Difference: InterOpJune2015Participants (1 vs. 13)

Revision 132015-06-16 - WilliamOMullane


June 2015 (Northern Spring) Interop Meeting Participants List

 Backlinks to Interop website | Programme page

List of participants

Name Surname Affiliation
J. Manuel Alacid Polo SVO, CAB (INTA-CSIC)
Mark Allen CDS, Observatoire de Strasbourg
Christophe Arviset ESA-ESAC
Yaye Awa Ba Paris Observatory
Bruce Berriman IPAC, Caltech
Thomas Boch CDS - Observatoire de Strasbourg - UdS/CNRS
François Bonnarel CDS / Observatoire Astronomique de Strasbourg
Carlos Brandt La Sapienza University of Rome
Robert Butora INAF - OATs
Margarida Castro Neves Universität Heidelberg/GAVO
Baptiste Cecconi Observatoire de Paris
Francesco Cepparo INAF - OATs
Yu-Ling Chang Sapienza university of Rome
Cyril Chauvin Observatoire de Paris
Mark Cresitello-Dittmar SAO
Karin Dassas IAS CNRS Orsay France
Bernard Debray Institut UTINAM - Observatoire THETA Franche-Comté Bourgogne
Markus Demleitner Universität Heidelberg/GAVO
Sebastien Derriere CDS, Observatoire astronomique de Strasbourg
Tom Donaldson STScI
Theresa Dower STScI
Patrick Dowler NRC - CADC
Daniel Durand NRCC-CADC
Janet Evans SAO
Giuseppina Fabbiano SAO
Pierre Fernique Observatoire de Strasbourg - CDS
Séverin Gaudet NRC/CADC
Benjamin Godard Observatoire de Paris
Juan Gonzalez Nunez ESA - ESAC
Matthew Graham NOAO/Caltech
Steve Groom IPAC / Caltech
Paul Harrison JBCA
Giulia Iafrate INAF - OATs
Santosh Jagade Inter University Center For Astronomy And Astrophysics (IUCAA)
Dustin Jenkins NRC - CADC
Santhilata Kuppili Venkata KINGS COLLEGE LONDON
Gilles Landais CDS
Walter Landry Caltech
David Languignon CNRS/Observatoire de Paris
Omar Laurino Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
Franck Le Petit VO-Paris Data Centre
Gerard Lemson JHU
Pierre Le Sidaner Observatoire de paris
Marcello Lodi Fundacion Galileo Galilei - INAF
Mireille Louys CDS/ Icube , University Strasbourg
Patrick Maeght Observatoire Midi Pyrénées IRAP/OV-GSO
Brian Major National Research Council Canada
Grégory Mantelet ARI
Raphaël Melior Observatoire THETA Franche-Comté Bourgogne
Jean-Charles Meunier LAM / CNRS
Laurent Michel Observatory of Strasbourg
Alberto Micol ESO
Marco Molinaro INAF - OATs
Nicolas Moreau Paris Observatory
Dave Morris Edinburgh University
Federica Moscato ASDC
Jiri Nadvornik Astronomical Institute CZ
Sara Nieto ESA
Anaïs Oberto CDS - Strasbourg - France
Fabio Pasian INAF - OATs
Menelaus Perdikeas ESAC / NEUROPUBLIC
Kai Polsterer HITS gGmbH
Massimo Ramella INAF - OATs
Kristin Riebe Leibniz-Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP)
Carlos Rodrigo SVO, CAB, INTA-CSIC
Arnold Rots SAO
Jesus Salgado ESAC/ESA
Walter Santos IAG-University of Sao Paulo/BRAVO
Renaud Savalle VO-Paris Data Centre
André Schaaff Observatoire de Strasbourg / CNRS / CDS
David Schade Canadian Astronomy Data Centre
Mathieu Servillat Observatoire de Paris - LUTH
Yuji Shirasaki NAOJ
Petr Skoda Astronomical Institute Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic
John Swinbank Princeton University/LSST
Giuliano Taffoni INAF - OATs
Mark Taylor University of Bristol
Stelios Voutsinas University of Edinburgh
Joachim Wambsganss Heidelberg University
Sarah Weissman Space Telescope Science Institute
Patricia Whitelock South African Astronomical Observatory and University of Cape Town
