InterOpMay2005 Astro-RG (IVOA/GGF interface)
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< < | NicholasWalton, GuyRixon, ReaganMoore, FrancoiseGenova, PeterQuinn, Pepi Fabbiano, RayPlante, RiccardoSmareglia, NoelWinstanley, KevinBenson, plus others. | |||||||||||||||
> > | NicholasWalton, GuyRixon, ReaganMoore, FrancoiseGenova, PeterQuinn, Pepi Fabbiano, RayPlante, RiccardoSmareglia, NoelWinstanley, KevinBenson, plus others. | |||||||||||||||
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Materials from the work group and plenary sessions
Notes of the session | ||||||||||||||||
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< < | (prepared by KevinBenson) | |||||||||||||||
> > | (prepared by KevinBenson) | |||||||||||||||
1. IntroductionNW welcomed all (16 in attendance).
2. GGF - Global Grid ForumRM gave a review of the GGF - noting the web site at
Astro-RG We are listed under Community Areas/Groups (Astro-RG that is). Other significant standards are:
Help by making standard by using the services. Commercials now competing, sort of like a faculty meeting. Why did some groups get turned off? They failed or They finished their documents or some evolved to another working group and throw away the old one. One difficulty about grid services no way of guarantee consistency.
3. Universal Worker Service + security notesGTR discussed topical issues from the IVOA GWS WG and how these interface to te GGF.Any idea you put in ggf could be viewed as competing and not going anywhere fast on a consistent standard. An idea is to do something parallel to it, add a few tid-bits and have ggf take over it if they like it. IVOA approach to grid add a facade layer you get 2 kinds of services. Simple synchronous which are SIAP, SSAP, ConeSearch, VOStore. Then asynchronous job- managers - UWS, CEA. CEA is a batch mgmt system. UWS is like CEA2, refactors some services of CEA. Job-control interfaces CEC is astronomy free could be usefull for ggf to have. UWS job control v2 - createJob(jobdescription), execute(), resumeJob() Security: use ggf standards, or satisfy our own and feed back to ggf. Sounds like we might "satisfy our own", since ggf I think has got a little stuck with there security standard model. Might help ggf, need to get a concensus soon hopefully here in Kyoto in our security. VOStore: similiar to 6 groups in ggf. Our concept of storing a file or a table with the same interface is quite nice maybe we can ask ggf for it. Cross Community to accept Votable might be a big struggle to get into ggf and also specefic to astronomy in areas. PF noted that Harvard have a group working on 'Streaming over network via grids'. Margaret from Harvard may get in contact (I think contact with Guy Rixon). Security, come up with a solution ourselves, but be prepared in 2 years that this might need some revision and get close to what ggf has.
3.1 Use of 'grid' services in VO projectsRM noted that a goal of this interest group was to map ivoa community to ggf services.In this context he asked how many projects currently use or have tried prototypes with 'grid' s/w:
Use for encapsulating as a web service. plumbing work such as libraries - not going via GGF. In UK core e-science will have the compute nodes to use the machines.
4. Preservation:RM gave a presentation - see slides.Authenticity - need an assertion to make sure the data is there . Three things to do for preservation:
Registries to work with METS profiles (METS-Metadata encoding and Transmission Standard). Production Preservation environments are currently being used. SRB is being used by a lot and now supports table. In discussion RM noted that SRB was a storage solution, and it was important that it had an interface to VOStores. Being used by many - single shared, stanford linear - BaBar (Stanford), Kek - High energy physics. Minimize the number of messages sent over the WAN. So grab a section of files and then store. -srb:
5. IVOA/GGF workshopsTag it on the GGF meetings? This is the first time for activity on the ivoa side.Useful topics for workshop? - What services can ivoa put in the ggf It was agreed that a June meeting at the GGF would probably be best, focusing on IVOA expereience with implementations.
6. Key points from the sessionNW summarised the key action points:
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< < | InterOpMay2005 Astro-RG (IVOA/GGF interface)
Materials from the work group and plenary sessions
Notes of the sessionprepared by KevinBenson
1 IntroductionNW welcomed all (16 in attendance)
2 GGF - Global Grid ForumRM gave a review of the GGF - noting the web site at
Astro-RG We are listed under Community Areas/Groups (Astro-RG that is). Other significant standards are:
Help by making standard by using the services. Commercials now competing, sort of like a faculty meeting. Why did some groups get turned off? They failed or They finished their documents or some evolved to another working group and throw away the old one. One difficulty about grid services no way of guarantee consistency.
