Difference: InterOpMay2004ResReg (32 vs. 33)

Revision 332004-06-03 - TonyLinde

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2004"
Links: IvoaResReg :: registry mail archive

InterOpMay2004 Registry

Preliminary Reading

Papers or wiki pages that people ought to read before the sessions above:

  • IVOA Identifiers V1.1
    • See Appendix B for a summary of minor changes over v1.0.
    • RayPlante will request that v1.1 be elevated to a PR during the Wed. morning session

  • Registry Harvesting
    • an alternative section 4 for the RI Specification above
    • this document is a proposal for an OAI-based standard for Harvesting
    • RayPlante will present this proposal during the Wed. morning session



Monday May 24, 2004: Plenary

  • Tony's introduction slides: ppt, pdf

Wednesday May 26, 2004: Morning session
RM & Schema updates

Presenter Topic Slides
Bob Hanisch RM update RMUpdate2004.ppt
Ray Plante Resource Schema update (incl subs.grp/type) IVOARegSchemaRev.ppt
Paul Harrison Questions on Schema structure RegistryTypes.ppt

Thursday May 27, 2004: Morning session
Registry Interface

Presenter Topic Slides
Ray Plante OAI-based harvesting OAIBasedHarvesting.ppt
Kevin Benson Registry Interface spec Registry Interface.ppt
Gretchen Green Searchable Registry in NVO STRegIVOAInterop.ppt
Kevin Benson XQuery-based searching in AstroGrid Registry History.ppt Registry Schema Use.ppt
Matthew Graham The Caltech NVO Registry carnivore.ppt
Martin Hill Brokering Service Connections Ivorns_IVOA.ppt

Thursday May 27, 2004: Afternoon session
Identifiers, Curation & Signoffs

Presenter Topic Slides
Paul Harrison Application resource schema in AstroGrid CEARegistry.ppt
Ray Plante IVOA Identifiers update IVOARegIDsRef.ppt
Bob Hanisch Registry Data Curation RegistryCuration2004.ppt

Friday May 28, 2004: Plenary

  • Tony's workgroup summary slides: ppt, pdf

Meeting outcomes


(I would ask people who actually understand what was decided in the meeting to flesh out the following: TonyLinde )

Session 1

  1. Ratified decision of previous videocon to switch from substitution group based inheritance to type-based
  2. Types are defined in RM
    Documents are defined in RI
  3. Logical-id will be defined via a second relationship (rather than via direct attribute)
  4. Level of hierarchy will be as in RM v1.01 (except as resolved otherwise here)
  5. Service types as a sub-class of Resource (rather than extending Capability)
  6. Organisation type will be defined in the base VOResource definitions
  7. Referred resources will be via xsi:type of RegisteredResourceType and UnregisteredResourceType
  8. The element name for a referred resource identifier will be ResourceRef (instead of Identifier which was confusing)

Note: Decisions on referred resources were reversed in Session 3

Session 2

  1. An IVOA Registry must support OAI-PMH protocol for harvesting via HTTP GET, returning at least oai_dc and ivo_vor metadata formats using standard data criteria
  2. The metadata describing a registry will include a flag indicating whether it is a full or publising registry.
  3. The standard IVOA Registry Harvesting specification will be web service-based and will conform to the full OAI-PMH specification: details will be worked out on the mailing list
  4. An IVOA Registry must support the Keyword Search as specified in the RI document
  5. An IVOA Registry must support a Full Query (interface tbd) using the WHERE clause of the ADQL schema with fields specified using non-namespaced XPath directives (simple, ie no [...] options), and returning full resource entries

Session 3

  1. Reversed Session 1 decisions re Referred resources
    • Referral will be via ivo-id attribute
  2. Will promote v1.1 of Identifier spec to PR status thence to REC
  3. Implement owned/managed authorityID to cater for Publishing/Full registries

Actions / Timetable

Action Who When
Revise schema definition v0.10 Ray done
Revise RI specification Kevin 15-June
Run inter-project harvesting trials NVO (Ray), AstroGrid (Kevin) from 01-Aug
Implement Keyword query interface NVO, AstroGrid from 01-Aug
Implement Full query interface NVO, AstroGrid from 01-Aug
IVOA Interoperability Demo all projects Jan 2005

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="Slides For STScI/JHU Registry Talk" date="1085171454" name="STRegIVOAInterop.ppt" path="H:\docs\registry\STRegIVOAInterop.ppt" size="619520" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="slides for Identifiers discussion" date="1085683508" name="IVOARegIDsRef.ppt" path="IVOARegIDsRef.ppt" size="574464" user="RayPlante" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="slides for Resource Schema update presentation" date="1085683616" name="IVOARegSchemaRev.ppt" path="IVOARegSchemaRev.ppt" size="883200" user="RayPlante" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1085570810" name="RMUpdates2004.ppt" path="C:\Documents and Settings\hanisch\My Documents\NVO-Project\Interop\RMUpdates2004.ppt" size="564736" user="BobHanisch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1085585860" name="carnivore.ppt" path="carnivore.ppt" size="268800" user="MatthewGraham" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1085660887" name="RegistryInterfaceIVOAPresentation.ppt" path="C:\Documents and Settings\Kevin Benson\My Documents\Registry Interface IVOA Presentation.ppt" size="72192" user="KevinBenson" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1085660935" name="RegistryHistory.ppt" path="C:\Documents and Settings\Kevin Benson\My Documents\Registry History.ppt" size="80896" user="KevinBenson" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1085661006" name="AstrogridRegistrySchemaUse.ppt" path="C:\Documents and Settings\Kevin Benson\My Documents\Astrogrid Registry Schema Use.ppt" size="67072" user="KevinBenson" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="slides for Registry Structure presentation" date="1085661559" name="RegistryTypes.ppt" path="RegistryTypes.ppt" size="448000" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="slides for CEA extension proposal" date="1085661665" name="CEARegistry.ppt" path="CEARegistry.ppt" size="187392" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1085664755" name="RegistryCuration2004.ppt" path="C:\Documents and Settings\hanisch\My Documents\NVO-Project\Interop\RegistryCuration2004.ppt" size="666624" user="BobHanisch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="Brokering connections between (store) services" date="1085674321" name="Ivorns_IVOA.ppt" path="Ivorns_IVOA.ppt" size="81408" user="MartinHill" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1085683691" name="OAIBasedHarvesting.ppt" path="OAIBasedHarvesting.ppt" size="754688" user="RayPlante" version="1.1"
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