Ivan Zolotukhin IRAP / OV-GSO
Carlo Maria Zwölf Paris Observatory
J. Manuel Alacid Polo SVO, CAB (INTA-CSIC)
Mark Allen CDS, Observatoire de Strasbourg
Christophe Arviset ESA-ESAC
Yaye Awa Ba Paris Observatory
Bruce Berriman IPAC, Caltech
Thomas Boch CDS - Observatoire de Strasbourg - UdS/CNRS
François Bonnarel CDS / Observatoire Astronomique de Strasbourg
Carlos Brandt La Sapienza University of Rome
Robert Butora INAF - OATs
Margarida Castro Neves Universität Heidelberg/GAVO
Baptiste Cecconi Observatoire de Paris
Francesco Cepparo INAF - OATs
Yu-Ling Chang Sapienza university of Rome
Cyril Chauvin Observatoire de Paris
Mark Cresitello-Dittmar SAO
Karin Dassas IAS CNRS Orsay France
Bernard Debray Institut UTINAM - Observatoire THETA Franche-Comté Bourgogne
Markus Demleitner Universität Heidelberg/GAVO
Sebastien Derriere CDS, Observatoire astronomique de Strasbourg
Tom Donaldson STScI
Theresa Dower STScI
Patrick Dowler NRC - CADC
Daniel Durand NRCC-CADC
Janet Evans SAO
Giuseppina Fabbiano SAO
Pierre Fernique Observatoire de Strasbourg - CDS
Séverin Gaudet NRC/CADC
Benjamin Godard Observatoire de Paris
Juan Gonzalez Nunez ESA - ESAC
Matthew Graham NOAO/Caltech
Steve Groom IPAC / Caltech
Paul Harrison JBCA
Giulia Iafrate INAF - OATs
Santosh Jagade Inter University Center For Astronomy And Astrophysics (IUCAA)
Dustin Jenkins NRC - CADC
Santhilata Kuppili Venkata KINGS COLLEGE LONDON
Gilles Landais CDS
Walter Landry Caltech
David Languignon CNRS/Observatoire de Paris
Omar Laurino Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
Franck Le Petit VO-Paris Data Centre
Gerard Lemson JHU
Pierre Le Sidaner Observatoire de paris
Marcello Lodi Fundacion Galileo Galilei - INAF
Mireille Louys CDS/ Icube , University Strasbourg
Patrick Maeght Observatoire Midi Pyrénées IRAP/OV-GSO
Brian Major National Research Council Canada
Grégory Mantelet ARI
Raphaël Melior Observatoire THETA Franche-Comté Bourgogne
Jean-Charles Meunier LAM / CNRS
Laurent Michel Observatory of Strasbourg
Alberto Micol ESO
Marco Molinaro INAF - OATs
Nicolas Moreau Paris Observatory
Dave Morris Edinburgh University
Federica Moscato ASDC
Jiri Nadvornik Astronomical Institute CZ
Sara Nieto ESA
Anaïs Oberto CDS - Strasbourg - France
William O'Mullane ESA/ESAC (Only 16/17th)
Fabio Pasian INAF - OATs
Menelaus Perdikeas ESAC / NEUROPUBLIC
Kai Polsterer HITS gGmbH
Massimo Ramella INAF - OATs
Kristin Riebe Leibniz-Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP)
Carlos Rodrigo SVO, CAB, INTA-CSIC
Arnold Rots SAO
Jesus Salgado ESAC/ESA
Walter Santos IAG-University of Sao Paulo/BRAVO
Renaud Savalle VO-Paris Data Centre
André Schaaff Observatoire de Strasbourg / CNRS / CDS
David Schade Canadian Astronomy Data Centre
Mathieu Servillat Observatoire de Paris - LUTH
Yuji Shirasaki NAOJ
Petr Skoda Astronomical Institute Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic
John Swinbank Princeton University/LSST
Giuliano Taffoni INAF - OATs
Mark Taylor University of Bristol
Stelios Voutsinas University of Edinburgh
Joachim Wambsganss Heidelberg University
Sarah Weissman Space Telescope Science Institute
Patricia Whitelock South African Astronomical Observatory and University of Cape Town
Ivan Zolotukhin IRAP / OV-GSO
Carlo Maria Zwölf Paris Observatory
  (Attendees: 84, last update: 2015-06-13)

