Difference: InterOpMay2004VOTable (8 vs. 9)

Revision 92004-06-02 - TamasBudavari

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2004"
Links: IvoaVOTable :: VOTable mail archive

InterOpMay2004 VOTable


Monday May 24, 2004

Review of the VOTable1.1 definitions, aiming at an IVOA Recommendation

Latest version to be discussed: http://www.ivoa.net/internal/IVOA/IvoaVOTable/VOTable-1.093.pdf

Thursday May 27, 2004

Evolution of VOTable in the future
A lot of dicussions occured in the mailing list about the scope and boundaries of VOTable. More prospective discussions about this future will take place, the actual agenda depending largely on the discussions in the other VO groups. Preliminary topics include:

  • VOTable applications requirements
  • Data models requirements
  • Registries requirements


  • 08:30 Summary of VOTable1 Results

  • 08:40 Applications of VOTable
    Short presentations of some VOTable usages, with emphasis on strengths & weaknesses of VOTable:
    -- DavidGiaretta (STIL / TOPCAT)
    -- Thomas Boch (Cross-match) [ .pdf ]
    -- Tamas Budavari (SkyNode)
    -- Ajit Khembavi (VOPlot,...)

  • 10:00 ----------- break ---------------------

  • 10:30 Prospective Tour about some future evolutions of VOTable:
    -- VOTable and Quantities / VOResources (FrancoisOchsenbein)
    -- VOTable Enhancements (PedroOsuna)
    -- VOList (GuyRixon)

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Conclusions presented at the Plenary Session on 28" date="1085759071" name="VOTable04-Conclude.ppt" path="C:\Documents and Settings\cds\Bureau\IVOA-2004-May\----VOTable\VOTable04-Conclude.ppt" size="400384" user="FrancoisOchsenbein" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="A basic cross-match tool" date="1085766229" name="xmatch_interop_boston.pdf" path="xmatch_interop_boston.pdf" size="660889" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Using VOTable in XML Web Services" date="1086189608" name="VOTableInWebServices-TamasBudavari.ppt" path="C:\Documents and Settings\budavari\My Documents\PowerPoint\VOTableInWebServices-TamasBudavari.ppt" size="577024" user="TamasBudavari" version="1.1"
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