Difference: InterOpApr2022DAL (14 vs. 15)

Revision 152022-04-29 - GregoryMantelet

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpApr2022"

DAL Sessions Schedule - IVOA Apr 2022 Interoperability Meeting

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Schedule Summary
Session DateTime UTC UTC-07:00 UTC-04:00 UTC+02:00 UTC+08:00 UTC+10:00
Victoria BC/Pasadena Washington DC Strasbourg/Paris Perth/Beijing Canberra
DAL 1 Apr 26 20:30 Apr 26 13:30 Apr 26 16:30 Apr 26 22:30 Apr 27 04:30 Apr 27 06:30
DAL 2 Apr 28 06:30 Apr 27 23:30 Apr 28 02:30 Apr 28 08:30 Apr 28 14:30 Apr 28 16:30

Notes and session video recording are linked below each session schedule table.


Time: Tuesday Apr 26 20:30 UTC [session #5]

Speaker Title Time Material Abstract
Marco Molinaro and Robert Butora VLKB VO plans to multi-cutout 15'+5' pdf ViaLactea Knowledge Base data collections and services are aiming at VO standardisation. Some features are already planned and on their way, others need some further investigation. A quick review will be presented focusing on one of the latest efforts: accept multiple independent cutout requests in a single call and provide a reasonable response. Development connects to DAL standards for discovery and access, UWS for job management and A&A integration.
François Bonnarel SIA2/SODA upgrades and Extending SIA2 into a generic DataSetSAP 15'+5' pdf SIA2 and SODA have been released a couple of years ago. We now have some feedback and we can propose evolutions. The major upgrade would be to extend the SCOPE of the parameter based interface from images and cubes to all types of dataset. A "pull request" content will be presented.
C. Azria and B. Cecconi Updated heliophysics services in VESPA: science products, service design and capabilities 15'+5' helio_services.pdf

Several heliophysics VESPA services has been recently updated (or are being updated) with solar observations from ground (BASS2000, NRH, NDA, ORFEES) or from space (WIND/Waves, STEREO/Waves), solar feature catalogues (HFC1AR, HFC1T3), or planetary magnetosphere observations or modelling (NDA, Cassini/RPWS, ExPRES, Juno/Waves). We present the various topics and datasets addressed in this corpus of services, and we show the IVOA features that we have implemented. We also discuss some specific implementation details related to DaCHS.

Moderator: James, Notetaker: Grégory

notes: etherpad notes (link to live notes, should expire around end of June 2022)


Time: Thursday Apr 28 06:30 UTC [session #14]

Speaker Title Time Material Abstract
Margarida Castro Neves LineTAP, a spectral line
relational model that can be retrieved via TAP
12'+3' pdf The LineTAP proposal has been first presented ist the 2020 November Interop. I will present the current state of the project, the first prototype implementations and the open questions that need to be discussed.
François Bonnarel ProvTAP implementation - ProvHIPS 12'+3' pdf ProvHiPS is the CDS implementation of the ProvTAP protocol. It provides provenance metadata for HiPS obtained with HST data. The protype is now accessible for tests
Stéphane Erard EPN-TAP progress and status 12'+3' pdf I will summarize the evolution of the EPN-TAP protocol since it has become a Proposed Recommendation, and discuss what remains to be done
Markus Demleitner An ADQL astrometric library 12'+3' Notes At least since we have given up on the idea of magically transforming Geometries in different reference frames, ADQL has lacked such a functionality; it has never supported applying proper motions exactly, which is a limitation as epoch differences in the catalogues we routinely handle increase. In this talk, I will propose standard ADQL user defined functions that would address both shortcomings as the basis of an ADQL astrometry library.

Moderator: Grégory, Notetaker: James

notes: etherpad notes (link to live notes, should expire around end of June 2022)



SIA2/DataSetSAP Splinter

Time: Friday Apr 29 19:00 UTC

Participants: François Bonnarel, Pat Dowler, Marco Molinaro, Xiuquin Wu, Grégory Mantelet

Notes: SIA2/DataSetSAP Splinter Notes

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META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="VLKB_DAL_MolinaroButora.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1650982629" name="VLKB_DAL_MolinaroButora.pdf" path="VLKB_DAL_MolinaroButora.pdf" size="1255543" user="MarcoMolinaro" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="helio_services.pdf" attr="" comment="presentation about updated heliophysics services in VESPA" date="1651006265" name="helio_services.pdf" path="helio_services.pdf" size="2525680" user="ChloeAzria" version="3"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="SIA2SODAUpgradesExtendingSIA2toDataSetSAP.pdf" attr="" comment="SIA2/SODA upgrades and Extending SIA2 into a generic DataSetSAP" date="1651008301" name="SIA2SODAUpgradesExtendingSIA2toDataSetSAP.pdf" path="SIA2SODAUpgradesExtendingSIA2toDataSetSAP.pdf" size="1145126" user="FrancoisBonnarel" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ametlib.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1651092244" name="ametlib.pdf" path="ametlib.pdf" size="355945" user="MarkusDemleitner" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="EPN-TAP_PR2.pdf" attr="" comment="EPN-TAP status report" date="1651133308" name="EPN-TAP_PR2.pdf" path="EPN-TAP_PR2.pdf" size="643386" user="StephaneErard" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="LineTAP_Interop22.pdf" attr="" comment="LineTAP status" date="1651140385" name="LineTAP_Interop22.pdf" path="LineTAP_Interop22.pdf" size="115385" user="MargaridaCastroNeves" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ProvTAPImplementation_-_ProvHIPS.pdf" attr="" comment="Bonnarel ProvTAP implementation - ProvHIPS" date="1651144590" name="ProvTAPImplementation_-_ProvHIPS.pdf" path="ProvTAPImplementation_-_ProvHIPS.pdf" size="3055506" user="FrancoisBonnarel" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="SIA_Splinter.txt" attr="h" comment="" date="1651269520" name="SIA_Splinter.txt" path="SIA_Splinter.txt" size="2329" user="GregoryMantelet" version="1"
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