Difference: InterOpMay2004Applications (1 vs. 20)

Revision 202012-06-26 - root

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2004"

InterOpMay2004 Applications

Afternoon Session, Tuesday May 25, 2004


This will be the first meeting for the Applications Interest Group. The role of this group is to make sure that members of the VO community are aware of the applications that all of us are developing and to ensure that we can pass on the lessons we have each learned in writing VO tools.

This session will consist of three parts. The first few minutes will be spent introducing the members to each other and reviewing the proposed charter for the group and how we anticipate using the Twiki and E-mail facilities. This is basically a brief business meeting for the interest group.

The second part of the meeting is intended to allow developers to briefly describe and demonstrate the VO tools that are now available. The presentations should include the capabilities provided to the users, how VO techologies, protocols, etc are used (or not used!) within the tool, and if the tools might be useful as a component in some larger VO application. In addition to stand-alone tools, presenters may wish to talk about libraries for implementing VO capabilities. In particular, a comparison of the capabilities and reach of the various VOTable libraries is included.

The remainder of the afternoon is a discussion of what we have learned in building these tools and libraries. Are the existing VO formats/protocols useful? How can they be improved? Are there elements in a VO infrastructure that would help in building and delivering applications? A roadmap for this discussion is suggested in the agenda, but participants should feel free to bring up the topics they deem most important. The sense of this discussion will be reported back to the meeting as a whole in the plenary session.


  • Introductions
  • Role of the Apps Interest Group (15 minutes)
    • What is this group for?
    • Does the current charter make sense?
    • How should the group function?
    • How do we use the Twiki, mailing list?
  • Current Tools and Libraries
  • Lessons learned
    • What are the obstacles to developing VO applications?
      • How do existing VO standards help in the existing tools?
      • Where would it be most helpful to have additional standardized protocols/formats
    • How can we share software?
    • Are there other libraries that should be distributed?
    • Does the VO need any common infrastructure to support application development?
      • Standardized documentation
      • Configuration management
      • Testing
    • Portability of applications
    • What underlying technologies do we need to standardize on? (SOAP/CGI, Java, ...)

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Aladin - Status & New developments" date="1085515525" name="aladin_interop_boston.pdf" path="aladin_interop_boston.pdf" size="1579222" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="CEA Overview" date="1085662128" name="CEAOverview.ppt" path="CEAOverview.ppt" size="245248" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Open SkyQuery built on the VO standards" date="1086189799" name="OpenSkyQuery-IVOA2004.ppt" path="C:\Documents and Settings\budavari\My Documents\PowerPoint\OpenSkyQuery-IVOA2004.ppt" size="1057280" user="TamasBudavari" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Bandpass and Filter Services for the VO" date="1086189954" name="SpectrumFilter-IVOA2004.ppt" path="C:\Documents and Settings\budavari\My Documents\PowerPoint\Spectrum+Filter-IVOA2004.ppt" size="785408" user="TamasBudavari" version="1.1"

Revision 192005-05-11 - MarcoLeoni

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2004"
Links: IvoaApplications :: Applications mail archive

InterOpMay2004 Applications


InterOpMay2004 Applications

 Afternoon Session, Tuesday May 25, 2004


 This will be the first meeting for the Applications Interest Group. The role of this group is to make sure that members of the VO community are aware of the applications that all of us are developing and to ensure that we can pass on the lessons we have each learned in writing VO tools.

This session will consist of three parts. The first few minutes will be spent introducing the members to each other and reviewing the proposed charter for the group and how we anticipate using the Twiki and E-mail facilities. This is basically a brief business meeting for the interest group.

The second part of the meeting is intended to allow developers to briefly describe and demonstrate the VO tools that are now available. The presentations should include the capabilities provided to the users, how VO techologies, protocols, etc are used (or not used!) within the tool, and if the tools might be useful as a component in some larger VO application. In addition to stand-alone tools, presenters may wish to talk about libraries for implementing VO capabilities. In particular, a comparison of the capabilities and reach of the various VOTable libraries is included.

The remainder of the afternoon is a discussion of what we have learned in building these tools and libraries. Are the existing VO formats/protocols useful? How can they be improved? Are there elements in a VO infrastructure that would help in building and delivering applications? A roadmap for this discussion is suggested in the agenda, but participants should feel free to bring up the topics they deem most important. The sense of this discussion will be reported back to the meeting as a whole in the plenary session.


  • Introductions
  • Role of the Apps Interest Group (15 minutes)
    • What is this group for?
    • Does the current charter make sense?
    • How should the group function?
    • How do we use the Twiki, mailing list?
  • Current Tools and Libraries
  • Lessons learned
    • What are the obstacles to developing VO applications?
      • How do existing VO standards help in the existing tools?
      • Where would it be most helpful to have additional standardized protocols/formats
    • How can we share software?
    • Are there other libraries that should be distributed?
    • Does the VO need any common infrastructure to support application development?
      • Standardized documentation
      • Configuration management
      • Testing
    • Portability of applications
    • What underlying technologies do we need to standardize on? (SOAP/CGI, Java, ...)


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Aladin - Status & New developments" date="1085515525" name="aladin_interop_boston.pdf" path="aladin_interop_boston.pdf" size="1579222" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="CEA Overview" date="1085662128" name="CEAOverview.ppt" path="CEAOverview.ppt" size="245248" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Open SkyQuery built on the VO standards" date="1086189799" name="OpenSkyQuery-IVOA2004.ppt" path="C:\Documents and Settings\budavari\My Documents\PowerPoint\OpenSkyQuery-IVOA2004.ppt" size="1057280" user="TamasBudavari" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Bandpass and Filter Services for the VO" date="1086189954" name="SpectrumFilter-IVOA2004.ppt" path="C:\Documents and Settings\budavari\My Documents\PowerPoint\Spectrum+Filter-IVOA2004.ppt" size="785408" user="TamasBudavari" version="1.1"

Revision 182004-06-02 - TamasBudavari

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2004"
Links: IvoaApplications :: Applications mail archive

InterOpMay2004 Applications

Afternoon Session, Tuesday May 25, 2004


This will be the first meeting for the Applications Interest Group. The role of this group is to make sure that members of the VO community are aware of the applications that all of us are developing and to ensure that we can pass on the lessons we have each learned in writing VO tools.