Backlinks to Interop website | Programme page

* Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = TWikiAdminGroup, MarcoMolinaro

Revision 122015-06-14 - MarcoMolinaro


June 2015 (Northern Spring) Interop Meeting Participants List

Backlinks to Interop website | Programme page

List of participants

Name Surname Affiliation
J. Manuel Alacid Polo SVO, CAB (INTA-CSIC)
Mark Allen CDS, Observatoire de Strasbourg
Christophe Arviset ESA-ESAC
Yaye Awa Ba Paris Observatory
Bruce Berriman IPAC, Caltech
Thomas Boch CDS - Observatoire de Strasbourg - UdS/CNRS
François Bonnarel CDS / Observatoire Astronomique de Strasbourg
Carlos Brandt La Sapienza University of Rome
Robert Butora INAF - OATs
Margarida Castro Neves Universität Heidelberg/GAVO
Baptiste Cecconi Observatoire de Paris
Francesco Cepparo INAF - OATs
Yu-Ling Chang Sapienza university of Rome
Cyril Chauvin Observatoire de Paris
Mark Cresitello-Dittmar SAO
Karin Dassas IAS CNRS Orsay France
Bernard Debray Institut UTINAM - Observatoire THETA Franche-Comté Bourgogne
Markus Demleitner Universität Heidelberg/GAVO
Sebastien Derriere CDS, Observatoire astronomique de Strasbourg
Tom Donaldson STScI
Theresa Dower STScI
Patrick Dowler NRC - CADC
Daniel Durand NRCC-CADC
Janet Evans SAO
Giuseppina Fabbiano SAO
Pierre Fernique Observatoire de Strasbourg - CDS
Séverin Gaudet NRC/CADC
Benjamin Godard Observatoire de Paris
Juan Gonzalez Nunez ESA - ESAC
Matthew Graham NOAO/Caltech
Steve Groom IPAC / Caltech
Paul Harrison JBCA
Giulia Iafrate INAF - OATs
Santosh Jagade Inter University Center For Astronomy And Astrophysics (IUCAA)
Dustin Jenkins NRC - CADC
Santhilata Kuppili Venkata KINGS COLLEGE LONDON
Gilles Landais CDS
Walter Landry Caltech
David Languignon CNRS/Observatoire de Paris
Omar Laurino Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
Franck Le Petit VO-Paris Data Centre
Gerard Lemson JHU
Pierre Le Sidaner Observatoire de paris
Marcello Lodi Fundacion Galileo Galilei - INAF
Mireille Louys CDS/ Icube , University Strasbourg
Patrick Maeght Observatoire Midi Pyrénées IRAP/OV-GSO
Brian Major National Research Council Canada
Grégory Mantelet ARI
Raphaël Melior Observatoire THETA Franche-Comté Bourgogne
Jean-Charles Meunier LAM / CNRS
Laurent Michel Observatory of Strasbourg
Alberto Micol ESO
Marco Molinaro INAF - OATs
Nicolas Moreau Paris Observatory
Dave Morris Edinburgh University
Federica Moscato ASDC
Jiri Nadvornik Astronomical Institute CZ
Sara Nieto ESA
Anaïs Oberto CDS - Strasbourg - France
Fabio Pasian INAF - OATs
Menelaus Perdikeas ESAC / NEUROPUBLIC
Kai Polsterer HITS gGmbH
Massimo Ramella INAF - OATs
Kristin Riebe Leibniz-Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP)
Carlos Rodrigo SVO, CAB, INTA-CSIC
Arnold Rots SAO
Jesus Salgado ESAC/ESA
Walter Santos IAG-University of Sao Paulo/BRAVO
Renaud Savalle VO-Paris Data Centre
André Schaaff Observatoire de Strasbourg / CNRS / CDS
David Schade Canadian Astronomy Data Centre
Mathieu Servillat Observatoire de Paris - LUTH
Yuji Shirasaki NAOJ
Petr Skoda Astronomical Institute Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic
John Swinbank Princeton University/LSST
Giuliano Taffoni INAF - OATs
Mark Taylor University of Bristol
Stelios Voutsinas University of Edinburgh
Joachim Wambsganss Heidelberg University
Sarah Weissman Space Telescope Science Institute
Patricia Whitelock South African Astronomical Observatory and University of Cape Town
Ivan Zolotukhin IRAP / OV-GSO
Carlo Maria Zwölf Paris Observatory
(Attendees: 83, last update: 2015-06-05)
(Attendees: 84, last update: 2015-06-13)
  Backlinks to Interop website | Programme page

* Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = TWikiAdminGroup, MarcoMolinaro

Revision 112015-06-05 - MarcoMolinaro


June 2015 (Northern Spring) Interop Meeting Participants List

Backlinks to Interop website | Programme page

List of participants

Name Surname Affiliation
J. Manuel Alacid Polo SVO, CAB (INTA-CSIC)
Mark Allen CDS, Observatoire de Strasbourg
Christophe Arviset ESA-ESAC
Yaye Awa Ba Paris Observatory
Bruce Berriman IPAC, Caltech
Thomas Boch CDS - Observatoire de Strasbourg - UdS/CNRS
François Bonnarel CDS / Observatoire Astronomique de Strasbourg
Carlos Brandt La Sapienza University of Rome
Robert Butora INAF - OATs
Margarida Castro Neves Universität Heidelberg/GAVO
Baptiste Cecconi Observatoire de Paris
Francesco Cepparo INAF - OATs
Yu-Ling Chang Sapienza university of Rome
Mark Cresitello-Dittmar SAO
Karin Dassas IAS CNRS Orsay France
Bernard Debray Institut UTINAM - Observatoire THETA Franche-Comté Bourgogne
Markus Demleitner Universität Heidelberg/GAVO
Sebastien Derriere CDS, Observatoire astronomique de Strasbourg
Tom Donaldson STScI
Theresa Dower STScI
Patrick Dowler NRC - CADC
Daniel Durand NRCC-CADC
Janet Evans SAO
Giuseppina Fabbiano SAO
Pierre Fernique Observatoire de Strasbourg - CDS
Séverin Gaudet NRC/CADC
Benjamin Godard Observatoire de Paris
Juan Gonzalez Nunez ESA - ESAC
Matthew Graham NOAO/Caltech
Steve Groom IPAC / Caltech
Paul Harrison JBCA
Giulia Iafrate INAF - OATs
Santosh Jagade Inter University Center For Astronomy And Astrophysics (IUCAA)
Dustin Jenkins NRC - CADC
Santhilata Kuppili Venkata KINGS COLLEGE LONDON
Gilles Landais CDS
Walter Landry Caltech
David Languignon CNRS/Observatoire de Paris
Omar Laurino Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
Franck Le Petit VO-Paris Data Centre
Gerard Lemson JHU
Pierre Le Sidaner Observatoire de paris
Marcello Lodi Fundacion Galileo Galilei - INAF
Mireille Louys CDS/ Icube , University Strasbourg
Patrick Maeght Observatoire Midi Pyrénées IRAP/OV-GSO
Brian Major National Research Council Canada
Grégory Mantelet ARI
Raphaël Melior Observatoire THETA Franche-Comté Bourgogne
Jean-Charles Meunier LAM / CNRS
Laurent Michel Observatory of Strasbourg
Alberto Micol ESO
Marco Molinaro INAF - OATs
Nicolas Moreau Paris Observatory
Dave Morris Edinburgh University
Federica Moscato ASDC
Jiri Nadvornik Astronomical Institute CZ
Sara Nieto ESA
Anaïs Oberto CDS - Strasbourg - France
Fabio Pasian INAF - OATs
Menelaus Perdikeas ESAC / NEUROPUBLIC
Kai Polsterer HITS gGmbH
Massimo Ramella INAF - OATs
Kristin Riebe Leibniz-Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP)
Carlos Rodrigo SVO, CAB, INTA-CSIC
Arnold Rots SAO
Jesus Salgado ESAC/ESA
Walter Santos IAG-University of Sao Paulo/BRAVO
Renaud Savalle VO-Paris Data Centre
André Schaaff Observatoire de Strasbourg / CNRS / CDS
David Schade Canadian Astronomy Data Centre
Mathieu Servillat Observatoire de Paris - LUTH
Yuji Shirasaki NAOJ
Petr Skoda Astronomical Institute Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic
John Swinbank Princeton University/LSST
Giuliano Taffoni INAF - OATs
Mark Taylor University of Bristol
Stelios Voutsinas University of Edinburgh
Joachim Wambsganss Heidelberg University
Sarah Weissman Space Telescope Science Institute
Patricia Whitelock South African Astronomical Observatory and University of Cape Town
Ivan Zolotukhin IRAP / OV-GSO
Carlo Maria Zwölf Paris Observatory
(Attendees: 82, last update: 2015-06-05)
(Attendees: 83, last update: 2015-06-05)
  Backlinks to Interop website | Programme page

* Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = TWikiAdminGroup, MarcoMolinaro

Revision 102015-06-05 - MarcoMolinaro

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"
* Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = TWikiAdminGroup -->

June 2015 (Northern Spring) Interop Meeting Participants List

Backlinks to Interop website | Programme page
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List of participants

(last update: 2015-04-20)
Name Surname Affiliation
J. Manuel Alacid Polo SVO, CAB (INTA-CSIC)
Mark Allen CDS, Observatoire de Strasbourg
Christophe Arviset ESA-ESAC
Yaye Awa Ba Paris Observatory
Bruce Berriman IPAC, Caltech
Thomas Boch CDS - Observatoire de Strasbourg - UdS/CNRS
François Bonnarel CDS / Observatoire Astronomique de Strasbourg
Carlos Brandt La Sapienza University of Rome
Robert Butora INAF - OATs
Margarida Castro Neves Universität Heidelberg/GAVO
Baptiste Cecconi Observatoire de Paris
Francesco Cepparo INAF - OATs
Yu-Ling Chang Sapienza university of Rome
Mark Cresitello-Dittmar SAO
Karin Dassas IAS CNRS Orsay France
Bernard Debray Institut UTINAM - Observatoire THETA Franche-Comté Bourgogne
Markus Demleitner Universität Heidelberg/GAVO
Sebastien Derriere CDS, Observatoire astronomique de Strasbourg
Tom Donaldson STScI
Mireille Louys CDS / Icube, University Strasbourg
Theresa Dower STScI
Patrick Dowler NRC - CADC
Daniel Durand NRCC-CADC
Janet Evans SAO
Giuseppina Fabbiano SAO
Pierre Fernique Observatoire de Strasbourg - CDS
Séverin Gaudet NRC/CADC
Benjamin Godard Observatoire de Paris
Juan Gonzalez Nunez ESA - ESAC
Matthew Graham NOAO/Caltech
Steve Groom IPAC / Caltech
Paul Harrison JBCA
Giulia Iafrate INAF - OATs
Santosh Jagade Inter University Center For Astronomy And Astrophysics (IUCAA)
Dustin Jenkins NRC - CADC
Santhilata Kuppili Venkata KINGS COLLEGE LONDON
Gilles Landais CDS
Walter Landry Caltech
David Languignon CNRS/Observatoire de Paris
Omar Laurino Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
Franck Le Petit VO-Paris Data Centre
Gerard Lemson JHU
Marcello Lodi Fundacion Galileo Galilei - INAF
Mireille Louys CDS/ Icube , University Strasbourg
Patrick Maeght Observatoire Midi Pyrénées IRAP/OV-GSO
Brian Major National Research Council Canada
Marco Molinaro INAF-OATs
Fabio Pasian INAF-OATs
Grégory Mantelet ARI
Raphaël Melior Observatoire THETA Franche-Comté Bourgogne
Jean-Charles Meunier LAM / CNRS
Laurent Michel Observatory of Strasbourg
Alberto Micol ESO
Marco Molinaro INAF - OATs
Nicolas Moreau Paris Observatory
Dave Morris Edinburgh University
Federica Moscato ASDC
Jiri Nadvornik Astronomical Institute CZ
Sara Nieto ESA