3. Universal Worker Service + security notesGTR discussed topical issues from the IVOA GWS WG and how these interface to te GGF. Any idea you put in ggf could be viewed as competing and not going anywhere fast on a consistent standard. An idea is to do something parallel to it, add a few tid-bits and have ggf take over it if they like it. ivoa approach to grid add a facade layer you get 2 kinds of services. Simple synchronous which are Siap, ssap, conesearch, vostore. Then asynchronous job- managers - uws, cea. cea is a batch mgmt system. UWS is like cea2, refactors some services of cea. job-control interfaces CEC is astronomy free could be usefull for ggf to have. UWS job control v2 - createJon(jobdescription), execute(), resumeJob() Security: use ggf standards, or satisfy our own and feed back to ggf. Sounds like we might "satisfy our own", since ggf I think has got a little stuck with there security standard model. Might help ggf, need to get a concensus soon hopefully here in Kyoto in our security. VOStore: similiar to 6 groups in ggf. Our concept of storing a file or a table with the same interface is quite nice maybe we can ask ggf for it. Cross Community to accept Votable might be a big struggle to get into ggf and also specefic to astronomy in areas. PF noted that Harvard have a group working on 'Streaming over network via grids'. Margaret from Harvard may get in contact (I think contact with Guy Rixon). Security, come up with a solution ourselves, but be prepared in 2 years that this might need some revision and get close to what ggf has.
3.1 Use of 'grid' services in VO projectsRM noted that a goal of this interest group was to map ivoa community to ggf services. In this context he asked how many projects currently use or have tried prototypes with 'grid' s/w:
use for encapsulating as a web service. plumbing work such as libraries - not going via ggf. in uk core e-science will have the compute nodes to use the machines.
4. Preservation:RM gave a presentation - see slides. Authenticity - need an assertion to make sure the data is there . Three things to do for preservation:
Registries to work with METS profiles (METS-Metadata encoding and Transmission Standard) Production Preservation environments are currently being used. SRB is being used by a lot and now supports table. In discussion RM noted that SRB was a storage solution, and it was important that it had an interface to VOStores. Being used by many - single shared, stanford linear - BaBar (Stanford), Kek - High energy physics. Minimize the number of messages sent over the WAN. So grab a section of files and then store. -srb:
5 IVOA/GGF workshopsTag it on the GGF meetings? This is the first time for activity on the ivoa side. Useful topics for workshop? - What services can ivoa put in the ggf It was agreed that a June meeting at the GGF would probably be best, focusing on IVOA expereience with implementations. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
> > | InterOpMay2005 Astro-RG (IVOA/GGF interface)
ParticipantsNicholasWalton, GuyRixon, ReaganMoore, FrancoiseGenova, PeterQuinn, Pepi Fabbiano, RayPlante, RiccardoSmareglia, NoelWinstanley, KevinBenson, plus others.
Materials from the work group and plenary sessions
Notes of the session(prepared by KevinBenson)
1. IntroductionNW welcomed all (16 in attendance).
2. GGF - Global Grid ForumRM gave a review of the GGF - noting the web site at
Astro-RG We are listed under Community Areas/Groups (Astro-RG that is). Other significant standards are:
Help by making standard by using the services. Commercials now competing, sort of like a faculty meeting. Why did some groups get turned off? They failed or They finished their documents or some evolved to another working group and throw away the old one. One difficulty about grid services no way of guarantee consistency.
3. Universal Worker Service + security notesGTR discussed topical issues from the IVOA GWS WG and how these interface to te GGF.Any idea you put in ggf could be viewed as competing and not going anywhere fast on a consistent standard. An idea is to do something parallel to it, add a few tid-bits and have ggf take over it if they like it. IVOA approach to grid add a facade layer you get 2 kinds of services. Simple synchronous which are SIAP, SSAP, ConeSearch, VOStore. Then asynchronous job- managers - UWS, CEA. CEA is a batch mgmt system. UWS is like CEA2, refactors some services of CEA. Job-control interfaces CEC is astronomy free could be usefull for ggf to have. UWS job control v2 - createJob(jobdescription), execute(), resumeJob() Security: use ggf standards, or satisfy our own and feed back to ggf. Sounds like we might "satisfy our own", since ggf I think has got a little stuck with there security standard model. Might help ggf, need to get a concensus soon hopefully here in Kyoto in our security. VOStore: similiar to 6 groups in ggf. Our concept of storing a file or a table with the same interface is quite nice maybe we can ask ggf for it. Cross Community to accept Votable might be a big struggle to get into ggf and also specefic to astronomy in areas. PF noted that Harvard have a group working on 'Streaming over network via grids'. Margaret from Harvard may get in contact (I think contact with Guy Rixon). Security, come up with a solution ourselves, but be prepared in 2 years that this might need some revision and get close to what ggf has.