This session will consist of three parts. The first few minutes will be spent introducing the members to each other and reviewing the proposed charter for the group and how we anticipate using the Twiki and E-mail facilities. This is basically a brief business meeting for the interest group.

The second part of the meeting is intended to allow developers to briefly describe and demonstrate the VO tools that are now available. The presentations should include the capabilities provided to the users, how VO techologies, protocols, etc are used (or not used!) within the tool, and if the tools might be useful as a component in some larger VO application. In addition to stand-alone tools, presenters may wish to talk about libraries for implementing VO capabilities. In particular, a comparison of the capabilities and reach of the various VOTable libraries is included.

The remainder of the afternoon is a discussion of what we have learned in building these tools and libraries. Are the existing VO formats/protocols useful? How can they be improved? Are there elements in a VO infrastructure that would help in building and delivering applications? A roadmap for this discussion is suggested in the agenda, but participants should feel free to bring up the topics they deem most important. The sense of this discussion will be reported back to the meeting as a whole in the plenary session.


  • Introductions
  • Role of the Apps Interest Group (15 minutes)
    • What is this group for?
    • Does the current charter make sense?
    • How should the group function?
    • How do we use the Twiki, mailing list?
  • Current Tools and Libraries
    • Existing VO applications (10 minutes each)
      • AVO Prototype: Mark Allen
      • Aladin: Thomas Boch [ .pdf ]
      • SkyQuery: Tamas Budavari
      • GAVO Cross Matcher: Gerard Lemson
      • Spectral and Filter Services: Tamas Budavari
  • Lessons learned
    • What are the obstacles to developing VO applications?
      • How do existing VO standards help in the existing tools?
      • Where would it be most helpful to have additional standardized protocols/formats
    • How can we share software?
    • Are there other libraries that should be distributed?
    • Does the VO need any common infrastructure to support application development?
      • Standardized documentation
      • Configuration management
      • Testing
    • Portability of applications
    • What underlying technologies do we need to standardize on? (SOAP/CGI, Java, ...)


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Aladin - Status & New developments" date="1085515525" name="aladin_interop_boston.pdf" path="aladin_interop_boston.pdf" size="1579222" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="CEA Overview" date="1085662128" name="CEAOverview.ppt" path="CEAOverview.ppt" size="245248" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Open SkyQuery built on the VO standards" date="1086189799" name="OpenSkyQuery-IVOA2004.ppt" path="C:\Documents and Settings\budavari\My Documents\PowerPoint\OpenSkyQuery-IVOA2004.ppt" size="1057280" user="TamasBudavari" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Bandpass and Filter Services for the VO" date="1086189954" name="SpectrumFilter-IVOA2004.ppt" path="C:\Documents and Settings\budavari\My Documents\PowerPoint\Spectrum+Filter-IVOA2004.ppt" size="785408" user="TamasBudavari" version="1.1"

Revision 172004-06-02 - MarcoLeoni

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2004"
Links: IvoaApplications :: Applications mail archive

InterOpMay2004 Applications

Afternoon Session, Tuesday May 25, 2004


This will be the first meeting for the Applications Interest Group. The role of this group is to make sure that members of the VO community are aware of the applications that all of us are developing and to ensure that we can pass on the lessons we have each learned in writing VO tools.

This session will consist of three parts. The first few minutes will be spent introducing the members to each other and reviewing the proposed charter for the group and how we anticipate using the Twiki and E-mail facilities. This is basically a brief business meeting for the interest group.

The second part of the meeting is intended to allow developers to briefly describe and demonstrate the VO tools that are now available. The presentations should include the capabilities provided to the users, how VO techologies, protocols, etc are used (or not used!) within the tool, and if the tools might be useful as a component in some larger VO application. In addition to stand-alone tools, presenters may wish to talk about libraries for implementing VO capabilities. In particular, a comparison of the capabilities and reach of the various VOTable libraries is included.

The remainder of the afternoon is a discussion of what we have learned in building these tools and libraries. Are the existing VO formats/protocols useful? How can they be improved? Are there elements in a VO infrastructure that would help in building and delivering applications? A roadmap for this discussion is suggested in the agenda, but participants should feel free to bring up the topics they deem most important. The sense of this discussion will be reported back to the meeting as a whole in the plenary session.


  • Introductions
  • Role of the Apps Interest Group (15 minutes)
    • What is this group for?
    • Does the current charter make sense?
    • How should the group function?
    • How do we use the Twiki, mailing list?
  • Current Tools and Libraries
    • Existing VO applications (10 minutes each)
    • Existing VO Libraries
      • Comparisons/contrasts of VOTables parsers/formatters (STIL, McGlynn, Kale, etc)
  • Lessons learned
    • What are the obstacles to developing VO applications?
      • How do existing VO standards help in the existing tools?
      • Where would it be most helpful to have additional standardized protocols/formats
    • How can we share software?
    • Are there other libraries that should be distributed?
    • Does the VO need any common infrastructure to support application development?
      • Standardized documentation
      • Configuration management
      • Testing
    • Portability of applications
    • What underlying technologies do we need to standardize on? (SOAP/CGI, Java, ...)


-- TomMcGlynn - 20 May 2004


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Aladin - Status & New developments" date="1085515525" name="aladin_interop_boston.pdf" path="aladin_interop_boston.pdf" size="1579222" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="CEA Overview" date="1085662128" name="CEAOverview.ppt" path="CEAOverview.ppt" size="245248" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"

Revision 162004-05-27 - PaulHarrison

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2004"
Links: IvoaApplications :: Applications mail archive

InterOpMay2004 Applications

Afternoon Session, Tuesday May 25, 2004


This will be the first meeting for the Applications Interest Group. The role of this group is to make sure that members of the VO community are aware of the applications that all of us are developing and to ensure that we can pass on the lessons we have each learned in writing VO tools.

This session will consist of three parts. The first few minutes will be spent introducing the members to each other and reviewing the proposed charter for the group and how we anticipate using the Twiki and E-mail facilities. This is basically a brief business meeting for the interest group.

The second part of the meeting is intended to allow developers to briefly describe and demonstrate the VO tools that are now available. The presentations should include the capabilities provided to the users, how VO techologies, protocols, etc are used (or not used!) within the tool, and if the tools might be useful as a component in some larger VO application. In addition to stand-alone tools, presenters may wish to talk about libraries for implementing VO capabilities. In particular, a comparison of the capabilities and reach of the various VOTable libraries is included.

