Difference: InterOpApr2022Exec (1 vs. 2)

Revision 22022-04-20 - BruceBerriman

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpApr2022"

Special Session: IVOA Engagement With the IAU

1330 UTC: Bruce Berriman - "Welcome And Introduction: The Story So Far"

1335 UTC: Gabriele Giovannini (Division B President) - "IAU Division B structure and possible connections with IVOA"

1343 UTC: Marie-Lise Dubernet (IAU Lab Astro WG Chair) - “FAIR usage of Atomic and Molecular Data in Astro applications : Role of IVOA"

1351 UTC: Vanessa McBride or Kevin Govender (OAD) - TBD
1351 UTC: Vanessa McBride (OAD) - "The IVOA in support of astronomy for development"
1359 UTC: Chenzhou Cui - VO resources for astronomical education and collaboration prospects."
1359 UTC: Chenzhou Cui - "VO resources for astronomical education and collaboration prospects"
  1407 UTC: Discussion

1425 UTC: Bruce Berriman - Summary

Revision 12022-04-19 - BruceBerriman

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpApr2022"

Special Session: IVOA Engagement With the IAU

1330 UTC: Bruce Berriman - "Welcome And Introduction: The Story So Far"

1335 UTC: Gabriele Giovannini (Division B President) - "IAU Division B structure and possible connections with IVOA"

1343 UTC: Marie-Lise Dubernet (IAU Lab Astro WG Chair) - “FAIR usage of Atomic and Molecular Data in Astro applications : Role of IVOA"

1351 UTC: Vanessa McBride or Kevin Govender (OAD) - TBD

1359 UTC: Chenzhou Cui - VO resources for astronomical education and collaboration prospects."

1407 UTC: Discussion

1425 UTC: Bruce Berriman - Summary

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