Difference: InterOpJune2015DAL (13 vs. 14)

Revision 142015-06-17 - PatrickDowler

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpJune2015"

DAL sessions @ June 2015 Interop Meeting

DAL Session 1 - Tuesday 16:00-17:30 - Großer Saal

ADQL."> Progress on TAP and ADQL.
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Patrick Dowler CADC TAP-1.1 Implementation 12'  
Patrick Dowler CADC TAP-1.1 Implementation 12' pdf
Markus Demleitner TAP-1.1 features implementation 12' adqlext.pdf
Bruce Berriman
Tom McGlynn
TAP implementation feedback 12' pdf
Juan Gonzalez TAP and UWS extensions in the Gaia Archive 12' pdf
Walter Landry TAPRegExt fine grained differences between tables 12' pdf
Patrick Dowler TAP-1.1 draft and discussion 15'  
Patrick Dowler TAP-1.1 draft and discussion 15' pdf
Dave Morris ADQL-2.1 draft & discussion 15' pdf

DAL Session 2 - Thursday 11:00-12:30 - Großer Saal

SIAV2.0 and AccessData status and report, SimDAL presentation.
Speaker Title Duration Materials
François Bonnarel SIAV2 and AccessData Status & SIAV2 implementations Interoperability Demo 25'  
Bruce Berriman Implementing the SIAPv2 Protocol at the W.M. Keck Observatory Archive (KOA): A Case Study 20' pdf
Marco Molinaro VIALACTEA discovery & cutout services 10'  
David Languignon SimDAL 35'  

DAL/DM Joint Session - Thursday 16:00-17:30 - Großer Saal

WCS in DAL protocols. The Doppler axis issue. Relationship to ImageDM.
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Mireille Louys Obscore-1.1 15'  
François Bonnarel WCS aspects 15'  
Patrick Dowler ObsCore++ : file and WCS in a laidback ObsCore style 15'  
Markus Demleitner The "obs_axes" column proposal 10'  
Arnold Rots WCS and STC2 15'  
All Discussion 20'  


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="adql-20150616.pdf" attr="" comment="ADQL 2.1 discussion" date="1434463406" name="adql-20150616.pdf" path="adql-20150616.pdf" size="67723" user="DaveMorris" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="adqlext.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1434466005" name="adqlext.pdf" path="adqlext.pdf" size="197026" user="MarkusDemleitner" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="NASA_TAP_June_16_final.pdf" attr="" comment="NASA Archives TAP Implementation" date="1434466134" name="NASA_TAP_June_16_final.pdf" path="NASA_TAP_June_16_final.pdf" size="306889" user="BruceBerriman" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="KOA_IVOA_final.pdf" attr="" comment="KOA IVOA SIAPv2" date="1434466407" name="KOA_IVOA_final.pdf" path="KOA_IVOA_final.pdf" size="2112917" user="BruceBerriman" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="WLandry.pdf" attr="" comment="fine grained table differentiation in TAP" date="1434482839" name="WLandry.pdf" path="WLandry.pdf" size="1328828" user="MarcoMolinaro" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Gaia_TAP_plus_interop_2015_JGN.pdf" attr="" comment="Gaia TAP+ extensions" date="1434534796" name="Gaia_TAP_plus_interop_2015_JGN.pdf" path="Gaia_TAP_plus_interop_2015_JGN.pdf" size="1743419" user="JuanGonzalezNunez" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="WD-TAP-1.1.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1434535979" name="WD-TAP-1.1.pdf" path="WD-TAP-1.1.pdf" size="54966" user="PatrickDowler" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="CADC-TAP-1.1.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1434535979" name="CADC-TAP-1.1.pdf" path="CADC-TAP-1.1.pdf" size="323096" user="PatrickDowler" version="1"
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