The remainder of the afternoon is a discussion of what we have learned in building these tools and libraries. Are the existing VO formats/protocols useful? How can they be improved? Are there elements in a VO infrastructure that would help in building and delivering applications? A roadmap for this discussion is suggested in the agenda, but participants should feel free to bring up the topics they deem most important. The sense of this discussion will be reported back to the meeting as a whole in the plenary session.


  • Introductions
  • Role of the Apps Interest Group (15 minutes)
    • What is this group for?
    • Does the current charter make sense?
    • How should the group function?
    • How do we use the Twiki, mailing list?
  • Current Tools and Libraries
    • Existing VO applications (10 minutes each)
    • Existing VO Libraries
      • Comparisons/contrasts of VOTables parsers/formatters (STIL, McGlynn, Kale, etc)
  • Lessons learned
    • What are the obstacles to developing VO applications?
      • How do existing VO standards help in the existing tools?
      • Where would it be most helpful to have additional standardized protocols/formats
    • How can we share software?
    • Are there other libraries that should be distributed?
    • Does the VO need any common infrastructure to support application development?
      • Standardized documentation
      • Configuration management
      • Testing
    • Portability of applications
    • What underlying technologies do we need to standardize on? (SOAP/CGI, Java, ...)

-- TomMcGlynn - 20 May 2004


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Aladin - Status & New developments" date="1085515525" name="aladin_interop_boston.pdf" path="aladin_interop_boston.pdf" size="1579222" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="CEA Overview" date="1085662128" name="CEAOverview.ppt" path="CEAOverview.ppt" size="245248" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"

Revision 152004-05-25 - MarcoLeoni

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2004"
Links: IvoaApplications :: Applications mail archive

InterOpMay2004 Applications

Afternoon Session, Tuesday May 25, 2004


This will be the first meeting for the Applications Interest Group. The role of this group is to make sure that members of the VO community are aware of the applications that all of us are developing and to ensure that we can pass on the lessons we have each learned in writing VO tools.

This session will consist of three parts. The first few minutes will be spent introducing the members to each other and reviewing the proposed charter for the group and how we anticipate using the Twiki and E-mail facilities. This is basically a brief business meeting for the interest group.

The second part of the meeting is intended to allow developers to briefly describe and demonstrate the VO tools that are now available. The presentations should include the capabilities provided to the users, how VO techologies, protocols, etc are used (or not used!) within the tool, and if the tools might be useful as a component in some larger VO application. In addition to stand-alone tools, presenters may wish to talk about libraries for implementing VO capabilities. In particular, a comparison of the capabilities and reach of the various VOTable libraries is included.

The remainder of the afternoon is a discussion of what we have learned in building these tools and libraries. Are the existing VO formats/protocols useful? How can they be improved? Are there elements in a VO infrastructure that would help in building and delivering applications? A roadmap for this discussion is suggested in the agenda, but participants should feel free to bring up the topics they deem most important. The sense of this discussion will be reported back to the meeting as a whole in the plenary session.


  • Introductions
  • Role of the Apps Interest Group (15 minutes)
    • What is this group for?
    • Does the current charter make sense?
    • How should the group function?
    • How do we use the Twiki, mailing list?
  • Current Tools and Libraries
    • Existing VO applications (10 minutes each)
    • Existing VO Libraries
      • Comparisons/contrasts of VOTables parsers/formatters (STIL, McGlynn, Kale, etc)
  • Lessons learned
    • What are the obstacles to developing VO applications?
      • How do existing VO standards help in the existing tools?
      • Where would it be most helpful to have additional standardized protocols/formats
    • How can we share software?
    • Are there other libraries that should be distributed?
    • Does the VO need any common infrastructure to support application development?
      • Standardized documentation
      • Configuration management
      • Testing
    • Portability of applications
    • What underlying technologies do we need to standardize on? (SOAP/CGI, Java, ...)

Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions


-- TomMcGlynn - 20 May 2004


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Aladin - Status & New developments" date="1085515525" name="aladin_interop_boston.pdf" path="aladin_interop_boston.pdf" size="1579222" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.1"

Revision 142004-05-25 - ThomasBoch

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2004"
Links: IvoaApplications :: Applications mail archive

InterOpMay2004 Applications

Afternoon Session, Tuesday May 25, 2004


This will be the first meeting for the Applications Interest Group. The role of this group is to make sure that members of the VO community are aware of the applications that all of us are developing and to ensure that we can pass on the lessons we have each learned in writing VO tools.

This session will consist of three parts. The first few minutes will be spent introducing the members to each other and reviewing the proposed charter for the group and how we anticipate using the Twiki and E-mail facilities. This is basically a brief business meeting for the interest group.

The second part of the meeting is intended to allow developers to briefly describe and demonstrate the VO tools that are now available. The presentations should include the capabilities provided to the users, how VO techologies, protocols, etc are used (or not used!) within the tool, and if the tools might be useful as a component in some larger VO application. In addition to stand-alone tools, presenters may wish to talk about libraries for implementing VO capabilities. In particular, a comparison of the capabilities and reach of the various VOTable libraries is included.

The remainder of the afternoon is a discussion of what we have learned in building these tools and libraries. Are the existing VO formats/protocols useful? How can they be improved? Are there elements in a VO infrastructure that would help in building and delivering applications? A roadmap for this discussion is suggested in the agenda, but participants should feel free to bring up the topics they deem most important. The sense of this discussion will be reported back to the meeting as a whole in the plenary session.


  • Introductions
  • Role of the Apps Interest Group (15 minutes)
    • What is this group for?
    • Does the current charter make sense?
    • How should the group function?
    • How do we use the Twiki, mailing list?
  • Current Tools and Libraries
    • Existing VO applications (10 minutes each)
      • AVO Prototype: Mark Allen
    • Existing VO Libraries
      • Comparisons/contrasts of VOTables parsers/formatters (STIL, McGlynn, Kale, etc)
  • Lessons learned
    • What are the obstacles to developing VO applications?
      • How do existing VO standards help in the existing tools?
      • Where would it be most helpful to have additional standardized protocols/formats
    • How can we share software?
    • Are there other libraries that should be distributed?
    • Does the VO need any common infrastructure to support application development?
      • Standardized documentation
      • Configuration management
      • Testing
    • Portability of applications
    • What underlying technologies do we need to standardize on? (SOAP/CGI, Java, ...)

Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions

-- TomMcGlynn - 20 May 2004

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Aladin - Status & New developments" date="1085515525" name="aladin_interop_boston.pdf" path="aladin_interop_boston.pdf" size="1579222" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.1"

Revision 132004-05-25 - FrancoiseGenova

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2004"
Links: IvoaApplications :: Applications mail archive

InterOpMay2004 Applications

Afternoon Session, Tuesday May 25, 2004


This will be the first meeting for the Applications Interest Group. The role of this group is to make sure that members of the VO community are aware of the applications that all of us are developing and to ensure that we can pass on the lessons we have each learned in writing VO tools.

This session will consist of three parts. The first few minutes will be spent introducing the members to each other and reviewing the proposed charter for the group and how we anticipate using the Twiki and E-mail facilities. This is basically a brief business meeting for the interest group.

The second part of the meeting is intended to allow developers to briefly describe and demonstrate the VO tools that are now available. The presentations should include the capabilities provided to the users, how VO techologies, protocols, etc are used (or not used!) within the tool, and if the tools might be useful as a component in some larger VO application. In addition to stand-alone tools, presenters may wish to talk about libraries for implementing VO capabilities. In particular, a comparison of the capabilities and reach of the various VOTable libraries is included.

The remainder of the afternoon is a discussion of what we have learned in building these tools and libraries. Are the existing VO formats/protocols useful? How can they be improved? Are there elements in a VO infrastructure that would help in building and delivering applications? A roadmap for this discussion is suggested in the agenda, but participants should feel free to bring up the topics they deem most important. The sense of this discussion will be reported back to the meeting as a whole in the plenary session.


  • Introductions
  • Role of the Apps Interest Group (15 minutes)
    • What is this group for?
    • Does the current charter make sense?
    • How should the group function?
    • How do we use the Twiki, mailing list?
  • Current Tools and Libraries
    • Existing VO applications (10 minutes each)
      • AVO Prototype: Mark Allen
      • Aladin: Thomas Boch
    • Existing VO Libraries
      • Comparisons/contrasts of VOTables parsers/formatters (STIL, McGlynn, Kale, etc)
  • Lessons learned
    • What are the obstacles to developing VO applications?
      • How do existing VO standards help in the existing tools?
      • Where would it be most helpful to have additional standardized protocols/formats
    • How can we share software?
    • Are there other libraries that should be distributed?
    • Does the VO need any common infrastructure to support application development?
      • Standardized documentation
      • Configuration management
      • Testing
    • Portability of applications
    • What underlying technologies do we need to standardize on? (SOAP/CGI, Java, ...)

Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions

-- TomMcGlynn - 20 May 2004


Revision 122004-05-25 - MarcoLeoni

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2004"
Links: IvoaApplications :: Applications mail archive

InterOpMay2004 Applications

Afternoon Session, Tuesday May 25, 2004


This will be the first meeting for the Applications Interest Group. The role of this group is to make sure that members of the VO community are aware of the applications that all of us are developing and to ensure that we can pass on the lessons we have each learned in writing VO tools.

This session will consist of three parts. The first few minutes will be spent introducing the members to each other and reviewing the proposed charter for the group and how we anticipate using the Twiki and E-mail facilities. This is basically a brief business meeting for the interest group.

The second part of the meeting is intended to allow developers to briefly describe and demonstrate the VO tools that are now available. The presentations should include the capabilities provided to the users, how VO techologies, protocols, etc are used (or not used!) within the tool, and if the tools might be useful as a component in some larger VO application. In addition to stand-alone tools, presenters may wish to talk about libraries for implementing VO capabilities. In particular, a comparison of the capabilities and reach of the various VOTable libraries is included.

The remainder of the afternoon is a discussion of what we have learned in building these tools and libraries. Are the existing VO formats/protocols useful? How can they be improved? Are there elements in a VO infrastructure that would help in building and delivering applications? A roadmap for this discussion is suggested in the agenda, but participants should feel free to bring up the topics they deem most important. The sense of this discussion will be reported back to the meeting as a whole in the plenary session.


  • Introductions
  • Role of the Apps Interest Group (15 minutes)
    • What is this group for?
    • Does the current charter make sense?
    • How should the group function?
    • How do we use the Twiki, mailing list?
  • Current Tools and Libraries
    • Existing VO applications (10 minutes each)
      • AVO Prototype: Mark Allen
      • Aladin: Thomas Boch
      • SkyQuery: Tamas Budavari
      • GAVO Cross Matcher: Gerard Lemson
      • Spectral and Filter Services: Tamas Budavari
      • TOPCAT: Mark Taylor
      • Common Execution Architecture: Paul Harrison
      • VOPlot: Ajit Kembhavi
      • VOFilter: Chenzhou Cui (if available)
      • VO Data Inventory Service: Tom McGlynn
      • Other applications (TBD)
    • Existing VO Libraries
      • Comparisons/contrasts of VOTables parsers/formatters ((STIL, McGlynn, Kale, etc)
      • Comparisons/contrasts of VOTables parsers/formatters (STIL, McGlynn, Kale, etc)
  • Lessons learned
    • What are the obstacles to developing VO applications?
      • How do existing VO standards help in the existing tools?
      • Where would it be most helpful to have additional standardized protocols/formats
    • How can we share software?
    • Are there other libraries that should be distributed?
    • Does the VO need any common infrastructure to support application development?
      • Standardized documentation
      • Configuration management
      • Testing
    • Portability of applications
    • What underlying technologies do we need to standardize on? (SOAP/CGI, Java, ...)

Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions

-- TomMcGlynn - 20 May 2004


Revision 112004-05-21 - TomMcGlynn

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2004"
Links: IvoaApplications :: Applications mail archive

InterOpMay2004 Applications

Afternoon Session, Tuesday May 25, 2004


This will be the first meeting for the Applications Interest Group. The role of this group is to make sure that members of the VO community are aware of the applications that all of us are developing and to ensure that we can pass on the lessons we have each learned in writing VO tools.