3.1 Use of 'grid' services in VO projectsRM noted that a goal of this interest group was to map ivoa community to ggf services.In this context he asked how many projects currently use or have tried prototypes with 'grid' s/w:
Use for encapsulating as a web service. plumbing work such as libraries - not going via GGF. In UK core e-science will have the compute nodes to use the machines.
4. Preservation:RM gave a presentation - see slides.Authenticity - need an assertion to make sure the data is there . Three things to do for preservation:
Registries to work with METS profiles (METS-Metadata encoding and Transmission Standard). Production Preservation environments are currently being used. SRB is being used by a lot and now supports table. In discussion RM noted that SRB was a storage solution, and it was important that it had an interface to VOStores. Being used by many - single shared, stanford linear - BaBar (Stanford), Kek - High energy physics. Minimize the number of messages sent over the WAN. So grab a section of files and then store. -srb:
5. IVOA/GGF workshopsTag it on the GGF meetings? This is the first time for activity on the ivoa side.Useful topics for workshop? - What services can ivoa put in the ggf It was agreed that a June meeting at the GGF would probably be best, focusing on IVOA expereience with implementations.
6. Key points from the sessionNW summarised the key action points:
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< < | 6 Key points from the sessionNW summarised the key action points
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InterOpMay2005 Astro-RG (IVOA/GGF interface)
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Materials from the work group and plenary sessions
Notes of the sessionprepared by KevinBenson
1 IntroductionNW welcomed all (16 in attendance)
2 GGF - Global Grid ForumRM gave a review of the GGF - noting the web site at
Astro-RG We are listed under Community Areas/Groups (Astro-RG that is). Other significant standards are:
Help by making standard by using the services. Commercials now competing, sort of like a faculty meeting. Why did some groups get turned off? They failed or They finished their documents or some evolved to another working group and throw away the old one. One difficulty about grid services no way of guarantee consistency.
3. Universal Worker Service + security notesGTR discussed topical issues from the IVOA GWS WG and how these interface to te GGF. Any idea you put in ggf could be viewed as competing and not going anywhere fast on a consistent standard. An idea is to do something parallel to it, add a few tid-bits and have ggf take over it if they like it. ivoa approach to grid add a facade layer you get 2 kinds of services. Simple synchronous which are Siap, ssap, conesearch, vostore. Then asynchronous job- managers - uws, cea. cea is a batch mgmt system. UWS is like cea2, refactors some services of cea. job-control interfaces CEC is astronomy free could be usefull for ggf to have. UWS job control v2 - createJon(jobdescription), execute(), resumeJob() Security: use ggf standards, or satisfy our own and feed back to ggf. Sounds like we might "satisfy our own", since ggf I think has got a little stuck with there security standard model. Might help ggf, need to get a concensus soon hopefully here in Kyoto in our security. VOStore: similiar to 6 groups in ggf. Our concept of storing a file or a table with the same interface is quite nice maybe we can ask ggf for it. Cross Community to accept Votable might be a big struggle to get into ggf and also specefic to astronomy in areas. PF noted that Harvard have a group working on 'Streaming over network via grids'. Margaret from Harvard may get in contact (I think contact with Guy Rixon). Security, come up with a solution ourselves, but be prepared in 2 years that this might need some revision and get close to what ggf has.
3.1 Use of 'grid' services in VO projectsRM noted that a goal of this interest group was to map ivoa community to ggf services. In this context he asked how many projects currently use or have tried prototypes with 'grid' s/w:
use for encapsulating as a web service. plumbing work such as libraries - not going via ggf. in uk core e-science will have the compute nodes to use the machines.