Anaïs Oberto CDS - Strasbourg - France
Fabio Pasian INAF - OATs
Menelaus Perdikeas ESAC / NEUROPUBLIC
Kai Polsterer HITS gGmbH
Massimo Ramella INAF - OATs
Kristin Riebe Leibniz-Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP)
Carlos Rodrigo SVO, CAB, INTA-CSIC
Arnold Rots SAO
Jesus Salgado ESAC/ESA
Walter Santos IAG-University of Sao Paulo/BRAVO
Renaud Savalle VO-Paris Data Centre
André Schaaff Observatoire de Strasbourg / CNRS / CDS
David Schade Canadian Astronomy Data Centre
Mathieu Servillat Observatoire de Paris - LUTH
Yuji Shirasaki NAOJ
Petr Skoda Astronomical Institute Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic
John Swinbank Princeton University/LSST
Giuliano Taffoni INAF - OATs
Mark Taylor University of Bristol
Stelios Voutsinas University of Edinburgh
Joachim Wambsganss Heidelberg University
Sarah Weissman Space Telescope Science Institute
Patricia Whitelock South African Astronomical Observatory and University of Cape Town
Ivan Zolotukhin IRAP / OV-GSO
Carlo Maria Zwölf Paris Observatory
(Attendees: 82, last update: 2015-06-05)

Backlinks to Interop website | Programme page


Revision 92015-04-21 - MarcoMolinaro

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"

June 2015 (Northern Spring) Interop Meeting Participants List

Back to

(last update: 2015-04-20)

Mark Allen CDS, Observatoire de Strasbourg
François Bonnarel CDS / Observatoire Astronomique de Strasbourg
Markus Demleitner Universität Heidelberg/GAVO
Sebastien Derriere CDS, Observatoire astronomique de Strasbourg
Tom Donaldson STScI
Mireille Louys CDS / Icube, University Strasbourg
Brian Major National Research Council Canada
Marco Molinaro INAF-OATs
Fabio Pasian INAF-OATs
André Schaaff Observatoire de Strasbourg / CNRS / CDS
Sarah Weissman Space Telescope Science Institute
Patricia Whitelock South African Astronomical Observatory and University of Cape Town


Revision 82015-04-21 - MarcoMolinaro

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"


June 2015 (Northern Spring) Interop Meeting Participants List

Back to

(last update: 2015-04-20)

Mark Allen CDS, Observatoire de Strasbourg
François Bonnarel CDS / Observatoire Astronomique de Strasbourg
Markus Demleitner Universität Heidelberg/GAVO
Sebastien Derriere CDS, Observatoire astronomique de Strasbourg
Tom Donaldson STScI
Mireille Louys CDS / Icube, University Strasbourg
Brian Major National Research Council Canada
Marco Molinaro INAF-OATs
Fabio Pasian INAF-OATs
André Schaaff Observatoire de Strasbourg / CNRS / CDS
Sarah Weissman Space Telescope Science Institute
Patricia Whitelock South African Astronomical Observatory and University of Cape Town