This session will consist of three parts. The first few minutes will be spent introducing the members to each other and reviewing the proposed charter for the group and how we anticipate using the Twiki and E-mail facilities. This is basically a brief business

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meeting for the interest group.
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  The second part of the meeting is intended to allow developers to briefly describe and demonstrate the VO tools that are now available. The presentations should include the capabilities provided to the users, how VO techologies, protocols, etc are used (or not used!) within the tool, and if the tools might be useful as a component in some larger VO application. In addition to stand-alone tools, presenters may wish to talk about libraries for implementing VO capabilities. In particular, a comparison of the capabilities and reach of the various VOTable libraries is included.

The remainder of the afternoon is a discussion of what we have learned in building these tools and libraries. Are the existing VO formats/protocols useful? How can they be improved? Are there elements in a VO infrastructure that would help in building and delivering applications? A roadmap for this discussion is suggested in the agenda, but participants should feel free to bring up the topics they deem most important. The sense of this discussion will be reported back to the meeting as a whole in the plenary session.


  • Introductions
  • Role of the Apps Interest Group (15 minutes)
    • What is this group for?
    • Does the current charter make sense?
    • How should the group function?
    • How do we use the Twiki, mailing list?
  • Current Tools and Libraries
    • Existing VO applications (10 minutes each)
      • AVO Prototype: Mark Allen
      • Aladin: Thomas Boch
    • Existing VO Libraries
      • Comparisons/contrasts of VOTables parsers/formatters ((STIL, McGlynn, Kale, etc)
  • Lessons learned
    • What are the obstacles to developing VO applications?
      • How do existing VO standards help in the existing tools?
      • Where would it be most helpful to have additional standardized protocols/formats
    • How can we share software?
    • Are there other libraries that should be distributed?
    • Does the VO need any common infrastructure to support application development?
      • Standardized documentation
      • Configuration management
      • Testing
    • Portability of applications
    • What underlying technologies do we need to standardize on? (SOAP/CGI, Java, ...)

Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions

-- TomMcGlynn - 20 May 2004


Revision 102004-05-21 - SonaliKale

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2004"
Links: IvoaApplications :: Applications mail archive

InterOpMay2004 Applications

Afternoon Session, Tuesday May 25, 2004


This will be the first meeting for the Applications Interest Group. The role of this group is to make sure that members of the VO community are aware of the applications that all of us are developing and to ensure that we can pass on the lessons we have each learned in writing VO tools.

This session will consist of three parts. The first few minutes will be spent introducing the members to each other and reviewing the proposed charter for the group and how we anticipate using the Twiki and E-mail facilities. This is basically a brief business meeting for the interes*</no t group.

The second part of the meeting is intended to allow developers to briefly describe and demonstrate the VO tools that are now available. The presentations should include the capabilities provided to the users, how VO techologies, protocols, etc are used (or not used!) within the tool, and if the tools might be useful as a component in some larger VO application. In addition to stand-alone tools, presenters may wish to talk about libraries for implementing VO capabilities. In particular, a comparison of the capabilities and reach of the various VOTable libraries is included.

The remainder of the afternoon is a discussion of what we have learned in building these tools and libraries. Are the existing VO formats/protocols useful? How can they be improved? Are there elements in a VO infrastructure that would help in building and delivering applications? A roadmap for this discussion is suggested in the agenda, but participants should feel free to bring up the topics they deem most important. The sense of this discussion will be reported back to the meeting as a whole in the plenary session.


  • Introductions
  • Role of the Apps Interest Group (15 minutes)
    • What is this group for?
    • Does the current charter make sense?
    • How should the group function?
    • How do we use the Twiki, mailing list?
  • Current Tools and Libraries
    • Existing VO applications (10 minutes each)
      • AVO Prototype: Mark Allen
      • SkyQuery: Tamas Budavari
      • GAVO Cross Matcher: Gerard Lemson
      • Spectral and Filter Services: Tamas Budavari
      • TOPCAT: Mark Taylor
      • Common Execution Architecture: Paul Harrison
      • VOPlot: Ajit Kembhavi
    • Existing VO Libraries
      • Comparisons/contrasts of VOTables parsers/formatters ((STIL, McGlynn, Kale, etc)
  • Lessons learned
    • What are the obstacles to developing VO applications?
      • How do existing VO standards help in the existing tools?
      • Where would it be most helpful to have additional standardized protocols/formats
    • How can we share software?
    • Are there other libraries that should be distributed?
    • Does the VO need any common infrastructure to support application development?
      • Standardized documentation
      • Configuration management
      • Testing
    • Portability of applications
    • What underlying technologies do we need to standardize on? (SOAP/CGI, Java, ...)

Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions

-- TomMcGlynn - 20 May 2004


Revision 92004-05-21 - PaulHarrison

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2004"
Links: IvoaApplications :: Applications mail archive

InterOpMay2004 Applications

Afternoon Session, Tuesday May 25, 2004


This will be the first meeting for the Applications Interest Group. The role of this group is to make sure that members of the VO community are aware of the applications that all of us are developing and to ensure that we can pass on the lessons we have each learned in writing VO tools.

This session will consist of three parts. The first few minutes will be spent introducing the members to each other and reviewing the proposed charter for the group and how we anticipate using the Twiki and E-mail facilities. This is basically a brief business meeting for the interes*</no t group.

The second part of the meeting is intended to allow developers to briefly describe and demonstrate the VO tools that are now available. The presentations should include the capabilities provided to the users, how VO techologies, protocols, etc are used (or not used!) within the tool, and if the tools might be useful as a component in some larger VO application. In addition to stand-alone tools, presenters may wish to talk about libraries for implementing VO capabilities. In particular, a comparison of the capabilities and reach of the various VOTable libraries is included.

The remainder of the afternoon is a discussion of what we have learned in building these tools and libraries. Are the existing VO formats/protocols useful? How can they be improved? Are there elements in a VO infrastructure that would help in building and delivering applications? A roadmap for this discussion is suggested in the agenda, but participants should feel free to bring up the topics they deem most important. The sense of this discussion will be reported back to the meeting as a whole in the plenary session.


