel-2022A.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1650905636" name="IVOA-CSP-Panel-2022A.pdf" path="IVOA-CSP-Panel-2022A.pdf" size="982394" user="AdaNebot" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="LAMOST_and_the_Chinese_Virtual_Observatory-Dongwei_Fan.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1650879984" name="LAMOST_and_the_Chinese_Virtual_Observatory-Dongwei_Fan.pdf" path="LAMOST and the Chinese Virtual Observatory-Dongwei Fan.pdf" size="514811" user="AdaNebot" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="TamaraCivera_IVOAApril2022.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1650900604" name="TamaraCivera_IVOAApril2022.pdf" path="TamaraCivera_IVOAApril2022.pdf" size="3353658" user="AdaNebot" version="1"

Revision 42022-04-25 - FrancescaCivano

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpApr2022"

CSP Panel Session, IVOA Interoperability Virtual meeting, April 2022


Publishing your data in the VO

Publishing your data in the VO

Tuesday April 26 - 15:00 UTC


Tuesday April 26 - 15:00 UTC

Session minutes
Session minutes (this topic does not yet exist; you can create it)">Session minutes
Speaker Title Time Materials
Ada Nebot Summary of the Project Survey + Intro to the panel 10 + 2 pdf
Dongwei Fan LAMOST and the China Virtual Observatory 10 + 2 pdf
Tamara Civera Observatorio Astrofísico de Javalambre: VO Services 10 + 2 pdf
Alberto Micol European Southern Observatory 10 +2  
Yan Grange ASTRON - Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy 10 + 2  
All Open discussion 30
Ada Nebot Summary of the Project Survey + Intro to the panel 12' pdf
Dongwei Fan LAMOST and the China Virtual Observatory 12' pdf
Tamara Civera Observatorio Astrofísico de Javalambre: VO Services 12' pdf
Alberto Micol European Southern Observatory 12'  
Yan Grange ASTRON - Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy 12'  
All Open discussion 30'
under construction
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--+++ Relevant Links and Information
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META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOA-CSP-Panel-2022A.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1650879930" name="IVOA-CSP-Panel-2022A.pdf" path="IVOA-CSP-Panel-2022A.pdf" size="976612" user="AdaNebot" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="LAMOST_and_the_Chinese_Virtual_Observatory-Dongwei_Fan.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1650879984" name="LAMOST_and_the_Chinese_Virtual_Observatory-Dongwei_Fan.pdf" path="LAMOST and the Chinese Virtual Observatory-Dongwei Fan.pdf" size="514811" user="AdaNebot" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="TamaraCivera_IVOAApril2022.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1650900604" name="TamaraCivera_IVOAApril2022.pdf" path="TamaraCivera_IVOAApril2022.pdf" size="3353658" user="AdaNebot" version="1"

Revision 32022-04-25 - AdaNebot

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpApr2022"

CSP Panel Session, IVOA Interoperability Virtual meeting, April 2022

Publishing your data in the VO

Tuesday April 26 - 15:00 UTC

Session minutes (this topic does not yet exist; you can create it)">Session minutes

Speaker Title Time Materials
Ada Nebot Summary of the Project Survey + Intro to the panel 10 + 2 pdf
Dongwei Fan LAMOST and the China Virtual Observatory 10 + 2 pdf
Tamara Civera Observatorio de Javalambre in Spain 10 + 2  
Tamara Civera Observatorio Astrofísico de Javalambre: VO Services 10 + 2 pdf
Alberto Micol European Southern Observatory 10 +2  
Yan Grange ASTRON - Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy 10 + 2  
All Open discussion 30

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META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOA-CSP-Panel-2022A.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1650879930" name="IVOA-CSP-Panel-2022A.pdf" path="IVOA-CSP-Panel-2022A.pdf" size="976612" user="AdaNebot" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="LAMOST_and_the_Chinese_Virtual_Observatory-Dongwei_Fan.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1650879984" name="LAMOST_and_the_Chinese_Virtual_Observatory-Dongwei_Fan.pdf" path="LAMOST and the Chinese Virtual Observatory-Dongwei Fan.pdf" size="514811" user="AdaNebot" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="TamaraCivera_IVOAApril2022.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1650900604" name="TamaraCivera_IVOAApril2022.pdf" path="TamaraCivera_IVOAApril2022.pdf" size="3353658" user="AdaNebot" version="1"

Revision 22022-04-25 - AdaNebot

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpApr2022"

CSP Panel Session, IVOA Interoperability Virtual meeting, April 2022

Publishing your data in the VO

Tuesday April 26 - 15:00 UTC

Session minutes (this topic does not yet exist; you can create it)">Session minutes

Speaker Title Time Materials
Ada Nebot Summary of the Project Survey + Intro to the panel 10 + 2  
Dongwei Fan LAMOST and the China Virtual Observatory 10 + 2  
Ada Nebot Summary of the Project Survey + Intro to the panel 10 + 2 pdf
Dongwei Fan LAMOST and the China Virtual Observatory 10 + 2 pdf
Tamara Civera Observatorio de Javalambre in Spain 10 + 2  
Alberto Micol European Southern Observatory 10 +2  
Yan Grange Netherlands Virtual Observatory 10 + 2  
Yan Grange ASTRON - Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy 10 + 2  
All Open discussion 30

under construction

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META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOA-CSP-Panel-2022A.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1650879930" name="IVOA-CSP-Panel-2022A.pdf" path="IVOA-CSP-Panel-2022A.pdf" size="976612" user="AdaNebot" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="LAMOST_and_the_Chinese_Virtual_Observatory-Dongwei_Fan.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1650879984" name="LAMOST_and_the_Chinese_Virtual_Observatory-Dongwei_Fan.pdf" path="LAMOST and the Chinese Virtual Observatory-Dongwei Fan.pdf" size="514811" user="AdaNebot" version="1"

Revision 12022-04-08 - AdaNebot

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpApr2022"

CSP Panel Session, IVOA Interoperability Virtual meeting, April 2022

Publishing your data in the VO

Tuesday April 26 - 15:00 UTC

Session minutes (this topic does not yet exist; you can create it)">Session minutes

Speaker Title Time Materials
Ada Nebot Summary of the Project Survey + Intro to the panel 10 + 2  
Dongwei Fan LAMOST and the China Virtual Observatory 10 + 2  
Tamara Civera Observatorio de Javalambre in Spain 10 + 2  
Alberto Micol European Southern Observatory 10 +2  
Yan Grange Netherlands Virtual Observatory 10 + 2  
All Open discussion 30

under construction

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