Difference: InterOpApr2022Edu (2 vs. 3)

Revision 32022-04-27 - StephaneErard

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Education IG Session, IVOA Interoperability Virtual meeting, April 2022

VO outreach and publishing in the VO Wednesay April 27 - 20:30 UTC
Speaker Title Time Materials
Stefania Amodeo 2nd ESCAPE VO School 15'  
Stéphane Erard VESPA workshops and VO Seminars at the Observertoire de Paris 15'  
VO outreach and publishing in the VO Wednesay April 27 - 20:30 UTC

Speaker Title Time Materials
Stefania Amodeo 2nd ESCAPE VO School 15'  
Stéphane Erard VESPA workshops and VO Seminars at the Observertoire de Paris 15'  
Hendrik Heinl Publishing in the VO and EduIG involvement 10'  
All Open Discussion 20'  

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="talk_hendrik_heinl.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1651091270" name="talk_hendrik_heinl.pdf" path="talk_hendrik_heinl.pdf" size="62211" user="HendriklHein" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="StefaniaAmodeoSecondESCAPE-VO-School.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1651091907" name="StefaniaAmodeoSecondESCAPE-VO-School.pdf" path="StefaniaAmodeoSecondESCAPE-VO-School.pdf" size="10270511" user="HendriklHein" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="VESPA_PADC_workshops.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1651094725" name="VESPA_PADC_workshops.pdf" path="VESPA_PADC_workshops.pdf" size="878769" user="StephaneErard" version="1"
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