name="InterOpApr2022" |
RadioIG Session Schedule - IVOA Apr 2022 Interoperability Meeting
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** DRAFT under development *
Schedule Summary |
Session |
DateTime UTC |
UTC-07:00 |
UTC-04:00 |
UTC+02:00 |
UTC+08:00 |
UTC+10:00 |
Victoria BC/Pasadena |
Washington DC |
Strasbourg |
Perth/Beijing |
Canberra |
Apr 28 20:30 |
Apr 28 13:30 |
Apr 28 16:30 |
Apr 28 22:30 |
Apr 29 04:30 |
Apr 29 06:30 |
Notes and session video recording are linked below each session schedule table.
Time: Apr 28 20:30 [session #17]
< < |
Alan Loh |
NenuFAR: MOCs and observation database |
12 + 3 |
Yan Grange |
ARTS DR1: Fast Radio Burstst in the VO |
12 + 3 |
Alessandra Zanichelli |
Mapping INAF Single Dish datasets into ObsCore. |
12 + 3 |
François Bonnarel |
status of ObsCoreExtension for visibility data |
12 + 3 |
> > |
Mark Kettenis |
JIVE ObsTAP service for the EVN has gone live |
12 + 3 |
Moderator: [[IVOA.][]], Notetaker: [[IVOA.][]]
notes: etherpad notes (link to live notes, should expire around end of April 2023)
Abstracts |
< < | NenuFAR: MOCs and observation database (A.Loh)
NenuFAR is a low-frequency radiotelescope observing in the 10-85 MHz frequency range. In beamforming mode, it is designed as a 96 elements phased-array (called Mini-Arrays: 19 analog-phased dipole antennas). The geometry of the Mini-Arrays induces the appearance of grating lobes at sky positions which are time and frequency-dependent. Beamformed observations are thus often contaminated by artefacts due to off-target bright sources falling within those secondary lobes. Thanks to the use of Multi-Order Coverage map objects, we have developed a tool able to quickly assess, or predict, which time and frequency cells are affected by such contamination for a given observation.
In addition, we have also set up a NenuFAR observation database using elasticsearch, keeping track of the complex and various instrumental configurations. Originally made for internal use purposes, we intend to release part of it as ObsTAP and ObsLocTAP services in the next future. |
ARTS DR1: Fast Radio Burstst in the VO (Y.Grange)
The first Data Release of the APERTIF transient system (ARTS) will happen soon. As part of the release we have set up tables in the ASTRON VO. In this talk I will give an overview of the choices we made, and propose some points for discussion on the relation between the FRB properties and the data itself in the VO.
JIVE ObsTAP service for the EVN has gone live (M.Kettenis)
Within the context of the ESCAPE project, JIVE has been building a TAP
service that uses the ObsCore model to describe all public
observations in the European VLBI Network (EVN) Archive. This service
is now fully up and running and registered with the VO. To prepare
for the future Radio extensions to ObsCore some changes have been made
to the way observations are represented.
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-- FrancoisBonnarel - 2022-04-20
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