Revision 72015-04-20 - MarcoMolinaro

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"


June 2015 (Northern Spring) Interop Meeting Participants List

Back to

(last update: 2015-04-20)

Mark Allen CDS, Observatoire de Strasbourg
Markus Demleitner Universität Heidelberg/GAVO
Sebastien Derriere CDS, Observatoire astronomique de Strasbourg
Tom Donaldson STScI
Mireille Louys CDS / Icube, University Strasbourg
Brian Major National Research Council Canada
Marco Molinaro INAF-OATs
Fabio Pasian INAF-OATs
André Schaaff Observatoire de Strasbourg / CNRS / CDS
Sarah Weissman Space Telescope Science Institute
Patricia Whitelock South African Astronomical Observatory and University of Cape Town

Revision 62015-04-20 - MarcoMolinaro

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"


June 2015 (Northern Spring) Interop Meeting Participants List

Back to

(last update: 2015-04-20)

Mark Allen CDS, Observatoire de Strasbourg
Markus Demleitner Universität Heidelberg/GAVO
Tom Donaldson STScI
Mireille Louys CDS / Icube, University Strasbourg
Brian Major National Research Council Canada
Marco Molinaro INAF-OATs
Fabio Pasian INAF-OATs
André Schaaff Observatoire de Strasbourg / CNRS / CDS
Sarah Weissman Space Telescope Science Institute
Patricia Whitelock South African Astronomical Observatory and University of Cape Town

Revision 52015-04-20 - MarcoMolinaro

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"


June 2015 (Northern Spring) Interop Meeting Participants List

Back to

(last update: 2015-04-17)
(last update: 2015-04-20)
Mark Allen CDS, Observatoire de Strasbourg
Tom Donaldson STScI
Mireille Louys CDS / Icube, University Strasbourg
Brian Major National Research Council Canada
Marco Molinaro INAF-OATs
Fabio Pasian INAF-OATs
André Schaaff Observatoire de Strasbourg / CNRS / CDS
Sarah Weissman Space Telescope Science Institute
Patricia Whitelock South African Astronomical Observatory and University of Cape Town

Revision 42015-04-17 - MarcoMolinaro

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"


June 2015 (Northern Spring) Interop Meeting Participants List

Back to

(last update: 2015-04-17)
  • Tom Donaldson, STScI
  • Mireille Louys, CDS / Icube, University Strasbourg
  • Marco Molinaro, INAF-OATs
  • Fabio Pasian, INAF-OATs
  • André Schaaff, Observatoire de Strasbourg / CNRS / CDS
  • Sarah Weissman, Space Telescope Science Institute
Mark Allen CDS, Observatoire de Strasbourg
Tom Donaldson STScI
Mireille Louys CDS / Icube, University Strasbourg
Marco Molinaro INAF-OATs
Fabio Pasian INAF-OATs
André Schaaff Observatoire de Strasbourg / CNRS / CDS
Sarah Weissman Space Telescope Science Institute

Revision 32015-04-17 - MarcoMolinaro

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"


June 2015 (Northern Spring) Interop Meeting Participants List

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  • Tom Donaldson, STScI
  • Mireille Louys, CDS / Icube, University Strasbourg
  • Marco Molinaro, INAF-OATs
  • Fabio Pasian, INAF-OATs
  • André Schaaff, Observatoire de Strasbourg / CNRS / CDS
  • Sarah Weissman, Space Telescope Science Institute

Revision 22015-04-17 - MarcoMolinaro

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"


June 2015 (Northern Spring) Interop Meeting Participants List

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  • Mireille Louys, CDS / Icube, University Strasbourg
  • Marco Molinaro, INAF-OATs
  • Fabio Pasian, INAF-OATs
  • André Schaaff, Observatoire de Strasbourg / CNRS / CDS

Revision 12015-04-16 - MarcoMolinaro

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"



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