Difference: InterOpMay2006Architecture (4 vs. 5)

Revision 52006-05-14 - GuyRixon

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2006"
Please find attached to this page a draft of the document "The IVOA in 2006: Assessment and Future Plans".

After detailed feedback during the Victoria meeting, the Technical Coordination Committee expects to finalize this document.

Comments (please include your name) ......

Roy, Of course I don't entirely accept your description of DM...

I think that with our experience developing the spectrum DM and the SSA DAL, we now have software implementations and we have what Doug calls 'component data models' that are small bits which can be reused in different contexts. The Curation, DataID, and soon Characterization/Coverage models are pieces that are relatively simple and can be reused elsewhere.

The Spectral Line model, which is rapidly heading to 1.0, is a nice example of a DM which is relatively simple and on which we have achieved convergence quickly. So I think we have learned how to do it.

- Jonathan


 From your description of the GWS work-packages:
VOStore should be carefully defined so that data store can be indirect, not controlled by VOStore, yet the metadata still well synchronoized with the data store.

If we replace "VOStore" with "VOSpace" (since VOStore being dropped), then I agree with you in general. I think that where we have two interfaces to a data-store, e.g. VOSpace and SkyNode talking to the same RDBMS, then the ensemble is responsible for keeping coherence, and we should write that into the spec. If you had some other requirement or use case in mind then maybe you could explain in more detail; perhaps a note to the Friday GWS session?

-- GuyRixon

Hi Roy, a few comments on the IVOA in 2006 doc.

  • I think the document should have the word 'Technical' in the title - thus, 'Technical Assessment'
  • In terms of layout - it would be good to number the sections/ subsections.

Under specific working groups - there is also the 'Astro-RG IG' of which I am chair.

Text for this would be:

'The Astro-RG IG' is a forum to provide formal cross representation between standard development in the wider 'Grid' computing world and the IVOA community. This occurs through cross membership of this group with that of the Astronomy Applications Research Group of the Global Grid Forum (GGF) (see http://forge.gridforum.org/projects/astro-rg/)

It provides a forum to discuss relevance of grid and web service standards for the IVOA, and conversely provides a conduit to feedback example usage experience of standards to the GGF. A recent workshop at GGF17 was held - see http://www.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/GgfIvoaMay06WorkShop - which addressed a number of common standard areas.'

Table 1 - add entry for astro-rg IG:

WG/IG Chair Current Priorities
Astro-RG IG IG IVOA.Nicholas Walton Authorisation, Storage

  • Is it possible to give an indication of what WG areas impact on which others?
  • stds and docs group - i think that this should be re-instigated - as you note it oversees the process. (if it isn't re-instigated - you'll need tyo remove reference to it in the doc).

Yours, NicholasWalton


Concerning the use-cases for VOSpace, yes, let us have a document presenting them. However, should this not be written (or at least co-written) by the original proponents of VOSpace? It doesn't seem like something for the exec to set in isolation.

We should note that VOSpace is a standard for interfaces to existing storage system. The assumption is that many existing systems provide the facilities for one use case but none of them provide for all use cases, even the ones already known. Therefore, by adding a common facade to existing systems we get to use them without too much custom client-code and we get to combine them.

-- GuyRixon



META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="The IVOA in 2006: Draft 20060510" date="1147361095" name="IVOARoadMap-20060510.pdf" path="IVOARoadMap-20060510.pdf" size="164546" user="RoyWilliams" version="1.1"
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