  • Introductions
  • Role of the Apps Interest Group (15 minutes)
    • What is this group for?
    • Does the current charter make sense?
    • How should the group function?
    • How do we use the Twiki, mailing list?
  • Current Tools and Libraries
    • Existing VO applications (10 minutes each)
      • AVO Prototype: Mark Allen
      • SkyQuery: Tamas Budavari
      • GAVO Cross Matcher: Gerard Lemson
      • Spectral and Filter Services: Tamas Budavari
      • TOPCAT: Mark Taylor
      • VOPlot: Ajit Kembhavi
      • VOFilter: Chenzhou Cui (if available)
      • VO Data Inventory Service: Tom McGlynn
      • Other applications (TBD)
    • Existing VO Libraries
      • Comparisons/contrasts of VOTables parsers/formatters ((STIL, McGlynn, Kale, etc)
  • Lessons learned
    • What are the obstacles to developing VO applications?
      • How do existing VO standards help in the existing tools?
      • Where would it be most helpful to have additional standardized protocols/formats
    • How can we share software?
    • Are there other libraries that should be distributed?
    • Does the VO need any common infrastructure to support application development?
      • Standardized documentation
      • Configuration management
      • Testing
    • Portability of applications
    • What underlying technologies do we need to standardize on? (SOAP/CGI, Java, ...)

Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions

-- TomMcGlynn - 20 May 2004


Revision 82004-05-20 - TomMcGlynn

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2004"
Links: IvoaApplications :: Applications mail archive

InterOpMay2004 Applications

Afternoon Session, Tuesday May 25, 2004


This will be the first meeting for the Applications Interest Group. The role of this group is to make sure that members of the VO community are aware of the applications that all of us are developing and to ensure that we can pass on the lessons we have each learned in writing VO tools.

This session will consist of three parts. The first few minutes will be spent introducing the members to each other and reviewing the proposed charter for the group and how we anticipate using the Twiki and E-mail facilities. This is basically a brief business meeting for the interes*</no t group.

The second part of the meeting is intended to allow developers to briefly describe and demonstrate the VO tools that are now available. The presentations should include the capabilities provided to the users, how VO techologies, protocols, etc are used (or not used!) within the tool, and if the tools might be useful as a component in some larger VO application. In addition to stand-alone tools, presenters may wish to talk about libraries for implementing VO capabilities. In particular, a comparison of the capabilities and reach of the various VOTable libraries is included.

The remainder of the afternoon is a discussion of what we have learned in building these tools and libraries. Are the existing VO formats/protocols useful? How can they be improved? Are there elements in a VO infrastructure that would help in building and delivering applications? A roadmap for this discussion is suggested in the agenda, but participants should feel free to bring up the topics they deem most important. The sense of this discussion will be reported back to the meeting as a whole in the plenary session.


Preliminary Agenda



  • Introductions
  • Role of the Apps Interest Group (15 minutes)
    • What is this group for?
    • Does the current charter make sense?
    • How should the group function?
    • How do we use the Twiki, mailing list?
  • Current Tools and Libraries
    • Existing VO applications (10-15 minutes each)
    • Existing VO applications (10 minutes each)
      • AVO Prototype: Mark Allen
      • SkyQuery: Tamas Budavari
      • GAVO Cross Matcher: Gerard Lemson
      • Spectral and Filter Services: Tamas Budavari
      • TOPCAT: Mark Taylor
      • VOPlot: Ajit Kembhavi
      • VOFilter: Chenzhou Cui (if available)
      • VO Data Inventory Service: Tom McGlynn
      • Other applications (TBD)
    • Existing VO Libraries
      • Comparisons/contrasts of VOTables parsers/formatters ((STIL, McGlynn, Kale, etc)
  • Lessons learned
    • What are the obstacles to developing VO applications?
      • How do existing VO standards help in the existing tools?
      • Where would it be most helpful to have additional standardized protocols/formats
    • How can we share software?
    • Are there other libraries that should be distributed?
    • Does the VO need any common infrastructure to support application development?
      • Standardized documentation
      • Configuration management
      • Testing
    • Portability of applications
    • What underlying technologies do we need to standardize on? (SOAP/CGI, Java, ...)

Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions

-- NicholasWalton - 04 May 2004
-- TomMcGlynn - 20 May 2004


Revision 72004-05-20 - TomMcGlynn

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2004"
Links: IvoaApplications :: Applications mail archive

InterOpMay2004 Applications

Afternoon Session, Tuesday May 25, 2004


This will be the first meeting for the Applications Interest Group. The role of this group is to make sure that members of the VO community are aware of the applications that all of us are developing and to ensure that we can pass on the lessons we have each learned in writing VO tools.

This session will consist of three parts. The first few minutes will be spent introducing the members to each other and reviewing the proposed charter for the group and how we anticipate using the Twiki and E-mail facilities. This is basically a brief business meeting for the interes*</no t group.

The second part of the meeting is intended to allow developers to briefly describe and demonstrate the VO tools that are now available. The presentations should include the capabilities provided to the users, how VO techologies, protocols, etc are used (or not used!) within the tool, and if the tools might be useful as a component in some larger VO application. In addition to stand-alone tools, presenters may wish to talk about libraries for implementing VO capabilities. In particular, a comparison of the capabilities and reach of the various VOTable libraries is included.

The remainder of the afternoon is a discussion of what we have learned in building these tools and libraries. Are the existing VO formats/protocols useful? How can they be improved? Are there elements in a VO infrastructure that would help in building and delivering applications? A roadmap for this discussion is suggested in the agenda, but participants should feel free to bring up the topics they deem most important. The sense of this discussion will be reported back to the meeting as a whole in the plenary session.

Preliminary Agenda

  • Introductions
  • Role of the Apps Interest Group (15 minutes)
    • What is this group for?
    • Does the current charter make sense?
    • How should the group function?
    • How do we use the Twiki, mailing list?
  • Current Tools and Libraries
    • Existing VO applications (10-15 minutes each)
      • AVO Prototype: Mark Allen
      • SkyQuery: Tamas Budavari
      • GAVO Cross Matcher: Gerard Lemson
      • Spectral and Filter Services: Tamas Budavari
      • TOPCAT: Mark Taylor
      • VOPlot: Sonali Kale (if available)
      • VOPlot: Ajit Kembhavi
      • VOFilter: Chenzhou Cui (if available)
      • VO Data Inventory Service: Tom McGlynn
      • Other applications (TBD)
    • Existing VO Libraries
      • Comparisons/contrasts of VOTables parsers/formatters ((STIL, McGlynn, Kale, etc)
  • Lessons learned
    • What are the obstacles to developing VO applications?
      • How do existing VO standards help in the existing tools?
      • Where would it be most helpful to have additional standardized protocols/formats
    • How can we share software?
    • Are there other libraries that should be distributed?
    • Does the VO need any common infrastructure to support application development?
      • Standardized documentation
      • Configuration management
      • Testing
    • Portability of applications
    • What underlying technologies do we need to standardize on? (SOAP/CGI, Java, ...)

Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions

-- NicholasWalton - 04 May 2004


Revision 62004-05-20 - MarkTaylor

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2004"
Links: IvoaApplications :: Applications mail archive

InterOpMay2004 Applications

Afternoon Session, Tuesday May 25, 2004


This will be the first meeting for the Applications Interest Group. The role of this group is to make sure that members of the VO community are aware of the applications that all of us are developing and to ensure that we can pass on the lessons we have each learned in writing VO tools.

This session will consist of three parts. The first few minutes will be spent introducing the members to each other and reviewing the proposed charter for the group and how we anticipate using the Twiki and E-mail facilities. This is basically a brief business meeting for the interes*</no t group.

The second part of the meeting is intended to allow developers to briefly describe and demonstrate the VO tools that are now available. The presentations should include the capabilities provided to the users, how VO techologies, protocols, etc are used (or not used!) within the tool, and if the tools might be useful as a component in some larger VO application. In addition to stand-alone tools, presenters may wish to talk about libraries for implementing VO capabilities. In particular, a comparison of the capabilities and reach of the various VOTable libraries is included.

The remainder of the afternoon is a discussion of what we have learned in building these tools and libraries. Are the existing VO formats/protocols useful? How can they be improved? Are there elements in a VO infrastructure that would help in building and delivering applications? A roadmap for this discussion is suggested in the agenda, but participants should feel free to bring up the topics they deem most important. The sense of this discussion will be reported back to the meeting as a whole in the plenary session.

Preliminary Agenda

  • Introductions
  • Role of the Apps Interest Group (15 minutes)
    • What is this group for?
    • Does the current charter make sense?
    • How should the group function?
    • How do we use the Twiki, mailing list?
  • Current Tools and Libraries
    • Existing VO applications (10-15 minutes each)
      • AVO Prototype: Mark Allen
      • SkyQuery: Tamas Budavari
      • GAVO Cross Matcher: Gerard Lemson
      • Spectral and Filter Services: Tamas Budavari
      • TOPCAT: Mark Taylor
      • VOPlot: Sonali Kale (if available)
      • VOFilter: Chenzhou Cui (if available)
      • VO Data Inventory Service: Tom McGlynn
      • Other applications (TBD)
    • Existing VO Libraries
      • Comparisons/contrasts of VOTables parsers/formatters (Taylor, McGlynn, Kale, etc)
      • Comparisons/contrasts of VOTables parsers/formatters ((STIL, McGlynn, Kale, etc)
  • Lessons learned
    • What are the obstacles to developing VO applications?
      • How do existing VO standards help in the existing tools?
      • Where would it be most helpful to have additional standardized protocols/formats
    • How can we share software?
    • Are there other libraries that should be distributed?
    • Does the VO need any common infrastructure to support application development?
      • Standardized documentation
      • Configuration management
      • Testing
    • Portability of applications
    • What underlying technologies do we need to standardize on? (SOAP/CGI, Java, ...)

Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions

-- NicholasWalton - 04 May 2004


Revision 52004-05-19 - TamasBudavari

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2004"
Links: IvoaApplications :: Applications mail archive

InterOpMay2004 Applications

Afternoon Session, Tuesday May 25, 2004


This will be the first meeting for the Applications Interest Group. The role of this group is to make sure that members of the VO community are aware of the applications that all of us are developing and to ensure that we can pass on the lessons we have each learned in writing VO tools.

This session will consist of three parts. The first few minutes will be spent introducing the members to each other and reviewing the proposed charter for the group and how we anticipate using the Twiki and E-mail facilities. This is basically a brief business meeting for the interes*</no t group.

The second part of the meeting is intended to allow developers to briefly describe and demonstrate the VO tools that are now available. The presentations should include the capabilities provided to the users, how VO techologies, protocols, etc are used (or not used!) within the tool, and if the tools might be useful as a component in some larger VO application. In addition to stand-alone tools, presenters may wish to talk about libraries for implementing VO capabilities. In particular, a comparison of the capabilities and reach of the various VOTable libraries is included.

The remainder of the afternoon is a discussion of what we have learned in building these tools and libraries. Are the existing VO formats/protocols useful? How can they be improved? Are there elements in a VO infrastructure that would help in building and delivering applications? A roadmap for this discussion is suggested in the agenda, but participants should feel free to bring up the topics they deem most important. The sense of this discussion will be reported back to the meeting as a whole in the plenary session.

Preliminary Agenda

  • Introductions
  • Role of the Apps Interest Group (15 minutes)
    • What is this group for?
    • Does the current charter make sense?
    • How should the group function?
    • How do we use the Twiki, mailing list?
  • Current Tools and Libraries
    • Existing VO applications (10-15 minutes each)
      • AVO Prototype: Mark Allen
      • SkyQuery: Tamas Budavari (if available)
      • SkyQuery: Tamas Budavari
      • GAVO Cross Matcher: Gerard Lemson
      • Spectral and Filter Services: Tamas Budavari (if available)
      • Spectral and Filter Services: Tamas Budavari
      • TOPCAT: Mark Taylor
      • VOPlot: Sonali Kale (if available)
      • VOFilter: Chenzhou Cui (if available)
      • VO Data Inventory Service: Tom McGlynn
      • Other applications (TBD)
    • Existing VO Libraries
      • Comparisons/contrasts of VOTables parsers/formatters (Taylor, McGlynn, Kale, etc)
  • Lessons learned
    • What are the obstacles to developing VO applications?
      • How do existing VO standards help in the existing tools?
      • Where would it be most helpful to have additional standardized protocols/formats
    • How can we share software?
    • Are there other libraries that should be distributed?
    • Does the VO need any common infrastructure to support application development?
      • Standardized documentation
      • Configuration management
      • Testing
    • Portability of applications
    • What underlying technologies do we need to standardize on? (SOAP/CGI, Java, ...)

Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions

-- NicholasWalton - 04 May 2004


Revision 42004-05-19 - TomMcGlynn

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2004"
Links: IvoaApplications :: Applications mail archive

InterOpMay2004 Applications


Tuesday May 25, 2004

Afternoon Session, Tuesday May 25, 2004


This will be the first meeting for the Applications Interest Group. The role of this group is to make sure that members of the VO community are aware of the applications that all of us are developing and to ensure that we can pass on the lessons we have each learned in writing VO tools.

This session will consist of three parts. The first few minutes will be spent introducing the members to each other and reviewing the proposed charter for the group and how we anticipate using the Twiki and E-mail facilities. This is basically a brief business meeting for the interes*</no t group.

The second part of the meeting is intended to allow developers to briefly describe and demonstrate the VO tools that are now available. The presentations should include the capabilities provided to the users, how VO techologies, protocols, etc are used (or not used!) within the tool, and if the tools might be useful as a component in some larger VO application. In addition to stand-alone tools, presenters may wish to talk about libraries for implementing VO capabilities. In particular, a comparison of the capabilities and reach of the various VOTable libraries is included.

The remainder of the afternoon is a discussion of what we have learned in building these tools and libraries. Are the existing VO formats/protocols useful? How can they be improved? Are there elements in a VO infrastructure that would help in building and delivering applications? A roadmap for this discussion is suggested in the agenda, but participants should feel free to bring up the topics they deem most important. The sense of this discussion will be reported back to the meeting as a whole in the plenary session.


Preliminary Agenda

  • Introductions
  • Role of the Apps Interest Group
    • What is this group ifor?
  • Role of the Apps Interest Group (15 minutes)
    • What is this group for?
    • Does the current charter make sense?
    • How should the group function?
    • How do we use the Twiki, mailing list?
  • Existing VO applications (short presentations by developers)
    • What VO applications are out there that people can use in doing science?
      • SkyQuery, DIS, GAVO matcher, Spectrum/filter server, VOPlot, ...
    • What is currently under active development?
  • What are the obstacles to developing VO applications?
    • How do existing VO standards help in the existing tools?
    • Where would it be most helpful to have additional standardized protocols/formats
  • How can we share software? * Which libraries are currently being used? * Are there other libraries that can be distributed?
  • Does the VO need any common infrastructure to support application development?
    • Standardized documentation
    • Configuration management
    • Testing
  • Current Tools and Libraries
    • Existing VO applications (10-15 minutes each)
      • AVO Prototype: Mark Allen
      • SkyQuery: Tamas Budavari (if available)
      • GAVO Cross Matcher: Gerard Lemson
      • Spectral and Filter Services: Tamas Budavari (if available)
      • TOPCAT: Mark Taylor
      • VOPlot: Sonali Kale (if available)
      • VOFilter: Chenzhou Cui (if available)
      • VO Data Inventory Service: Tom McGlynn
      • Other applications (TBD)
    • Existing VO Libraries
      • Comparisons/contrasts of VOTables parsers/formatters (Taylor, McGlynn, Kale, etc)
  • Lessons learned
    • What are the obstacles to developing VO applications?
      • How do existing VO standards help in the existing tools?
      • Where would it be most helpful to have additional standardized protocols/formats
    • How can we share software?
    • Are there other libraries that should be distributed?
    • Does the VO need any common infrastructure to support application development?
      • Standardized documentation
      • Configuration management
      • Testing
    • Portability of applications
    • SOAP and CGI
    • What underlying technologies do we need to standardize on? (SOAP/CGI, Java, ...)

Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions

-- NicholasWalton - 04 May 2004


Revision 32004-05-10 - TomMcGlynn

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2004"
Links: IvoaApplications :: Applications mail archive

InterOpMay2004 Applications

Tuesday May 25, 2004

Preliminary Agenda

  • Introductions
  • Role of the Apps Interest Group
    • What is this group ifor?
    • Does the current charter make sense?
    • How should the group function?
    • How do we use the Twiki, mailing list?
  • Existing VO applications (short presentations by developers)
    • What VO applications are out there that people can use in doing science?
      • SkyQuery, DIS, GAVO correlator, Spectrum/filter server, VOPlot, ...
      • SkyQuery, DIS, GAVO matcher, Spectrum/filter server, VOPlot, ...
    • What is currently under active development?
  • What are the obstacles to developing VO applications?
    • How do existing VO standards help in the existing tools?
    • Where would it be most helpful to have additional standardized protocols/formats
  • How can we share software? * Which libraries are currently being used? * Are there other libraries that can be distributed?
  • Does the VO need any common infrastructure to support application development?
    • Standardized documentation
    • Configuration management
    • Testing
    • Portability of applications
    • SOAP and CGI

Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions

-- NicholasWalton - 04 May 2004


Revision 22004-05-07 - TomMcGlynn

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2004"
Links: IvoaApplications :: Applications mail archive

InterOpMay2004 Applications


Tuesday May 25, 2004

Preliminary Agenda




Tuesday May 25, 2004

Time Work Pkg Content Leader
  • Introductions
  • Role of the Apps Interest Group
    • What is this group ifor?
    • Does the current charter make sense?
    • How should the group function?
    • How do we use the Twiki, mailing list?
  • Existing VO applications (short presentations by developers)
    • What VO applications are out there that people can use in doing science?
      • SkyQuery, DIS, GAVO correlator, Spectrum/filter server, VOPlot, ...
    • What is currently under active development?
  • What are the obstacles to developing VO applications?
    • How do existing VO standards help in the existing tools?
    • Where would it be most helpful to have additional standardized protocols/formats
  • How can we share software? * Which libraries are currently being used? * Are there other libraries that can be distributed?
  • Does the VO need any common infrastructure to support application development?
    • Standardized documentation
    • Configuration management
    • Testing
    • Portability of applications
    • SOAP and CGI

Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions

-- NicholasWalton - 04 May 2004


Revision 12004-05-04 - NicholasWalton

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2004"
Links: IvoaApplications :: Applications mail archive

InterOpMay2004 Applications



Tuesday May 25, 2004

Time Work Pkg Content Leader

Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions

-- NicholasWalton - 04 May 2004

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