4. Preservation:RM gave a presentation - see slides. Authenticity - need an assertion to make sure the data is there . Three things to do for preservation:
Registries to work with METS profiles (METS-Metadata encoding and Transmission Standard) Production Preservation environments are currently being used. SRB is being used by a lot and now supports table. In discussion RM noted that SRB was a storage solution, and it was important that it had an interface to VOStores. Being used by many - single shared, stanford linear - BaBar (Stanford), Kek - High energy physics. Minimize the number of messages sent over the WAN. So grab a section of files and then store. -srb:
5 IVOA/GGF workshopsTag it on the GGF meetings? This is the first time for activity on the ivoa side. Useful topics for workshop? - What services can ivoa put in the ggf It was agreed that a June meeting at the GGF would probably be best, focusing on IVOA expereience with implementations.
6 Key points from the sessionNW summarised the key action points
InterOpMay2005 Astro-RG (IVOA/GGF interface)
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Notes of the sessionprepared by KevinBenson
1 IntroductionNW welcomed all (16 in attendance)
2 GGF - Global Grid ForumRM gave a review of the GGF - noting the web site at
Astro-RG We are listed under Community Areas/Groups (Astro-RG that is). Other significant standards are:
Help by making standard by using the services. Commercials now competing, sort of like a faculty meeting. Why did some groups get turned off? They failed or They finished their documents or some evolved to another working group and throw away the old one. One difficulty about grid services no way of guarantee consistency.
3. Universal Worker Service + security notesGTR discussed topical issues from the IVOA GWS WG and how these interface to te GGF. Any idea you put in ggf could be viewed as competing and not going anywhere fast on a consistent standard. An idea is to do something parallel to it, add a few tid-bits and have ggf take over it if they like it. ivoa approach to grid add a facade layer you get 2 kinds of services. Simple synchronous which are Siap, ssap, conesearch, vostore. Then asynchronous job- managers - uws, cea. cea is a batch mgmt system. UWS is like cea2, refactors some services of cea. job-control interfaces CEC is astronomy free could be usefull for ggf to have. UWS job control v2 - createJon(jobdescription), execute(), resumeJob() Security: use ggf standards, or satisfy our own and feed back to ggf. Sounds like we might "satisfy our own", since ggf I think has got a little stuck with there security standard model. Might help ggf, need to get a concensus soon hopefully here in Kyoto in our security. VOStore: similiar to 6 groups in ggf. Our concept of storing a file or a table with the same interface is quite nice maybe we can ask ggf for it. Cross Community to accept Votable might be a big struggle to get into ggf and also specefic to astronomy in areas. PF noted that Harvard have a group working on 'Streaming over network via grids'. Margaret from Harvard may get in contact (I think contact with Guy Rixon). Security, come up with a solution ourselves, but be prepared in 2 years that this might need some revision and get close to what ggf has.
3.1 Use of 'grid' services in VO projectsRM noted that a goal of this interest group was to map ivoa community to ggf services. In this context he asked how many projects currently use or have tried prototypes with 'grid' s/w:
use for encapsulating as a web service. plumbing work such as libraries - not going via ggf. in uk core e-science will have the compute nodes to use the machines.
4. Preservation:RM gave a presentation - see slides. Authenticity - need an assertion to make sure the data is there . Three things to do for preservation:
Registries to work with METS profiles (METS-Metadata encoding and Transmission Standard) Production Preservation environments are currently being used. SRB is being used by a lot and now supports table. In discussion RM noted that SRB was a storage solution, and it was important that it had an interface to VOStores. Being used by many - single shared, stanford linear - BaBar (Stanford), Kek - High energy physics. Minimize the number of messages sent over the WAN. So grab a section of files and then store. -srb:
5 IVOA/GGF workshopsTag it on the GGF meetings? This is the first time for activity on the ivoa side. Useful topics for workshop? - What services can ivoa put in the ggf It was agreed that a June meeting at the GGF would probably be best, focusing on IVOA expereience with implementations.
6 Key points from the sessionNW summarised the key action points
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InterOpMay2005 Astro-RG (IVOA/GGF interface)
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Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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InterOpMay2005 Astro-RG (IVOA/GGF interface)
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Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions
InterOpMay2005 Astro-RG (IVOA/GGF interface)
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Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions
InterOpMay2005 Astro-RG (IVOA/GGF interface)
Participants | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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InterOpMay2005 Astro-RG (IVOA/GGF interface)
Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions