name="InterOpMay2006" |
The VOEvent Working Group of the IVOA will meet at the IVOA Interop, Victoria, Canada. The first session is 15.00 Monday May 15, the second at 16.00 Thursday May 18.
For those of you who will be at the Victoria meeting, I am asking for discussion topics and for level of interest for various topics.
Are you interested in VOEvent? Which topic below interests you most? Would you like to join the exciting field of transient astronomy? Do you have an event stream or a robotic telescope? Do you have expertise in messaging protocols?
We need you help on the Event Vocabulary. If you have a favorite type of event that you want a standard name for, please check that the proposed draft vocabulary (VOEventVocabulary) can express its semantics. If not, please write to voevent at ivoa.net with your concern. |
< < | Agenda Topics |
> > | Agenda |
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- Authors and Subscribers, who wants to join the network, how to do so? What science comes from immediate followups? To whom should we sell VOEvent?
- Transport of VOEvents: please come if you have an opinion about messaging protocols (Jabber, JMS, etc)
- Event Vocabulary: UCD-like ontology for event types
> > | Monday 15 May 14:00
- 20 min: Roy Williams: What is VOEvent, what are the schema changes
- 10 min: discussion: Who has events and who has a robotic telescope?
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- Summary of activity in the projects: VOEventnet, eStar, NOAO
- Progress in making GCN2 as a VOEvent network
- Usage recommendations for STC
- Registry schemas for Publisher and Repository
- Interfaces (SEAP) for resolution, query/subscribe
- VOEvent 1.1 schema changes, adoption of draft as 1.1
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< < | Mini-Talks and discussion leads:
Allen, Graham, Warner, Williams, who else? |
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- Building a real network: Instant Messaging for Astronomy
- 15 min: Alasdair Allen: TCP Vanilla
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- 15 min: Matthew Graham: Jabber/XMPP
- 15 min: Phil Warner: Java Messaging and Mule
- 15 min: discussion
Thursday 18 May 16:00
- 20 min: Andrea Preite-Martinez: What caused that event: A proposed IVOA vocabulary for Objects and Processes
- 10 min: Discussion
- 15 min: Matthew Graham: Progress in VOEventNet
- 15 min: Alastair Allen: Progress in eStar
- 30 min: Open discussion: How to register Publisher and Repository with the VO
1. VOEvent Working Group
2. VOEvent Vocabulary
3. IVOA Interop, Victoria
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